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Adam Lambert Talks 'Adommy'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 9, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, October 09, 2011


Anonymous said...

Does it get any clearer than that?
Now can all the nonsense end and reality set in?.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Adam and Tommy! You couldn't make the truth any clearer. Trouble is, I'll bet the Adommy crays still won't believe it. Strap on your seat belts, Glamily. This is gonna be a wild year!

Anonymous said...

It does not get any clearer than that!! We should all learn to ignore the troll that has taken over here too, I am.

Anonymous said...

How are all the crays going to fill their time now that their delusions are shot down? Some fantasy is sick fantasy and causes
a lot of trouble. No matter how many times this imagined relationship was denied, it kept getting stirred up. Can the people who have strangely invested so much of their life in the Adommy fiction recognize reality?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Tommy has finally spoken up too and set the record straight (no pun intended) about the true nature of his relationship with Adam and Sauli. I hope all the drama and BS ends now.

Anonymous said...

hmm I wonder what tunes he was talking about? Maybe rehearsing the single for live appearances? YAY. Ok maybe? lol

Anonymous said...

alot of the crays find Tommy sexier. that is my theory.

Anonymous said...

the Adommy fantasy was hot with a chick thrown in for good measure.

Anonymous said...

AL should quit admitting he has straight crushes.

Adamluv said...

Glad to see these tweets but it wont stop the craycrays from their obsessions. Adam and Sauli are both gay and are together. Tommy Joe is straight and is a
friend. How much simpler and straight forward can you get? The GNT kisses were part of the show! One of my favorite parts of the show I must admit, but still just a show FYE!!!!!!! ... Adamluv

lorraine said...

I can't understand why so many insist on being ridiculous for so long---regarding Adam's love life. One of the characteristics that attracted me to him in the first place was his HONESTY. What else do you need to know? He already shares so much of his life with us-and all we are really "entitled" to,is his music. And-that is more than enough for me. Beyond that, I just wish him a happy life,surrounded by love.

Anonymous said...

I hope that everyone is still voting for ADAM at the poll for the hottest of the hotties. He won over James Maslow but is trailing Nick Jonas. Can't let that happen can we Glamberts? There is unlimited voting so please invest some of your time in VOTING for ADAM whenever you can. Thanx ... Love 'n Light
BTW ... here's the url ...

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Finally! That should put end to those adommy crays who has been living in a fantasy.

Anonymous said...

Thank god! Adommy shipper done and gone forever!!! Yeah!!!!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

BLAM! Now can everyone shut the fuck up!

Im thinking he should sell straight jackets on the merch table next tour.

Anonymous said...

OMG.. it's true. Ppl kept pairing Adam with straight guys. It's quite funny. But I myself am a Kradam fan. So...


Anonymous said...

thanks for the info tessforAdam- Adam outlaw.

Anonymous said...

Adam has crushes on straight men and bisexual women.

Anonymous said...

Adam has been feeding the adommy fans for some time and many followers think Adam didn't give a good impression about himself by doing that. The latest twitter party he had was lame and maybe that was the wake up call for him. Adam has over a million twitter followers, but that doesn't mean they do anything, if they don't like what he is doing. Many Tommy's fans still think that it's all about TJ. Well it isn't and I hope Tommy understands too that the whole fandom does not revolve around him, only his fans do.

Anonymous said...

OT, does anyone really know how we are doing in that mtvoma poll? Phew that is alot of work when you get up to 500 votes.I am going with the twitter followers poll. Keep voting Everyone!!

Anonymous said...

It's easy for Adam to make 10 000 people jump for IIHY, but no way he can make us all like the adommy kiss. No matter how long he tried to teach us, and he's been teaching for two years now.

Anonymous said...

I really don't give a D*** if Adam loose some of his fans because of this craziness idea about him.

Those trolls and immature fans are worthless. They just make troubles here anyways.....

Adam will gain more caring fans in the future and the rest of us who really love his music stays indeed!!!!

Peace to you all


Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with crushes, I have derived great satisfaction from numerous over the years, male and female, all ages. Currently I'm crushing on James Blunt, Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy ,(Sean Connery still), I think Taylor Swift looks like a lovely female fox, Crystal Bowersox....yeah, I know....strange choice, but Renaissance art lovers can see her face in numerous paintings and I'd love to look like Helen Mirren or even Vanessa Redgrave, she's what an old lady should look like!!!

I don't have a crush on Adam, he's my hobby.....hobbies and crushes are fun!.....JAK

Icon said...

I always liked the ADOMMY thing, maybe because I was born «under» that emotion. There was a time when mommy Fan4fun got mad at me because I couldn't help not to lick the whole screen of this very laptop every time the «Adommy» was shown on GNT or fan videos... causing me once to drop the laptop on the floor and its keyboard went crazy for days (d0 y0U remmem#er iT aUnTieS? Meaw-hehe!!!)... but I was a baby then, now I'm a grown GlamberCAt and perfectly understand that uncle sweet Adam was doing that just for fun, thing for stages, you know? I do!
Who knows WHAT my sweet uncle is going to surprise us with next time?
What if... an «Iconommy»? Uncle Tommy is a pretty kitty, indeed, not allergic to cats and I'd love to show him my FEVER!!!
Meaw-ha! Meaw-haha!!!

Anonymous said...

I am one of those who found the Adommy kiss very sexy. I never once thought Adam and Tommy were a couple and I still don't. But I found the kiss earthy and sensual and playful. I know they won't do it any more, but I hope Adam finds a new way to heat up the stage and keep the sexy element. I'm sure he will! By the way, I know we're voting for fan army and twitter follow, but if you have a few minutes, vote for the hot-boy poll. Adam is in the second round against one of the Jonases (don't know which). Bieber is out already. It's an easy poll; just keeping refreshing. I threw in a few votes this morning.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I leave for a weekend and see that a shit storm has hit! Way to go Adam! Woo Hoo! Proud of you for finally standing your ground to these crazzzzy delusional fans!!!! I love the fact that Tommy chimed right in there too :) Way to stand your ground boys! After all people, this is about an artist. A wonderful, amazing, out of this world artist. Not his love life! He is a brilliant performer that has touched many lives and hearts (mine included) I too think this has gotten way out of hand if people are blaming Adam and Sauli for hurting Tommy by being together! Wow, didn't know that happened till I read it in the tweets. I too, love to read the fan FICTION, but come on people, it is freaking FICTION!!! Anyone who sees Adam and Sauli can see how in love they are. I adore those pics we get to see of them together. But really, sorry for going on, this is about MUSIC! I am saddened that his album is being pushed till spring, but look at this way: We get a single exploding before the holidays then after the crappy, dreary winter comes spring and the new album!!!! What a wonderful way to ring in the beautiful flowers - with Adam exploding just like all the spring blossoms!!!!
;) Neece

Anonymous said...

I still liked the kiss during GNT, not a big fan of it, but it was ok, and I never believed it was anything more than a stage act. Just recently it has made me nauseus, because some people are using it like a weapon. It started to get worse when Adam and Sauli started being together. I think it is jealousness and there are freaks out there, so I kinda got worried about Sauli, who's my fellow countryman.

Anonymous said...

I guess I never realized or even cared about all this nonsense between Adam and Tommy, the kiss, etc. I never thought there was a relationship there at all. It was part of Adam's show "for your entertainment" and that was it. Don't people have anything better to do than write about this stupid stuff,this weird fantasy relationship. I can understand where Adam would be "pissed" reading about this so long after the tour is over. He reveals practically everything about himself and his life, much more than we should be entitled to. For me it has always been about the music from this super talented performer. And as someone else has said, I,also, wish him happiness in life and in love.

LP said...

I guess I am a bit slow for some info to sink in, But Adam said he was his own producer of his album now, does that mean he has to put up the money to get it out. Maybe another reason for some delays. Seems like the RCA company has had quite a shake up lately, which obviously has had some affect on Adams album, and a few other people as well. Can only wish him well, and glad he has Sauli, so that he is not alone thru all of this.

Anonymous said...

at 8 42 admits he has straight crushes? He should also just crush on a straight girl, give it to her till she is screaming his name. Try it Adam your fans wont mind, you are reasonably wild enought to try it , in case you havent already. Let the plushness of a girly part wrap around your gb.oh what a feelin.

Anonymous said...

6 25 why only bi sexual women? give a straight girl fantasies too
I would love to see him shake up the entire planet and go with a girl. shit happens he used to say he was curious, hope he still is

Anonymous said...

9:35 mind, i dont mind who adam is with whether the person is gay, bi , straight, girl, boy, black, white, yellow, or tan, as long as he is happy and he chooses a good person, that is what matters most.

Urethra_Franklin said...

BLAM! Couldnt have said it better myself. ;)

BTW...when can we go back to the other comment format. This one sucks old hairy balls.

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra_Franklin,:)

That's what I'm talking about dear and we hope that fans who really love his style in music stays here???

True fans rocks indeed!!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam's tweets had no effect on the craziest Adommy fans. Examples:

LaurieLovesAdam Laurie
RT Reverse psychology only works on this whose minds r weak enough to believe what is told to them, in contrast 2 what they know to be true.

lambrats AdommysREAL
@Adommy4Life @WordsCanLie @Nady_81 @ADOMMY because S is or has left now he has 2 make it look like he &T R just friends that pal around?!!

Anonymous said...

DRG & 8.54 totally agree. That was just for the show! You can see they are Lol at many of they kisses. It was funny and so HOT!! I can't wait to see what Adam is gonna do to heat up his next tour but Im pretty sure he's gonna kill us with his he did when he was singing Fever at Ste. Agathe with thouse hot-sexy hips moves....WOOW!!

Anonymous said...

@3:29PM They had it again, Adam and Tommy blocked couple of them. How stupid can they be. I don't think they are Adam fans. We should block them as well and hope they die in their our delusional bubble. That's so ridiculous!

True glamberts: please don't forget to vote for Adam on that MTV poll.

Anonymous said...

I used to like Tommy, but I don't find him hot anymore. Maybe he wants to cause drama. I don't find that kind of behaviour sexy at all.

Anonymous said...

We have known all along that adommy was not real but now we need proof!!!! If you would just start by giving us one picture of you and Sauli kissing then the problem would be solved!!!!! ha ha steph

Anonymous said...

Tommy has influenced Adam. All the vampire stuff etc. Do you think they'll be vampires again this halloween xD Kind of silly from guys who are 30, imo. Tommy can still affect on the developement of Adams career. Especially now that his fans are onboard.

Anonymous said...

I mean now that Tommy has gained his own fandom he seems way more confident than last year. I hope Adam doesn't forget his million followers and start to do what TJ's fans want, just because they know how to demand.

Anonymous said...

I guess Tommy was afraid to loose his fans, because today he tweeted that he loves all of his fans.

Anonymous said...

Idiot fans are still roaming around eh????!!!!!

Just ignore folks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has not enough willpower or he likes the drama too. He and Tommy play with people. I kinda agree with the adommy crays that they started this.

Anonymous said...

i think adam like to play with tommy too and i'm not a cray adommy fan, just my opinion. you cant tell me adam didnt like kissing tommy he got what he wanted and let it play out

Anonymous said...

That's right, Adam liked kissing Tommy. It was sexual and that's why it made such an impact to some fans.

Anonymous said...

@5.23PM Adam used to like to kiss many other men too as you know. It is the past. Adam has Sauli now and the Adommy crays should accept it instead of threatening to kill Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Because it was sexual, that's why the crays think it was real and in that way it was. That is the reason I think it was a bit exaggerated.

Anonymous said...

hey why does the adommy kissing have to be the past? if its just an act, bring it on , incorporate the sexiness kissing into tour 2.
whats the fear factor ?

Anonymous said...

yeah stars kiss all the time, soap opera stars , movie stars... if this is all an act which it is, it should continue w/o anyone being offended, whether he's in a relationship or not

Anonymous said...

When Cam and Leisha kissed Adam tweeted and compared the reaction to adommy kiss. So was adommy real or was uhhuhher's kiss a stunt?

Anonymous said...

Why can't Adam have a personal relationship with Sauli, who is Adam's love. Tommy is just a friend, there was no relationship. Adam has known Tommy for several years. As soon as Adam met Sauli, he knew there was something special about him. Be happy and accept that Adam and Sauli deeply love each other.

Anonymous said...

6:33, I was really pissed off when Adam tweeted Cam and Cam tweeted Tommy calling him Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Adam need to learn to be more discreet. Like I've said he embarrasses himself, if he makes his bf look like a fool. Oh, and I can't stand Camila. I really don't like to see her in Adam's band anymore.

Anonymous said...

What has Cam tweeting Tommy and calling him "kitty" got to do with Adam and Sauli?. I don't get the connection.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:03 PM

There are lots of vampire incarnation photos of Adam from long before he met Tommy, so that shoots down that argument. I don't think Adam lets himself be influenced. He's stubborn as a mule. For good or bad Adam does what Adam wants! Sometimes it helps his career, sometimes it hurts it. But he "owns" his actions.........JAK

Anonymous said...

ok berts keep up with the voting on the mtvoma poll. I read most people are voting for the twitter one and when that is over the FanArmy. We got such late starts on both, but keep trying.

Anonymous said...

6:33 you are wasting your time arguing with the resident borderline troll on here.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:45 PM

You don't know Adam very well if you think Tour # 2 will be anything like #1. Adam, the "change it up guy"? No way.

Anonymous said...

Adam will find a way to make the next tour as sexy as ever, just in a new way. We all know he's the master of change. It's what I love about him. The most important constant is his incredible voice, which will endure long after the Adommy silliness and other delusions are long gone. Bring on the music, Adam! We're going nuts here!

Anonymous said...

Fever was one song and all show. That was last year now we are onto other things. I never once thought they were a couple just friends playing around being goofy having fun;you know band mates? I for one never cared for it but knew it was part of an act really in relationship with the song "Fever" I think Adam is in a commited relationship now and may present himself a bit differant. Who knows I like suprises and I am sure there will be some. After all it Adam Lambert and you just never know. Maybe he has got some things out of his system and is ready to make some kick ass music. first and formost that is why I follow him not "cause he kissed Tommy. Tommy is just plain nice and harmless and he and Adam deserve to be treated with respect. This reminds me of how people hated on Kris Allen and he and Adam are just friends. What fixed voting etc happened was not either of their faults and people felt they had to hate on Kris. Wow let;s not repeat that mess.

Anonymous said...

8:33 your post was dead on esp mentioning Tommy being just plain nice and harmless.I am also sorry to confess I was probably one of the ringleaders when it came to bashing Kris.I feel guilty now, it was so senseless. It made Adam's fans look bad too.Kris is a wonderful guy and has talent too.I wish him the best.

Anonymous said...

An Adommy cray's reaction to Adam's tweets:


Anonymous said...

one last time. everyone get their daily votes in on the mtvoma poll.

Anonymous said...

Anon October 11 12:40 AM Thats sick!!

Anonymous said...

12:40, yep. Let Adam make the next tour for the Adommy freaks. I'm sure after that he'll be ready for a change. I can wait.

Anonymous said...

I'm not on twitter, but someone should send that pic to Neil. He's been defending Tommy lately against the adommy haters.

Anonymous said...

@anon 12.40am
what was on the twitpic that was so bad? it comes up not found when I try copy and pasting.

Anonymous said...

3:17, check mytatsRmystory for the pic


@LushesLIM So "there will be blood" lots of it...

Anonymous said...

Peeps, I think after Adam and Tommy address the whole thing, we should avoid respond to the Crays to give them attention from now on. I can smell they are here to lure us in!

Anonymous said...

7:59, I like to comment about the Adommy if there is reason to it. I'm not arguing or telling them to go away.

Anonymous said...

Also Adam and Tommy give me the reason to talk about Adommy. Tommy's birthday will be soon. I'm expecting tweeting and pics.

Anonymous said...

at 7 55 tour 2 can be just as sexy, my point. he can kiss play sing dance do whatever his heart desires because he is the best at entertaining. no need to stop kissing anyone was my point, its an act right ??????????

none of us know adam some people act like they own him.

Anonymous said...

8:43, everyone should know by now that Adam is HBIC.

Anonymous said...

proof, from Adam! to you?
I hope you are joking :)

Yes, let`s do that!!

Anonymous said...

There is obviously no way to get stop to the delusions of Adommy crays:

clementine_ru Fabulous killjoy
The thing is...there is no smoke without fire;) Adam trying too hard to explain things to us makes it even more suspicious #js

Anonymous said...

This thread has me starting to whine for a new tour. I am so looking forward to the next single and I am already to vote on the VH1 top twenty. Just listened to OOL again and it is such a lovely song. My crabby Aunt even likes it. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam's and Tommy's tweets from TTs birthday were like a present to adommy crays. I don't understand why Adam was doing that. I can understand Tommy cause his fans mostly are adommy crays. This adommy thing has split the fandom. Not good at all.

Anonymous said...

Adommy fans are freeloaders, not Sauli who they keep blaming. I guess the older Tommyberts are bitter to Adam for not paying attention to them or something. Tommy and Monte have given them the attention they need.

Anonymous said...

Adam will pay his dues. Not only him, but also Tommy could lose money. Tommy works for Adam and Adam works for his audience. So there.

Anonymous said...

Also, just realized that Neil's and Tommy's way to handle crisis is the same. They just let it be.

Anonymous said...

Talking about Monte. I wonder if he's been learning from Madonna how to do business. She can act low too. What she did in Malawi, for example.