Adam Lambert's "Better Than I Know Myself" (Sneak Peak)
Filed Under (Better Than I Know Myself ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Posted at : Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Pictures of Adam at HIT RADIO FFH: (Via @Glamnbert and @danilo85)

Adam signing for a fan.

Apparently Adam scribbled/doodled this art during an interview (Via @barb4Adam)

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Does it get any better than this? The Adam Storm is gathering snow.
Friday can't come soon enough. Thanks for posting all the photos so I can't do any work at all. Deliver me from Adam, DON'T.
Yesterday AdamLambert 24/7 News was shut down when I tried to get it. I'm so glad it's back so I see Adam's new songs, pix, and keep up-to-date on what he's doing everyday. THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU.
I love Adam... and AdamLambert 24/7 News!
Did he really draw these himself? He is sooo talented. Love all this new news.
When I saw this site was shut down yesterday, I was so depressed. I thought that was more Adam news and videos. But it is back today and I am so happy. This is really the only place where I can find the latest news about Adam on a daily basis. Hallelujah, it's up and running.
Hi Jadam again. I just watched the video snippet on youtube and read the comments. One comment said if you notice in the behind the scenes video there are two rooms, maybe we will see a "dark" Adam in the other room, you know in black or leather or something.
Hell thank goodness the waiting is nearly over. Unfortunately I am going away for a long weekend, it is NZ Day here on Monday so it is a holiday and I dont have a good excuse to lug my laptop along. (Well I have a good reason) LOL.
Jadam NZ
So glad you're back! Can't wait to tell you great news: yesterday on their way back home from school my kids heard BTIKM played on MAFM radio, It's the most "in" station that all the young Malagasy are listening to! I was so excited, Adam Lambert's BTIKM, played in my so tiny country, omg! Yay! (doing some happy dance)
From the sneak peak of BTIKM, there seems to be a bit of a similarity to WWFM: Adam in a room alone, contemplative, casual appearance. Of course, we haven't seen the entire video,so who knows what the rest of it will be. Whatever it is, I can't wait for its release this Friday. Then the analysis, comments, observations, and criticisms will begin. Get ready for the Adam Storm.
Did Adam draw that? I thought I read on another site that a fan drew it, but if HE DID draw it, I say, WOW! He's a good artist! He caught the essence of his look. That's not wasy to do. The arrow on my "Adam Love Scale" is going up, up, up!
If you take note in the Behind the Scenes video there are two rooms, maybe we are seeing the "Light" Adam and we will see the"Dark" Adam in the other room you know black leather etc.
All this speculating is exhausting, still its nearly over. Unfortunately I will have to wait till Monday to see it as going away. Grrrrr.
Thank God..... This site is back up. This site is awesome to keep up with Adam. His new music and tv shows that he might be on. Don't go away Adam Lambert 24/7:)
Looks AWESOME!!! i wonder if adam is the only one in the video though......
Two rooms I think. He steps through the mirror wall maybe??? Whatevs, we'll soon see. :). MGF
Adam looks sooo gorgeous in these pics..2 more days guys and we have the video...can't wait. Just heard BTIKM on Q102 Philly, Hot 5 at 5(PM). Monday, Adam was at #3, today #1(most requested song) in Philly. WTG Philly Glamberts!! I live in Philly and am soo proud to be a Glambert...I adore Adam and love this site!! I'm a new poster and happy to join this great Adam fan group..
RJ lvs AL
@RJ Ivs AL - welcome to this great site and thanks for the good news about the support from Philly! ... Still waiting here in LA to give you all news about BTIKM. Still waiting - ugh! ... Adamluv
@Adamluv..thank you so much for your welcome. I've been on this site, which I love for all Adam news, videos, etc. for many years. Just felt like posting and joining all of the great people on this site. Sorry to hear that they're not playing BTIKM in LA (Adam's current hometown) strange!! I'm sure after the video is out, all radio stations in every city will be playing the song..After all, the ADAM STORM IN COMING...
Hi guys,
I panicked yesterday when it was shut down my gosh!!!! Now I can breath again he!he!
I was at twitter looking for everyone I know he!he!
Thank God everyone is back here:)
I WONDERED if there might have been a mirror involved too!!!!
Nice to see you here =)
More yummy photos!! Maybe the drawings are by fans and he autographed the drawings for them. Whatever the case, Adam has some very artistic Glamberts and as we know, Adam is very "artistic".
WOW! Adam drew the pictures himself! He's certainly a man of MANY talents! :<
Whoa! I watched the BTIKM sneak peak almost 5 times now and I think I'll be watching it throughout the day. There is this intrigue as well as familiarity that is so absorbing. Above all, it blends completely with the song. The biggest draw of course is Adam...sumptuous.
there's a mirror between the 2 rooms, the dark side can see into the light side, but the light side cannot see into the dark side. The rooms are also kinda mirror images of each other, plants, table etc all in the same place. And whats with the air canisters?????
And now a picture of Adams dark side with wolf eyes???
@RJ lvs AL, I am so glad you have decided to come join the party. Also very excited about your radio news! Wow, now we need to hear more of that kind of news!
Yes I noticed the two rooms on the set a while ago. The first light and comfy with Adam in his cozy sweater. Then I also thought maybe he would step through a mirror/wall and turn into his dark side wearing all black leather etc. I thought I saw one picture from the set quite a while ago where Adam was wearing that gorgeous long coat he wore when he performed at the EMAs in Ireland. Well I'll have to wait til Friday like all of you :)
OMG i adore his face specially in this video. His look here is to die for and i LOOOOOOOOOOVE it!
@RJ lvs AL - welcome to this great site!
@daydreamin and @Bing...thanks so much for the welcome to this great site. I heard BTIKM again today on Q102Philly..yay!! There is a DJ on the station, Maxwell, who is a Glambert and always plays Adam's music. However, when Ryan Seacrest comes on through satelite, in the early afternoons, I have yet to hear him play BTIKM. Of course, I don't have the radio on all who knows? Anyway, I agree with the posters about the concept of looking through the mirror into the dark room. Adam kind of said that in the Germany interview, that this video is not about a relationship, but rather, the conflict of one all you smart Glamberts are on the right track..we'll all know TOMORROW!!
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