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GQ Apologizes

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, December 13, 2011

They are apologizing about a tweet that they tweeted earlier this morning (but it has since been deleted.)

This was the content on the tweet:

@GQfashion: "Rules of Street Style: If you have testosterone problems, a mustache doesn't always help." Then after the tweet, they linked to their offensive quote on Adam's fashion HERE. (It seems Adam's page has also been deleted.)

Found the screenshot of the tweet! (Via @towleroad)

Was GQ's apology sincere?
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Anonymous said...

My son subscribes to that magazine. We're going to have a talk later about cancelling it. I will not support homophobia.

Anonymous said...

GLAAD got offended by their homophobic tweet about Adam and asking for apology:

OT, watch this video. Another song (it's a Demo) on Trespassing by the name of "Underneath" by Tom Shapiro:!

Anonymous said...

Hell is gonna break lose on this. GLAAD responded:

@GQfashion Being gay is not a "testosterone problem" - Apologize to @adamlambert & the gay community. #LGBT

Anonymous said...

So they apologized. Move on.

Anonymous said...

GQ has become a rag....I for one have purchased my last copy!!!!

Anonymous said...

GLAAD article:

Anonymous said...

Why the Perez haters and Bradam's have to be so annoying. Really annoying.

Anonymous said...

Radio DJ picked up the news:

tkradio toby knapp
Hey @gq, this was douchey and in bad form... @adamlambert. And I'm a reader, btw. -@tkradio

Anonymous said...

Move on is right, grow up folks.
Always making things worse than what was meant, gay gay gay.
If this was stated to a straight man nothing would be said.
Aint that deep.
So where is the double standards now? The whole world is fucked up at times.
Move ON.

Carlos said...

They only apologized cause GLAAD sided with Adam. GQ are pricks!

tess4ADAM said...

@12:42PM ... Think again! This WAS said TO a gay man ... if ADAM were straight ... they never would have said it at all!! Glad GLAAD finally put their foot down in defense of ADAM ... it was the right thing to do! BTW ... wonder if GQ would have 'apologized' if GLAAD hadn't stepped up & demanded that they do so!! Moving on now!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

It's just a magazine. I've never bought it, but I'm not American either. Haha. Glamberts who didn't like the facial hair make a big fuss about this. Sort of their revenge to Adam I think.

Anonymous said...

GQs editor should be fired. Period.

Anonymous said...

Adam has more testosterone than most straight guys. He is as masculine as they come. GQ has jealousy issues.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that radio dj Toby Knabb is a really believable. Not.

Anonymous said...

Did Neil, Cam, Tommy, GoCheeksGo retweet it?

Anonymous said...


Have you checked your male models for makeup and sexual orientation?

JAK......just curious

Anonymous said...

I do not think this is trivial at all. It IS deep, because it´s not only about Adam, but about their beliefs about being gay. Of course their apologies were not sincere, they were only afraid of consequences. This is an offense because we are in times of the defense of equal civil rights and awareness raising. It´s about learning to think different, so what is said is important, because that is an expression of what we think.

Adamluv said...

Not a fan of GLAAD after the AMAS but here I think they did the right thing.

Anonymous said...

of course that's not an apology. I hope every gay rights place tears them a new button hole.

glitzylady said...

The comment accompanying the PHOTO on the Rules of Street Style" GQ blog, while snarky, wasn't the problem in my opinion. GQ routinely makes snarky remarks about Adam. Nothing new, unfortunately. HOWEVER, the comment within in the TWEET that was tweeted out to the Twitter-verse IS what I DID object to: strongly. And what many others objected to as well. And as a result why they apologized and deleted it.

GQ can critique "fashion statements" such as Adam's all they want because that's what they do and my response to that is "Meh, whatever..", but the "testosterone problem" remark smacked of homophobia and was a direct, at best, not well thought out, verbal pronouncement on Adam and other men who wear make-up (or don't wear it for that matter) who have beards (or not..). It's NOT OKAY to let that go in my opinion, and I did not just ignore it. I sent them a long tweet to that effect, which I posted in the previous thread here
"GQ Bashes Adam Lambert For The Third Time".

I also sent them a picture of Adam just to suggest that Adam certainly looks as if he has enough testosterone...

Silence is not always golden.

glitzylady said...

To the person who suggested we "Grow up" I say this: I'm a grown up, have been for more than a few years. A comment about a fashion statement and a critique of said fashion statement is one thing and IS trivial in the whole scheme of things, of course. I don't really give a flying...well you know...about that..Some fans weren't fond of the look either..We all moved on, because Adam changes his look constantly and it was not important whether anyone liked it or disliked it..Adam did so that's what mattered (By the way..I thought it was just fine.. ; ))) Opinions are opinions. Everyone has one. Whatever.

BUT.... the GQ commentary went beyond that fashion "critique" and made a comment that suggested he is not fully a man because he might have a "testosterone problem" and therefore needs facial hair to prove it... Therein lies the problem with that comment. It is widely known that Adam is a proud gay man. Did that person who represented GQ that tweeted the comment actually mean to imply that men who wear make are not fully "men"? Who knows. But be that as it may, it was perceived to mean just that. They got many other tweets and responses to that thoughtless comment. In my opinion, if one doesn't speak up, one is part of the problem, in this case an anti-gay slur hedged in "humor". I wouldn't let it go in "real life" either.

Okay, NOW I can move on.

Anonymous said...

Adam should now pen a song called "testosterone and plenty of it" -- it will be a HUGE Hit!! His answer to GQ!!!

Anonymous said...

What about the fans who like Adam with less makeup. Are they homophobes too? I like Adam, and men who it suits, with makeup, but why would I call all homophobes who don't. Things are not always black and white. Not all gays like Adam and vice versa. I'm heterosexual and I don't like all that are straight, bi or gay. I just like the person. So what if they didn't like the beard and makeup combination. Testosterone is responsible for beard growth.

Anonymous said...

Just fuck to all the people who are bullies indeed!!!!!

SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

GQ screwed up. It's one thing to make fashion comments and be kind of snarky. That's what they do. Other celebs take hits from them as well. But the testosterone comment was ignorand and ill-informed. They really didn't apologize either. If they were smart, they'd dress up Adam in whatever they think is Great Fashion, and put him on the cover. God knows I'd buy it.

Anonymous said...

they weren't just making stupid jokes about peoples testosterone and they know that.very unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

3:08 what??

Anonymous said...

From Canadian

Anonymous said...

3:18 Adam has enough testosterone to grow a beard. He's a male after all. I'm glad I wasn't among the fans who hated that stubble. :)

Anonymous said...

Didn't think it was homophobic when GQ disqualified Adam's leather jacket and jeans style. I liked that look too. Remember the pic of Adam and Sauli taken by paps in a parking lot. Adam premiered the wolf hair and Sauli had his very ripped jeans on.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:08 PM
All valid points..except that I think you may have missed the point of what was said in the TWEET, not the comment. Perhaps re-read both. The comment made in the blog was not what people were objecting to. At all. Everyone can love or not love Adam's make-up, fashion statements, its an individual matter of choice, taste and preference. I hope you can see that most would agree with what you say about personal preference. But the Tweet is what stirred things up. And needed to be addressed. It was indeed addressed and not just by a few Adam Lambert fans. It was a stupid and thoughtless statement as the very least, and homophobic at worst.

The caption under the picture: Snarky but whatever:

"If you wear make-up, do not grow a mustache." - GQ


If they had just stopped at one would have cared all that much...just business as usual for GQ and comments about Adam...

Where the major objections came in was in the TWEET that sent the picture out into Twitterland and to all of GQ's followers:

GQ Fashion @GQfashion
Rules of Street Style: If you have testosterone problems, a mustache doesn't always help. @adamlambert

The "testosterone problem" comment WAS the problem and the one they apologized for. Not the fashion comment.

GLAAD's response. (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation):

GLAAD @glaad
.@GQfashion Being gay is not a "testosterone problem" - Apologize to @adamlambert & the gay community. #LGBT

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for Adam, he doesn't need all this stress right before his single drops. He has had enough stress over the album. It just never ends for our guy, does it? I have a new respect for Glaad out of all this.

Anonymous said...

Yes, glitzlady! Their "apology" still insinuates that gay men always have "testerone problems." This is an ill-informed statement, and they did NOT apologize for it. They can knock his fashion all they want, but this statement was uncalled for. Guess they thought it was really funny.

glitzylady said...

Here is the statement from GLAAD today. They took the "testosterone problems" comment very seriously:


"One might think a men's fashion magazine would have higher standards than to reduce itself to tired 1960's stereotypes to insult gay people but unfortunately GQ proves that isn't always the case."

"Yesterday, the magazine released its annual Year in Style report in which editors named the best and worst offenses in fashion over the previous year. Only instead of writing solely about fashion faux pas or commendations, GQ editors used the list as an opportunity to perpetuate the dangerous and false assumption that being gay is a result of a hormone imbalance."

"In regard to openly gay singer, Adam Lambert, the magazine later tweeted "Rules of Street Style: If you have testosterone problems, a mustache doesn't always help" and linked to Lambert's profile on the magazine's website."

GQ Fashion@GQfashion
Rules of Street Style: If you have testosterone problems, a mustache doesn't always help. @adamlambert

"Clearly, the New York-based editors of GQ understand that being gay isn't the result of a hormone imbalance. The remark was meant as an insult, and while insult comedy is the bread-and-butter of catty end-of-year worst dressed lists, the editors of GQ should know better than to disparage their own readership in an attempt at humor."

"This kind of humor isn't just bad taste and bad business, it's dangerous. While one can assume that the editors of GQ understand that to be gay isn't a deficiency of anything, unfortunately, many in America aren't in the same privileged position. We live in a country where millions of dollars is spent annually by parents and others trying to change gay youth to straight. This incredibly damaging practice is in part perpetuated by myths such as the one espoused in GQ's joke about Adam Lambert. Jokes like this have no place in respectable media."

"GLAAD and many others tweeted to the magazine's editors to demand an apology:"

.@GQfashion Being gay is not a "testosterone problem" - Apologize to @adamlambert & the gay community. #LGBT

"GLAAD also reached out to the magazine's editors directly to demand an apology. The GQ editors subsequently apologized to its readers via Twitter saying:"

Re: our Lambert tweet, we were thoughtless and apologize. We shouldn't make stupid jokes about people's testosterone. As always, we learn.

"GQ has confirmed to GLAAD that they are taking internal steps to help ensure this does not happen in the future."

Anonymous said...

I didn't see the "testosterone problem" tweet before. It could be homophobic. Yet heterosexual men have the same problems.

Anonymous said...

Well, golly gee! I love Adam's look with the facial hair, he looks wicked and devilish, his head hair and everything else, he doesn't have to prove he is male.
He is male, and thank God, he has that feminine side, that just makes him sexier, and I believe he knows this and actually exploits it! We don't need GQ to tell anyone whether they pass inspection. That's for the shadows who try to dominate the fashion industry. They all look alike, i.e, preppy, etc. (I live on the east coast, so styles are different here in Virginia) But I do love the look of Adam and all his originality and all that he stands for.

So be it, GQ.

This man always me smile and laugh!


Anonymous said...

As always GQ is homophobic & pricks. We can move on, but they will do this again. Yuck! bunch of morons!

Anonymous said...

Hope this goes away soon. I concentrate on Adam's MUSIC!!

Anonymous said...

Testosterone level in men is not a determining factor in whether they are gay or straight.

Anonymous said...

I never bought that mag and never will! I hope thier sales go WAY down! They have picked on adam one too many times. What is thier problem with adam?

Anonymous said...

This kind of stuff makes me realize how much crap gay people have to hear all the time. I give them credit for ignoring most of it. I also give them credit for standing up and being heard in the name of humanity and truth.

coloforadam said...

Adam will always outshine any clothing/outfit he is wearing and that is not what they are looking for in GQ. They like pale and anemic so the clothes will be center stage. Shine on Lamberlicious!

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