New Picture: Adam and Sauli
Filed Under (pictures,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Monday, January 2, 2012
Posted at : Monday, January 02, 2012
Sauli has a new picture up on his blog.

Sauli's IS blog 1/2/12, translated by moominbert:
Happy New Year!!
Wishing everyone a totally awesome New Year!! Once again, a year has passed, and so quickly. I'm always excited about New Year's, I can't help but think about all the things the new year may bring with it. We learn something new each year that passes and try to make the next year better based on what we've learned. I feel like I've grown so much during the past year. It's been a very eventful year for me, and I wouldn't trade a single day of it for anything. It certainly hasn't been easy, but it has definitely been the most memorable year so far. My year included a major life change, along with both joy and sorrow. Like I said, I wouldn't trade a day of it for anything and I have to admit I'm happier than I've ever been in my life. :)
We celebrated New Year's Eve alone with just the two of us, and had dinner at Nobu, a sushi restaurant in West Hollywood. The food was to die for!! We ordered just about everything on the menu and my absolute favorite was fresh tuna with a lemon chili sauce. YUM!! I love ordering small portions at restaurants and tasting all kinds of new things. That way you never get too full and end up feeling better about the meal. :) For dessert, we had carrot cake with ginger ice cream. OMG so good!!
I didn't make any new year's resolutions, but let's hope this year ends up being even better and more interesting! yay!
Source: iltasanomat
Translation by moominbert

Sauli's IS blog 1/2/12, translated by moominbert:
Happy New Year!!
Wishing everyone a totally awesome New Year!! Once again, a year has passed, and so quickly. I'm always excited about New Year's, I can't help but think about all the things the new year may bring with it. We learn something new each year that passes and try to make the next year better based on what we've learned. I feel like I've grown so much during the past year. It's been a very eventful year for me, and I wouldn't trade a single day of it for anything. It certainly hasn't been easy, but it has definitely been the most memorable year so far. My year included a major life change, along with both joy and sorrow. Like I said, I wouldn't trade a day of it for anything and I have to admit I'm happier than I've ever been in my life. :)
We celebrated New Year's Eve alone with just the two of us, and had dinner at Nobu, a sushi restaurant in West Hollywood. The food was to die for!! We ordered just about everything on the menu and my absolute favorite was fresh tuna with a lemon chili sauce. YUM!! I love ordering small portions at restaurants and tasting all kinds of new things. That way you never get too full and end up feeling better about the meal. :) For dessert, we had carrot cake with ginger ice cream. OMG so good!!
I didn't make any new year's resolutions, but let's hope this year ends up being even better and more interesting! yay!
Source: iltasanomat
Translation by moominbert
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Adam and Sauli loook so happy and wonderful together...I love to read Sauli's blogs. I hope they are forever.
OMG, they both look so happy and healthy! Yes, Adam and Sauli, let's hope that 2012 will be even bigger and better for you guys.
OT: About Billboard's comparison of BTIKM with WWFM, I just listened to both songs twice and I'm still loving both equally. However, I now realize that WWFM has a 2008-09 feel to it while BTIKM is a NOW sound for 2012. I can already see Cam on piano and Isaac on drums with Adam belting this song on stage with crowds of people singing along.
Thanks Sauli for the pic, I enjoy with your blog.
They looking gorgeous and happy. I love Japanese food, and I agree with Sauli, the best is fresh tuna sushi. In November I spent two weeks in Japan and enjoy every day of their food, and like Sauli said, you never get too full and end up feeling better about the meal.
From Barcelona
Oh my, EVERYTHING on that picture
GGD Gal, drooling... :D
Cozy moments indeed!!!
A lovely picture with two gorgeous people.
2012 will be more exciting adventure for them indeed.
Adam will rock the HOLLYWOOD again with his powerful voice indeed...
Can't wait for that.......
I find it interesting that SK talks about his relationship pretty openly but AL doesn't say much???
Adam says a great deal in a few words. Sauli has a blog to fill..
Sauli is a positive person just like Adam. Glad they found each other. The only thing that really matters in life is love and relationships. They both have success and now they have the most important thing in life. Gorgeous couple.
This picture makes me feel so happy because Adam and Sauli are so happy. Such a beautiful love story!
Love is life
Love is to live in your lover's heart
Love is to feel what you can't say
Love is strenght
Love is weakness
Love is to smile
Love is to cry
Love is heaven
Love is hell
Love is the sun and the rain
Love is to fly with no compass
Love is to walk with no way
Love is to follow your heart wherever it takes
Love is passion
Love is to live
Love is everything
love is something you can't live without.....
A quiet dinner and evening...wise choice to the end of a chaotic holiday season. They look refreshed and happy together. All that partying is great when one is young, but Adam has a career on the brink of greatness which needs his absolute commitment. I wish him both love and prosperity in the years ahead. I believe Sauli is very good for Adam and love will rule.
Love how Sauli gets so philosophical about life. He and Adam are deep thinkers. Sauli expresses himself so well in his writing, especially considering English is not his native language. Adam reveals a lot of himself through his music. They are so sensitive, yet confident. Here's to a wonderful year!
1:08PM Adam just tweeted (31.12.11)that he is enjoying the last night of the year WITH HIS LOVE SAULI. I think it's just enough said. And in the latest article he said: "I was in dark. Thank God I found my boyfriend. I started making party music, joyful music." Or something like that.
Why do you always try to find something bad from the pics that are just lovely pics of a happy looking couple?
love Sauli's blog (translated of course ,thank you).
for SG
Love is starting a bar brawl with your beloved and making him cry and go into a rage at Christmas time, instead of being a good host and watching out for him.
Love is getting your beloved and yourself thrown in jail and laughing about it because you don't even care about the consequences of your stupid actions.
Love is posing for pictures afterwards to pretend everything is fine and blogging more lies, in hopes fans will forget that the world saw how messed up this relationship really is.
I think this picture show how Sauli is taking care of Adam and Adam is loving it. and I am sure Adam is taking care of Sauli too
@Anon 2:32 PM
I bet he is... ; )
Sorry, just had to say that....
Lucky Adam, lucky Sauli..two beautiful men, so in love. Adore them both......
@ 2:32 PM,
Do you know the meaning of forgiveness???
Do you know the meaning of being hypocrite???
That's what you are my dear....
Sorry but you put this on yourself indeed:((((
You are just upset because you don't have this kind of relationship right now.....
Your intention will back fire on you dear....
My advice to you is to forgive who ever hurt you and move on......
Sorry my message is for @ 2:31 not 2:32 PM....
I apologize for the mistake guys.....:)
Anon 2.31
First,I was talking about love in general, no specifics.
I'm always try to look on the bright side of live and forgiveness. I know about forgiveness.
I've never said love is perfect, neither is people.
I didn't say anything about Finland, and what really happen there is ONLY Adam and Sauli's business.
They can post whatever they want, believe it or not is up to each one of us.If you decided not to believe it, good for you!
and please!! If you don't like comments about good feeling, please feel free to skip them, specially mine.
Have a nice day, night or just ruin mine.Thanks!
Thanks for the back up!!
I want to believe like Sauli said:
quarrels and love
are part of life.
But love wins."
Real fans rely on each others back all the time:))
You are always welcome my dear...
Ànims, es millor no fer cas a aquest tipus de gent, son els típics que sempre volen malmetre i fer mal. M'Ha agradat molt el teu poema, l'has clavat.
Sorry to all for writing to SG in our own language, but is easier to express my support
From Barcelona
And I mean in general in life I want to believe that love wins because in the end that is the only thing which matters.
Two beautiful boys. If you have never had a spat with your partner, then you have nver loved very deeply, and you have missed the joy of making up afterwards. I hope Sauli has more joy than sorrow this year. He has been very brave at times, because he doesn't do heights too well, and yet went to Disneyland, also went up in a little plane to burning man. I couldn't have done it. He seems a lot more comfortable on the red carpet, and with papps. Just hope he can get the proper visa, so that he can go every where possible with Adam.They are both a joy to behold, and yet so different in many areas. Good thing Adam likes healthy food and excercise, I think Sauli will be taking care of Adam in these areas.
Thank you so much!! You're always really lovely!!:))
From Barcelona
Moltissimes gràcies!! No saps el que hagués donat per poder respondre en la nostra llengua i poder "engegar"-lo/la mes apropiadament o amb mes contundència.Malegro molt que t'hagui agredat el meu poema, realment es així i més com sento que es l'amor.
Per cert, si vols quedar un dia per bcn, nomès cal que m'ho diguis, tindrem de que/qui parlar,oi?!! :)))
Sorry to the rest, but I really needed to say that to her in our own languaje.
Perfecte, algun dia podem quedar i així ens coneixem, no soc ben be de Barcelona, però estic a 25 minuts . Jo també a vegades voldria expressar-me en català ja que em costa bastant expressar-me en angles i voldria dir moltes coses, nomes faig classes de parla no de gramàtica i es clar es complicat.
Be ànims i a fer punyetes aquest tipus de gent que només busquen merder.
Sorry Again
From Barcelona
Perfecte, algun dia podem quedar i així ens coneixem, no soc ben be de Barcelona, però estic a 25 minuts . Jo també a vegades voldria expressar-me en català ja que em costa bastant expressar-me en angles i voldria dir moltes coses, nomes faig classes de parla no de gramàtica i es clar es complicat.
Be ànims i a fer punyetes aquest tipus de gent que només busquen merder.
Sorry Again
From Barcelona
From Barcelona
Perfect!! So whenever you want, weekends better,you just tell me and we can meet in Passeig de Gràcia o Plaça Catalunya. That's gonna be really funny!!We can wear a flower or something!! ha ha ha!!
I studied english grammar for a long time, but it's always hard to express yourself in a foreing languaje.Bona nit!!
Sauli with his arm around Adam this time. A good way to spend NYE
after all that stupid media fuss that got out of hand in Finland.
Adam don't put it on display. SK wants the fangirlies to know who is buttering the bread.:)
put the arms around the one that feeds you:)) always! HNY
Saturday is perfect day for me, and a flower or something that looks good or a sign, something.
Good night
From Barcelona
This is probably the last time they will be able to have such a low-key NYE. Next year, he will be in NYC for NYRE, as it should've been 2 yrs. ago. Looking forward to watching the album explode and the tv and public appearances and the tour and the respect...etc. It just boggles the mind to think of the possibilities. To top off the year in NYC would be the cherry on top.
@ SG and From Barcelona
You two have my head spinning!!!
Are you possibly speaking Catalan?
? ^o^ JAK
They sparkle.
Yes, we speak catalan
From Barcelona
they look so happy together which makes me so happy:) they both look so handsome in the picture and its so nice that they just had a quiet evenung just the two of them together as it shows how much they love eachother and arre really happy and enjoy when its just the two of them:) hope that they have a great year together.
From Ireland. xxxxx
@ From Barcelona
YAY ! Mystery solved! I know a tiny smidgen of Spanish so could make out a few similar words...but was really puzzled. I connected Barcelona with Catalonia...
I worked with a Basque designer one time who could swear so hotly I expected to see flames...I spent a lot of time hiding from him!
How many languages are spoken in Spain?
Those of you who continually criticize the validity of Adam's and Sauli's relationship can simply line up with all the other saintly people in the world who are perfect and have perfect relationships and always make the right decisions in life. I know my life is NOT like that. I'm in the other line, the one full of people who are imperfect and don't always do the right thing and sometimes regret their decisions. I guess Adam and Sauli are in my line, like most people in the world. Life is messy and full of twists and turns. Like I've said before, if I wanted to worship a saint, I'd go to church. I don't know anyone in my personal life, including myself, who has a perfect marriage or partnership. But we somehow do have love and committment despite our human frailties. Given half a chance, these two could grow and mature together and share a long, happy life. Is that such a hard thing to wish for them? Cynicism is boring and tiring.
@ Michelle...From Ireland
Do you really truly live in Ireland? My favorite place EVER!
I'll have so much fun coming here and laughing my ass off when Adam dumps Sauli. What a bunch of pathetic delusional haus fraus. Eat more bon bons, read your romance novels and dream of Sauli and Adam together forever in perfect love. LOL
@ 6:50 PM,
Boo!!!! You are a loner :((((((
yes i really do live in Ireland and i wosh if i didnt.i hate living here i would love to leave when i get a bit older.
Why do you love Ireland?
The last person who got into a violent fight and got tossed in jail when having a little "spat" with h your Significant other raise your hand.... No I didn't think so.
VERY IMPORTANT OT SUBJECT to U.S. and Canadian fans,
Please go to this link to find Top 40 and HAC radio stations in your area. Then request BTIKM via twitter, facebook, email, and request forms:
I did it and it was so easy. DO IT!
****prediction for 2012****
Adam and Sauli will not last...sorry...their "quarrel" in Finland was a symptom of something bigger! Adam and Sauli will be over by the time Adam tours for his New Album!
7:14 big whip, when it's over it's over, why are you so worried about what we think? I don't care what you think. boring and tiring people.
@714 great finally someone with a brain is commenting. AMEN to that. The sooner Adam dumps this loser the better. Then he can get a good man.
Ok adam now get back to work!
I don't really care about their personal life,but Adam's look or styling lately belies the fact that he is 29. Adam! remember Idol (how sexy) or Fantasy Springs or the tour. He looks plastic since he fell in "love".I hope their frienship/love will bring out the "sexy" in Adam. Love the scene. Hate the picture.
Adommy and Saulibert crays, please don't get side tracked with Adam's personal life. That's his business, only. Most of us only care to promote Adam's music and enjoy his impeccable voice. Please stop it! Some of us are truly tired of your brawl on fan sites and twitter. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH FOR GOD SAKE! If this is your way of showing how much you care about Adam more than other fans, it's a wrong of doing it.
Show your love to Adam by requesting BTIKM on your local radio stations. Go to this link to find out how:
@DRG 6:40 PM
I'm standing squarely in your line...the line with the imperfect humans. Perfection is most likely a delusion anyway...I like my people slightly flawed makes them interesting and more like me in MY flawed state...and gives us all (except those who are perfect already...) something to work on...And also gives us some pretty interesting and entertaining stories to share, once a little time has passed. I've personally had some spectacular f-ups in my life...and the life experience to try to avoid them in the future. Not telling tho : ) Sometimes those "life experiences" are the catalyst to move us forward and change things for the better.
To whom it may concern: A few quotes about perfection:
"No one is perfect... that's why pencils have erasers. ~Author Unknown"
"Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in.
~Leonard Cohen"
"Gold cannot be pure, and people cannot be perfect. ~Chinese Proverb"
"You see, when weaving a blanket, an Indian woman leaves a flaw in the weaving of that blanket to let the soul out. ~Martha Graham"
"When nobody around you seems to measure up, it's time to check your yardstick. ~Bill Lemley"
And I just REALLY liked this one:
"I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center. ~Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Player Piano"
And one more below..separate post...
@7:14PM & 7:38PM Agree w/u. Hope Adam will finish this relationship as soon as possible. I think we talked about it many time. And we know many reasones for ADam to leave Sauli previously.
However, this is ADam life. He is a big boy and can take care about himself. And we know that Adam preferes to put himseld in big risk and trouble. This is Adam as he is!
Anonymous said...
@3:38PM I don't care what Kelly Clarkson did or dind't! As a matter of fact I didn't care about her at all.
However, when I saw her photo in the mall today, it made me very upset!
How come Adam never wasn't invited in any public advertisment or commercials?
Do you remember his last appearance on Oprah or Ellen of Jay Leno shows?
Sorry, but nobody care about "Project Runaway" or "Minors and Majors":( Most of the people never heard about these shows.
Do you know that only 15% of Americans watch AMA or Grammy's?
But 50% of Americans watch Oprah or Ellen shows!
About RCA promotion, I thought Adam changed the management. Where are these agents right now? Don't they have to promote BTIKM or Tresspasing instead of RCA? As far as BTIKM was out of top 200 on itunes, I think Adam's management needs to think about great commercial for Tresspasing! I think one million dollars it would be more than anough to get just one or two commercials on USA, FOX and E! channels. I am sure Seacrest would announce Adam's new album on E! news with pleasure.
Another quote about "perfection" and the lack thereof...this one is so true..something to think about:
"Congratulations! You're not perfect! It's ridiculous to want to be perfect anyway. But then, everybody's ridiculous sometimes, except perfect people. You know what perfect is? Perfect is not eating or drinking or talking or moving a muscle or making even the teensiest mistake. Perfect is never doing anything wrong - which means never doing anything at all. Perfect is boring! So you're not perfect! Wonderful! Have fun! Eat things that give you bad breath! Trip over your own shoelaces! Laugh! Let somebody else laugh at you! Perfect people never do any of those things. All they do is sit around and sip weak tea and think about how perfect they are. But they're really not one-hundred-percent perfect anyway. You should see them when they get the hiccups! Phooey! Who needs 'em? You can drink pickle juice and imitate gorillas and do silly dances and sing stupid songs and wear funny hats and be as imperfect as you please and still be a good person. Good people are hard to find nowadays. And they're a lot more fun than perfect people any day of the week. ~Stephen Manes, Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days!"
omg love this site, the cray crays commenting and answering their own comments. It's too much!!!
I cannot understand some peoples negativety.
If Sauli and Adam do not last, so be it, at the moment they appear happy and in love, be happy for them as most of us are.
There are no gaurantees in life or relationships we just do the best we can.
I hate to think of Adam or Sauli for that matter having their heartbroken, it breaks mine to think of it. But dont begrudge them the opportunity to find these things out for themselves
I feel their relationship is deep and meaningful, Adam has seemed so happy since Sauli came on the scene. My heart is full for them.
Yes this is all observed from a distance and no one knows what is in peoples hearts unless they are a close confident. But one little fight is not going to ruin a true love relationship.
So doubters get over it, and let nature takes its course whatever happens we will be here for Adam we are not fair weather fans.
Good luck and love to Adam and Sauli.They have so much to deal with, obviously they have learnt from the carry on in Finland and had a sweet New Year to gether.
I think they are a sweet and loving passionate couple, passion comes in all forms.
Jadam NZ
Now for goodness sake lets leave it and BRING ON THE MUSIC.
I don't think BTIKM will be a big hit same as Trespassing. I hoped that after EMA Adam will get much more fans. When I found that amount of sale of BTIKM after fist week was just 39,000 downloads I understood that Adam lost his audience on 2009 and never get it back.
oh no even the pickle boat troll is here, does it get any better than this? lol
@Anon 7:49 PM
Good grief!! I'm guessing you haven't been reading this blog regularly..Sorry but this info below has been repeated here many times...Here are the facts as we know them re Adam's upcoming promotion from RCA for Better Than I Know Myself and also Trespassing....
#1. Adam tweeted recently that he will be filming a Music Video early THIS MONTH...which will be ready by the end of January, or before to coincide with:
#2. It is fairly well known in the fandom and media that RCA will be HEAVILY PROMOTING ("Impacting" as they call it) Adam and his new music, including Better Than I Know Myself, to Radio, and other Media, no doubt including TV, with interviews in print and video, and also NO DOUBT live performances on TV and elsewhere. THIS WILL HAPPEN....
#3. Adam's position will no doubt dramatically improve on iTunes and Amazon, etc., ONCE THE PUBLIC AT LARGE ARE AWARE OF HIS NEW MUSIC.. There has been very little radio play, which apparently was rather planned, because during the Holidays new music is largely ignored in favor of holiday music and end of year lists etc..And everyone is on vacation, TV shows are in reruns until after the holidays...
#4. I'm SURE we'll be hearing from Ryan Seacrest and many other radio hosts re Adam's new song..and hearing Adam on the radio...See reasons we haven't yet above.
#5. Its reported that Adam will be in the UK (and possibly elsewhere) promoting his music as well.
#6. One of the best ways to support Adam at this point in time is to respectfully request Adam's music on the radio.. on the Top 40 station in your area.
#7. Have faith that Adam's management will promote him as he should be promoted. Realistically speaking, they undoubtedly have a lot of money invested in him and know that he has this massive talent...they most likely won't just let him be ignored and swept under the rug....
8. Don't give up.......This will all happen according the their plan.....I hope this helps...
I prefare to see Adam's picture in any magazine instead of Sauli's blog.
Forgot to mention the DATE that RCA will be "Impacting" my post above @8:13 point #2
The "Impact" Date is January 31st, 2012
The day that "Adam Storm" really begins......
Thanks Glitzylady for your voice of wisdom on this site.
Meanwhile, you all, please kindly request BTIKM from your local radio stations to play it. Go here to find out how:
I thought AL wanted his love life private? SK is putting it on display isn't he? Letting everyone know that AL is NOT available.
I would prefere if "Adam Storm" (if you want) started on 12.20.2011And if his new single would sounds like this...
...It would bring Adam a lot of success in the first day when new single was release.
Sadness, lonelyness isn't a great theme in our time. People want to dance, to have fun, laugh and forget about everyday problems. And everybody deff want to forget about it in the holiday time.
Love Adam, but deff don't want to find myself to cry at December 20nd or New Year's Eve
Southern California fans,
Please fill out this radio request form to ask your local radio station 104.3myfm to play Better Than I Know Myself. Thanks!
Ooops, forgot to include the link:
8:19 thanks for the link. I will be checking it out tomorrow.
@glitzylady I think Adam suposed to thank Lord everyday that he has fans like you, darling
They must be holding back ON Adam promotion, waiting to hit at the right timing...? OMG I am waiting to hear BTIKM blasted over the airways after all the same old boring sound we have for soooo long now. Why the wait, why the lack of promo, who knows, but sure as heck hope it blows out the water soon! The entire world is waiting with a passion beyond belief. Step up the promotion RCA/SONY!
7:47...Adam dumped Drake two months after their public I guess Sauli will be bye-bye before Valentine's Day!
@Anon 9:00 PM
Don't give up: refer back to my posts @8:13 PM and @8:18 PM...There is definitely a major plan for promotion.... : )
OMG, I cannot believe some of the things peeps write in here!! I think that only thing that matters is that Adam is in love and that's the best place to be in the world. Show some respect for the man you stan!
Ladies, I don't have Beiber Fever, and never liked this kid. But it seems that he became big musician for real.
You have to watch this show. And you will understand what I meant.
Justin Bieber & Carlos Santana, "Let It Be"
Sorry, Adam, but you lost your chance to perform on New York new year show once and forever. But it seems that JB is becoming a real star.
I was reading some of the posts and comments on this site from early 2011. I wasn't part of this fandom at that time, and it's fun to see what people were saying a year ago / 2 years ago etc.
What I find at the same time hard to believe and ridiculous, is that there were the same Sauli hating comments then as there are now. Some people just can't let this topic be, apparently. If the guys are together in a year, 5 years, or 10 years, are we STILL going to see the same comments? If people only offered some reasons why they don't think this relationship is good (esp now after over a year), the dislike could be easier to understand. Now it just seems unreasonable.
This photo is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS and love Sauli's blog posted on this thread.
Superb poem, SG and thanks for your pearls of wisdom (again), glitzylady.
The trolls ... well, maybe there's only 1 troll working overtime TO NO AVAIL!! What a load of rubbish is spewed by him, her or them. GET A GRIP OR THE GRIP WILL GET YOU!
Sorry for the head spinning!!!
Amazing that you know about Catalan! GREAT!! :)))
Well, there are some universit. in the USA that have Catalan lessons.
In spain there are 5 official languajes, including spanish.
Adam looks like a good kid in this picture. Well he is and is not ;)Sauli has that smile which he has been known of for years. What is going to happen to Adam's and Sauli's relationship who knows. It may last a day, a month, a year, 5 years, 10 years or rest of their life.
I simply do not understand fans who wish that their idol´s relationship would fail. Hope karma would work on those bad witches and they get all the negativity they deserve.
The official languages in Spain are: Spanish, Catalan, Euskera, Galician and Aranese
From Barcelona
It makes me very sad how some "fans" have worked hard to build Adam up only to take some weird satisfaction in tearing him down.
This is after all, a fan site. How can anyone be so angry or annoyed that Adam has found love. If Adam is happy, who are we to dispute it. Adam has given us beautiful music and let us into his personal life. It is cruel to take advantage of such a giving man with some of the horrible insults I have read here. Leave Adam alone. If you don't like him or disapprove of his lifestyle, go to a Bieber site.
Is this the only public forum where the Adommy and Kradam crays can riot freely?
I don't understand why some people are so intent on seeing Adam's relationships fail. It was the same with Drake (There were a lot of Bradam fans out there at the time.)
Maybe they aren't Adam fans at all - just trolls - and we should be grateful they are not making homophobic comments instead.
My guess: if Adam and Sauli's relationship was in big trouble, I doubt they would have spent NYE together alone. The best way to run away from a relationship is in a crowd of people laughing and drinking and forgetting what's wrong with your life. Millions of people do it every year.
@4.26 - yes it is.
And I don't understand why the moderator/owner of this site does not make sure to ban/delete those trolls - has nothing to do with free speech just with stirring the pot.
Or at least make sure someone has to sign in to comment.
Glitzylady @ 8:18, This "Adam Storm" needs to happen already, because I've been waiting with my raincoat on for two years now. I don't care what other countries Adam may be no. 1 in, I don't hear anything about him in this one unless I seek it out on the internet. His management sucks IMO.
As to all the commenting on his personal life. The ridiculousness of it goes both ways. I don't understand "fans" wanting the demise of his relationship with anyone. It's kinda mean. But, on the other hand, to call those commenters sick and "bored" is hypocritical. It's just as silly to spend so much time on a website dreaming up the romantic scenarios I've read on here. Some are off the ridiculous scale completely. I've even read dreamed up lists of possible surrogates for Adam and Sauli's children. If that's not silly, what is????
i totally agree that if they were having trouble then they wouldnt of spent the evening just the two of thhem which to me shows that they are completly inn love and are going to enjoy this yer together as a couple annd hopefully loads more years together:)
This is 5:43 one more time. 5:42's comment is case in point. How do some of you just "know" they will have a happy year together??? Do you know them?
On the other hand, how do some of you "know" their rlationship will "fail"???
How can anyone know anything about their business unless they tell you about it privately?
That's why everybody's comments are a cause for laughter. I don't mean to make anyone feel bad, but I have to say they're silly...ALL of them.
@5.54 well i dont 'KNOW' but its what i believe which its is only my opinion like. Yes i Do hope that they stay together for a very long time BUT i am just more excited to see what adam will be upto for the year and i cant wait to buy his new album and what they get up to in their own life is got to do with them i was just wishing them a great and happy new year.
Ireland xx
So much speculation about Adam's relationship, for God's sake who cares!! They had an argument, big deal and now they have made up, for those who seem to have to dwell on this please move on, try concentrating on your own lives for a change, and if your an Adam fan concentrate on his music because that's what it should be all about, and I'm sure Adam would agree with this, that's the reason he has worked so hard with his up and coming album so lets support him in this and leave his love life alone!!
Thank you 7:43!
Adam and Sauli's relationship is THEIR business, not ours. I'm here for Adam's voice and music. <3
I hope Adam includes Get Over It on Trespassing. LOVE what I've heard of it.
You know what, I'm gonna laugh so hard when Adam kicks Tommy out of the band. Sometime, somewhere in the middle of the tour. It's not even hard to predict Adam will have enough of Tommy and his bossy fans by the end of a possible tour..
Please Adam . . . bring on the music......enough of the other rubbish here . . . .I do wish he was out on TV more . . . miss the smile and voice!!!!!
The reason you don't see Adam doing any promo stuff is because he is to busy baby-sitting Sauli...Think about it...all the time and effort
it must take to reassure someone that he is the most important person in his life...anyway the most successful artist are they can put their career first!
10:28 Damn girl please just shut up once in a while. I don't even know you but feel embarrassed for you over your borish behavior here.
10:28 YES, we totally get it, now please run along.There has to be someone in this big wide world you really like. move on.
@ 2:31pm, 6:50pm, 7:47pm, 8:28pm, etc.
Dear tinhatters/trolls, or is it a tinhatter/troll, you are pathetic.
FYI: Even if Adam and Sauli broke up this year, or 10 years from now or 50 years from now (none of our business really), Adam would still not f**k Tommy or Kris - or you. Get over it, and get a life.
5:24 are you for real? When people go out and celebrate an event or holiday in groups of friends and family, this is called socializing. Facts are,the more friends you have, your life is very rewarding. Celebrating in a social scene does Not mean you are hiding from anything. Heavens to mergatroid, people celebrate in many different ways. Whether they celebrate alone or with other people its a matter of personal choice.
Fans sites at times are really ridiculous.
If these guys were to happen to come upon this site and read some of this nonsense, so many should be embarrassed.
Enjoy the music people, music is what it should be all about !!
I pray that this thread moves off the screen pretty soon. It's really wearing me out.
Seems to me Adam is letting his BF whip him around and take over.
I would think Adam is more of the agressive leader type, not so here. Sauli is like the nightly news. Come and get it. How can a blog be a professional job. Its just a blabbery gossip site.
Tell him to keep quiet Adam, you want your pers. life personal.
@ 11.15am I don't think they (5:24) meant what you imply. In my understanding the point of the comment was that a couple who is unhappy is not likely to spend time together alone. Which really is not that ridiculous.
But yeah, bring on the music and the promo and all that!
@ 11.44 AM
Oh give up already cray tommybert.
I think this is partly so called damage control after what happened in Finland to show that everything is OK and also to protect Adam's reputation because some people has been accusing him of domestic violence. After you read Sauli's blog and see photos that accusation feels ridiculous and not credible.
To me this pic is like a statement from Sauli and Adam. Not a kissing pic, because the same people who oppose any pics of them together would not tolerate a kissing pic in a million years. Who knows how long they'll be together, but at least on a Hollywood scale their relationship is already a long-term one.
Hope this beautiful romance doesn't fail. Would hate to see Adam's reputation Sauli'd.
Sorry to say that,but this site begins to disqust me. Is this VFTW lite???
Where are all these trolls from?Every decent site has an administrator and requires posters to register, apparently whoever is running this blog is to lazy to do a decent job.
This is Adam 24/7 not a love child of Perez Hilton and TMZ.
Just feed these trolls with genuine smile folks:) We really need them so that Adam will be more successful indeed!!! The more they hate our Adam the better because it will prove that Adam and the real fans are soaring for lasting love and success he! he!:)))))
I dare you more trolls!!!! C'mon down baby!!! Show what you got....
Adam-just be true to your first love...MUSIC! =)
Re:Perfection, I used to tell my husband that if I were perfect it would be intimidating as well as boring! Who wants to live with a robot? Re:trolls, I think those that have to tear down others and hope that any obviously happy couple in love will break up must have miserable, lonely lives, maybe never having the experience of a happy, fulfilling relationship themselves. Insulting the partner of a loved one is cruel,immature and really says alot about the poster's negative life. You see that behavior in 8th grade or from miserable, jealous people that aren't getting any attention in life and have to push buttons to be noticed. If you are a fan, I would think besides appreciating their talent, you would be glad if they were happy in their personal life and had someone they loved to share their life and happiness. Perez Hilton is a classic example of envy and need for attention, not very attractive or likely to gain or keep friends. The troll on this site isn't fooling anyone, just putting themself in a very undesirable light. It's tiresome and your agenda isn't humourous or clever, just annoying and ridiculous. You obviously aren't here to support or appreciate Adam, just trying to bait the people on this site that are here for positive reasons and a common desire for Adam to be happy and successful. I tend to ignore the negativity, but the agenda is jut too ovious and tiring.
Sorry for the above typos, just sick of the BS.
Funbunn40 2:17 AM: All you wrote is so true! Thank you for your very good and long comment. :)
11:46 Yes, that's exactly what I meant. When things are bad, you don't create time and space for long talks.
Ok, this thread is dead. Let's put it to bed.
Adam needs to be known for his music not for who he is schtupping!
Anon 4 7:13 AM Tell that to admin of this page.
Thank You Adam 24/7! I enjoy reading
All the opinions---The Good, Bad and The Ugly!!! Thanks! *kiss*
I totally agree with you!
There was one article in a tabloid about what happened in Finland. Nothing new expect that when Adam and Sauli where wrestling there was also kissing involved so you can say it's was really a lover's fight.
some of you are being so ridiculous.I watched sauli in bb and have met him few times after that and he is the greatest guy there is he is so sweet,honest,caring,funny etc. adam has the greatest guy in the world (greatest after adam ofc but u cant date yourself :)LOL
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