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New Interview with Adam Lambert in Ste Agathe

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 1, 2011

Posted at : Monday, August 01, 2011

Part 1:

Part 2:

Thanks glitzylady and daydreamin!

Youtube version:


Anonymous said...

And here's part two!:


LP said...

doesn't play properly for me.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww David Cook beat Adam as sexiest man :(


Anonymous said...

It's okay to loose sometimes right??? The fans are still enjoying the new song of our Adam he!he!he! it won't hurt too much.

glitzylady said...

I like David Cook, have seen him in person, he's very nice, and he's sexy. However, Adam is sexier. I was at the site, voted, but I think DC's fans took advantage of the fact that we were all busy this weekend. : )

Time to vote for Adam in the DoSomething Awards. Link:

Anonymous said...

We are still in deep shock of the new song and still mesmerizing. I love, love you AdamLambert.

glitzylady said...

Okay, something else to do:

If you have a Twitter Acct., Adam's fans are trying to "trend" the phrase:

#ScarsMakeUsWhoWeAre and


If you aren't sure what that means, ,just type that phrase into the comment box at the top of your page, along with anything else you might want to say..and hit "tweet". Fans are hoping to get it to trend worldwide.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered if recording artist have offices I guess they do.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not anymore scared of gettin old alone and love, love, love inspires him. Thank you Sauli.

Anonymous said...

What is your biggest fear?
Adam: For a while there, it was that I would… I would get to the end of my life as an older man and I’d be alone. That was very scary to me.

What inspires you the most lately?
Adam: Love! Love is really good. Um… I like music and pieces of art or entertainment that provoke a sense of like, wonder, or inspire you to kind of question the world you live in and maybe give a little insight to the idea that maybe there’s more than meets the eye. That’s something I’ve been exploring in my music as well.

The Dark Side said...

Adam talks a lot about love these days. So it must be the real thing. He and Sauli look very happy together. These videos are not playing well for me either. But what I could hear was a very good interview, but then Adam doesn't do bad interviews. He is always upbeat and informative. Would imagine that Adam has an office in his home. Perhaps in a few years...

Anonymous said...

David Cook sexier than the Glambert? NOT

Anonymous said...

Good to see Adam happy and full of inspiration!
He really needs to be loved and great to see a special guy in his life.

choons said...

Awwww - he seemed a bit embarrassed to brag about his amazing voice - just makes me love him more.

Anonymous said...

I don't really find David Cook sexy, just nice.

Thank goodness that Canada being bilingual requires students in the English provinces (everything except Quebec) to learn French in school. I actually understood those guys haha

Anonymous said...

awww. Adam is so happy and in LOVE =)
that´s makes me happy =)

Anonymous said...

Love this interview. He's so happy knowadays -- it makes me happy for him. Love his new song. I have a feeling his new album is going to be fabulous. It will truly make him a MEGA STAR! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam gave a little more info about his album in this interview. I know now there will be more sad songs but also more happy and upbeat ones too. Adam's thoughts and feelings will be part of every song. Now that's really inspiring!


Anonymous said...

Wow - been on MUCH to catch up on...don't know if I ever will, but will certainly and happily try!

Hey, 8:09 (or anyone else) - what were the interviewers saying about Adam, before his interview? Dying to know! :)

Have missed Adam being in the spotlight lately. The dry spell is, momentarily, over...hooray!! Love this man. Articulate and humble, as always.

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

One more interview..

New Interview With Adam Lambert at Sucre Sale before the concert in Quebec..still daylight..

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix
Yes, you DEFINITELY missed a few things! Welcome back from Vacation!

tess4ADAM said...

David Cook is definitely NOT Sexier than ADAM ... he just had more people WILLING to VOTE for him ... that's all & now as a result of that poll David's songs will be FEATURED throughout the month of August on that radio station ... too bad ... what a MISSED opportunity for ADAM. See VOTING is important in these polls ... I was right!!


Anonymous said...

WOW!! Great interview even though the clips kept stopping and starting. Adam's smile when he says the word "love" is so dreamy, and his make-up and outfit are superb.

David Cooke the sexiest?? I don't find him sexy at all whereas Adam was born sexy!!! :D Anyway, to each his/her own.

Anonymous said...

@tess4ADAM .... it really is too bad/sad Adam didn't win, and it's certainly a missed opportunity for Adam's music .... very disappointing. :-(

Anonymous said...

Adam, please bury the tail, it's distracting and now reminds me unhappily of JD.

Sam said...

please, anyone know what is that performance of "Sleepwaker" by the end of this video is from? what city?? and date? that's some awesome vocal right there and i want to watch that live performance completely. Pleaseee!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that is from the Live DVD From Indiana.

Anonymous said...

i think Adam will survive the sexiest man loss. Too bad, but I think lots of Glambs were busy watching Montreal videos, etc. It won't matter is the big picture. DC is a nice guy, but sexy? No way. These interviews of Adam are great! TV show people need to get on board with having him on the big shows. HE'S A GREAT INTERVIEW! (though I agree that the AMA ship should have sailed long ago. He will be answering questions about that forever.)

Shiggles said...

About a month ago Adam tweeted: I believe in more than I can see..: Since then I've been wondering if that's a line from one of his new songs. Time will tell.