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Adam Lambert is Simply the Best! (International Fan Tribute)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, December 25, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, December 25, 2011


Anonymous said...

From Adam's Twitter an hour ago:

adamlambertAdam Lambert
Merry Xmas!! ;)
1 hour ago

Anonymous said...

Something beautiful to look at (from Listoff)

Anonymous said...

this was great, such a tension reliever from the past days. Thanks girls.

Lola said...

Truly the moms are enjoying Adam's music including myself. Some groups criticize and calling us "old cows" but we are loyal and devoted Adam fans.

Anonymous said...

Here’s a touching and wise comment from by NikkiG (Dec25) regarding Adam‘s 2 tweets with the BTIKM lyrics (after the “incident in Finland“) - fans are discussing whether the tweets were directed at Sauli or whether they were directed at us, the fans. I personally want to say: Thank You, NikkiG!

”The lyrics say it all.
At the level of the heart, both conditional and unconditional love can be expressed. Adam has only ever expressed unconditional love to his fans, so far.
Remember all the times when over zealous fans have done things which could damage his career? One occasion that comes to mind was when fans were being too aggressive requesting his FYE music from various DJs. His tweet to "cool it" never used words like being "disappointed" in us - he understood that our passion to see him succeed was well motivated, but misdirected. He lovingly asked us to change what we were doing.
Remember his comments on "fan fiction"? He found it a bit creepy in a way because we were pairing him up with straight men. He didn't lecture us - instead he celebrated our "deep imaginations".
He has never judged us. He has always seen and affirmed who we are at our best. He has seen the highest expression of our hearts. Love without judgement, with compassion for our flawed natures is unconditional. Love that needs nothing from someone else, except to love, is unconditional.
In a recent tweet, Adam told us how he liked to touch us with his music. I believe this is the crux of the matter.
Adam owes us nothing but his MUSIC. He has never committed himself to us in ANY other way. He has never chosen to be our role model, our inspiration, our muse, our obsession, our spiritual anything.
He has never asked to be respected or admired or needed for anything beyond what his musical gifts to us are.
We make a choice to invest in him in that way. And it is our responsibility to acknowledge that.
If we project our own wants and desires onto him, we need to at least understand and reflect on what we are doing and why. We then have a choice about whether we are going to react from the perspective of conditional love, which judges, fights to be "right", blames, when we are displeased or disappointed.
Or not.”

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this beautiful tribute!
Peace and Joy to Glamberts all over the world!

Anonymous said...

If Adam was smart ,he would expand he's fan base with younger fans not grandma and mothers.

I really want Adam with 2album he gain new fans like gaga have.

Diverse fans,it's bad because it's show no one like he's album only olders.

Anonymous said...

I know alot of teenagers that are loving his new single!

Anonymous said...

@ 6:33 PM How would you suggest he gather up younger fans? Nets? Appearing without underwear ( that worked for Britney) Wearing Beiber wardrobe? Singing deep song lyrics like Baby, baby, baby. Lip syncing?
Showing his boobs and butt like Beyonce, Rhianna. Looking like a tramp like Kesha?Singing lollipop and rainbow songs like Katy Perry with pink hair? Refusing to sell singles and albums and concert tickets to anyone over 30?

If you have a foolproof idea to chase away his older fans and pull in teens and 20's, let his management know. They need your help.

It's really such a pity that mature or old people seem to be the ones who recognize his superior voice and talent. If they really had his welfare in mind they would stay far away and pretend not to like him. That would help his career immensely.

As an ancient fan, in order to show my affection and regard for Adam, I will immediately destroy all my collection of his music, destroy the evidence of the charity donations I made for causes he suggested, cancel my order for BTIKM album and cease encouraging people to give him a listen. NOT...

I dare not leave my "tag" I don't want the exposure of my advanced years to stunt the growth of his

Anonymous said...


A lot of teenagers are smart!

Anonymous said...

6:47 my teenager is the one that got me hooked on Adam.We have alot of fun together with it. We both love the new single, it took me a short while to catch on to it but she loved it immediately.

Anonymous said...

7:04 lol at your comment!! 6:33 is our resident troll with many issues and one of them is an age hang up. I guess it takes all kinds.

lorraine said...

Adam is all about diversity-black/white/Asian Latino/ gay/straight, young/old, male/female etc...... All of us are invited to embrace this amazing singer and I am not missing out on the most beautiful voice in my lifetime because of ANY box someone may feel inclined to put me in!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 7:04 PM and 7:07

JAK.I see you, you can't hide, might as well tag yourself! :)))

Anonymous said...

It is good that more young people are getting interested on Adam's music. That means more sales.

Anonymous said...

Adam does need young/younger fans because we "ancients" won't be around forever. Nevertheless, Adam loves all his fans .... young, not so young, old and every age in between. There are NO BOUNDARIES as far as Adam is concerned when it comes to age, race,religion nor any other discrimination.

Anonymous said...

I don't want him to love me, I just want him to sing and have a happy life. His music makes my life happier.

Jessie M

Anonymous said...

The fan culture is different in the USA I think. I still amazes me after two years, how the US fans are so controlling and the music seem to come second place. Adam is a sex symbol for them first, who is not supposed to be gay and live in a relationship. They feel Adam should be for them, the fans, only. Also, they didn't seem to like the FYE album. For me it was the reason why I started to follow Adam, because I liked FYE.

Anonymous said...

I'm an Australian and I absolutely ADORE Adam's FYE album.

Anonymous said...

There's no need to be "old" to be a mom or grandma, when I was born my mom was 22 and my grandma 46.I'm only 13 years older than Adam, so maybe I can still be a Glambert and since I'm not a mom that would give me extra points!
I've been in lots of concerts during my live, in many of them (George Michael, Bruce S.,Rolling Stones,Robbie Williams, Maddona..etc..)I've seen till 3 or 4 genarations of the same family, dancing and singing together, so music goes from parents to sons, so no need to worry.

7.04 or JAK whatever....:)
The first part of your comment is like you've read my mind. A few days ago I was with some friend (open minded and no prude, may I say.) same age as me, watching video music on tv and saying the
same thing, what's wrong with female video music today!?? almost all of them were naked or there was so little left to imagination...
What happen to singing because you have a great voice!??I love Barbra Streisand, her voice is the best but she sings with a whole dress!! Shocking!!:)) I know a pretty face sells, but when you LISTEN music, you're listening the voice , right!?? So at the end of the day, talent is what really matters, and Thank God Adam has TONS of it!!


Anonymous said...

To be a fan I have to like the music and maybe also connect on some level of spirituality. I also like Robbie Williams. I get his lyrics and I think he's very mentally sexy. It goes without saying that sexiness is always good.

Anonymous said...

As an older admirer of Adam, I have followed his career since Idol. It's the voice. Adam's voice, so superior to what one hears on a regular basis, is what most of us love and revere. Adam's extraordinary vocal range & beautifully crafted songs are what unite Glamberts into a strong, supportive community. My hope is that the recent overblown events will not deter Adam's reemergence into this important 2012 music season. Forward!