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New Pictures From Rasputin

Filed Under () by Admin on Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Credits: (@adam_pictures) and Rasputin's facebook


Anonymous said...

Thud! A drop dead gorgeous couple. But I am a bit partial to the tall dark haired one with the voice of an angel!

Anonymous said...

what is Rasputin? boy did that place look crowded. Everyone looking so good.

Anonymous said...

Adam please get rid of black I'm mean no more black from your shoulder to your foot.
What's wrong with Adams hair?

Anonymous said...

So gorgeous and it looks like the nail polish is gone.

Anonymous said...

He looks beautiful. Love the sexy hair!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam can't even crack a smile. Gonna blame this on the zoo animals too? Try the guy standing next to him.

Anonymous said...

Trolls on here already! 'What's wrong with Adam's hair?' HUH?THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH ADAM'S HAIR - IT LOOKS AS FABULOUS AS ALWAYS though I prefer the emo Idol style.

AND WHAT'S WRONG WITH BLACK?? It happens to suit him extremely well and HELLO! Adam loves black!! I prefer it to the grey he sometimes but Adam is Adam and he can choose and does choose what colour, what style, whatever to wear!

Anonymous said...

Sauli is very photogenic. Love his smile and I ADORE Adam's smile but maybe he was not in a smiling mood at this function.

Adam's hair is scrumptious!

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 11:51pm: what's wrong with you? If Adam wasn't happy, he would probably do something about it... Do you KNOW something the rest of us don't? Or do you think you know better than Adam himself that who he should be with? Do you have some misguided fantasies like that one troll in Sauli's FB page that YOU should be with Adam??? Just can't but wonder how someone can be so invested in someone else's life. You sound like the young girls who hate Selena Gomez because she dates Justin Bieber...

Anonymous said...

Anon 2011 11:51 PM What's your problem? Adam is an adult and can take care of his life. If he is not happy with Sauli he isn't force to be with him despite of what some cray Adommys says that Sauli is hired by RCA to cover the real love of Adam and Tommy.

Anonymous said...

Why did RCA hire a bf from Finland? Wouldn't that be cheaper to hire someone from LA because all the travelling and what about Liz is she also hired by RCA?

Anonymous said...

Ignore the ignorant troll who can not even form a proper sentence.
Waste of space!

Anonymous said...

So many comments about Adam not smiling...speculating he is unhappy. Nonsense, don't you recognize the way his mouth is "pursed" in these recent photos on several threads? We've seen this look before...he's wearing his retainer (braces, whatever you call them). He does from time to time. My daughter used to have the same "pouty" look when she wore hers.

We have our own dental assistant in the Glamily...what do you think...possible?


Anonymous said...

Sauli is very photogenic and that last pic of Adam is smokin hot. I love Adam's hair!

Anonymous said...

Sauli is very photogenic and that last pic of Adam is smokin hot. I love Adam's hair!

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted a while ago:

Countdown begins.... 12 hrs until a big unveiling....

Anonymous said...

From Adam Twitter

adamlambert Adam Lambert
Countdown begins.... 12 hrs until a big unveiling....

Anonymous said...


I'll think Adam is stretching/ training for a private kissing/hanky panky party with Sauli later. If you look bouth guys eyes you can see it....mmmmm:)


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Pics! Absolutely love Adam's hair and look! I agree the last pic is especially HOT!!!Love, love, the fluffy hair and SEXY pout!! Thud!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's looking at YOU dreamboat,

Anonymous said...

Good grief. The man doesn't have to be grinning from ear to ear in every picture that's taken of him. These pics are one brief second of one brief moment. Adam is a happy guy. We all know it. And he's happy with Sauli. That's as obvious as the nose on his gorgeous face.

Anonymous said...

SG (5:48AM) This was the night after which Sauli's lips looked "abused" as someone described (he taped Tutka the next day). So, yeah, you're propably right. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...I remember the days of "abused lips". One Easter Sunday my mother took one look at me with my lopsided lips and said "You're not going to church with us!" I was devastated ,
she'd made me a copy of a gorgeous Grace Kelly dress and I pouted all day.....Sorry to say but on
occasion vanity won out over piety, I am now ashamed to admit.


Anonymous said...

another nice thread taken over by the cray cray, People, she is a loose cannon please ignore, her posts don't even make sense.

Anonymous said...

ok 6 more hours to go til the unveiling. yay

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am loving all the hair too. His hair grows fast!!

Anonymous said...

OMG the unveiling is coming today! Adam finally tweeted!!!So excited I won't be able to get a thing done today.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the great unveiling is, I wish it would happen already. There has been so much anticipation and all these comments over the last month or so from music industry people about Adam's album and his first single. I certainly hope it is as amaaaazing and spectacular as all these people have said. It has to be something to knock people off their feet. The song must be radio friendly and promotion of the single is the key to its success. So let's hear it already!!!Oh, and Adam does look terrific in these pics as does Sauli. I am a person who wears a lot of black (a basic element in my wardrobe)_and I love it on Adam. Definitely tall, dark and handsome and the best talent in the music business today.

Anonymous said...

Anyone criticizing the photo of Adam and Sauli is a scrooge trying to cause trouble. Pooh on them. Adam and Sauli both look gorgeous!!! I love Adam's hair, too!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone criticizing the photo of Adam and Sauli is a scrooge trying to cause trouble. Pooh on them. Adam and Sauli both look gorgeous!!! I love Adam's hair, too!!!

Anonymous said...

Love Sauli with a little more hair on the sides and that little bit of stubble. SO sexy! And Adam? There are no words left. Now, lets get on with the new music.

The Dark Side said...

Adam's hair is awesome, as usual. He always looks beyond good. Nice pictures from the party. That's what I call a pink suit!!! Think I like Adam in his black attire. Up yours GQ

Adamluv said...

That face, that hair, those clothes! Adam is beyond perfection. Love the loose hair look. Love this gorgeous man. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Boys are looking fabulous in black. Adam does not look unhappy. He has more responsibilities now that he's famous. Could be something work related that makes him look pissed at times. The bastard albums and the law suit or even band problems, who knows..

Anonymous said...

Noone is saying Adam must be with Sauli. It's voluntary. How many are saying Adam must be with Tommy? Too many I think. Sauli does not socialize with the crazies, because he is not dependent on them. Of course Tommy could ignore them too and be more credible, but for some odd reason he doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Pursing your lips is a classic sign of anger. You guys fail at reading facial expressions and body language. One day when Adam dumps Sauli you will look back at all these pics and see the obvious signs were there. And no he's not with tommy.

Anonymous said...

12:34 Is there already a new candidate? I would not recommend investment. You might just lose your money. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam is worried. Sauli is going to Finland and Adam's single will be out when he is alone. Just when he would need Sauli most.

Anonymous said...

Anon @12:43pm: I think you should find a hobby that would take up some of the time you now spend on worrying about someone else's life, especially when you don;t even know that someone else...

Anonymous said...

Now we're into body language and pursing one's lips. Give it a break already!!! He's angry, he's pissed, he's troubled, he's with Sauli, he's not...blah, blah, blah. No one knows what goes on in Adam's life unless he tells us. Otherwise it is all speculation. As someone said, get a life and stop commenting about a certain look or expression on Adam's face. At this point all I want to know about is the new single and when it will be released to the listening audience.

Anonymous said...

Anon Dec 14, 12:34
"Pursing your lips is a classic sign of anger." Haha! It's a classic sign of posing in a pic.

Your mission against Sauli is so funny. I'm sure it will be a celebration day for you "when Adam dumps Sauli" and you can say "What did I say".

All I've seen between these two is happiness. And in some Tutka-vids (that are taped in Adam's house in late evening LA-time) I've seen Sauli making some facial expressions to someone near there. Last time was at the beginning of the latest Tutka. And they are not signs of anger.

But you can go on hating Sauli. I don't mind, I only enjoy the happiness of them both and don't try to analyze some posed pics too deeply. Their RL is somewhere else.

It's good you finally admit "he's not with tommy". Well, with whom he is then? Tell us if you KNOW something.

Anonymous said...

Adam has his own personality, he doesn´t imitate anyone. That´s great!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't know if Sauli is Adam's soul mate. Right now they are together and seem to be very happy. No one knows what the future will bring in any relationship. Couples who have been together for years break up for any number of reasons. This is a new relationship and only time will tell if it will last. Whatever makes Adam happy, makes me happy. Adam looks amaaaazing and I hope he keeps this new look. The man just gets better each time we see see him and I absolutely love the hair. Now all we need is to hear that new single and all the naysayers and fence sitters will finally realize what we as his devoted fans have known all along about him. And that is the power of his voice and his spectacular musical artistry. Adam Lambert is in a league of his own. Bravo!!