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Picture: Adam Lambert Spotted at San Francisco International Airport

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 20, 2012

Posted at : Friday, January 20, 2012

Stefanie Ellis @Stefdwe:

"Adam Lambert at my gate at SFO. (For American Idol fans) @ San Francisco International Airport (SFO)"

Thanks Adam Lambert Fan club!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this lovely pic. It's always good to keep track of the Rock God !!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is struggling right now on the latest Sophie's Challenge. He was down to 38% and voters have battled back to 56% right now but it is a struggle to hold the lead. We need more voters and a show of Glampower. Please help so we can build a bigger margin of lead.

Vote here. IGNORE the message that says they have counted your vote. Just hit "return to poll" and keep voting. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

when is that Sophie poll going to end? Eventually all the other fans gang up on you and vote against you, that's prob. what I would do too. It's turning into the faxo poll. Don't they set a limit? I went and voted tho. j/s

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so peaceful here. He is just enjoying some down time, I suppose.I wonder if he ever regrets going on AI? The thought just crosses my mind once in a while especially when I read terrible comments about him on certain blogs. Any opinions out there? Maybe that just goes with the territory and I only read about him anyways.

Anonymous said...

4:42 maybe you are feeling sort of melancholy today because of Ryan Seacrest's nothing interview.

Anonymous said...

Adam knows that if he is feeling bored or lonely - like at the airport - all he has to do is send out one tweet. His one million plus Glamberts will be right there with him to chat and keep him company.

Anonymous said...

@anon4:34 I agree that BTIKM has been on this poll too long. Fans are getting burned out from voting on it. I left a message in the comments section of the poll saying that BTIKM should be retired to it's well earned spot in their "Hall of Fame". I hope they read and heed. I wish others would leave a similar message. Enough is enough.


Anonymous said...

Ya, I thought that sophies poll was over and adam won it and got into the hall of fame thing. Don't even know who that lana girl was, yes this needs to end asap. Not fair if he loses after all this. On the interviews, I heard them all and I think ryan seacrest was probably the worst. Very dissapointed in ryan as I'm a huge idol fan- he knows adam better than all these others for sure. He's just too stuck on the kardians I guess or he's gotten too big for his own good IMO. He's still good on idol and is a workaholic but still, I didn't feel a great vibe with him.

Anonymous said...

why is adam flying to SF- doesn't he live in LA? Shows how much I know on the distance huh. I thought they were next to each other.

daydreamin said...

SF and LA are a good 6 hours apart.

daydreamin said...

Driving distance that is. An hour by air.

daydreamin said...

Anon 4:42 I know what you mean! I think the mom in me comes out. I worry that he has lost his privacy and his freedom to come and go as he pleases or there will be a camera in his face. It makes me sad just to think he might sometimes feel down when is feeling so trapped. Look what happened to Lady Di.

Anonymous said...

I think dispite the problem if he hadn't gone on AI we would not have gotten the pleasure of becoming glamberts and hearing and seeing this wonderful,beautiful talented human being.It was meant to be and with the way the world is today I am so glad he came into our lives..............

Anonymous said...

I am so glad he came into our lives also. AI was a very good thing

Anonymous said...

Saulis`s frend`s were there,they saw press!!!!HAPPY???

Anonymous said...

and LOL!

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin

I know how you feel...except in me the Grandma comes out! But you know, I don't worry about him handling any of the pesky things. He's wanted this success for so long and this is the answer to his prayers. Remember that clip of him, young, red headed, saying "if this (singing) is what I can do the rest of my life, I'll be a happy man". He's as pretty as Princess Di, but not weak. He was tough enough to take on constant rejections and a cruddy apartment and an army of roaches to pursue his dream. I think the only tender spot he has is his heart, that's where he can be hurt. Not hateful words or being pestered, if it gets too intrusive, he'll blast them. He'll find a way to get privacy.

Of course, I'll still worry about him!

Slightly OT..When my daughter was 20 in the disco club days and was out so late, I worried constantly about her getting home safely. I asked my Mom "this is driving me crazy, how old was I when you stopped worrying about me all the time?"
She said "how old are you?" I said, " 44".....she replied, "I'll let you know!" She was's endless! It's love!


daydreamin said...

@jak I love your comment about what your mom said to you. I am so happy for Adam's successes, _but like you, I will still worry. I do love being a Glambert and truly enjoy anything to do with Adam.