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Hours until a big unveiling from Adam!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, December 14, 2011


fanatapan said...

album cover? single? band line-up?video? I WANT TO KNOW!!!! sorry, got a bit carried away there, this is the only exciting thing in my life right now. :(

Glamitup said...

I got this tweet in the middle of the night last night!! I don't know and it's driving me craaaaaaazzzzy!
Does that put the news at midnight tonight??????

Glamitup said...

no that would put it before midnight!! duh!! See, Adam has me all flustered!!!! hurry up!!!!!

Anonymous said...

fanatapan lol me too!!:)

funbunn40 said...

Adam really is a sweetheart to give us a heads up for what we've been awaiting for so long. The anticipation is excrutiating! Finally light at the end of the tunnel!!

Anonymous said...

I too got the tweet about 5:30ish am Texas time, which would put the 12 hr mark about 5:00 pm cst right? It's gotta be about the new single!! So, I guess I'm gonna be flailing around 5:00 pm, surfing the net for info!

This could be it Glamberts!! We may be partying tonite!!

AdamLuvr in Texas :-)

Anonymous said...

@AdamLuvr in Texas. Hi my fellow Texan.So excited! The anticipation has been killing me! Can't wait till 5:00 p.m. and see exactly what info we get. God I want to hear Adam's beautiful voice on this single sooo bad!

Anonymous said...

I guess Adam and Sauli should be out of bed by then. Sauli said they set the alarm clock for 1:30 pm. Seems like they stay up half the night, unless there are appointments.

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted this at 2:20 A.M. L.A. time. So the big unveiling will be around 2:20 P.M. Right now it is 10:45 A.M. in L.A. Little less than 4 hours we will find out.

Carlos said...

FINALLY!! and it was 8 hours ago. Meaning we'll get it in 4 hours!

Anonymous said...

So, is it really Depends time?

The Dark Side said...

Adam, if you and Sony blowing better not be. I am almost in cardiac arrest over this single release.

Anonymous said...

what time is it

Anonymous said...

I can't wait!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In 2 hours folks, we'll find out about this big news!

Anonymous said...

I have 6 tabs open on Chrome for this news. Three Adam sites and 3 fan sites. Counting down the seconds.

Anonymous said...

Midnight in Europe. All European Glamberts awake

Anonymous said...

Realistically speaking, we won't be getting any videos.....but I'm sure it will either be a cover of the single or album or both or.....something bigger than that. Maybe a leak?

Carlos said...

@12:25 PM I think it will just be Adam announcing Tuesday as the release date. Maybe announcing too some other performance?

Anonymous said...

O.K. Just saw this, it's 3:30 ET- where is it??? Now I gotta go to work for 8 hours and no access to the internet there. The wait is killing me!! We already know the name of the album and single. It has to be the release date (which we know 18th) or a clip of the song or the date for the video!!! I'll check back first thing after work and skip x-factor for the time being. lol

glitzylady said...

So it's probably going to be at 3:00 PM Pacific (LA) time..I say that because Adam Official is supposed to be back in full action by then (Its still mostly not accessible right now..due to some planned updating of the site) and I've heard the "unveiling" is taking place there. And Twitter should be nuts too. No doubt the release date for the single. I'm hoping for a snippet...or more..but guess we'll know soon enough..Adam must be SOOOOO excited right now!! Just like we are : )

This was tweeted and posted on Toby Knapp, DJ at WA DC HOT 99.5 FM Radio an hour or so ago.


"UPDATE: Just chatted with insiders at the label. Adam Lambert single release date is next Tuesday. "

Toby Knapp:
You releasing the Lambert today?

[Name obscured]
Next Tuesday [Dec. 20th]

"Of course, leaks happen, plans change and the iTunes thing is the iTunes thing... but this is the latest I've heard for you."

"Also, note that this is referring to the US release date! It's not clear what might happen across the pond in the UK!"

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Less than an hour !!!

Anonymous said...

Just saw this and can't go to sleep yet!! Gotta stay awake here in Finland and stay tuned to see whats this thing going on... :)

So excited!! Been waiting to hear something about Adam's new album (which i hope has something to do with todays thing ;)

Anonymous said...

l hour

Anonymous said...

I thought it was at 5 so still have over an hour.

Anonymous said...

I'm near heart attack. Only 1 hour.

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted cover picture for BTIKM:!/adamlambert/status/147064690718154753/photo/1

Anonymous said...

Love love love love the cover art picture for #BetterThanIKnowMyself. He looks stunning, gorgeous, sexy.

Anonymous said...

We might be able to get the single today!? Sensed it on twitter!

glitzylady said...

That cover is stunning.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is from the German Adam Official shows the cover (was out before Adam tweeted) and shows downloadable MP3...hmm wondering if that will be available today????? Anyone from Germany here??? Still not able to access US Adam Official myself.

Anonymous said...


Please don't tease us,can it be true? The single is ready for me and all of you?

Adam is finally satisfied he has it just right. He's ready to set it free and let it take flight!!!

......I've been out all day and didn't know this flailing was going on......So excited...Love the single cover photo.

JAK...anticipating momentary satisfaction :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you once again, JAK, for your perfect little verse.

Now let's trend on Twitter, Glamberts!


glitzylady said...

It's been trending..but twitter has been overloaded for 15 or 20 minutes now....


was at #3 worldwide Twitter Trend until Twitter broke..

We do it every time!

I keep going back but still can't get on.

Anonymous said...

Take That GQ!!!

Anonymous said...

Take That GQ!!!

lorraine said...

An absolutely gorgeous picture of Adam taken by Lee Cherry! The profile shot reminds me a little of the Details pictures which I think were amazing photographs. Now see if anyone can pass by and NOT notice that picture on a CD!