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(New Old) Picture of Sauli Koskinen and his friend Niko at a Music Festival

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 27, 2011

Posted at : Monday, June 27, 2011

Correction: This picture is supposedly from last summer! So it's not new!

Source: NygrenTiia


Ronnie said...

OMG! What happened to Sauli's hair! Summer hair prolly.

Anonymous said...

old pix

glitzylady said...

Just FYI, @NygrenTiia (I follow her too...) responded to someone else on Twitter and said this picture is probably from last @Ronnie, you can relax..Sauli probably still has hair! LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi sauli, Adam misses you and I miss hearing and reading about you too.

Anonymous said...

Finnish people are very cute... <3

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, Seeing its a slow time, can I throw this in here. I have just got a new kitten he is a Bengal breed, nickname is the "Glitter Cat" So appropiate, but apart from that I have called him "Opie" can any clever Adam fans tell me the subtle reference to Adam with this name. Just for Fun.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is a cutie. The other guy is cute too but the tattoos kind of turn me off. That's why I'm against Adam getting any more tattoos.

Anonymous said...


I believe in response to an interview question about why he dyed his strawberry blond hair black, Adam said, "Opie doesn't do rock 'n' roll." Right?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, 2.22. Correct, you are a good Adam fan. Nobody in my family know the connection I told them its after Opie from years ago on The Andy Griffths Show. which is the original Opie Adam was talking about, a little red haired freckled kid that grew up to be Ron Howard, movie director.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why this picture is here? Well here is a picture of Niko and his beautiful fiancée if someone is interested;)

Anonymous said...

I saw this picture on TWitter this morning. I thought it was new too lol. I was shocked because of the hair. Glad to hear it's old.

Anonymous said...

This picture was actually taken a year ago last midsummer. They both were working at that midsummer event.

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of new old pictures of Sauli today in twitter. Here u can see how skillful he is:

Anonymous said...

Good news! Adam passed 1,100,000 followers on Twitter. He currently has about 1,100,456 people following him Twitter. Congrats Adam and here's to 2,000,000

Anonymous said...

This picture is from the same Midsummer Music Festival

Anonymous said...

@3:14 PM
Very impressive. Sauli could be Adams dancer.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:26 yeah he has potential

Anonymous said...

@2:02 I thank you and my family thanks you for your compliment. We think we're cute, too, if you're into blue eyed blonds.

Sauli shows athletic acrobatics which do not necessarily translate into being a good dancer.

Anonymous said...

I miss Sauli! And if I miss him, I can imagine how Adam must be feeling. :) I heard he was supposed to arrive to LA today. Any news?


Anonymous said...

This got me wondering. Adam's mother is Jewish right? What about his father? Is Eber German?

Anonymous said...

I think Eber is Scandinavian, but I could be wrong.


glitzylady said...

Eber is Norwegian : )

glitzylady said...

Ooops! At least mostly Norwegian..from what Adam has said...And in fact Eber lived in Norway for awhile when his dad spent some time there, I think at a University teaching(?)..Adam's grandfather is a Physicist..So Adam has good genes all around. ; ) Beauty AND brains!

Anonymous said...

Adam's mom is Jewish but that is a religion unless her background is Israeli. I thought I read she was hungarian, not sure. I knew Eber was Norwegian. One bit of new info from @ glitzlady is that Adam's grandfather was a physicist. Always love finding out new things about Adam and his family. Beauty and brains for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

If have been gone for a couple of days... Thank you for posting these great pictures of Sauli, he is quite the atlete and totally yummy looking. I think it awesome that both Adam and Sauli have the male straight fans who are so close to them. Finnish people are very progressive and this must be so up Adam alley!

Yeah I am missing Sauli also, it so funny, hoping they will reunite soon. Can only imagine the Fireworks!!!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...


Adam is Norwegian? Well, I am 1/2 Norwegian. MAYBE Adam and I are related! LOL!!! Maybe I am his long lost cousin!


Anonymous said...

@ Jadam

So you have a leopard cat! Well, at least maybe the grandson of a leopard cat. The Bengal breed is not so common in our part of the world yet!
I've only seen pictures of them, they are handsome!......but OPIE......come on, if he's a guy, why not SLASH?

Hope your feline family addition brings you great joy............................JAK

Anonymous said...

@ Sister

Have you researched your family tree? There's always a chance........lots of interesting connections have popped up in mine.

Alas, no connection to the adored one!.....JAK

glitzylady said...

Really?? ; ) Well, there you go! As a matter of fact, my husband is half Norwegian too (with close relatives there still), so maybe we're related .......!!! I like it! One big happy Glamily! And then there's @ Ronnie...who is Norwegian: the possibilities are endless..Oh and my red haired, blue eyed 100% Irish grandmother, and you know where THAT combination came from (the... er...."pillaging" Vikings who spent some time "visiting" Ireland), so there's always that connection.....So, we could definitely be long lost cousins... ; ) I like that thought!

Anonymous said...


No, I haven't done my family tree, but I certainly am motivated now! ;) Actually my second cousin in Norway, who I have never met, found me on Facebook a couple of months ago ...and she is doing a family tree!

LOL! Those vikings! Sounds like a little Norwegian in you too, cousin! ;)

Hey long lost cousin! My grandmother grew up in Eidsvåg, Norway. Is that anywhere near you?

Maybe we are ALL related...and also related to Adam! I think we should invite Adam to a Norwegian Glamily reunion! Think he would come? I will host it at my house. Adam can stay here, so he won't have to fly back to LA right away. ha.


Anonymous said...


Half of my family tree search is for a clan of red headed Irish that I've traced back to 1620 in County Down, Ireland. Since the original Celts were small and dark and my ancestors and current relatives of Irish descent are blond and red haired giants, there was probably some "pillaging" going on in my family too!

Maybe we ARE all related!

Actually I've spent the last couple hours tracing my English ancestory forward from the l6th century.......seems I am related to Sir William Herbert the l8th and present Earl of Pembroke, he's about 33 do you think I should try to strike up an acquaintance? ...........
I'm having lots of fun with these pursuits. JAK

Anonymous said...

I am also anxious for Sauli to return to CA so we can see some of those happy smiles we got used to when the boys were out and about!...JAK

Anonymous said...


I always suspected that you had royal blood! If you can lower yourself to be cousins with this lowly peasant, I would be happy to have you join us in the Norwegian/Viking pillaged Glamily. :)

But you will probably be way too busy with the 33 year old Earl of Pembroke!


Anonymous said...

Well it would be nice to meet him, he lives in Wilton House near Salisbury it's described as one of Britians most beautiful stately homes.
Live in staff of 72, he's a bachelor (as of a couple years ago) and interested in art. That works out well because his house has over 250 million pounds valued artwork.

I could show up, charts in hand and say "want to chat about our common ancestor, Anne Parr, sister to Catherine, Queen of England?"

I think not!...........................JAK

Anonymous said...

So, @JAK, doesn't that make you like a Dutchess or something? Or Lady? Or Earlette? :)


Anonymous said...

No I'm just a poor poor relative.....

Wait a minute, an Earlette? Sounds like Bette

Middler's backup singers....No, I'm mistaken, I

believe they are the Harlettes (Harlots) ?..JAK

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ Sister

In 10 minutes it will be 1:00 a.m. so I am going to haul my peasant carcass to bed in my humble cottage here in the colonies! Good night from the other side of the country! It was fun...JAK

Anonymous said...

Way to go on the genealogy of the Lamberts!
Not a stone unturned for ADAM I guess!

Anonymous said...


Fun indeed. :)

Peasant carcass!?!?! LOL! And here I was going to call you Countess JAK.

Night all.


Anonymous said...

@2:54 PM

Thanks for the link to the photo of Niko and his fiancée. She is extremely attractive.

glitzylady said...

Off Topic (again...)
While I was researching something else about Adam (HS Yearbook picture, posted on the Photo Shoot thread) I ran across this two year old (almost) interview with Leila Lambert. It is a very candid and in-depth interview, and I know many have seen it before, but its been awhile since I had read it. I enjoyed reliving that time in 2009 when Adam was in the midst of the Idols Season 8 Tour and his stardom was just beginning. Leila is such a fabulous mom and of course Adam is a wonderful son. I thought I'd post it again to help fill the time until Adam gives us something else to talk about..It sort of fits in with the "Adam Lambert Genealogy" theme that developed here in this thread...

From the North County Times (San Diego) July 21, 2009:

"Lambert's No. 1 fan, his mom, gives the backstory on 'Idol' runner-up"

Hk fan said...

thanks for the link to that great interview with Leila, I hadn't seen that before. She is really a great mum.

Anonymous said...

Wow Niko is really looking good ! Glad to see that Sauli,like Adam , keeps his friends close . They really look cute together.

Icon said...

Oh, poor me!!! I can't search my «family tree»... Never heard about my biological father and only at my 4 months old I realized that uncle sweet Adam wasn't my father but just one more «uncle», and (oh, shame!) an allergic to cats uncle! Mommy Fan4fun adopted me when I was a very very little baby and had to nurse me and teach me all about food and how to dig the sand before peepee and poopoo and then bury it, and lick my fur as a daily bath, etc.... because my biological mother was ill to her kidneys and couldn't take care of her babies (4). I met her several months ago, I was very excited but she wasn't nice to me at all, showed me her big claws and just said with a bad yellow eyes: «PHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!» and walked away. Her owner doesn't have any clue about where my 3 sisters are, once she left then to be adopted in a pet store. Mother and sisters are all white with a dark gray spot on their forehead. I'm stripped (like a tiger) in all greys with some bege under my arms and belli. Mommy Fan4fun is white with light brown (now sort of grey) hair. But I guess somewhere in my past, some viking came to some ancestor of mine and gave her/him the genes for my guts and balls when I so well attack and destroy... but where have I got my sweet bravery, love and good ears & eyes to understand real artistry and be a GlamberCAt and act like a dogbert, and be a Hero saving my mommy? Maybe I have ancestors who came from Planet Fierce and their spaceship will someday be discovered among the missing antique Atlantida, that's probably placed deeply bellow these Azorian Islands...
PS: Errrr... during XVI and XVII and part of XVIII Centuries, the Azorian Islands were a beautiful and safe paradise for pirates from everywhere... even vikings descendants! Yeah... Meaw-ha-ha! I do my homework while mommy is sleeping... Poor mommy spent 23 days in the hospital very ill, she needs to rest for a while in our own bed now. Don't worry fellows and aunts and uncles and grand-ma and Ladies at Adimin. in Paradise, I'm taking good care of her!!!!! I PLAY «SOAKED» FOR HER EVERY DAY! Our souls will be OK.

Anonymous said...

aint feelin' it:-(

Anonymous said...

gotta comment this on Adam's genealogy - thing ;

I'm glad his dad has a norwegian heritage.
He's great guy ( though I don't know him personally ), based on his tweets he's exactly like my dad , same kind of values and sense of humour etc.
( I'm a finn, norway and finland are neighbour countries )

( I have also loved every american I've ever met, I've a lot of americans as my friends too.
But that's not the point. )

I'm just happy Adam's got different point of views when growing up, even that Eber & Leila parted ways.
IMO getting to know different ppl from all around the world makes life so much richer and more enjoyable.

Adam has that advantage that he already knows what scandinavians are like.
Therefore for example meeting Sauli's parents will be that much easier.

The differences are not major but they're definitely there :-)

How scandinavians differ rest of the world
few examples :

1 ) long silences while chatting with someone

- not an issue in scandinavian countries.
Ppl from other countries might feel awkward and need to fill them, but there's no need.
Doesn't mean person doesn't like who he's talking to or that he's bored :-)

2 ) nakedness

- also not an issue.
We're raised in sauna-culture :-)
though its bad manners to stare someone when he's naked.
Generally we consider nakedness natural, no biggie.

3 ) Sex ( young people )
- also considered natural, not made big deal about. ( except in strictly religious circles )

Protection strongly recommended though of course( unless wanting to reproduce ).

Usually teenagers are allowed to have sleepovers @ their bf/gf's home and when visiting their parents house , sleeping in same bed with bf/gf.
( = someone asked that ; would A&S be sleeping in same bed at S's parents¨', if they ever went there to visit :
yes they would. :-)
Otherwise I would be rly amazed )

4 ) talk about religion, politics etc.

- usually not avoidable in scandinavia.
Widely discussed topics, @ dinner table, among friends and with the people you just met. No need for censoring those topics.

5 ) talking frankly, straight to the point

- scandinavians don't sometimes know how to sugar-coat things when they're talking. ( or writing for that matter :-) usually no slightest intention of being rude, though sometimes it might appear so.

Usually, if something being said could be interpreted as more ways than one , the correct one is usually the most kind and friendly of the possibilities :-).

Remember to put your scandinavia-filter on & you'll be fine. :-)


I'm so glad Adam likely already knows abt those little things and will be at home when they go visit Sauli's friends and family.
( if already haven't )
Anohow, they'll take good care of him ; nice and heartfelt people <3 <3

Anonymous said...

@JAK - I hope you don't loose your head like Anne Parr did.

@Glitzy Lady - Thanks for the link the the interview with Adam's Mom. I remember reading it when it came out, but was fun to read again.

@Icon - Sorry you don't know your biological dadcat, most kitties never meet him. And sorry to tell you this, but your three sisters might be your half sisters because your momcat might have been with other dadcats. You just continue to be the good helper you are to your mommie Fan4fun. Thanks for the news about her.

Anon 3:21 I'm Finn (Americanized now) and remember the long silences when my parents and their brothers and sisters got together. I never realized it was a Finn thing, I just thought they were all sorta weird. But I do loves me a hot hot hot, up on the third step Sauna as often as possible. When we visit my cousins in Minnesota Saunas are the first thing planned. My hubby is Scots/Irish and thought he'd die during his first Sauna. Now he loves them.

Brit with a history said...

JAK: Anne Parr was one of the wives of Henry the Eighth who was guillotined when she couldn't produce a male heir for him. She was prior to Anne Boleyn who met the same fate. Poor Henry, he only had female sperm, apparenly.

Brit with a history.

Anonymous said...

@ Brit with a history

Nope....First wife...Katherine of Aragon, she gave birth to Mary....Henry divorced her...
........Second wife...Anne Boleyn, she gave birth to Elizabeth...Henry had her head cut off.
........Third wife...Jane Seymour, she gave birth to Edward...died same week.
........Fourth wife...Anne of consummation.. Henry divorced quickly.
........Fifth wife...Katherine Howard, slut..
Henry had her head cut off.
........Sixth wife...Catherine Parr, no children,
he died....she survived.

Anne was Catherine's sister and married into the nobility......and had children....who had children...who , etc. etc.

Trust me....I've been studying Henry VIII for over 50 years....he's sort of a hobby of mine.

P.S. They used a headsman to lop off heads with a sharp blade if you were lucky and slipped him a tip!.................................JAK

P.P.S. Edward died in childhood, Mary became Queen and proceeded to burn Protestants at the stake....hence her nickname...Bloody Mary! When she died Elizabeth became Queen...never married...hence her nickname...The Virgin Queen!
HAH! She had a lot of boyfriends!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:21

Wow. After all these years, I finally understand my Norwegian heritage better and the long silences in conversation! Really interesting post! Thank you!


Anonymous said...

What an interesting thread. Starts with hoping Sauli didn't cut all his hair off, moving into Eber being Norwegian, learning about the Norwegian culture, and ending with the history of England...all while finding a few counsins in between. HA! Now there's a free flow of conciousness! I love these posts!


Anonymous said...

Aaaaww, Niko + Sauli = something really cute :')♥