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Mike Diamond Interviews Adam Lambert from The Blonds'

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, February 19, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, February 19, 2012

SKIP TO :43 for Adam's part!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I love the mood here, positive, energy-saturated. Mike Diamond is super spontaneous and quite funny when he reacted to the person who poked him with a plume! LOL! There is this really vivacious-looking male model with a super jacket, showing off an equally super-looking chest adorned with costume jewellery. Adam as usual, the debonair fashionaire at The Blonds show. :)

Anonymous said...

It was great that Adam got a plug in for his new album. :)

Anonymous said...

glad Adam got to go to a show and that one looked like so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see Adam in a very different context than we're used to. I think it's funny how he kind of changed the cadence of his voice. Picking up on the tone of the super intense L.A. gay boys at the event. Its like an interesting kind of code switching from his normal lighthearted, casual, more mainstream interview style. Its cool to see different sides of him in different contexts.

Anonymous said...

Adam acting girlish here,I hate when he do that and the attitude,yakkkkkk.

Anonymous said...

For sure, Yakkkkkk and yuckkkkk.

Anonymous said...

This is what will hold Adam back, fans who will only accept the 'normal Adam'. The one who doesn/t sound or look or act 'gay'.
All he needs to do is give up his gay odd looking and talking friends, stay away from gay bars, parties, etc and he can then be accepted. Well, that's not going to happen, Adam is gay, has been in the community for many years. He's not going to abandon friends, put on a fake persona and live a life of deceit. Not even for material success and fame. Ever heardof "To Thine Own Self Be True"? Living a lie eats away at you and you are no longer the real you. I cringe sometimes at the extremists in the gay culture but I also cringe at the Paris Hilton, Kardashian culture. Accept all of Adam, even the uncomfortable parts or just don't consider yourself a fan. Fan denotes more than liking his looks and voice.

Anonymous said...

Its where he is at the time,giving a specific audience what they want. Just like shaking it for all the gals, He knows what he is doing.

Anonymous said...

Well this sure was fun & different but I would have preffered more of ADAM. So GLAD he DID get to say some words about his ALBUM, it's SOOOO improtant that this gets promoted, accepted and SELLLS... WELLL.
(to some above *I wouldn't be advising fans to turn away, if anything aknowledge this is different from what most of us are used to, but embrace Adam anyway.)

In that light, let's help make
BTIKM a sucess!!!
PLEASE readers... get over to VH1 and VIEW BTIKM and VOTE every day... Though it's great on VEVO, there are only 40,000 views and will only STAY on the countdown list to BE voted for if the viewcount is UP, ANNDD we vote like crazy. Only 20 votes allowed in 24 hours, so let's get Adam's Army going and get more floks who love Adam to get in there and VOTE!! Woohooo!!

It's important that his songs stay popular and keep a high profile.
Happy viewing and voting. Adam is so talented, it's such a great video, Enjoy!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not a fan anymore, disappointed in Adam for presenting such a phony attitude and as for the rest of the people at this venue they appear to be so artificial, and no I'm not anti gay, I know many gay people but they don't all come across so superficially. Really disappointed, as I really thought Adam was better than this.

Anonymous said...

AdamBertDaily is showing the big Queen announcement!

Anonymous said...

5:54, so in your mind, straight people can't be superficial? It's only gay people who can? Oh, come on. If anything, it shows how multi-layered he is, how skilled he is in moving from one world to another with such ease.

Celebrities of all types change there attitude, approach, voice, humor, clothing and style to fit each situation they're in. Adam does the same. He was perfectly suited to the situation he was in. If this one interview suddenly makes you a non-fan, then you weren't a real deeply committed fan to begin with. I thought Adam looked stunning, was well-spoken and got to promote Trespassing.

Adam will always remain part of the alternative gay community. It's a world he feels comfortable in and has nothing to do with his singing. If some "fans" can't take it, then they'll have to go elsewhere. I LOVED IT and I LOVE HIM.

Anonymous said...

Heard BTIKM on the radio only once compared to the gazillions of times I heard other artists songs on the radio. Personally, I don't like it that much. Don't hear WWFM or IIHY anymore either.

Anonymous said...

Before Adam, I never knew much about the "inside gay culture." Most of the clips I've seen of Adam's visits to gay events have shown me that there is a strong bond, incredible humor, risky intelligent creativity. That quiet, or not so quiet, mutual understanding that comes with common experiences is really fascinating to me.

I dont' understand why so many people feel so threatened by it.
No gay person should be forced to act "not gay" just because someone else says so. Career-wise, it's Adam's choice, and he, more than we, knows the risks involved. I'll take him just as he is, thank you.


glitzylady said...

@ Anon 5:54 AM
I personally change the way I speak, what I talk about,even how I pronounce some words, etc., depending who I'm with, where I me superficial...Pfffft!!!

To judge Adam for fitting into his surroundings in this interview, while he is enjoying himself at an event that he took time out of his extremely busy schedule to attend, for his own personal interests and enjoyment, is the epitome of "superficial" in my opinion. I doubt Adam will change his personal style and life to fit certain "fans'" skewed ideas of who they think he "should" be....Sorry, I'm not usually this critical, but to call Adam "superficial" is just too much...Superficial is about as far from who he is as you can get...Honest, caring, and REAL, is more like it..

Anonymous said...

Oh! Yah!!! 2:47 AM,

You hate Adam when he acts like girlish ha??? How about you acting like no one cares about you????

Just do us a favour here my dear, be careful what u wish for ok????

You are just having a tantrum my dear and drink warm milk before u go to bed.:))))


Anonymous said...


I loove your "I'm pissed and I'm gonna kick you ass" comments!!I still remember the IDIOTS!! one:DDD


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this fun interview. Adam, Sauli, Kayvon Zand, River Viiperi, Mike Ruiz and of course the Blonds, are hot and interesting personalities. Gay or straight, who the fuck cares.

Anonymous said...

Adam is attractive, friendly, intelligent, charismatic, charitable, passionate, honest, has personality, funny, sexy, handsome, loyal to his friends, knows how to speak in public, has the best voice.... With all of this and more I have enough to be an unconditional fan.

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...


It's 11:52 AM here my dear and it's Family Day!! Holiday indeed....

At least I offered this person to drink warm milk eh! Ha!Ha!

We are just warming to get ready for the big bang indeed.

On the other thread, Lammy mentioned there was a leaked going on about the Queen and Adams appearance this summer. I'm so excited and hope u guys could go to that festival......

I'm just gonna wait for Adam to perform here in North America....


Anonymous said...


Hot milk is always good!!LOL!!
Not sure (I´ll try...)I can go to London...but I'm sure I'll see him in L.A.on his own tour.
Have a nice day and relax....


Anonymous said...

When Mike Diamond teased Adam and called him a "criminal-minded bitch," I swear I could sense Sauli smiling behind Mike's head. Anyone else notice this? LOL

Anonymous said...

to the second 5:54 hmmm, isn't this about the 80th time you have left the fandom already? lol

Anonymous said...

Canadian, don't tell me to drink milk before bed, perhaps you should drink some poison before you go to your bed as your comments are some what venomous, everyone is entitled to an opinion so I suggest you calm down 'My Dear'you too should be careful with what you wish for as you sound like an old woman with an unhealthy obsession.

Anonymous said...

wow some serious hateful people here today.

Anonymous said...

10:17 I know!! lol

Anonymous said...


Uff da:(

Peace and love from Norway

Anonymous said...

I had a professor in college who explained that the ability to mirror the communication style of the person you are speaking with is a sign of strong interpersonal skills. (It made me feel good because it explained why I tend to develop a bit of a southern drawl when I speak to someone from the southern U.S., even though I am from Chicago.) Adam is an excellent interpersonal communicator: he is generally more animated when speaking with women, more chill when speaking with laid-back men, and he knows how to "swish it up a bit" when he is in the company of flamboyant individuals. He is very intelligent and skilled in the interpersonal communication arena.


Adamluv said...

Most everyone changes their speech, actions, way of dressing, etc. depending on their environment. It's called having "Social skills"! I love how Adam can so readily adapt to his surroundings!!! ... Adamluv

choons said...

Adam's with his peeps - he's having fun. It's all about playing and being witty and fabulous and who gives a F, and so what. It's theatre. It's a night out. Enjoy. cheers!

Anonymous said...

5:54am reminds me of my ex-husband when I did what he wanted he was fine but if i didn't then he was ready to leave well I left him before he had a chance to leave I had my job two beautiful children I did not need him cutting me down all the time -so 5:54 this is what i am saying about you I like Adam in all his ways & he would be better off with out you or any one that does not like him then leave him alone follow some one else.

lorraine said...

Adam is the most genuine, honest, beautiful human being I have ever met.I love his heart and soul and wouldn't want him to change a thing. This is called love and acceptance.If only the world were filled with people who manifest these qualities-what a magnificent place this would be!