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Adam Lambert at the i93 Private Acoustic event (March 5th 2012)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, March 5, 2012

Posted at : Monday, March 05, 2012

Adam Talks About Trespassing

Adam Talking About Bad Pictures of Himself


Anonymous said...

JAK here.............What's left to say about him? We've used every superlative adjective my brain can come up with. So, not original but true .....
"He's a charmer!"

Anonymous said...

Don't forget he is human, he puts his boots on one foot at a time, just like the rest of us.
You never really know someone until you live with them.
I would like to really know him, can I live with him? lol
He has been spoiled growing up, mom has said so.He is used to getting his own way. He has said in interviews that he can't take anyone saying no to him. He has shown that side of him a few times.
He is good looking, with the help of great makeup. He has a God given voice, which makes us fall down, with tears in our eyes, thud.
And yet he is still just a human. Don't put him on such a high pedestal, he might fall, and he will go thud.

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam is wearing reddish pants; looking younger and younger, handsomer and oooh-la-la handsomer!
Adam, no problemo, you'll always feel safe with us! LOL! :)

P/S...SG and Fefa, thank you for all those nice words; alas my computer snapped after we talked about "long longs". So hot, that's why my computer snapped. LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 7:04 pm _______He's
good looking without makeup.
It's hard to believe but it's his indescribible "magic" that I'm drawn to, not the looks. He could still be high school hefty and red haired and the magic would be there, some rare people just have it. We've seen the interviews with teachers and friends from those early years and they say he had it then. I don't want him on a pedestal, I just want him on a stage with a mic or in a recording studio.

Anonymous said...

My Lord what has gotten into Adam these last few weeks. He is more gorgeous than ever, if thats humanly possible.
His new look, although I think he looked like this years ago, is the hottest ever. Hold on tight fans, he has just begun.
Love this ride with him.

Anonymous said...

7:04 I hope he doesn't fall off the pedestal with you around, you'll be right there nagging him and making up shit.

Anonymous said...

I see him having a fanbase as strong as the Legendary Elvis Presley. that is saying something, but he is only human. Adam will fall and he knows that. Elvis fell down many times and his fanbase was loyal from the beginning and 35 years after he left this earth. it's the special something that causes these kinds of moments. I always said it was the IT FACTOR!

Anonymous said...

7:04, No one that we have EVER heard from in the past three years who either knew Adam years ago or who has recently met him, has said that he is stuck-up or arrogant or anything like that. Yes, he's human, but he's a darn nice human. Seems to have natural instincts for kindness and politeness. Well brought up. We know he has flaws, but don't we all? The fact that he is so handsome besides being so talented is just a lucky bonus. Our fan gushing doesn't mean we think he's perfect.

Anonymous said...

Kids who show talent at an early age are usually praised a lot and given special attention. I'm sure Adam was no exception. The important thing is that he did not grow up to be a jerk. Quite the contrary. He's confident, but not stuck-up. In fact, he's very humble. 99% of the time, he acts just fine. And he's good-looking without make-up.

Anonymous said...

He is human but he is extraordinary. He deserves to be held in high esteem because he is a genuine, honest, charming, kind and a talented man. I didn't even mention his looks - that goes without saying. So if we place him on a pedestal he deserves it. We have his back. We are his loyal fans and he isn't like other people because he has every attribute known to man. Everyone has flaws and make mistakes but you wound be hard pressed to find many in him. Hence, the accolades and deservingly so. What a man! OMG. Luv him.

Anonymous said...

Adam looked like he got some cokaine just a few minutes before this show!

Anonymous said...

ha, ha Sometimes I love it when a troll gets a dialogue going about Adam and I get to hear these wonderful comments about him from his fans. You guys (me too) are the greatest. high five!!

Anonymous said...

That's a stupid remark 8:40.
That person was only implying that we should watch how high we put him on a pedestal. I did't see any hate remarks in it. By the way none of you have ever, ever seen him without makeup. He even wore it to school. They have makeup that looks completely natural, but covers blemishes. He is very good looking nobody said he wasn't. Be more respectful of other peoples opinions.

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:06pm Okay, if you never paid attention on some teen-"angels" around you you can try this "remedy" to wake up. Go to youtube and open Elvis latest live performances or Freddie's 1980th interviews. Freddie, actually was very good on stage but always gave up in his interviews. May be this is one of the reason why Freddie hated to have any interviews. He coudn't keep himself under control. His eyes and voice can tell you everything:(

Anonymous said...

9:06 are you for real?

Anonymous said...

this is the strangest thread and it's actually getting quite tiring. See you real fans in the am.

Anonymous said...

How is it that everytime I listen to OLL I find myself with tears in my eyes. JAK you are right Adam is a charmer. I can't wait for the new Album. The little taste of Trespassing already excites me and its contagiously fun.

Anonymous said...

OMG...I envy (in a good way) all the people that can see Adam so close, in a small room, where they can talk to him like in a "small reunion of friend", he feels really confortable and relax.Plus the get to hear him singing just right there, I'm sure it feels like he's singing just for you...if I ever get to be there lots of kleenex would be needed, for teas and drooling, bouth equaly!!LOL!!
Love the "What was I thinking " moment!!
"computer creash"???? Are you sure!?? Do you know computer aren't "wather" proof, don't you? I mean, any kind of liquid or drooooling...Don't worry is something that usually happend when you are talking about The Long Longs! LOL!!btw...really nice pants...


Anonymous said...

You know what the nice technician advised me to do. His exact words: You must rest the computer at least one hour, the system gets too hot! I laughed silently and thought, it's not the system that's too hot!! Then when it was fixed I showed him some Adam pictures and then told him I do this till midnight! Then he advised again: But you must give it one hour rest! LOL! By the way SG, when I was typing long longs, I was not thinking of what you might think I was thinking; not as wild as you!!! :)

Anonymous said...

hahah!! I would love to be there with you and the man, hahahah!! i would tell him what/who was the hot thing/think!!LOL!!
How do you know what I was thinking that yoy were thinking...? SEE !? YOu were thinking the same think, I think!!hahahahah!!! OMG we are really crazy!!
me...wild!? well...just a little....

fefa14 said...

i so agree at ur comment at 11:25.....i feel the exact same way :)

dont say you didnt thought of it.....telling lies is bad lolol! I mean if u really didnt think of it why did u remember SG about it! she is calm today!! (at least commet wise lol) ohh by the way really interesting story about ur computer.....i had one really similar but with my cellphone....i didnt want to connect to the internet so i took it to the store and (i have adam as my backroung of course :D) so when he saw it and his like ur a glambert r u?? and im like OMG u know glamberts! and hes like yeah they explained it a couple of days ago and is weird.. everytime i see this dude on the cellphone backround the cellphone is really hot and itreally has problems connecting to the interet!! we both laughed and hes like just turn it off for a while lol!!

and about the videos yes he does look hot like usual and im not comenting on those previous comments is their opinion...whatev i have adam in my own pedestal.....ooppss im comenting nooo!! lol

sorry for being so extend! :( :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is probably very self-critical about his appearance and that could be the reason he thinks there are some not so great photos sometimes, and let's face it, he must've seen soooooo many photos of himself over the last few years. He is also extremely fastidious about his appearance which I love because I hate scruffiness. Wasn't keen on the long-haired look but every other look he's had was/is bellissimo!

Anonymous said...

Everyone has the right to express their opinions here.....

We r all humans and we all fall down just remember that but we get up after....

To each is own and for me true fans are not trying to put him on the pedestal.

We are just lucky and happy to be impressed with this unbelievably talented young man.:)


Anonymous said...

Oh, he was so sweet. Almost everyone thinks they look awful in their pictures. Our friends and people who love us are far less critical than we are.

You have to laugh about the red carpet comments. Adam was a bit out there in the beginning and nothing dates a picture faster than a fashionable look. He probably looks at those pics and thinks: That's so over. We don't. We just see him.

It might explain why he's wearing more classic stuff - it doesn't date as easily.

Anonymous said...

That's a hilarious situation. By the way, you're quite into science; advising the adding of liquid nitrogen to the ice-bath to make it colder since SG's hotness is way too uncontrollable. Adding salt can also lower the temperature of the ice and it's a lot cheaper and easier. But maybe nitrogen is more effective; as for salt added to keep it colder, for SG, I think we need a whole big bag of it! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

7:04 I get your point but you put a lot of stuff in there that goes beyond suggesting that someone is human. Most of us like to get our own way and a lot of us aren't willing to admit that - acknowledging a flaw is a big step to addressing it. Adam is very open about not being perfect.

As fans, we probably do need to remember that this lovely person is human; the less open we are to the idea of his humanity, the harder it will be to accept a slip, if it happens.

It's easy to love perfect. True love is about accepting a person, faults and all.

Anonymous said...


That's a really funny situation!!I have Adam in my phone too and I show him as much as I can!It's not smartphone it's a HOTphone! Like the owner...;))

After hearing Adam & watching the black & white pic...and how he wears thouse pants...I'm gonna have Fever forever!!

About the pedestal, I have Adam in a pedestal, YES! SO WHAT!? I did it cause he's not afraid of saying he's not perfect, he's honest, he's human, he has his flaws and he doesn't hide them,he's real and keep it real on his everyday live. THAT is what makes him perfect, cause makes you feel better about yourself and all our own imperfections.


fefa14 said...

Yes i am into science! haha a BAG? i would say a lot more lol she really needs a really SALTY bath lolol! if she doesnt want to use this metod i know a place where they sell the liquid nitrogen lol and if she still doent want them i might just use it for myself! lol thankz SG for your craziness! XD

Anonymous said...


The technical name for my crazyness is:
Estas como una cabra!!;)

but I just like their cheese...


Anonymous said...

Did you hear that? Not only is our girl sexy; she's a sexy scientist! Hmm...Adam loves this kind of daring girls! I think she is a lot more mature than we think she is! She may even know more than both of us combined! Hmm...she too needs liquid nitrogen and knows where to purchase it. Fefa now to think of it salt is not good for the skin, liquid nitrogen is less corrosive! How on earth did a nice innocent gentle lady like me get roped into this circle of 2 hot gals!! Blame it on handsome Adam! LOL! :)

fefa14 said...

lolol! como una cabra!! lol ur so funny :)
yo creo que yo sufro de IAFIK syndrome (Is Adams Fault Im Krazy syndrome) yo era una chica normal y desde que conoc a adam kambie para siempre! estoy mas loca y social lol creo ke es la unika enfermedad positiva! XD

Anonymous said...


I dare you to send me via email a pic of your INOCCENT face!! AHA!!Then MAYBE I could believe you....



HIGHLY positive!!!


fefa14 said...

so that means u also suffer from IAFIK lolol!! and aww thanks for the sexy scientist complimment lol! me?? know more than u two combined? i dont think so lol!! mature for my age? maybe lol

Anonymous said...

this is silly

Adamluv said...

@feta 14 - "la unica enfermedad positiva" - estoy de acuerdo! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

For me one of the best parts of bieing a fan is that he isn't perfect and doesn't pretend he is. It's nice to see someone with so much talent makes mistakes too...makes some of the stupid things I do seem ok. I used to beat myself up when I didn't act like other people thought I should... since I found Adam I just don't care what they think.