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"Better Than I Know Myself" Release Date Sent Out To Radios!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 8, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, December 08, 2011

It's almost here!


Anonymous said...

More conspiracy, again? Give me a break, Adam! Release this f'''''' song and I will give you my vote for Billboard (or not).

Anonymous said...

O.K. thanks for bringing this over. I just posted it in the last blog. So happy they gave the date to Liam. He has supported Adam so much by doing his Adam Lambert Hour from New Zealand every Saturday night. We should hear from Adam tomorrow hopefully.My dream would be he sings on the X factor finale and then the first show of Idol and every other show possible haha!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam must be very good at foreplay but we need the climax soon! Sorry mind in gutter lol

Anonymous said...

This is one crazy ride! Adam is that exciting though. Ready to hear "Better Than I Know Myself."

Anonymous said...

I got my mid-tempo dancing shoes ready to go.

Anonymous said...

This is not abnormal people. I am not a troll, truly, but concentrate on something else. Surely you have other stufff going on. This is not atypical in biz, jeepers

Anonymous said...

I don't think Freddie torchered his fans like Adam does. Queen just made one album per year. And three or four singles per year.
It was their schedule! Big tour and one album in two years! DOn't forget, they started when there were just 27-28 years old.

Anonymous said...

Adam is person who desrespect his fans.All of this propaganda about new single or new ablum. I don't think gaGa or Bieb would need so much conspiracy before they release their new albums or singles.
By the way, I hate both of them. However, I have to agree that GaGa is very talented person. JB stinks

Anonymous said...

I disagree that Adam disrespects his fans!!!

Anonymous said...

please don't feed the trolls.

Anonymous said...

I am Sorry. Can't wait for the music:)

Anonymous said...

Come on everyone. It is like Christmas. That waiting for when you can open those presents when you are a kid seems like forever. Just think you get to feel like a kid again. So enjoy the feelings of anticipation!


Anonymous said...

@9:01PM Except one little detail. As far as Adam doesn't celebrate Christmas, we can't expect to get his new single as a Christmas gift. I hope to get it as my New Year or Valentine gift

Anonymous said...

Adam, what a f... happens with you? Release the song, or shut up and enjoy your life.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't celebrate anything but birthdays. He is only half Jew, or maybe even less depending if his mother is full Jew or also only half. I do not know why this single wasn't released months ago, he said he had it ready. This is a bit childish to keep holding it back. I am not a troll, I have been eagerly waiting for it as much as any one, but I am more annoyed right now. Release it or don't but make up your mind Adam

Anonymous said...

I hope this be international release single and album.

I hope we glambert Gangsters don't crash down the radio demand like we always do :twitter,charity,radio stations.

The funny one was charity or trever project that crush down the website twice.

Radio stations get ready .

Anonymous said...

@9:35PM Thank you, dear! Finally, I read the real Adam's fan comment.
I don't know what kind of idea Adam or his management has about this single/album release but it didn't help Adam at all. Amount of his fans will never change until Adam release his new album. Even after EMA performance Adam didn't get to many new followers on his twitter.

tess4ADAM said...


Don't forget to watch ADAM on the "All On the Line" program on the Sundance Channel Friday Dec. 9 ... check your local listings for the time in your area!!! Can't wait to see ADAM in all of his AWESOME-ness on TV again!!
BREATHE deep & think POSITIVE fellow Glamberts!! Love 'n Light ..

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Thank You tess4Adam for reminding us about 'All On The Line' program Friday, December 9th. With all this excitement about the single release date and then all the rumors about Adam and Queen, I almost forgot about the TV show appearance. The clips look great so I'll def be watching the SunDance Channel. I'm so glad I get it on my cable station.


Jennifer said...

Very excited for his much anticipated single and album. From all the reviews and comments we've been getting, this album will be the death of many of us.
As for you "fans", if Adam were to tell us the single still isn't ready and will need to be delayed again, I wouldn't give up on it, or him. I wouldn't call him names, or bash his beliefs. Adam knows what he's doing. As fans, we have to be patient and support him. (:

Anonymous said...

gosh if this is adams fans talking I sure would hate to hear his enemies this is terrible what some of you write adam said the first single would be released by dec. 19a few weeks ago because he ran into set backs. I am a dye hard fan also but am also in business a lot happens behind the scene that can't be published I also am waiting for his new music but am thankful that there is so much of his music & videos we can watch until new gets here. I am thankful he lets us in on so much of his life & that I can read things from all over the country about him & the people on his site he has brought so many people together it is amazing I am from illinois it is neat to feel like I am in contact with people from canada the UK all over the country with feelings just like mine. I am thinking something I scroll down & read it & It's like wow we are so far away & probaly different in so many walks of life except when it comes to ADAM LAMBERT amazing for this I am very thankful for.

Anonymous said...

I don't know all that much how recording business works. But I know quite a bit about how business works in general. Thing are never as simple as they seem. they need to consider carefully what is a good time to release new material to get maximum exposure etc. And I would bet on it that this decision is not usually made by the artist alone. Record companies have a lot to say about that.

So let's just wait and see, and not make this into Adam's "fault". Remember also, that some artists have recorded music that got released a long time afterwards (due to various reasons) or wasn't released at all. It's too late for me to start researching specific examples, but I recall that for example Kelly Clarkson had all kinds of issues with the release of one of her CDs. I think that it was finally released against her will...

Anonymous said...

Happy for you!

Anonymous said...

OMG Australia is going bonkers waiting! It has to be time, It surely has to be time! Adam we all need sleep!

Anonymous said...

It is always amazing how so called 'fans'diss with such lack of faith in the man himself. Adam is a gem, a mastermind of amazing off the planet genius talent. If you love this man you will respect and support him to the hilt. Time for the trolls, complainers and dissers to get a life. Negativity does not belong on this site but
promotion does! SHOW EM ADAM!

Anonymous said...

It seems many of you have very short memories. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that Adam was being sued by that sleeze who released the album made up of pre idol recordings. Remember the kerfuffle regarding Monte's role in that? IT SLOWED DOWN THE RELEASE OF THE SINGLE! GET IT???

Anonymous said...

Those negative comments are so freaking crazy:)))

You can't go away under Adams SPELL:):)

You all crazy in love with him he!he! THAT'S THE TRUTH INDEED!!!!!



Anonymous said...

fye was done so quickly--but just look how it was received. i guess he wanted to rest and take time with this cd as he had one hell of a busy year. please everyone don't get your panties in a twist. it will be worth waiting for in the long run. i know sauli is going home for christmas--wonder if adam will go too? has he met sauli's family yet?? wondering!!

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't half Jewish. There's no such thing as half Jewish. If you're mother is Jewish, then the offspring with be Jewish. However, if the father is Jewish and the mother is non-Jewish, then the offspring aren't Jewish. I was told this by a very good friend of mine who is Jewish.

Adam doesn't disrespect his fans but some of his fans disrespect him.

Anonymous said...

If the "Better Than I Know Myself" release date has been sent out to radios, WHEN are we going to be told??

After all this massive hype, a lot of which has been fan-flamed, I hope upon hope that the new single lives up to all this hype. I will buy the single whether I like it or not - and I'm sure I will like it - but some fans might not be as enthusiastic.

Time for a miracle, Adam in the form of your new single!! <3

Anonymous said...

Some of you people are showing either your age or your ignorance. This is all a very detailed business. Goodness me, I'm not in the industry, but a somewhat periphery business, and I'm no expert, not at all, but I am capable of understanding all that goes in to such an endeavor. No "fault" etc. to be found here. Thank you to those who commented wisely (ei. the Kelly Clarkson example...).

Anonymous said...

6:32 -- SO AGREE with you. Hey people, this is no longer AI; it's the release of a completely new and original album, not one that AI producers had in the works months before the end of a show. AND, if you're here, it's because you are as anxious as the rest of us to hear this new Adam Lambert music. Just admit it once and for all! Jealousy on the part of other artists' fans is so unbecoming, especially during this special time.

MiMi said...

My two cents: I think a lot goes on behind the scenes that we will never know anout the music business. I don't think Adam is teasing us. I think he knows we are anxious for his new music and wants to reassure us that the single is coming. I also think the lawsuit over the "BEG FOR MERCY" album may have something to do with it. Just my opinion.

Give Adam a break. He's doing the best he can.

Anonymous said...

MiMi 7.34
I am you,give Adam a break!
Ithink his just as frustrated we are!
(I`m not,love Queen`s video:)
I can wait!

Anonymous said...

Wish people would get Off the Queen kick.

Anonymous said...

So, what are you doin`g?

Glamitup said...


Anonymous said...

im am slowly losing patience!!release this song now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

glitzylady said...

This is slightly off topic, but a complimentary (to Adam) article with Adam mentions...I'm posting the excerpts that mention Adam, but it's worth reading the whole article..discussing the successes and failures of TV Reality Talent Shows: Idol, The Voice, X-Factor, etc. and how some of the "stars" have done...Interesting and "telling" that they used Adam as an example of success and his name in the title. Even a mention of his new upcoming single! Nice!

Sound & Vision: Hard Times for TV-Launched Pop Stars — Can Adam Lambert Save Them All?

"November was cruel to the stars of TV’s talent searches. Frankly, though, they were already in danger of becoming an endangered chart phenomenon before the month kicked in. As of last season, Idol still brought in gargantuan ratings, but though McCreery is selling considerably better than his two Idol predecessors, the show hasn’t launched a runaway success since Adam Lambert three seasons ago."

"Of course, all it takes is one complete package to turn everything around. For the most part, the stars of Idol and its offshoots arrive on the scene selling talent, not a highly marketable image, which, unfortunately, is 75 % of the pop-star formula. A performer as talented, dynamic and attention-grabbing as Adam Lambert could reverse the downward trend—at least for one album cycle."

"And if that doesn’t happen, there’s always Lambert himself. His upcoming single, “Better Than I Know Myself,” was co-produced by Dr. Luke, who’s produced and/or written huge hits for just about everyone in the Top 10 (or so it seems). If he can’t do the same for Lambert, then is there hope for any TV’s past or future pop idols?"

Anonymous said...

So this is the first time noone in Adam's fandom will celebrate Christmas? ;)

Anonymous said...

When is the next Jewish Holiday? Maybe the single will be released then. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzylady for sharing that article. You're posts are wonderful as always.

And to the rest of you posters, please be patient. Look at this release as a holiday gift from Adam to us. I said this on another thread. I honestly thought this single won't be released until Jan. of next year because of holiday freeze and other factors (yes, that stupid lawsuit). If we are true fans of Adam we will be patient until we hear details about this single. It is a great feeling to know that we are receiving a holiday gift from Adam. Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

glitzlady, Thanks for the link to that article. It was VERY interesting. It portrays Adam in a very positive and hopeful way. Looks like many Idol alums are struggling. Adam's chance for longevity is higher than most, I believe. He's really a step above others in talent and he's just plain fascinating as a person. The article wisely points out that competition shows do not often reward real talent. That's not what the public always votes for. Adam's world fanbas is stronger than probably any other Idol. That could be his ace in the hole. Trespassing is truly his "crawl through fire." I pray it shoots him to the sky!

BTW The wait for the single doesn't bother me. We thought it would be Jan., remember? Adam is anxious, too.

Anonymous said...

January would be perfect release month. In the meantime Monte- and Tommyberts are on a mission to heal the fandom. To me it's like non voluntary euthanasia. I don't wanna die. :/

Anonymous said...

Bbl, going to listen Intensive Care album by Robbie Williams..<3

Anonymous said...

"And with Crowley on my mind
I should try being kind.."

glitzylady said...

I just posted info re possible release dates on the "Better Than I Know Myself" will premier on Adam Official" thread.......

Not official tho.....but sounds good to me!

Anonymous said...

@ 12:39 PM

Hannukkah is December 20th...that would be a nice single.


Anonymous said...

JAK 5:50 Okay :)