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Madonna's new album "M.D.N.A."

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, January 16, 2012

Posted at : Monday, January 16, 2012

From Wiki:

MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is an entactogenic drug of the phenethylamine and amphetamine class of drugs. In popular culture, MDMA has become widely known as "ecstasy" ("E", "X" or "XTC"), usually referring to its street pill form, although this term may also include the presence of possible adulterants. The term "molly" colloquially refers to MDMA in crystalline or powder form.


Anonymous said...

I am thinking only of T.R.E.S.P.A.S.S.I.N.G.

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah, hahaha. How genius for a woman in her fifties to name an album after a drug. Really, really spectacular.

Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC NEWS FLASH - Adam just hired a new Music Director - Kevin Hastings. He will be on Leno and Ellen with Adam. Kevin plays keyboards - so how does this affect Cam?

Anonymous said...

4:00 How did you hear this? Can't wait to see him on both shows.I liked Cam though,maybe her and uuh have other engagements.

Anonymous said...

This Kevin Hastings guy seems really great. He played for Rhianna. There's a video on adamtopia where he explains his made to order keyboard. Don't know if Cam will be able to do all Adam's shows. She has her own band or maybe they will both play. Adam has a lot of new beats and electronica on his album.He will probably need a more sophisticated keyboard for the sounds.

Anonymous said...

OT Adam is losing to Jennifer Hudson on KISS 108 Ultimate Idol poll. give him some votes, important or not. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I thought she said on her interview that M.D.N.A stands for her name Madonna. I think album title is important but more important is the music on the album. Her album will be release by the end of March. Hope it won't be when Adam releases his album.

Anonymous said...

4:11 I never heard about this poll. How many freaken polls are out there? I am losing track. Thanks for your post. I can't keep up anymore.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think of the drug, but thought only of M(Ma)D,N(don)A(ah).
Sound it out folks.

Don't think it has anything to do with the drug as Madonna is not into drugs, never has been.

Probably out of clever album titles.

Anonymous said...

Don't really care much about Madonna's new album one way or another. As for ADAM, it looks like he has attracted another respected co-worker, Kevin Hastings. Adam works with so many people who work with other top stars. Another feather in his cap, I hope! I'll bet Cam will play in as many shows with Adam as she can. Kevin may play the others. Been voting on the polls!

Anonymous said...

hahaha!!She really knows how to create controversy so people talks about her.I went to one of her concerts... years ago and I didn't like her at all, everything was too programe, too fake, not spontaneous, not conection, and she spended the whole time calling "cock" (in spanish)to one of her dancers. I haven't bought any of her albums since 1990, so not in a hurry to the store....besides, now I'm in a "TRESPASSING momento"!!!:DD


Anonymous said...

LOL! It's kinda funny that Adam pokes fun at people who don't know M.D.N.A. stands for Ecstasy when in the same sentence, he doesn't know how to spell "Oy!" ;)

Anonymous said...

@4:29PM Is Oye or Oy actually a word in English or just an expression in writing?

Anonymous said...

I think he's just tickled he caught on to it.

Anonymous said...

she is saying her new album Is ECSTASY. I am a fan of the younger Madonna from the 80's.

Anonymous said...

@4:47PM Oy is Yiddish (Jewish) but is very common and said by many folks who are not Jewish. It's usually used when someone is dismayed or can't believe something is true. I say it when I drop something on the floor repeatedly lol!

Anonymous said...

@4:47 PM This is a good description of what OY means. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam, Not exactly a good time to remind people of your familiarity
with the current drug scene.

You need to develop a filter, some times it's not a good idea to share everything you know.

Disgression, my dear.

Anonymous said...

@5:21PM So it's a sense not a word and it's a Jewish expression in Hebrew. Then, it can be written as Oye also cause it's Hebrew not English.

Anonymous said...

Madonna may have done a lot of things but drugs isn't on the list. The album title is her name. Adam didn't really say what interpretation he was using. He just mentioned raves. Didn't the ravers all have aliases in their rave characters?

Anonymous said...

Oye is a term used by some people to get people's attention. It comes from Spanish and French meaning "hear."

Anonymous said...

Oy vey is a favorite of mine.
As a Baptist I adopted it from Yiddish. "Woe is me"! I love it!

HK fan said...

MDNA maybe linked to her name, but MDMA is also ecstasy, so could very well be a play on the letters. Adams not the only person to pick up on it, apparently some drug rehabilitaion charity or something has as well.

And how does anyone know for 'certain' that Madonna has never tried drugs?
I have a few of Madonnas older stuff on my ipod, and I like it, but when you really listen to it, she actually isn't that good a singer...

Anonymous said...

Oye means "Listen!" in French.


tess4ADAM said...

Wait just one cotton-pickin' minute here!! Can't ADAM comment/tweet anything without someone finding some deep dark meaning behind it? I don't know what a 'rave' is but I'm not picking up on the title as being anything other than a short form of her name ... MaDonNA ... what's wrong with that? If you take the vowels out of a lot of things you can come up with a lot of different meanings. ADAM didn't TITLE the album ... just commented on it. Why spend all of this energy on something that isn't even related to ADAM? Let's get to those darn polls & VOTE for ADAM. Seems to me he's already WON a couple & they're extending the poll again. They KNOW that ADAM in any poll is a good draw & they don't want to let us GO b/cuz we are loyal fans who keep the vote interesting!! So GO! Glamberts!! ~~thanx~~

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Amen to that, tess4ADAM, could not agree more.

Anonymous said...

I grew up raving with synthethic drugs. Lost many friends to psychosis. They are still there.

Of course Madge named her new album on purpose to look like a drug. She makes hella good dance music. But M.D.M.A is no weed.

Prefer honest Trespassing much more. Nothing genius with that Madonna title. JS

funbunn40 said...

I liked Madonna's music in her earlier years. Saw her on the Golden Globes and she seems hard and full of affectations,the faux British accent. She doesn't have that genuineness and connection as Adam does. He's very people friendly and I sense she really doesn't want to be bothered by regular folks. Wonder what she thinks of Adam now...Counting the hours until Leno!

Anonymous said...

Could care less about Madonna's new music or the name of the cd. I think Adam's will be great and am looking forward to him promoting his OWN music. Oy Adam-was this really worth the "you didn't get it "duh"post. REALLY?????

Anonymous said...

Well, the kids now always tell me Madonna is too old for them to get excited about. Seems like not everyone is Madonna crazy!

Anonymous said...

Oy or Oye or whatever may not be in the english dictionary, but since Adam said it, it should be. I think you all should start a petition for Webster to include it in the next edition.LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh... and shame, shame on you 5:40, you're not being a good glambert. Don't you know Adam is too good to have to filter what he says. If Adam said it, don't you know by now that it was the right thing at the right time to say?????

It's glambert time out for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL, good one 6:47!

Anonymous said...

I thought her album is M.D.N.A not M.A. It is her name; think license plate!

Anonymous said...

@11:43 PM - Thumbs up to your comment!! Of course her album title is a nod to drug use & I personally think that there's nothing "genius" about it at all.
Just because Adam worships the ground this woman walks on does not mean that I have to ... as far as I'm concerned Adam is a far superior vocalist & seems to be a nice down to earth person & his new album better outsell Madonna's!