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Adam Lambert's Friend Ferras Singing "Aftermath" at The Crosby Hotel in New York City (July 9, 2011)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Anonymous said...

very good!!Alot of feeling like Adam.

Anonymous said...

He has a beautiful voice. Different than Adam but great. IMO no one is like Adam. Why isn't Ferras famous. Would love to hear his voice on the radio, someone who can really sing. Listen to his song aliens and rainbows, also Hollywood's not America,love them. What a fantastic piano player he is too. Adam has so many talented friends.

Anonymous said...

Very nice & great keyboard playing!! yes,different from Adam's version,but he's very talented.PLEASE,people vote some for Adam now on the AIOTM.He's losing ground with C Abrams,who is getting many more votes now..If we don't vote now,Abrams will prob pass Adam very soon.I know we've all be voting for other,too.Again,the URL is: http// THANKS!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is no voice like Adam's, but Ferras has great expression and a beautiful tone.

Anonymous said...

Always love to hear a song writers rendition of their song. I can see why Adam chose to write with Ferras and Alisan; both talented singers in their own right. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was really good. Although he doesn't have Adams voice or pretend to I really like the way he messaged every word.
Such a tribute to this great song.
Very talented guy.

Anonymous said...

That is "massaged".

Anonymous said...

Love this song!!!! Nobody does it like Adam but this was a beautiful version too. You did your boy proud Ferras....

Anonymous said...

I adore Ferras. He's a hoot. Wasn't he one of the writers on this song?

Anonymous said...

Never heard Ferras sing before and he's got a very nice voice though not to be compared to our Adam. I like Ferras's style and he puts a lot of emotion in to it for sure. Ferras is great on the keyboards too. I'm spoiled ....I'm only used to listening to Adam on this song but I respect Ferras' rendition too.


Anonymous said...

I remember an old youtube video of Ferras singing Whatya Want From Me from his house (he is so humble and sweet. He does a great job with it:

AND, he's not so unknown. He was on the Today Show just a few months before Adam started on Idol. Adam has so many very talented friends!:

AND then here he sings with Katy Perry:

This guys actually got vocal talent compared to others that are on the pop charts right now!

For those interested, a nice video explaining his background and introduces you to several of his songs which I might add are all great.:


Anonymous said...

Ferras is talented, especially on the keyboard, a different style from Adam's, but of course still enjoyable. Never realized until now how challenging "Aftermath" is to sing, and how dazzling is Adam's ability in negotiating such high and low notes so effortlessly and beautifully. No wonder those experts in the know hold Adam's vocal abilities in such high esteem.
Since Adam, I've been singing a lot more, and singing along, I seem fine, but on my own, horrors, I discover my vocal range has shrunk to half an octave, and no amount of falsettoing can produce any recognizable semblance of the song.
Another thing I do with Adam's singing of covers is that I youtube the original song and compare. Gosh. Adam is quite kind when he compares his singing with another to "apples and oranges". From my point of view, it's often more like "scrumptious apples and bland oranges": Adam's rendition sure enhances and uncovers the song's hidden virtues.
Listening to Adam, I'm always in awe and invigorated, touched, moved, thrilled, and enthralled, sometimes all at once. Not to detract from the original artist but just to point out how extraordinary Adam is able to transform songs and audience alike. atm

Fan4fun (and icon) said...

I guess Icon really liked this performance. First, when Ferras started singing, Icon went around and around the laptop a couple of times, feeling a bit suspicious... meaohwmmmmm... but fixing a very strong eye contact with the video. Then Icon came to my lap to get a front view of the video, always giving Ferras total attention, with one of the his ears up... and little by little fell asleep. But when Ferras finished, Icon opened one of his green-yellow eyes at me and asked yet sort of dizzy... «Mommy, is this uncle allergic to cats too? What if I hug him?»

Anonymous said...

Ferras does a very nice job and he co-write this with Adam. I am too spoiled by the richness tone of Adam's voice. Adam is just in a very different level of touching people's heart when he sings.

Anonymous said...

Well done. Nothing outstanding. There are too many "sit at the piano and sing" type guys around for him to stand out. Sort of like the WGWG dudes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, please,give this guy a break. I totally loved this version of Aftermath. It was rich and expressive and heartfelt and unprocessed and Ferras truly felt every word from the heart, and that just touched me immensely. He has great talent and intelligence and that is what I expect from the friends of Adam Lambert. That's why I love Adam so much. The richness just continues...

Rebecca said...

he did amazing

Everyday Life

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved his comment: "and this is in HIS key, the Key of Satan". Ferras is extremely talented and I enjoyed this rendition very much. Good sense of humor too!

Anonymous said...

It was "over-sung", he was trying too hard. That is why we love Adam so much, he never does that.

Anonymous said...

My mother always told me "If you can't say something nice, just say nothing." I'm going to follow her sage advice.


Anonymous said...

Well, if a performer cannot take criticism, which is not meant in a mean way, he should not be in the business. And I am sure Ferras knows this. Often, critisicm can mean more to an artist than blind praise,

Anonymous said...

Off topic:

A young woman was going on a blind date and her mother's last words to her were, "Remember to compliment him." At the end of a dreadful date for her, her mother's words were spinning in her head. As they were standing on her front porch, she thought. "I can't say I like his hair because he is going bald. I can't say he has nice eyes because they are crossed. I can't say I enjoyed our conversations because everytime he talked he spit on me. I can't say I like the way he dresses because no one wears bright plaid jackets anymore. I can't say I like his shoes because who wears sneakers with a sports coat. I can't say I like the fact that he is tall because he's 6 inches shorter than I am." As she opened her front door and started to enter her home, she turned to him and said...."Gee you don't sweat much for a fat guy."

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fantastic - so soulful!

Anonymous said...

Nice job and Ferras did his own thing with it. Adam is almost impossible to follow with his effortless range, power and emotion. Not fair to compare anyone with Adam's talent that is so in the stratosphere of perfection. Adam does have many talented friends that must make his personal life so rewarding and rich. They all have their own creative areas of expertise. Icon has a good ear and is very discerning, but we know Adam's version of Soaked is his fave! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I found it painful. He voice was all over the place.