Adam Lambert's Twitter Party: Complete Questions and Answers (7/16/2011)
Filed Under (news,twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, July 16, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, July 16, 2011

adamlambert Twitter party?!
remavineyard @adamlambert What are you doing in NYC?
adamlambert @remavineyard all sorts of bizzness :)
HannaBec @adamlambert did u get a hair cut?
adamlambert @ @HannaBec I have to get one about every 3 weeks - I'm a grower
mustthinkagain @adamlambert what is your hair colors called?
adamlambert @ @mustthinkagain Acid Wolf
MarinaAL @adamlambert there's rumors that you're pregnant, can you confirm this?
adamlambert @MarinaAL I didn't want to jinx anything. Still in first trimester. Shhh
SeleneBean @adamlambert How does rock fit in with more of the electronic/pop sound you're going for? I have a hard time trying to "hearing" it. Explain
adamlambert @SeleneBean I honestly don't believe in limiting myself to one genre. All about throwing a few influences together like fusion.
adamlambert @SeleneBean at the end of the day- a great song is a great song.
Stefhanie88 @adamlambert What do you think of the new season of True Blood so far? from a fellow trubie.
adamlambert @Stefhanie88 i love it!! Diggin the witches.
agathadams @adamlambert do you sometimes wish you had more Gay "allies" in the music business?
adamlambert @agathadams while there isn't a large presence in the music biz, I honestly don't think it should matter. It's about MUSIC
mari_guerra @adamlambert what will be your next hair do?
adamlambert @mari_guerra I dunno girl... I don't plan these things, just go w an impulse.
Hello_Caitlin @Adamlambert I Love You! Fave Article Of Clothing At The Moment? Or What Are You Wearing Right Now?
adamlambert @ @Hello_Caitlin dem Rick Owens boots.
AraneLambert @adamlambert in yur next tour, are you going to sing some songs of your first album?
adamlambert @ @AraneLambert most likely.
Jeannie_Glitter @adamlambert if u love someone & u already have a gf/bf do u give up ur gf/bf & date the person u love or keep the gf/bf??
adamlambert @Jeannie_Glitter you gotta follow your heart. The best relationships are based on honesty.
_EmmaLambert_ @adamlambert do you like kitties?
adamlambert @_EmmaLambert_ more of a puppy guy
AdamsHart @adamlambert let's turn it arround if you could ask your fans any question what would that be?
adamlambert @AdamsHart what was your LEAST favorite song from the last album?
eclair_unfbert @adamlambert what do you think bout your goverment?
adamlambert @eclair_unfbert not a politician. Not an area I feel comfortable using my platform for. ....
AnnieWT @adamlambert have you narrowed down your ideas for next album title?
adamlambert @AnnieWT oh yeah. I have it picked.
lionhearted_ @adamlambert where did you get your tan?
adamlambert @lionhearted_ my backyard. And the versa Spa. Lol
mmaijju @adamlambert could you say "moi" to me
adamlambert @mmaijju moi
PinkGlamMonster @adamlambert So do you have a tank top fetish these days?
adamlambert @PinkGlamMonster not really- it's summer. It's hot.
elglamlala @adamlambert how long do you want to be in show business?
adamlambert @elglamlala this is what I was born to do. Always.
Ramonapaul @adamlambert A clue about your new album?
adamlambert @RamonaPal it's good
OblaLovesAdam @adamlambert worn any sneakers lately?
adamlambert @OblaLovesAdam only when exercising.
Seren_14 @adamlambert if you weren't a singer, what would you be?
adamlambert @Seren_14 prob a director or designer
LadyPricelessN @adamlambert have any addictions?
adamlambert @LadyPricelessN yeah a few. Lol
UberTrish @adamlambert Do you ever regret fashion decisions?
adamlambert @UberTrish someone's I look back and go thru a brief period of denial and grief. Buy regret? Never.
anthrogeekPF @adamlambert I know I'm invisible, but... FUNK?? y/n???
adamlambert @ @anthrogeekPF yes. Funk. Def
Glambert4everAL @adamlambert how would you describe your life right now? what do you do everyday?
adamlambert @Glambert4everAL I prepare. I create. I love.
TeliseLambLusk @adamlambert Sooo.. Pajammy Jam Jams or Sleeper in the Raw? Inquiring minds need to know!
adamlambert @TeliseLambLusk au natural under the covers.
kinkykiedis @adamlambert Yay you came back, can I ask u what your doing rn or am I being to nosy, if so sorry. Im not normally
adamlambert @kinkykiedis I'm tweeting.
JadenLambert @adamlambert plz check out this picture an amazing artist friend of mine did,, shes amazing&this pic is sick
adamlambert @JadenLambert wow that's awesome!!
Mistyglmbrtjail @adamlambert If you could bring a movie character to life, who would it be?
adamlambert @Mistyglmbrtjail Freddie Mercury, Cleopatra
lifetweets_ @adamlambert do you & @PerezHilton hang out alot?
adamlambert @lifetweets_ nope
TheLambertLuvva @adamlambert Do you believe in the occult?
adamlambert @TheLambertLuvva good question. I'm fascinated by it. I find it sexy.
ArchiesCrush @adamlambert Do you like the idea of the glowsticks for the next tour being PURPLE?
adamlambert @ArchiesCrush yes. Purple would be awesome.
baileymayhugh @adamlambert zebra print or houndstooth?
adamlambert @baileymayhugh def zebra
Zsanelia @adamlambert What's your opinion about sex with girls? Do you also like this? [I think...]
adamlambert @Zsanelia i think everyone should try something at least once.
glambert1125 @adamlambert current favorite colour?
adamlambert @glambert1125 black/gray
jelena296 @adamlambert does it ever bother you that you sometimes have to share your personal thoughts with millions of people [through your music]?
adamlambert @jelena296 it's a great opportunity. Not a duty. I choose to.
Thanks to madamimadam!
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Boy U guys are fast!!!!
Can you just love him anymore? Adam is so great with his answers. We got a little bit about the album Yeah a little funk, and prob a bit of everything. That is what makes Adam's music interesting beside that amazing voice. He said his album is good, of course! He has the name picked out already. I am flailing with excitement!!!!
After the drought there is a storm. A huge one is just beginning. So sweet of Adam to give himself to us in a busy time with a twitter party!!!
I prepare I create I love. Perfect Adam!
Title of CD could be title of first single! Single might be ready, then! {crosses fingers} :)
Can't believe he's preggers \o/ :-D
Loved, do you hang out with PH alot? nope. he is in NY for bizzness, hmmmm, as a guest judge somewhere? Adam so classy . I don't think I have a least favorite on his album.Thanks for the nice Saturday evening party Adam.
Awww Adam, you are so sweet to give your fans a Twitter party. Great and to the point answers in his usual witty style! Just what we needed as a great Pick Me Up LOl!
Thank you! I missed the Twitter party AGAIN, but having this posted makes me feel better (:
I prepare. I create. I love. THUD!!
I sent Adam a tweet yesterday asking him to throw us a bone, video, jingle. etc. We were missing him. Don't think he read it, but fun to think he did. Came in late to the twitter party by accident, nice of him to come out and play with us with all he has to do.Thanks for putting questions with Adam's tweeted answers! funbunn40
All songs on FYE are my favorites..all songs Adam sings are my favs
I love ALL of Adams songs on all his CDs and I'm now reading this thread while listening to my NEW Nikka Costa CD that I purchased today the old fashioned way in a record store. Some of her work is really outstanding and has that old Motown/funk sound. I know she's been singing since she was a child and she does have an old soul sound probably from being around all those talented adults. I'm really liking her.
Of all the things Adam said during the Twitter Party, I think these six words:
"I prepare. I create. I love."
..will because one of those iconic phrases that we will speak and think of Adam. When you think about it, that IS what he does, and can apply to each and every one of us as well. What else do we need, really??? Wow.
By the way, I'm thinking my friend @remavineyard is still in complete and utter shock that Adam answered her tweet. One just never knows!
Adam is a very wise human being and that's one of the reasons I respect and love him so much.
Love the twitter party, it makes him seem so close, like a friend...
OT, saw this video last night, and thought several people on here would appreciate it, its set to Edge of Glory.
Since Adam asked, the song I like least or should say not as well as all the others is 'If I Had You'.
sex with female question again. does he like it? funny as hell!!!! shaking his head in disbelief.
Now where did that photo come from? What a sweet face, what I can see of it. The party was fun to read about, sometimes I forget that he is aware that there are thousands of us interested in his life and welfare. HK fan it does make him sound like a friend. Or in my case a friend's grandson!.......................JAK
He is going to try it out like riding a new bike or something!
These twitter parties make it seems like Adam is right in the room with us. What great answers! Witty and quick, insightful and honest. What a doll. I'm saving up my 2012 tour money!
is he trying sex with females in the future? hmmm he says you should try something at least once. Maybe one time with Kesha would fix his curiosity.
Perhaps it would be interesting to ask ourselves that question......."JAK what do you do everyday?"..........The first thing that came to my mind is ...... "I appreciate..I worry..I love"
Of course 20-30-40 years ago my answers might have been different. Maybe....but maybe not!
Adam should do a photoshoot dressed as Cleopatra. I could see him pulling off the sexy eye makeup for that one.
How lucky we have Adam. He is so gifted and thoughtful and honest. Never have a dull moment. His tweets is like a reflection of him.
Thanks for all the twitter feed. We all needed some Adam very badly. I must say I like hair off face, upswept, very sexy. Nary a mention of Sauli, so assume you both are keeping your relationship under wraps for the time being. probably smart. Looking forward to next tour very much.
Sorry I missed the party, so happy that I can see all of the Q&A's here though.
Least favorite song on FYI was "Soaked". Didn't seem to fit in with the rest of the album. 1st fav "FYE" 2nd "Loaded Smile"
Love how honest he is and seems to really relate to us and realize that we are all hanging on every word he speaks!
When I heard that Sacha Barry Cohen was going to have the role of Freddie Mercury in the new film I let out an anquished wail "Nooooooooooo!"
I had been dreaming of Adam as Freddie since Idol. Sacha looks more like Freddie but those songs, those songs should be Adams! My present go to favorite of Freddie's is "Don't Stop Me Now" I watch the video several times a week and can SEE Adam in black leather with a band as fantastic as Queen tearing up the stage with that song. If you aren't familiar with it or haven't heard it in a long time the link is below. Treat yourself. Adam can do Freddie's swagger!..............................JAK
This was so much fun to read. I love it when he has twitter parties! He loves his fans and he knows we love the twitter parties! Thanks, Adam! We Glamberts adore you!
The dry spell is over!
OT but maybe some1 wanna see it
blakkrrox blakkrrox
by navika85
2008 vid of Adam meeting Pink. Two superstars : )
I love "Soaked"!Sad,but beautiful;not sure if I have a least fav from FYE..I'll have to think about it.
to 7:43- I think maybe there was a sneaky mention of Sauli in the "I love" sentence. Nice to see it was left at that.
Kennedy's loquacious
I think he said in the previous Twitter party that he has at some point in his life "slept" with a woman. Whatever that means. But he has also said (about women) in an interview that "unless you've got a surprise under that skirt it ain't happening". He's gay and he's been very open about it. I think he's teasing his fans with these answers, he knows people are gonna talk.
I loved the part "I prepare.I create. I love." That's his everyday life. He didn't stay in NYC for very long, back in Hollywood now, with his love. :)
Thanks 24/7 for putting the twitter party up!
Oh Adam! What a charming young man! There is NOT one single song that is my least favorite, every song has it's meaning & to just hear Adam sing is a blessing , a gift for us all!
I feel like we're having a very serious romantic relationship with Adam , whether its love, fantasy, or friendly. I have never seen this with any actor or entertainer.
One thing I agree with Adam , I love his Owens boots too. But I don't think an occult is sexy, like wtf? Unless he's thinking of something different than what I'm thinking .
I wish he'd stop teasing us about his next album, it makes me squirm, but in a very good way! Hehe! Mwah!! K
He is just so interesting! My least favourite song changes every week according to my mood that is all!!
I think he probably chooses not to answer any sauli questions as I am sure there are many.
Adam needs to do twitter parties in different time zones as well as I keep missing. Damn! I want to ask if he needs a personal assistant. LOL
I wish Adam will come here and do a 24/7 party!
I think this site will crash and Sister won't be efficient enough to do her roll calls. Don't worry Sister, I volunteer to be your assistant, I have experience in this area of work. Lol, :)
So what do you say Adam, just half an hour? And sing, sing for us! Ooooh....
-Lam my
The Twitter party was fun! The first time I was awake when he decides to have one. There were a lot of Sauli questions for him in Twitter, wise of him to keep some things private. But he did say his daily routines include "love". Sweet.
I wondered too about the occult answer, but maybe he just meant that he finds mysterious, supernatural etc. stuff sexy? Just guessing here, don't really know that means.
One of the highlights of the party was the sentence "I prepare, I create, I love". It has already become a "classic". lol. Another highlight was the fact that he's got a name for his album picked. Nice! Oh,and he sleeps "au natural"... ;)
I think Adam had about 12 good singles off of his first album, I was frustrated that they didn't play more on the radio. People who don't know Adam like we do think that he can only sing "Whataya Want From Me". It gets repetitious after a while.
It doesn't even matter which 2 songs weren't my favorites, because as I read these comments, they were someone else's favorites. There wasn't a lemon in the bunch.
"I prepare. I create. I love." Yeah, I love that. I think it should go across the bottom of all Adam Lamber posters.
Oh, and I love the video set to the Gaga song. I wish more people would get to see it, like on National TV.
So darn eloquent and masterfully answered.
Adam is such an intelligent guy and always
have huge respect for him.
Thanks for posting this since realtime is gone from google ( I miss that so much) There are NO least faviorite songs , that album is the only album I love ALL 14 songs (amazing) but if I had to pick 1 it would be "music again"! faviorite is SOAKED and broken open!
I second that @Lam my- adam doing a twitter party somehow with us. I honestly feel this whole glamily HERE is a huge core. I wonder if he knows about us and this website. It's different from twitter. We get deep. we know everything, we understand and love him, like no others out there Just my opinion or maybe we just voice our opinions like no other web-site I've seen?
actually when adam replied to a tweet with "Freddie Mercury, Cleopatra", the question was if he could interview anyone, who it would be.
In my opinion, he probably visit this site once in a while and check all his loyal fans indeed....
Yea brownie, that will send us all, over the moon and back, whoa! Agree...we get deep.
Hey dear 4:25, you really feel that Adam peeks in once in a while. Even if he doesn't, I think maybe Neil does because he has a google blog.
-Lam my
@Lam my
In your honor...
Please reply directly to @Lam my, my roll call assistant! LOL
There you go again Sister, you make me laugh, LOL!
-Lam my
Hey everyone, please report to me, my first day on the job as roll call assistant! My boss, Sister is on leave, paying Adam a personal visit...whoa! LoL.
-Lam my
This question/reply cracked me up:
kinkykiedis @adamlambert Yay you came back, can I ask u what your doing rn or am I being to nosy, if so sorry. Im not normally
adamlambert @kinkykiedis I'm tweeting.
HA HA!! Adam, you smartass. Of course, if he's asked a dumb question...
Now, off to dwell on the "au natural" comment. Whew, boy!
- Adam Fix
Roll call for July 16 2011
Present: CT, algalhi, glitzylady, HK fan, DRG, JAK, Magiclady, navika, Mwah!!K, Loulou, JB, Ib, brownie, Adam Fix, Lam my, Sister and dear anons.
Thank you for your great enthusiasm... :)
-Lam my acting for Sister :)
I adore all Adam's songs! However, when you see Adam perform these songs live, it's a whole other thing! Adam is the greatest live performer in the world! He can sell any song with his fabulous voice and, of course, his fabulous moves and charisma! Born to be on stage-that's our boy!
@Lam my
Sister, here. Just stopped by to evaluate your roll call process and efficiency. I see you have done very well. And YOUR enthusiam is to be commended. I hereby pass the roll call baton to you. You have been promoted from assistant to lead. Effective immediately I will be retiring my roll call responsibilities and am heading to Florida to party with @JAK!
Keep up the good work! :)
Now that I've been promoted by Sister to head of roll call, thanks Sister, fastest promotion I ever had but not to be scoffed at...
I'd like to include Fan4fun+Icon and Kentucky Fan, who I chatted with, they are somewhere in the camp; and thanks Nancdruuu2 who just reported in. LOL!
Hey Sister, I thought it was just play but there is quite a bit of work involved !! I think I still need your help. LOL!
-Lam my
@Lam my
I trust that you are the person for the job! But, now that you are the roll call boss, you can mentor others and promote as you see fit. You have the power! :)
Now that is some wisdom I'd say!
Hey Congratulations Boss, I overheard someone proposing to you, behind the grapevines! Whoa!!
-Lam my
@Lam my
Yup. Proposed to. Of course, they didn't identify themselves which makes it a really difficult partnership. LOL
@ Sister
Sometimes being loved from afar is wisest! JAK
You know, passionate unrequited love! :-)
I will take whatever kind of love comes my way! LOL So true...passionate unrequited can sometimes be best. :)
Unrequited love can be extremely painful, JAK. I feel love must be reciprocated, whatever kind.
Since both you and Sister are here...I got a listen to Besame Mucho, ooooh so beautiful, sung by Chris Isaac and by Andrea Bocelli. Yea, I had been listening to Chris Isaac first and now Bocelli. I think you are more attached to the Chris Isaac version maybe because of the Mona Lisa Smile film. I find both versions equally good. I actually imagined Adam singing Besame Mucho, whoa if only....
-Lam my
Oooooh a smile from afar! You made my day!
I know who !! Thanks !! Come back when you are ready...:)
-Lam my
Hey Adam can you PLEASE come to my birthday party i want to meet you and just PLEASE come to my birthday party its on september 3rd, 2011 and i live in Mesa Arizona :D
Dear 11.45, this is too funny! :)
-Lam my
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