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Adam Lambert at at Show Girls in Drag (From October 12, 2011)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 13, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thanks sealuv!


Anonymous said...

Well who do we have here?? It seems to be Sauli!!!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam and his music, don't necessarily like the pictures of him with drag queens. I know he feels comfortable with them since many are his friends from years past, but I don't know if this will help his image in mainstream music. True most people won't ever see these, but it may be one of the reasons some potential music listeners out there are turned off to him. For me it has always been about his amazing voice and his stage presence. He has let us into his personal life more than we are entitled to and perhaps that should remain as private as possible.

Adamluv said...

Lookin' mighty fine in these pictures, Adam! Love the hair and the necklace is super cool. Like Saulis eye makeup too. VIP - of course!!!!

Adamluv said...

One of these days gotta get myself to a drag show. Must be lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

These are the best!!
Adam + Sauli + some awesome looking Queens = Hot Hot Hot!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

This is one poll I would have voted on if I had known about it.

Adam beats Durbin. Can't stand Jmes!!

Anonymous said...

Love how Adam and Sauli both look. People were starting to speculate all sorts of things about them not being together. Well here is the proof and they look very happy. @2:43 I did vote on that poll as silly as it was just because I too can not stand James Durbin and there are not many people I don't like.And I think Adam's hair is edgy even if not my favorite style.Remember it does grow super fast!

Anonymous said...

Title somewhat misleading, Adam's not in drag. No problem with him and his drag queens, it's who he is. The hair cut not bad!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's faces in thouse pictures. He's like saying ..mmmmm...look at this...He looks REALLY handsome, love the whole outfit and of course....his deep, sweet, sexy..eyes...I swear I'll never get enough of thouse eyes. Sorry, can't help it!! Lol!!

Anonymous said...

He looks younger indeed!!!!

I can't wait for the next album...

He is the ultimate rock god and I'm loving it!!!!


Anonymous said...

I've been wondering....on the twitter party thread Adam is asked "Hint about the photoshoot? Theme? He answered "Lots of themes. Lots of Looks."

Do you think the album cover might be a collage of Adam with all different looks, including this latest...representing the types of songs? That seems logical. Also he tweeted he was so excited about the photoshoot in more than one. Could be.

Also, could be I'm just trying to stay busy during the last few months before the birth of Adam's second baby.................JAK :)

LP said...

Lovely to see Adam and Sauli together, from what Sauli said in his blog, this has been a quiet week for him. Adam must have been at the studeo a lot. Poor Sauli mostly had to play in the swimming pool, since it has been so hot. I was getting a bit worried, because he wasn't on his facebook, or the tutka with Katri. But Katri said that his computer has been down this week, hoping it will get fixed tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I assume the guy to our right is a Kardashian wanna be!

Anonymous said...

my husband and I went to a drag show once and had the time of our lives. These people are apart of his life past and present and there was some wonderful people there, Hard working, putting on a good show.

Anonymous said...

Well,well,I see Adam is a very busy boy....busy working at the studio to finish that first single and partying at night! It's great to see him happy with friends ( and Sauli) at his side. Adam's looking young and nice and trim too. Oh, and the haircut...very edgy and eye-catching. I love Adam any old way. Just keep making for us you sweet boy.


Anonymous said...

Is that guy they are sitting with Sam Sparrow? I think I read that somewhere.

LP said...

Do you suppose that Adam has had an influence on Sauli? Sauli now has eye liner,and it really suits him, beautiful eyes)also he now has holes in his ears.(he said it hurt a lot when he had it done but he grit his teeth.)Love those guys

Anonymous said...

My daughter and her husband are making their annual trip to Key West this month for Fantasy Fest. It's like a gay Mardi Gras. They have so much fun. She says everyone is in party mode, friendly, happy and having a good time. They love it, cold drinks and hot music! If I were younger I'd go too!......JAK

Anonymous said...

I joined that Friendfactor and only 4% of the population is gay, such a tiny piece of the pie. Just FYI. I'll be throwing little fun facts out there everynow and then.

Anonymous said...

Yes that's Sam Sparro.

Anonymous said...

Where is our troll? Nothing to comment?

Anonymous said...

Sauli = lost and found!!!! So glad to finally see them together!!!;)

Anonymous said...

Sauli = lost and found!!!! So glad to finally see them together!!!;)

Anonymous said...

I have a question. If gay guys have drag queens, do lesbian gals have drag kings? Anything equivalent?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AL should quit hugging men dressed like women and get a hold of the real deal.

Anonymous said...

His private life is a turn off for alot of people. Let the voice do the singing and the private life be just that.

Anonymous said...

what do bisexuals have? drag queenkings.

Anonymous said...

Trolls need a good feeding before comments are given. Feed them their good treats.

Anonymous said...

I think Sam Sparro looks like Freddie Murcury don't you? He is really handsome! Adam is the ultimant eye candy for sure. He looks so happy just being himself and you know that is who he has always been. No fake crap! I must say these pictures help days go bye untill the music arrives.

Anonymous said...

Oops! I meant, "just keep making music for us you sweet boy!"


Anonymous said...

did they pass out the fruit rollups or jolly Ranchers;)

Anonymous said...

I went to a drag show once and that damn queen stole lipstick.

Anonymous said...

What's the fuck is wrong with Adam hair and cloth?what's on earth he's doing?stick to your music forget sick and hurry up before you loose fans.

Anonymous said...

uninvited trolls enjoying their nightly feast.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about the bastard album BFM if you want to talk about music. It's news right now.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:07 can not even form a proper sentence.
Lack of grammar goes along with the stupidity.

Anonymous said...

looks like our guys had a great time. good pics.

Anonymous said...

Some of you are obsessed with Sauli. Get a life will ya.
I laugh so loud.
Talk about the Adommy fans, you're the same.
People in glass houses.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is so cute in those pictures, I would love to give him big sisterly hug. He is a little older than me and I admire him alot. Adam on the other hand will get more than a sisterly hug from me. LOL

Anonymous said...

4: 31 that is the funniest thing I've ever heard thanks for the laugh.
drag kings.
5: 00 true he loves petite boys and men dressed as girls why not ?
same difference or only one difference i should say, he could do it.
you all do know sauli is bi right?
since you seem to know so much about everything.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is bi? he sleeps with chicks? Adam talks bi, so he should act on it.

Anonymous said...

I am beginning to think this troll is so far gone she really doesn't know she is commenting on her own comments. I use to think it was an act, it's not. some Twilight Zone music plesae.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is straight, Sauli is Bi, and Adam is Adam. I think they need a sitcom. Tommy and Liz have kids and Sauli and Adam babysit.

Anonymous said...

I think trolls are commenting on other trolls comments. it could get interesting.

Anonymous said...

Trolls are riding on other Trolls trollies and they just don't know it yet. duh

Anonymous said...

Adam is wrestling a bi tongue? really?

Anonymous said...

By now, we real fans should all be so accustomed to seeing Adam at gay clubs, with drag queens, etc., that we shouldn't even be batting an eye anymore. He's comfortable in both the gay and straight worlds. He will never lie about who he is. Gotta hand it to him for being honest. I love him and he can hang out with whoever he wants to. Sauli is a doll, and I truly believe they're in love. The hair is a non-issue. Grows in just days. I agree that his album photoshoot may include pix from many shoots and hairstyles. Might not be all this one style. Those of you who are waiting for Adam to change into someone more "mainstream" for a broader audience are going to have a long wait. You either accept him as he is or you don't.

Anonymous said...

alot of trolls need admission into the BMA.

Anonymous said...

if Sauli is Bi, he might go hitting on the Lambert fangirlies at the concerts.

Anonymous said...

TJR better watch. he might have Sauli and Adam on his backdoor.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if a person could be gay, straight and crooked all at the same time?

Anonymous said...

hey you guys!! don't forget to max out your votes on the MTV poll. Time is running out.

Anonymous said...

Sam Sparro leans towards Adam. Sauli leans toward Adam and Adam just seats very straight in the middle.....Adam just go get yourself some pus**sy for a change.

Anonymous said...

what happened to admins Email address that use to be on this site.Does anyone know what it is? I am going to notify them this site has a sick troll running rampant on it tomorrow.She is out of control and has been for some time.

Anonymous said...

Gee, there are some inane, ill-bred people posting here.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Adam looked horrible in he's friends birthday,now he's hair look horrible,.
I miss he's cool 2009 style the badass Adam.not the retarded hair here.

Anonymous said...

This thread is weird -- can't tell if we are all Adam/Sauli lovers or haters...I, for one, adore Adam and always will. Sauli is a sweetie, too..quite handsome in person I might add. We should be celebrating Adam having a good time, not questioning how he's having a good time. So what if he gets drunk, squeezes on drag queens? I'm just jealous he's not squeezing me.

Anonymous said...

Where are the trolls? I must be missing them. I just see (potentially) one...

In response to Anon 2:28 pm, there are so many facets to Adam -- that's his charm. He's hot and sexy one minute, sweet and tender the next...he's a drag queen loving gay man one minute, and the next he's sweetly holding the most darling baby girl. I LOVE ALL OF ADAM, and I appreciate so much that he allows us in to his lives. I'd love to know every minute detail about him if I could...I'd eat him if I bring on the pictures if that's the closest I could get to him. It's okay if you don't dig the pics of him with drag queens, but that's just one side of Adam, and as a diehard Glambert, I accept and love ALL sides of Adam

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:13 pm -- Okay now I'm beginning to see the trolls. It's okay to dislike Adam's hair, but is it necessary to be so negative? I liked his hair better when he was on AI, or not shaved on the side or not defying gravity, but that's just me...Adam is gorgeous no matter how his hair's really not that important. I love and support the man, not his hair.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it...if some of you ladies/gents don't care for his private life b/c you disagree with it or don't like it, then why check this website?

Anonymous said...

Sauli is bi?????????????? Wow -- Can I join him and Adam one time?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 8:50 PM
Admin. has been contacted..

Not leaving my tag for once : (

Anonymous said...

The problem with people here is you define anyone who doesn't worship and adore Sauli as a troll or an Adommy cray. Wrong. I guarantee theres plenty of regular Adam fans out there who don't love Sauli and won't be sad when they breakup.

Anonymous said...

October 13 11:11 PM I like Sauli and will be happy when he breakup with Adam cause this fandom is too crazy.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is not bi - Sauli is gay - which is quite public. Sauli is a hot, stunning, awesome man. I would like to be a person who receives him as a friend, to have with him.

Anonymous said...

October 14 4:08 AM I would also like to be Sauli's friend. He dont forget his friends. He will have again friends visiting him from Finland. Sauli is VERY social and have many friends.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where the rumour comes that Sauli is bi. He is totally gay. He just has a lot of girlfriens.

Anonymous said...

I like the necklace Adam is wearing and he and the hair looks fine too.

Anonymous said...

i really like adam's hair now, i didn't at first but i think it looks really nice on him and sauli is a doll!

funbunn40 said...

Drag shows are fun and very entertaining. Some are very beautiful and can fool you! It's been many years since I've been to one,but went to a club called The Blue Dahlia in Chicago and They sang alot of showtunes. It was upscale and well done. The trolls are tiresome and the button pushing is getting old. Wish no one would feed them and waste our time with the negativity,looking for attention. They could care less about Adam. If they did, they would be glad he has Sauli in his life to love and some happiness.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is bi but prefers boys , deal

Anonymous said...

No, Sauli is NOT bi. He has stated it in public. He will never be dating a woman. Here is the proof: (4:55)

End of that discussion!

Anonymous said...

Thank you at 11:11 pm. Your are correct in saying this. Some people need to open their eyes to the fact , even though you do not care for a person, it does not make you an idiot or a troll or whatever else their juvenile name calling bashing calls out. Many people will prob. come and go from Adams life. He is the reason for his fandom not the others.
If others branch off and beoome an Adommy fan or a Sauli fan, that is great. No name calling is neccessary. Grow up people.

Anonymous said...

Thats because Sauli is dating Adam, think think think about it.
He has the best dry sense of humor.
His Finns know he has dated a girl or girls , no problem. Whats the big deal if he is bi. Good God Ya'll. Afraid he may give Adam some women pointers?

Anonymous said...

9:00, you don't understand finnish language, do you.

Anonymous said...

Adam talks bi? He is all man!!

Anonymous said...

9 03 do you? what does it matter anyway. Sauli has dated females.

LP said...

@ 8:27
Thankyou for address of Sauli saying he would never date a woman. I remembered that , but forgot where it was said.Tommy is a friend of Adam and Sauli. Sauli is Adam's partner(Adam's own words)There is a huge difference between friend and partner.Adam is a lucky man, to have found some one who he has said openly he LOVES. This year has been a time for Sauli to see how Adams lifestyle combined with work, can work out for both of them. Next year will be the tour, and they have to see how that works out. I am sure Adam will continue to want Sauli at his side, he is very proud of him, besides being totally in love with him, and wants to grow old with him. Sorry just my two cents worth :)

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli sittin in a tree k i s s i n g ! 1st comes love then comes another. Me I want to plant my self right in between a gay mand and a bi man.

Anonymous said...

Adam has also said he can see himself in love for a couple of years, you know how he loves change. Not bad finding a new love every couple of years to keep things fresh. He was also in love with Brad (Cheeks) for anyone who thinks Sauli is his one and only.

Anonymous said...

haha sauli is conveniently forgetful. that vid means nothing. maybe the girl or girls will come out of the woodwork.

Anonymous said...

October 14 9:14 AM I think we all know that break ups are very common especially in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

For those who don't understand finnish Sauli also said he'll never marry or have kids. Of course he may later change his mind. Finns are not so crazy that we would start planning their future or if they break up, we know fans cannot make them go back together.

Anonymous said...

8:50 shut up*

Anonymous said...

shut up troll. go ride on your trolly.

Anonymous said...

Sebbert shipper.

Anonymous said...

wonder if they feed each other peaNUTS?

Anonymous said...

wonder if they feed each other peaNUTS?

Anonymous said...

Anon 14, 9:37 AM Sauli said he he'll never marry or have kids with a woman.

Anonymous said...

instead of matching wedding rings, get a set of matching dog tags.

Anonymous said...

when did Sauli take his last S***?

Anonymous said...

who wiped?

Anonymous said...

Good Grief! Half the comments on this thread are disgusting. Get a life people! Adam has said he's in love with Sauli - case closed. This thread has taken all the fun out of following Adam. Won't be back for awhile. Yuck -

Anonymous said...

LOL Adam and Sam look so wasted. I'm not sure of that Adam's hairstyle. Is it some kind of mohawak?

Anonymous said...

who grooms who?

Anonymous said...

@ 2:37 PM

No, that is not a mohawk hairstyle, you've got the right century but wrong country.

That haircut was popular in England early 17th century. The army of Oliver Cromwell who fought and defeated Charles I of England wore that cut.

So the saying "there is nothing new under the sun" has some validity.........JAK

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam would flirt with Kesha in front of Sauli. bet on that one!

Anonymous said...

Adam was seen in a straight strip club in Atlanta back in 2010. it was said he was having a whale of a time.

Anonymous said...

don`t worry,in these pictures you can see that Adam is taken some distance to Sauli,he is reading, not hugging Sauli.
Soon ,i really feel sorry for hi`s next BF.

Anonymous said...

Love the tight pants . . Funny I think Adam was talking about his relationship on the Twitter Party and I guess no one understood what he said . . . leave his personal life alone . .

Anonymous said...

I think Sam Sparrow has a thing for Adam . . .but he's not Adam's type . . . .he sure is hot tho!!!

Anonymous said...

I love`d Freddie Mercury,when he came on thea stage
He was really... unbelievable!!

Anonymous said...

next page!
we all know:

Anonymous said...

October 15, 7:25 AM Me too I hope Adam's next bf is Sam and sweet Sauli does deserve someone with whom he can live normal life.

Anonymous said...

Tthank you!
we feel same,if Sam is the right one so let it be!!Yay!! sauli needs normal life:)

Anonymous said...

man hands holding those beer cans.

Anonymous said...

9:56 AM

Yay and Adam and Sam could sing duettos :)

Anonymous said...

Holy crap!!!!

Poor Sam, these people are nuts!!!

I'm obsessed with Adam that's all!!!

I don't care if he is single or not!!!

I just want him to sing!!!!!!

Screw to all the crays here!!!! :))))

Anonymous said...

oh i bet Adam would flirt with Kesha too. They have a natural flirt with each other going on when they meet up. wouldnt that be great if she would end up getting him to settle his bi curious ways?

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember the interview Adam did, he said he is about a 7 on the bi sexual scale. I guess thats where he falls on making out with girls. Also loves the boobs. This was stated in the OUT interview. That editor was so upset with him. You know why, he wasnt being gay enough for them.

Anonymous said...

i would wipe Adam

Anonymous said...

Adam does like the womanly men. Almost like the taste of both worlds. Pretty darn cool I'd say.

Anonymous said...

I only know one gay guy that I am close enough friends with to ask my many questions about gays. He says he likes to dance with girls, kiss girls and LOVES breasts but the thought of having sex with a female makes him feel nauseous. I've learned more than I ever wanted to know about gay sex from him, he's very talkative (like Adam) but I've come to understand the psychological difference in him and myself. I'm a straight guy and I respect my friend and would never make some of the crude remarks I've read on this blog about Adam and his friends. You can't be a fan of Adam and think so poorly of him.

Anonymous said...

What is it with breast? What is it that everybody loves them, as I can read here. Men, of course,women (always trying to "bring them up" (lol)and gay men, so what's the secret!?? and Anon 2.44 can you ask your friend why gay men like them? I'm just curious.

Anonymous said...

your gay friend probably feels nauseous about the thought of sex with a female, for the fear of it. maybe not knowing if he can perform or not. its very complex. gay people are all different, just like straight people with their tastes. i would think Adam with all his sexy is sexy ways would have no problem. he is such a different specimen, lol than most people. after all he is from another planet, the planet of fierce. i could see him being intrigued with his curious ways and wanting to if he hasnt already, make love with a woman.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:12

Why do men like breasts? Gay or straight? Because they feel great and we don't have them!

@ 3:30

I am assuming you are a straight female, if your female friend wanted to have sex with you how would you feel? If my male friend wanted to have sex with me, I'd feel nauseous. My gay friend only feels desire for a male. It makes sense to me.

Anonymous said...

at 7 48, i'd feel flattered if my female friend wanted to have sex with me, because i am a male.
if my male friend wanted to have sex with me, i'd also feel flattered, for i'm turning him on as well as her. thats what i'm saying, people are different. anything can go if you just let it, right place, right time. no biggie just let it happen if you want to. if having sex with the opposite sex makes some people sick, thats how they feel and vice versa. everyone is different. thats what makes the world tick.
as far as adam goes, i feel he is wicked and playful enough to let things happen. he is a curious plucker.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:53 am

Sorry, 7:48 pm is gone. He's my brother and had just dropped in for a peek at my favorite spot here in Adamland. He was not favorably impressed and suggested I find something better to occupy my time and mind. I think he's right after reading your comment!

Anonymous said...

1:53 that is sad your brother feels this way. all because he doesnt agree with others comments. kay sera sera. this is the fact about this site, if one has another opinion the name calling starts.

Anonymous said...

Check again, neither my brother nor I called anyone names. Que sera sera.