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New Videos on Equality California's Youtube Channel

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, September 14, 2011


LP said...

It was nice to hear Adam again, I never get tired of Adam talking. I think they are doing a good job in here. They have these fillers, when there is really no news to report. Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

Love the comment about Adam in Jerusalim Post

The Dark Side said...

The tribute to Adam was so very well done. He deserved this award!

Anonymous said...

He is so drop-dead gorgeous it's hard to pay attention to what he is saying.

Anonymous said...

Sundance Channel Orders Second Season of Fashion Rehab Show
Adam is one of help judge the designers’ progress

Anonymous said...

yeh well if he wants to get mainstream americas on his side, he needs to not promote his gayness and stick to the music, wht he wanted to do from day one. get with it adam, people loved you more when there was that question is he or isnt it ? just becuz your inluv dont go overboard people luv the music not the junk

Anonymous said...

so glad we have another program to look forward too.

Anonymous said...

@7:18, You're certainly not an Adam fan or at least not a fan that Adam would want, considering the blatant homophobia you display here. Additionally, your spelling and sentence composition needs considerable work.

Anonymous said...

very good and he even wrote that speech himself! lol he has a good sense of humor and is very articulate.first time I have seen those videos, so glad I didn't miss them. Adam eccentric? lol

Anonymous said...

Adam keeps getting gayer all the time. Hope he doesn't lose his audience over it. He can't be mentioned without fag attached. He can only go to fag places. When the music comes out it will tell all. Hope it is good.

Anonymous said...

It continues to irritate me that people complain about Adam 'promoting his gayness'. He was being honored at this event for his exceptional work for the LGBT youth, for heaven's sake. So many of us have already said that if he wasn't constantly ASKED about his gayness, I'm sure he would be thrilled to only talk about his music. Hopefully the time will come for him that he is simply recognized for his amazing talent and the 'gay thing' will be in the past as part of the discussion. I'm sure Adam looks forward to that day as much as we, his fans, do!

Anonymous said...

I like the suit he is wearing but Adam said there was some king of controversy over it but he bought it before that. I think that is the suit that he wears on his fanclub site.Lots of things to look forward to with our guy!! woo hoo

Anonymous said...

First Project Runway and now another fashion gig for Adam on the Sundance Channel,"All on the Line" along with Hub tv, Adam mentoring "Majors and Minors." Looks like Adam's new mgt. team is getting him good tv exposure, not just for his music, but for his experienced fashion sense. I like the fact that he is being recognized as a creative artist not only in music, but other genres as well. I think this will be an exciting year for him and as a result, also for us!

Anonymous said...

9:55 you are right I forgot all about Adam's new management team!! So far so good.

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a smart and funny guy, not forgetting how lovely he really is. I'm personally really happy Adam is gay, because he is enjoying it, having fun and what is the most important thing to the public eye: being a wonderful role model to hlbt youngs (and others too). He is confident, in love, doing wonderful job is his career. We have too many stories where gay people have lost their jobs, families and friends because on being who they are. It's supportive to see that it is possible to be LOVED and ACCEPTED and have GOOD CAREER and be PROUD AND OUT.

EQCA did the right thing when taking Adam there to have a speech and everything. Seeing Adam succees and seeing people loving him has give me more confident to accept my own gayness better and tell it to other people as well. And if Adam "keep getting gayer all the time" - then WHO CARES? He is gay, hi is wonderful, he is being himself and not playing any role to be accepted. That's how i wanna be too.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:15 PM
Just wanted to mention that if those here who see your note about the "Fashion Rehab" show on the Sundance Channel, and can't open the link, I posted most of the article on the previous thread "Swedish Idol" including additional info....And also on the "New Single Coming Out..." thread...Very exciting for Adam, and for us...

Anonymous said...

makes me wonder how many of the gay society would be concrete fans if adam were straight, i would say not many. he has more straight fans anyway. he's bi ! he just doesnt know it.

Anonymous said...

I love all the things Adam will be doing on TV. I'll watch them all if I can get the channels. I do hope, however, that he gets some NETWORK TV gigs. This is where the non-cable watching, average TV viewers will see him. He can make a great impression and be a fascinating, entertaining guest (as well as sing) on some of the big mainstream shows. I hope Ellen, for example, asks him back on her show. Leno, Kimmel, and Letterman, etc. should too, but his management really has to work on it. Would love to see him perform on the X Factor, DWTS (as a guest singer), and other top shows. C'mon, new management! He could be your real golden boy!

Anonymous said...


I'm with you, I hope he gets some network gigs too. I have no idea where to find some of these channels and since we have what seems like hundreds, I have to ask the house authority, my husband to hunt them down for me and with him the less said about Adam the better. Crab!

Anonymous said...

Sundance Channel - Hub Channel. How about getting Adam on some channels that we can actually watch? Very few people get these channels.

Anonymous said...

Even though I'm happy adam's getting more exposure, I agree-I don't get any of these channels either. Hopefully, someone will post it somehow

Anonymous said...

never satisfied, whine whine whine

Anonymous said...

It continues to irritate me that people complain about Adam 'promoting his gayness'. He was being honored at this event for his exceptional work for the LGBT youth, for heaven's sake. So many of us have already said that if he wasn't constantly ASKED about his gayness, I'm sure he would be thrilled to only talk about his music.

Me like this:)

Anonymous said...

So, just stop doing it !LOL

I know what you mean:)
Sun is still shining,Adam`s next album is still coming. raccoon`s are still swimming!

Ewil Woman

Anonymous said...

What bothers me is that Adam seems to think he got this award for being the weird gay guy who kissed his bassist on stage and loved it? Well, I don't think so, Adam..