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Adam Lambert Seeing Nikka Costa Tonight in NYC?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 14, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, July 14, 2011

Adam tweeted about Nikka Costa's concert tonight in NYC. Is he hinting that he'll be there tonight?


Hk fan said...

@MattCarterMedia is looking into rumours that Adam is going to be a guest judge on project runway.....interesting. Have never seen the show but Adam and fashion seem a good mix.
and according to him he's in NY at the moment so maybe he will go to this show.

Anonymous said...

A great fit for Adam ....hope it is trun

Anonymous said...

I saw that on Adamtopia. Really would be cool and perfect for Adam with his flair for fashion. Plus it would be an extra time to see him on tv.

Anonymous said...

Did any of you see Nikka on the Jimmy Fallon show? She's so great.

Anonymous said...

If Adam were to be a judge( prop a guest one for one or two shows would be better for him also)I like the show a lot.It's very interesting & shows the contestants' creativity,etc.I love fashion designing.Adam is 50 votes behind C Abrams now.for AIOTM.If you want to see him get back in 3rd place,vote here

Adamluv said...

Totally OT - governor of Calif., Jerry Brown, a Democrat, just signed the Fair Education Act which requires schools to include GLBT history to their curriculum. This doesnt make up for our failure to pass marriage equality a few years ago, but it's a positive sign!!!!! Thank you Governor Brown. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Sorry,I MEANT probably,which I sometimes use PROB. for short,but NOT prop.-lol!!( above @ Anom.6:15pm)

Anonymous said...

Phew, Sasha in bottom three and had to dance for her life and made it ok, Alex did not make it. I got attached to him and will miss him. Can't wait for the tour!! Ryan was the girl kicked off. Sad to see Adam doing so poorly in Idol of the month. Adam as a guest judge in Project Runway? a premature thud here.

The Dark Side said...

Sounds like Adam and Sauli are having a long NYC weekend. Seeing Nikka Cost a plus. The Project Runway guest spot would be very nice indeed.

Anonymous said...

I hope the rumor is true and we get to see Adam on project runway as a guest judge. My daughter loves that show....indigo

Anonymous said...

So, if Adam and Sauli are in did they get there without anyone seeing them? Adam seems to have mastered staying under the radar over the last few weeks. A couple of months ago he couldn't walk to his car without the paps on top of him and now he may have gotten to NYC without anyone knowing? Wow. If so, he has gotten really good at the art of disquise. Or maybe he is just promoting Nikka's show like he promotes so many other artists.

As far as Project Runway, Adam would be a great guest judge for that show! I hope that happens. But I don't know how he will find time. He is going to be really busy in a couple of months promoting his new album. Hurry, hurry! Can't wait!

And WHEN will I ever learn NOT to get on the internet before SYTYCD, AI, The Voice and other results shows are shown in my time zone!?!?! I always forget and end up reading the results before the west coast even airs the show! Will I ever learn!?!?! LOL. And I'm always like...D*MN...I forgot AGAIN! HA!


Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing that great news! It's a step in the right direction. :)


Anonymous said...

Adam is avant-garde in fashion. He'll run his own fashion company some day. Project Runway With his wide range of experiences he can be a judge for many facets of the arts...he is one helluva talent.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

The Highline Ballroom confirmed Adam was there tonight in NYC!

HLBallroomHighline Ballroom
The @officialNikka show was graced with the ever-so-talented @StilesJulia and @AdamLambert this evening!
3 minutes ago

Anonymous said...

@Anon 8:02

Thanks for the confirmation! Now how did he get there sight unseen? :) Well done Adam!


Anonymous said...

I really miss getting that realtime on Adam's Google page. Is there another way to get it?

Anonymous said...

"Thanks for the confirmation! Now how did he get there sight unseen? :) Well done Adam!"

Two words: Dusty Madrid.

Anonymous said...

Flying all the way to NY just to see a concert? I wonder if A and S are looking at apartments now that marriage is legal there ..

Anonymous said...

A and S are looking at apartments...ooooh sounds sexciting! Getting married...ooooh even more sexciting! :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Slow down ... they haven't even known each other that long ... remember ... Marry in Haste - Repent at Leisure! Not all marriages are sure things ... that's quite a leap of faith for these two guys ... don't think they're at that portal yet ... JMO

Anonymous said...

Actually someone saw Adam while he was traveling and asked for his autograph (and tweeted about it). Peeps at Adamtopia were talking about it and wondering where Adam was going. NYC it is then. I hope that Sauli is with him there. Probably the main reason for this trip is the Project Runway gig, but of course Adam goes out at night as well...

Anonymous said...

Sauli might not be with him in NY this time, because this seems more like a work related trip for Adam. Adam's probably very busy if they're filming this tv-show. This Project Runway thing is really great for Adam!

Anonymous said...
Here are the pictures of Adam at Nikkas show tonight. He went to Monster Bar afterwards & pic will be up soon they say.

Anonymous said...

Thanks @LBS!!!! Well done! But it doesn't look like Sauli is with him. I wonder if Adam was in NYC working?


Anonymous said...

@sister:No Sauli spottings in NYC yet.

Anonymous said...

Most likely this is a working trip for Adam. Saw some tweets saying that Sauli was not with him at Nikka's concert.

Anonymous said...

Very true what you said dear 9:50.
If Project Runway is reported by Matt Carter, @HK fan, it is usually spot-on; his news is always hot from the oven. I had written at his site for almost 2 years.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

I have also seen mentions that Sauli was not in Adam's "entourage" and Adam went after the show to that Monster Bar. So, Sauli must be alone in LA at the time.

Anonymous said...

Anybody wants a really close-up angelic smile from Adam?
Go here,
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Sauli has friends in NYC. It's possible that he is there with Adam meeting his own friends while Adam is working and going out.

Anonymous said...

I think this same..
Sauli might be in NYC with his own friends when Adam has business to do.
He wrote 2 post to his own blog on this week,so maybe no post today-if he is in NYC.
We will see,hopefully.

Anonymous said...
Clear picture of Adam at Nikkas show and nice

Anonymous said...

i have said this before and say it again

Sauli gome on home Now!

Anonymous said... Adam at the Monster
Bar last night in NYC with his entourage.(hope it comes up)


Anonymous said...

we have all see the the new gay boy in pictures,so
Finnair is ready,i am some kind of mother there
Welcome to your flight to Helsinki.

Anonymous said...

As anon 8:40 says Sauli dear Finnair is read
and Finland, family and friends are waiting!

Anonymous said...

thank you,wheather right now is bright.
Welcome to your flight to Helsinki.

Anonymous said...

8:28 AM -What do you mean? If I understand your English, you wish Sauli for some reason to travel home. Am I right? Why? Do you and 8:40 AM and 8:58 AM think that Adam has left him for good? Well, let Adam party with his friends and continue working with his album or whatever he is doing there. But if Adam is in NYC the whole weekend or even longer and goes on partying with other guys, I might also be calling Sauli to come home. :) Someone said in another thread that Adam is not a party animal anymore. I don't think so. But the truth must be that he is working hard in NY most of the time and Sauli is then not the first one he is thinking of.

Anonymous said...

I'm not anon 8:28 but maybe he miss Sauli ;)

Anonymous said...

I guess someone's just trying to stir trouble here (again), please ignore...

Anonymous said...

me 8.40

and Sauli is then not the first one he is thinking of.

and goes on partying with other guys, I might also be calling Sauli to come home. :)

whit your own words!

Welcome to your flight to Helsinki

Wheather right now is bright... says 8.58

9,37 love you!

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous about Sauli & Adam, which is
totally their business. Sauli also spent a great
deal of time with his friends in Finland at Jenny
Woes(whatever) when he was home. Is he not allowed?

Anonymous said...

Nikka Costa looks a very nice woman and what I've heard she is also very talented. It's nice that Adam is collaborating with her. In some vids it is seen that Adam enjoyed the concert very much. Have a nice day everyone! :)))