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Samuel Larsen from The Glee project mentions Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 10, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, July 10, 2011

Skip to around 3:13 to hear the mention.

Thanks to Adam Lambert Help!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great guy! I think he's the one I really liked when he sang on the Glee thread. So many love Adam. I am glad he has his CD.


Anonymous said...

The video isn't loading for me.Thanks to the fans who have been voting for Adam for the AIOTM..keep going!He's @ #4 now.Tomorrow,we have to start also voting for him for sexiest male artist on that mix radio station( up against John Mayer)..don't have the url right now,but I'm pretty sure it starts @ 5pm PST & ends @ 4pm PST on Tues.The URL is listed in the comment section under the AIOTM voting page.If you haven't bookmarked the AIOTM contest,it's

Anonymous said...

When they mention Adams name it feels good and also helps for their advantage also. They know that Adam is THE WORLD WIDE SUPERSTAR INDEED.

Lots of of love from your fans Adam!!!! See u soon back here in Canada eh!!

Anonymous said...

It is heavily rumored that Adams new single will be released August 30th. Wow hope its true, can't wait. Hope he gets promos on TV , Ellens show etc.

Anonymous said...

I like him. He loves Jesus and Adam Lambert. Sounds like a great guy.

Anonymous said...

Adam is,for now,in 3rd place on the AIOTM poll..keep voting fans!We need to @ least keep him there.( unless you want to vote very hard to pass James.This time,Haily is #1 & Thia's fans aren't voting hard,so she's down the list.I think certain fans got together in June thru July 5th by making "deals" with each other.Later on today,VOTE for Adam on mix941fm.He's up against John Mayer for sexiest man of mix.I believe the URL is: of-mix/ try that later about 5pm( or a little earlier to see if it's set up to vote) thanks.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:03 AM,I think I see my mistake.I left out something.hope THIS is right-- crowned-the-sexiest-man-of-mix/ Check this out & vote later today,or tonight( to me,it will be night since I'm on the east coast)We CAN win this for Adam!!!unlimited voting against John Mayer.If you have problems cutting & pasting,just search for mix941fm,& you'll find it that way.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who were following the VH1 Do Something Awards Nominations, Adam was a write in nominations in the category of Music Artist. It was just announced that he is now officially nominated! We did it! Now the voting begins to win him the award. The Do Something Awards is new, I believe, and it focuses on the GOOD various celebrities have done this past year. We had to write in the reason he should be nominated and basically we wrote his huge impact on charities such as Charity:Water; Aftermath Remix donations to the Trevor Project and the It Gets Better Video/Campaign, Donors too. Voting is til the end of JUly. Sorry I don't have the URL right now. Adam is up against Lady Gaga, Bieber, Nick Jonas and some others. Just Google VH1 or Do Something Awards and look for Vote for Music Artist. Please! We know it was confirmed that Adam will be appearing at this award show, we don't know in what capacity yet but wouldn't it be awesome if Adam won an award! He so deserves it! Thanks very much.


Anonymous said...

Does anybody know how many times we can vote @ the Do Something Awards??I couldn't find that..I did vote,tho.( I voted in all the categories,but only wanted to vote for Adam)I have to share this pc with the hubby,so I haven't had a chance to look real good on VH-1.

The Dark Side said...

Not really sure who this is. I do not watch Glee so don't know. Nice words for Adam.

Adamluv said...

Adam, Jesus and God all mentioned in one sentence. Bet you dont hear that very often! LOL! Love hearing his remarks about Adam and that he bought the CD! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I went to the 94.1 link above, put it in my favorites, so now I'm ready to start voting at 5:00. IMO Adam is a shoe in if we all vote.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a really nice guy. Nice to hear such positive comments about Adam! funbunn40