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TMZ Video: Adam Lambert Sheddin' Tears on Stage 10-25-11

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, October 26, 2011

TMZ video: Adam Lambert -- Sheddin' Tears on Stage. This aired on TMZ last night (10-25-11)! The paps caught ADAM LAMBERT & boyfriend Sauli Koskinen leaving the Little Door Restaurant last night in Los Angeles, California (10-25-11) and asked him if he ever cried on stage!


Anonymous said...

Sweet husband came by my room to torture me "I just saw your boy on TMZ" I can in a mature manner go in the TV room and "Na Na Na Na Na, I just saw him on the computer!"
Getting older does not necessarily mean more mature!...^o^...JAK

Anonymous said...

Aww, Stacy Francis loves Adam. Now the Glamberts love Stacy.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Adam nice to hear your voice again!!!


I must say thanks to TMZ this time he!he!

Thanks for the post.....


glitzylady said...

Geez..those guys on TMZ..The car came from Idol sillies! Otherwise nice to see Adam and Sauli:) And they were actually very nice to him...If we could have just heard more from Adam and less from the TMZ people : )

LP said...

Hope you didn't miss the fan videos that comes up when TMZ finishes. There is one that TMZ did, hilarious also some others of Adam falling in love. I have been entertained for the last half hour.

funbunn40 said...

I'm with you JAK! Getting less mature as time goes by! TMZ shouldn't make fun of Adam"s Mustang! lol I love it and think it suits him. He's also practical and drove it very little while on tour and he'll soon be touring again. Think he has more fun shopping for clothes and he mixes and matches those very well.

daydreamin said...

Anonymous said...

Have you seen what I think is a new fan video, new to me anyway,
Set to song You're Just Too Good To Be True, it has a fantastic variety of Adam's "looks" and hairstyles for every taste and he is too good to be true!...JAK

Anonymous said...

I love the Mustang reminds me of the winner of AI8....yeh he was the winner!!!!!

The Dark Side said...

Often wonder if Adam still on their radar, guess he is. TMZ usually gets nice remarks probably because they are reasonably polite.

Anonymous said...

EXCLUSIVE: X Factor’s Storm Lee defends so called ‘diva’ Adam Lambert!

October 26th, 2011 by Lisa McGarry.

Storm Lee has denied rumours that Adam Lambert threw a diva tantrum at his recent record launch.

The former X Factor contestant was celebrating the release of his latest album in a trendy LA Supperclub this week, and sources claimed that Adam Lambert – a former American Idol runner up – arrived late, threw a hissy fit over where he and his entourage were sitting and refused to pose for photographs for press or fans.

We contacted Lee to ask about the reports and he was vehement in his defence of Adam.

Storm told Unreality TV:

Adam and I have known each other for years. He is a charming talented guy. We had our ups and downs but I’m proud I him for being a role model for loads of kids who need one.

So what if he wanted a private table? I’d ask for the same at his party.

It was a club MSA party at supperclub LA called ” God Save The Queens” which I was hosting and previewing 2 songs from my upcoming record.

Leave Adam alone!

Didn’t we say the whole thing had probably been blown out of proportion? We’re always right about these things!

Leave some Adam (and Storm) love in the comments section below.

glitzylady said...

Saw this earlier (from the Mirror UK)... Just so snarky..and based on the word of one "reveller"'s claims..Adam a Diva??? Unlikely...

Flecking Records posted a brief article discussing the above referenced article: An excerpt:

"Is the fact that Adam is dubbed “not very famous over here” the reason behind this article? Any follower of Adam, or anyone in any country where Adam is more famous than he is here [UK], will know that the above behaviour would be entirely out of character for Adam.

Photos of Adam at the event floating around the net show him not only smiling and looking happy, but alongside his boyfriend Sauli Koskinen."

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40
.............when Adam traded in his car Idol presented him with for the Mustang I said "YES!" In 1965 my husband saw the new car Ford was putting out in a Playboy mag ad. He fell in love and went to order one. We waited and waited and finally it arrived...a dark Guardsman Blue Mustang with a stainless steel name plaque on driver's side door...."Original Edition Mustang" and our two names.
We were thrilled, not only was it super cool it was the first "new" car we'd ever bought. Every big and little boy in the neighborhood came to sit in it! It cost us $2,300. Wish we still had it, can you imagine what that model would sell for today?.....JAK

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:56 PM
Oh good! Thanks for the info direct from Storm Lee!

Indeed "Leave Adam alone"..

Adamluv said...

Go to the link that @daydreamin left and read the wonderful comments defending Adam. They are good for the soul!!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess the staff on TMZ didn't do their homework. Otherwise, they would have known that Adam got the car when he was on AI season 8. I think it suits him so well...a cool car(in black which Adam seems to like) for a cool guy. It gets him where he needs to go and maybe one day in the future when he has some of the money he will make on the second album and tour, he can buy that Maserati he wants. And I doubt very much that Adam Lambert is a diva or ever will be. He's just too charming and polite to act in that way. Although I am sure that there will be times when someone or some situation will set him off as it has done for all of us. But we are not in the public eye where it could be posted for everyone to read or see. Both Adam and Sauli looked very happy that night from all the pictures that have been shown.

Anonymous said...

The Mirror UK is a crap tabloid news publication...recall the recent phone hacking scandal in UK?
The person who first discovered it went to the Mirror (formerly Daily Mirror) to report it and explain how it was being done in 1999 to see that it was revealed and could be stopped. They thought about it and decided to keep quiet about it!
Piers Morgan was editor at the time, a now familiar name in this country.

I doubt anything printed about Adam in that trashy paper will be of harm to him...JAK

funbunn40 said...

@ JAK, OT...You definitely had the coolest car! It had to be really something, especially with the custom nameplate! In 1954 I babysat for a movie producer who would drive me home in his black Mustang that was considered ultra cool in the 1950s. So many funny stories from that time. It really was like the movie Grease in my neighborhood. The two guys that wrote it went to highschool a mile away from mine. The drag races (cars, not Queens!lol)in those days were very much like in the James Dean movie, Rebel Without a Cause. My first husband looked just like him and unfortunately was also a rebel without a cause...

funbunn40 said...

I read that snarky article and was so tempted to comment, but didn't want to register or have anything further to do with such an ill-informed rag sheet. Must have been a slow day to have to make up such garbage "from the other side of the pond". What's the big deal about about requesting a private table. I doubt that Adam forcefully removed anyone just so he could occupy it.Sounds like sour grapes to me... Sheesh!I'm sure he took very good care of the wait staff and he doesn't as we all know, have a diva bone in his body.

Anonymous said...

@ Funbunn40

I think you were driven home in the 50s in a supercool Ford Thunderbird. Mustang was introduced in later half of 1964 and launched in 1965. My husbands a car collector and can and does talk cars for hours!

A movie producer would definitely be driving a Thunderbird! CK

Anonymous said...

two fairly nice videos in a row, The Fashion Police on E! and this TMZ clip.I can't believe it!! thud

Urethra_Franklin said...

The whole thing is the handy work of Storm Lee's people. Did any of you know who the fuck he was before "Adams diva fit?" Yeah, didnt think so...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Perez that Stacy Francis is not a pop singer. Sorry Adam, but I'm not liking that 42 years old bitch.

Anonymous said...

convertible mustang is the highest thing you can get at a car rental place? she is being a snarky little bitch. TMZ is a waste of television. They do every little thing they can to annoy the hell out of everybody. What makes you cry on stage? what kind of question is that!!!!

Anonymous said...

TMZ stands for Too Many Zeroes.

Anonymous said...

what made Jlo cry? who cares what made Jlo cry!!!! boo hoo hoo

Anonymous said...

too many zeroes and not enough heroes.

Anonymous said...

Adam should have flipped the question and asked "Have you ever fell off a stage"? TMZ has alot of time on their hands.

Eva said...


Exactly! It´s so obvious this Storm guy wants publicity. The most hilarious thing is this:
"So what if he wanted a private table? I’d ask for the same at his party." As if HE would be a VIP guest at Adam´s launching party. Oh, really?
I know nothing about this guy, just what I read on Flecking Records and some comments on twitter. He was voted off early from X-Factor UK and someone said he was trashing Adam, perhaps that´s where this "We had our ups and downs" is coming from.
This is just another douche riding Adam´s coat tail IMO. There are a bunch of them right now.

Anonymous said...

Love the little clip of Adam and Sauli. I laughed at the snarky remarks by the TMZ folks about the Mustang convertible. They are just too cool for school, aren't they? As for the Storm thing, sounds like a tabloid's attempt to make a stir, and they did. Glad Adam got some support. This will be a non-story quickly. Too bad Adam has so much trouble getting a following in the UK. I know he has fans there, but, once again, but it seems others there think they're too cool for him. Their loss. I have a feeling things will change with some new music. Hope he goes there on tour. Probably will. Keep shouting his name, GlamBrits! The UK will eventually see the light!

Anonymous said...

Ditzy blonde in this piece but thanks for letting us hear our boy!

Anonymous said...

First I want to say that I am in no way a troll.
But I do think that Adam has a stubborn streak in him, that we usually don't see. He is always very sweet and cordial with his fans. Adding up his history that we have seen, he was very angry at the AMA's, and would not be told he couldn't kiss a guy. His answer was to have it in every concert . At one time he asked his dad to finance an album ( before Idol) and his dad refused. They had a falling out for some time. When he made a stage dive and one person refused to kiss him, he said a little while later "I'm going to get mine" and he did another stage dive, and got his kiss. I think as long as he hears over twitter that we are not fans, for the most part, that we don't like the shaved look, he will continue to do it. Remember he can be very stubburn. When his mother was asked why she came to every audition, she said she was there in case he didn't make it, and she was there to pick up the pieces. This about a grown man, of 26.
Having said all that, I think there was a little truth about him wanting a private table, maybe diva was too strong a term, but he is used to getting his own way. I forgot to mention "The ring of fire"We all saw what he did with that after Idol.
I think in my opinion that it is because he is stubborn, that he has been so successful. Every person alive has some kind of temper, when pushed. I love Adam and he has to have a strong charactor to get where he is, and not let people walk over him.
I have said my bit, just facing facts, and I love him and Sauli together, I love his voice and good looks of both of the men.
Don't forget he is human, and has a little stubborn streak in him. So start saying you love the shaved look, and he will change sooner than later, LOL

Anonymous said...

Must be a full moon!??!! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@ 9:11 am

I hope you feel better. I was going to give you an argument on a couple inaccuracies and disagree with a couple of your opinions, but it's a lovely day and I'm baking cookies so I'll pass!

Anonymous said...

9:11am . . . yes everybody has a off day and there is alot of pressure in the entertaimnment circle . . . you can't always be "Mr. Sunshine" . . .like you said we are all human!

Anonymous said...

@9.11 am. Agreed and Adam himself would be the last to say he is an easy person to deal with. He expects a lot from others and from himself. And that stubborn streak I see it in him and I recognize it in myself. Having to let go though....what serves you at one point can break you at another time.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

if someone gives you ignorance, give it back double. TMZ wouldn't mess with me;)

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is spoiled. I don't expect him to change his attitude anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

Have to say in this economy, it says a lot for Adam that he is still driving the Mustang and not shoving some high end luxury car in our face. Keep it real Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam is catfighting with Perez and they call each other "girl". getting really strange;) where is TMZ when you need them?

coloforadam said...

That's TMZ - when the celebrity is not presenting something obviously negative, they will find some way to snark it up - apparently, that is their "charm" and why people tune in??????? Adam's Mustang GT ragtop, whale tail, turbo, is nothing like the car rental fleet cars - not even close. I agree, it is impressive that he still drives it, he got to pick it out, (after what he did for Season 8 and Season 8 Summer tour, they should have given him a gold plated Rolls Royce)! He could have bought a nice house but he bought a condo for his mom and he lives in a rental. Yah, he buys clothes but he wears them a lot, for years - boots, jackets, t's. Just another observation that he is a really nice, smart, down to earth, great person ..... loves nice stuff but values it and appreciates it and people come first.

Anonymous said...

I think this time it's for real that Adam and Perez are no longer friends. That should end the PH hate in this fandom.

funbunn40 said...

Great post, Coloforadam. I agree. He does put family and friends first. Adam has a cool car to drive and he traveled so much the past two years and will be on the road again in 2012. He's actually pretty practical, not spending a fortune on a new Maserati that would have to stay within the speed limits and would have to be driven frequently with a high powered engine to maintain it.

funbunn40 said...

@ CK, Thank your hubby for correcting my memory! He's right! It was a black T-Bird! Scary to think it was over 50 years ago!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised to hear that someone thinks Adam is spoiled. He has been working since he was a teenager, he lived in a cramped eff apt for years before Idol, then the tour, the recording and another tour and now writing and recording a full album. Know what I like best? When Idol was over and he got his check, he was asked what he was going to spend it on....he said "I gave my Dad a check". Dad had helped him from time to time with rent and before he bought himself anything he repaid his Dad...I'd be proud of that young man...JAK

Anonymous said...

I came on this post and tried to watch the video but it was blocked by Warner Bros. Maybe TMZ was just to snakky about Adam's beautiful Mustang.

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