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Short interview with Adam Lambert on the EMAs 2011 pink carpet

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, November 16, 2011

From ritaacamacho:
Here's a little interview with Adam Lambert on the EMAs 2011 pink carpet, by Diogo, who's a VJ from MTV Portugal (and also the lead singer of Klepht) - on a TV show called "MTV Amplifica" (which in portuguese means "making it louder")


Anonymous said...

and now everyone is excited to see you.

Anonymous said...

OT I have just been reading about the BFM/Monte/Adam debacle.
There are lots of comments explaining whats going, a NZ site called The Real Steve Grey.
I just googled Beg For Mercy Adam Lambert, went right down to the bottom link. Hope you can find it if anyone is interested.

Adamluv said...

Always giving shout outs to other artists - he could have not mentioned anyone by name but that's not his style. Just wish one of those artists he mentioned would send out a tweet to their fans about him! Never seems to happen tho, does it? ... Adamluv

Adamluv said...

@Jadam - will go to that site. Read a tweet from someone saying that BFM is being played on SA (?)radio stations, that the DJs are clueless and play it as his new single. Anyone know about this? If its true . . . . . . . (that's a string of 4 letter words! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

So ironic....Adam and Queen outperformed each and every one of those artists he was so excited to see. And the shout-outs about other artists? In the ego-driven, cut-throat music business you will see very few who have the class of Adam Lambert. And kudos to Eber and Leila for that as well.

glitzylady said...

@Jadam and @Adamluv
Along those two topic lines, did you get a chance to read the articles I posted on the
"More Pictures From The Katy Perry Party" thread re
(11:35 AM)
"What to do if BFM turns up on your radio station?"
by Izla Zandz

And on the:
"According to Sutan, Adam will be attending OUT 100 on Nov 17, 2011" Thread (now on the "older older posts" section): 8:54 AM

"ADAM LAMBERT was ELIGIBLE to COMPETE on AMERICAN IDOL!" Which discusses the legal points, truths and apparent BS involved in that BFM lawsuit. Written by a lawyer...and Adam fan... who handles entertainment litigation..(Doesn't mention Monte but it is related since it has to do with the album.)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Adam is always full of class! So bloody refreshing!