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Adam Lambert Watches 'True Blood' on A Sunday Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, July 10, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, July 10, 2011


Anonymous said...

Adam can drink my blood anytime.

Ronnie said...

Scary, huh! Our red eyed monster beauty!
My blood is also available, dear!

Anonymous said...

I guess the boys were spending Sunday night watching tv at home... I've never watched True Blood, maybe I should check at least one episode just to see what everyone's talking about. Is it any good? Not that much into vampire stuff, but maybe now that it's glampire...

Anonymous said...

I think True Blood is on HBO, which I don't have. Don't think I am missing much.

Anonymous said...

Adam and True Blood are two of my favorite thing!!

Anonymous said...

Since Adam loves this show so much, maybe they can find a role for him in one episode. That would be great for him and all his fans who watch the show.

Anonymous said...

True blood is cool. I started watching cuz of adam, but not on T.V. You have to get the discs elsewhere, netflix,blockbuster,ect if you don't have HBO. Adam would be perfect on this show, absolutely perfect!

Anonymous said...

When asked what TV show he'd want to be on, Adam has always said True Blood. My daughter watches the show and says he'd be perfect (of course). Hope they hear about this and hire him for an episode or two or three .... LL

Rebecca said...

love true blood but then i do have a vampire obession fell in love with vampire as a child and can't get enough of them

Everyday Life

HK fan said...

I love Trueblood, and agree Adam, would be a much better fit on this show for a guest appearance than Glee.

HK fan said...

oops, should be - than for a guest appearance on Glee

Anonymous said...

HBO really gets it right with their series like TB or we would have nixed it years ago...

Anonymous said...

OT...I'm also hooked on True Blood! My whole family always gets into Halloween and I still have ghouls and goblins in my yard and give the kids the good candy! Still get a lot of neighborhood kids for trick or treat if I'm not in Florida. I'm pretty well known in the neighborhood, as I still go out and play with the kids! If I'm here when it snows, the snowman is built in my front yard. Usually it turns out to be a snow dog, as we usually don't get that much snow in Charlotte! funbunn40