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ClevverNews: Adam Lambert Interview - New Music and New Fans!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Adam Lambert is on the May 2012 cover of Instinct Magazine, and he dishes on his new sound, new fans, and the double standard of being a gay pop star.


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Anonymous said...

He looks great in that cover pic. I think it is a shame that gay males are not a big part of his fan base. I was discussing this and seems that like he said, they are catty. I think they are jealous and that is a shame. Missing out on a HUGE talent by backing only the female pop stars. Tis a shame.

Anonymous said...

Adam should pick upl new fans with this CD. Who wouldn't relate to the messages in these songs? Plus they all sound great - lyrics and music. And with his powerhouse chops, you would have to be crazy not to go for this CD. Talent galore. More than most artists today. So buy, buy, buy!

Anonymous said...

I hope I can get this magazine on Zenio. love the cover!!!

daydreamin said...

Here is a link to the 103.5 radio interview with Adam this morning:

daydreamin said...

Make sure to listen to the above interview because Adam talks about not being sure exactly when he is going to be on Idol. He says he will be shooting the NCOE video in the "next couple of weeks"!!

daydreamin said...

Get a load of this found on Twitlonger:

Fault Magazine Editor’s Note:
"First on that list is a certain Mr Adam Lambert. Now that the issue is out, we'll admit to a shameful secret. One of our editors was not in favour of Adam's inclusion from the start. Now, before Glamberts start hurling bricks, let's put that into context: It can occasionally be difficult to drop one's blinkers in a creative environment which is so often saturated with mediocrity. That is particularly true when you are confronted with an artist who, firstly is unashamedly "pop", secondly retains such a strong visual element to his personal brand and thirdly – lest we forget – one who shot to fame through a reality TV show. Any doubts this editor may have had, however, were immediately wiped out by attending Adam's London showcase during which he was privileged enough to hear what is undoubtedly one of the finest voices in live music – of any genre – in the world today.”

Anonymous said...

daydreaming I was getting an instant headache when I first started reading your comment but it subsided after reading the whole article. Phew it would have been a humdinger too.

daydreamin said...


daydreamin said...

Anon 11:07, that last sentence says it all!

glitzylady said...

Re the FAULT Magazine editor:

Adam Lambert is changing minds everywhere, one mind at at time...

The rather pervasive lack of knowledge of who he actually is, and stereotypes that often prevail about him, and which Adam must overcome and continually correct, to get people to listen to his music and to take him seriously as an artist and human being, is so frustrating, both to him and to those of us who DO believe in him and KNOW how amazing he is. So many assume they know about him, but they do not. Its good to know that one more person of influence, in this case an initially disbelieving editor, can have a change of mind, and change of heart, once Adam is once again actually seen in his true light, in this case as a phenomenally talented voice: YAY!!!

[The editor] "he was privileged enough to hear what is undoubtedly one of the finest voices in live music – of any genre – in the world today."

SG said...


Thanks for posting that article.
As Adam "said" himself:
Once I'm in I own your heart! Absolutely true!!

HK fan said...

A couple of bits of news that I'm not sure has been posted here yet.

NCOE got 7 adds this week, 1 on Canada chr/pop, 1 on canada HAC, and 5 on HAC stations. Its official adds date to chr/pop is apparently may 26th.

and here is a backing vocals demo for kickin in, its pretty cool..

daydreamin said...

@SG Happy to do it!

Here is NCOE on Kelly Rippa's show this morning:

Anonymous said...

The song is everywhere right now and Canada is crazy here indeed!!!!!

You rock Adam!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I think many gay fans who love the pop divas have come around, maybe not in the numbers that Adam was hoping for but taste is a very personal thing. I also saw quite a few gay men, many in couples, in the audience at the four GN concerts I went to.

Adam is a new breed and a polarizing figure. It will take time, as we can see by the music charts, for him to make his impact, in all communities.

There was negativity towards Adam right after Idol but some of the hostility that gay entertainment and culture critcs expressed came about because they were constantly having to deal with automatic assumptions that they would like Adam because he was gay, too. They reacted as strongly to that as they would to any stereotype. Was it okay for them to take it out on him - no - but the dynamic is completely understandable.

Some members of the LGBTQ community reacted negatively for other reasons but others pressured OUT and GLAAD to support him when he faced discrimination and censorship.

Yes there was some envy: He was an outsider who wanted in badly and dared to try for mainstream success. There was a certain sense of "who does he think he is?" That's traditional small-town envy for the guy who leaves and makes good.

Straight or LGBTQ, we've all learned quite a bit in the last 3 years, courtesy of Adam. If he wants to continue the dialogue with his community, that's great. Not a good idea for his fans to run with that - if we are judging people demographically, well,we need to clean up our own house first.

Mwah!! K said...

Thank you @Daydreamin for the editor's note from Fault!
When it comes to Adam Lambert, it's all about the heart! He is so true to himself, that is what I love about him & his passion for life & to sing, what a beautiful human being!

Anonymous said...

they should keep sexuality out of music. it is getting repetitive. what you sing about on record should have nothing to do with who you shag in your spare time. that is the whole point of not discussing private life. Gay, straight, bi, lesbian etc... I don't get the whole sexuality thing. YOU can be sexy but quit talking about who you sleep with.

Anonymous said...

let's talk politics. get out of the bedroom into the board room. ooops! maybe sex goes down in there as well!!!!!!Everyone has SEX on the brain these days. Get a hobby or plant a garden. It is always about what is going on below the belt. We need songs about world peace.

Urethra_Franklin said...

5:02 Remove sexuality from music? Welcome to the demise of the music industry. Music IS sex! Shut up!

8:50 I wish they were at his shows in massive crowds. I would have waaaaaaaaaay more fun.

Anonymous said...

u shut up! Adam Lambert has been embraced more by the straight community than he could ever imagine. I think the GN tour proved that. Alot of artists didn't have that kind of acceptance years ago. I think he should rethink some of his quotes. Strong females are dominant in music. His musical ideas are strong females. MADONNA is one of them. It sounds like he thinks he is not fully being accepted??? Top 40 radio don't accept many people. they have their spins and the rest is thrown over on the side. The live show is what matters. He knows that!

Anonymous said...

HIS musical IDOLS are strong females. and?

Anonymous said...

If you bring it LIVE every night, nothing else matters. The audience wants a live performer who delivers night after night after night. He has the goods to be one of the best live performers in many years and he has proven that. I think all artists feel a little insecurity. His show can be spectacles like that of lady M.

Anonymous said...

@Anon April 25, 2012 3:47 AM: Interesting post. Very thought provoking. Thank you. Food for thought for me today. I appreciate your POV. Thanx

Anonymous said...

@Urethra Franklin April 25, 2012 5:12 AM

totally agree! sheesh

Anonymous said...

I have thought so long and so hard about this, and other issues dealing with Lambert's commercial success... I have come to the conclusion that there truly is a lot of plain old simple JEALOUSY and insecurity involved, as another poster commented above me. JMO.

Anonymous said...

jealousy and insecurity on the part of OTHERS in the industry that is, not Lambert (tho I'd venture to guess he has insecurity too, of course, but that's not what I was referencing above)

Anonymous said...

'usual sound'- I really didn't know Adam had one! Guy can do and sing anything with perfection and gusto! BUT on the other hand I did hear a lot of great positives here too.

Anonymous said...

And many from the LFBTQ ccommunity adore Adam too.

Anonymous said...

I saw a whole lot of gay guys at Glam Nation concerts throughout the US but I also watched them be heckled by security and more so at one venue than others. Infact many should have met Adam but the opportunity just wasn't there and at times even female Glamberts treated the guys as a game.

Anonymous said...

Fault Magazine Editor’s Note:~Any doubts this editor may have had, however, were immediately wiped out by attending Adam’s London showcase during which he was privileged enough to hear what is undoubtedly one of the finest voices in live music – of any genre – in the world today.” This is what we have been saying all along, the first time we heard his voice, no doubt that Adam is the BEST in the world!


Anonymous said...

Hey in Australia we had such great audiences which included lots of incredible gay guys. We were lucky along with Adam.

Anonymous said...

all about this!
I really loved Freddie,but,but...
Adam has better voice that he ha`d..
I`m cursed forever...

Anonymous said...

@NKlovesAdam April 25, 2012 6:29 AM:

That London showcase included that amazing performance of the Trespassing song itself... so that explains a lot. Damn that performance of Trespassing was out of this world, if everyone in the industry could sit and watch/hear that, they'd know, they'd see... truly a mindboggingly great performance. True genius, from the inside out.

Anonymous said...

@NKlovesAdam April 25, 2012 6:29 AM:

this one from London Showcase:

Anonymous said...

The Fault Magazine Editor's Note excerpt from daydramin includes something I've said may times. If Adam felt he could have gotten signed by a major labor WITHOUT going on Idol, I'm sure he would have avoided Idol at all costs. Being on that show DOES carry baggage. It engenders undeserved disrespect, as in the case of that Fault editor. In many people's eyes, Idol in totally uncool. It's a "cheater's" way to success. Adam has said that he realizes that it is uncool to like him. He gets it. I'm so glad that this editor saw the light and has given Adam the respect he deserves. I hope that Adam can wipe away the Idol stigma and get on with it. He IS cool to like.


Anonymous said...

That "Live with Kelly" snippet of NEVER CLOSE OUR EYES feels so good :)

Anonymous said...

When the heck is Adam going to be on AI? It's getting close to May. First it was the 17th, then the 3rd, both unconfirmed. Maybe he'll be on the finale??? I just want to know!

Anonymous said...

Can you buy this instinct magazine in a store or is it another one we have to order online? Anyone know?

Urethra_Franklin said...

5:26 Im forced to assume you are 5:02 due to your "u shut up!" retort....Allow me to comment on your post: "Adam Lambert has been embraced more by the straight community than he could ever imagine." True and a certain percentage of that straight community tries to push him to conform cause they DONT GET IT nor do they truly GET HIM. "I think the GN tour proved that." True but the experience would have been truly magical if the audience had been truly MIXED. "Alot of artists didn't have that kind of acceptance years ago." True. "I think he should rethink some of his quotes." NEVER. He speaks the truth whether YOU like it or not. What he is saying is FACT honey. If it offends you, move over to the right. "Strong females are dominant in music." Why YES they ARE! And might I add OVERTLY sexual in everything they do with the exception of the T-Swift. "His musical ideas are strong females." Im assuming you meant idols. Yes they are females. Their arent many males for him to look up to in CURRENT music so he yields time and again to Freddie and Bowie. "MADONNA is one of them." Yes she is. "It sounds like he thinks he is not fully being accepted???" Yes you are correct because he ISNT!! I hear the same 5 artists on a loop open top 40 radio and he isnt one of them. "Top 40 radio don't accept many people." True but they should be accepting true TALENT not cookie cutter BULLSHIT. "they have their spins and the rest is thrown over on the side." True. "The live show is what matters." For fans, yes. But to really make a mark in the music industry its with radio honey. Sorry to bust your bubble. "He knows that!" No he KNOWS he needs radio to truly make it to the degree that he wants to MAKE IT. He puts alot of pride into his live shows because thats what he does and he does it well but he isnt fooled into thinking his live act is going to make his career.
So in closing, back to the topic at hand, the gay community is catty at times and he does usually get a big ole eye roll from MANY other gays. Thats a fact. He knows it. And hes called it out. Will be interesting to see if they embrace Trespassing due to its more HONEST slant. It just may speak to more of the community that FYE did with its singular "he" reference in Fever.

Anonymous said...

Good on ya Urethra!! good job!

Anonymous said...

Great comments Uretha. To the point and accurately stated. I feel so frustrated when reading all the negativity that surrounds Adam and his music. He deserves so much more in regard to success and fame because he is the best vocal talent in the music business today. He seems to be fighting an uphill battle with anything he does or says even though he is articulate,smart and honest to a fault. We may not always like the friends he hangs out with, the style of his clothes, the cut of his hair or the songs that he performs, but Adam Lambert is never boring or uninteresting. I look forward to this blogsite each day to seeing a new picture of him or to reading something that is written about him or that he has said in some interview. I am aggravated that I don't hear his latest songs on the radio and I want him to make the rounds of allthe tv shows much as Train and The Wanted have done this past week with their new album and releases. Train was on the Rachel Ray show every day last week performing something else from their albums. Come on, where is Adam's new management? All I seem to read is about the Queen concerts in England and Europe. When will be see him promoting TRESPASSING? Do we have to wait until it is released in May? I hope his second album does extremely well and we can put to rest much of the negativity that seems to knock Adam down when he should be celebrating as"one of the finest voices in live music" today.

Anonymous said...

Having some lunch, hitting the internet... here's a new review that just hit the blogosphere a few minutes ago

Anonymous said...

9:50 I followed your link and read the review. The article made the album sound interesting, I think I will buy it... oh wait a minute I already did and even bought that one with the print on AO. lol

Anonymous said...

@9:50 just read the review, thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

omg I just googled catty and at the bottom of the page is a picture of Adam and his remarks about catty.

Anonymous said...


Whew, Urethra, every point well said. Thank you!


glitzylady said...

So, I wake up to this...

First of all, THANK YOU @URETHRA_FRANKLIN for your comments. Always to the point.

I literally have tears in my eyes, of frustration, because when I went to sleep last night this thread was about, among other things, something I think is key to Adam's ultimate success: the public's understanding of who he ACTUALLY is..not who they THINK he is. The editor of FAULT Magazine being a CLASSIC example of someone who THOUGHT he knew but came to find out, he did not. He started out thinking Adam was some sort of curiosity created by the American Idol machine to sell a TV show and consequently sell music. Perhaps a shallow one hit wonder of mediocre talent, hyped by the Idol machine...and, additionally, someone who has created some controversy along the way..But who is this guy Adam Lambert REALLY?? Well, one live show exposure later and the man is struck with the revelation that this Adam Lambert guy is NOT what he "thought" he was, but a truly talented singer with (his words) "what is undoubtedly one of the finest voices in live music – of any genre – in the world today."

This is EXACTLY what Adam is dealing with on a daily basis, to be taken seriously as an artist, without the stigma of American Idol, which makes a certain percentage of the population automatically dismiss him outright as a reality show creation, and then of course there is the the fact that he is gay..which combined with Idol, and the media bites that people have seen on gossip shows and columns, produces those "eye rolls" which Adam himself has spoken of in the recent past. He is fully aware of all this..and it must kill him sometimes but he just keeps on going.

About the suggestions that he and other artists not sing about "who they're sleeping with.." or about sex in general (????). Um....If you listen to whats out there these days, or in the history of music in general, from the dawn of time, you're gonna end up with very little music that does NOT allude to that subject in some form or another. Adam is very subtle in his music, when speaking of a gender-specific sexuality. He had one fabulous and fun song, Fever, on his last album that had one word in it that pretty much prevented it from being released in America as a single. One word. His new music has a song that has two words that if truth be told could be the same issue, because it refers to a guy (Kickin In), Beyond that, his music is pretty universal as far as sex and "sexy" go, and could apply to any of us, male or female, gay or straight.. "Outlaws of Love" refers to the discrimination toward same sex couples that is a reality in the lives of a significant % of our population. And its a beautiful song, directly from his heart. And its the song on the album that does really specifically allude to sexuality, as in same sex...None of us has the right to tell Adam what he should sing about, especially when this song comes straight from his heart. As does "Underneath" which truth be told, is, in song, is EXACTLY what we ended up talking about here. Misconceptions and the pain it can cause. Adam, speaking from deep within his soul, laid bare, in this case.

I can just hardly wait until I see the comments that are sure to come next: "We should just talk about his music, not his personal life, his sexuality, his..whatever...." etc, etc...Well, let us hope that some day we CAN get to that point, when it IS all about his music. I come here to flail about Adam and his music, and just can't help flailing about who he is as a human being as well, because he is also pretty special in that department. Hoping the world catches up on the fact that he has an amazing voice and that he's the lovely person that he is as well and doesn't deserve the eye rolls, but instead deserves kudos like the ones he got from the FAULT editor. That's the day I'm hoping to see. SOON-ISH.

@Anon 9:27 AM
Amen to your comments as well.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Hi Glitzy.

I know I dont comment too often round here anymore but I get really IRKED with certain ignorant comments. 5:02 really chapped my ass this morning. I kinda feel like people like THAT have stalled his progress because it causes a fandom reputation that is just ugly. Even I dont know if Im going back to see him live because I dont like the crowd which is laced with 5:02s. We need more care free, swivel hippin gay boys to show up! WOOTS!

mimi said...

Thank you---Urethra, Glitzylady, and anon 9:27---LOVED reading all your positive comments regarding Adam. You all expressed my thoughts also, as well as for MANY Adam fans. We intensely believe in him and if "Trespassing" is not a major hit---then, as I have said before---something is wrong in the music industry!!! (well, we know stars are made , who have NO talent, but just have mega promotion) Then there is AL, who is so multi-talented, but has to fight for any attention---it just makes me so angry!!!

Anonymous said...

AI has probably been more of a stigma for Adam than for any other AI alum. In a "fair" world, he never should have had to be on it to begin with. He should have been signed by a label and built his career. But it didn't happen that way, and Adam has this burden to bear along with the other things.

About the sexuality in music: even the classical composers, Beethoven, etc., were sometimes criticized for creating music that was too erotic. Sex and sensuality has always been apart of music, because music moves the emotions and the soul, all part of our sensual beings.

The problem for Adam is that the rules are not the same for all singers. Sexually charged performces are common for many singers, and the singers are cheered and embraced for them. Adam has to walk a tightrope and watch his step. He has follow different rules. Not fair, but true.

I've said many times here and elsewhere that the best way to get people to change their minds about Adam AS A PERSON is to get him on those NETWORK TV show, like the morning talk shows and the evening ones, too. Lots of people acknowledge that he sings well, but they're still put off by a perceived persona that they find unappealing. He can fix that if he has a chance to be seen by casual viewers to just happen to catch him on a popular show and see that he's nnot so scary or weird. He's just nice and funny and smart and talented, just like a lot of other guests on these shows. It's simple logic to me.

I wish his management could get him on some of these programs. Didn't he say he'd be on more shows after the album release? I thought I remember him saying that. And he's doing UK promo in June prior to the Queen shows.


glitzylady said...

Absolutely agree: if people could see Adam on shows that he can talk, show his personality, show that he is indeed an intelligent, funny, sweet, respectful, and in fact, pretty "regular" guy, who happens to be gay and happens to be an amazingly talented singer in addition to his inherent decent humanity, and who is someone who really wants what the rest of us humans do: security, respect, the love of someone special in our lives, and the joy of doing what we love to do, and happen to make a living at it, which makes it even better. I personally find Adam to be appealing in so many ways, and one important one is that he dares to be himself and is not ashamed or afraid to be that person. And that person is pretty darn special. If he was only a great singer but not the person that he is, I most likely wouldn't be hanging out here so much...His voice draws me to him and to this blog to find out what's happening in his career, but his personality and his heart and soul keep me here, forever flailing AND wondering how things are going for him personally, because I care about him as a fellow human being.

Since day one (on Idol and now way beyond), my husband, myself, and others in our family have done nothing but smile and be charmed by Adam when he appears on talk shows, does interviews, and performs. We simply cannot wipe our silly smiles off our faces..because he just has that effect on us..And we're pretty "normal" at least I think so!! So I would love to see Adam out there making the rounds of some high profile talk shows over the next few months and beyond, not just singing but getting a chance to show those who don't "know" him like we do, that he isn't really, as you say, weird or scary or whatever else they might think... I suspect that is actually in the works and we just haven't heard about anything yet..

And yes, the "Rules" are different for Adam..because he IS unique and unless you're a woman..and/or heterosexual..the rules weren't really there in the first place. He's pretty much the first in his "category" and he has to blaze that trail..which is no easy task..given the minefield he's trying to traverse, or "Trespass".. He has my unconditional support.

AND...... I am DYING to hear the rest of the music on his new album, which I think is going to be really really successful because it is SO DARN GOOD! Only 20 more days until now, back to THAT topic I hope, which is a whole lot more fun!!! : ))

Anonymous said...

glitzlady, You and I are really on the same wavelength. The love, frustrations, the anticipation we all feel for Adam's music to explode and for his career to blossom. The rest of the world WILL come its senses. I keep saying that if I ever write a biography of Adam, it will be called "We Always Knew."


Anonymous said...

INSTINCT magazine will be available at Barnes & Noble as of May 1st. Or, you can order it over the internet, if you prefer, for a small shipping charge.

SHIGGLES said...

Uree: It's so good to have you back. I, for one, appreciate your
cojones in calling anyone out when they are so extremely wrong. In the three years I've been visiting 24/7 you've been spot on.

Glitzy: You bring us news before it's news. We can always count on that. Today you and DRG brought me to tears with your wisdom and insight into the difficulties Adam has to overcome by putting it into such heartfelt words.

Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles..........JAK here

I was clearing out my desk this a.m. and came across the scrap of paper I wrote your Rural Rap on, it gave me a giggle. Those were some good silly times weren't they?

Jadam NZ said...

Glitzy, DRG, Urethra,
Well said you all put my jumbled thoughts to gether and made sense of them, Everything you said was bang on.
If only people could get to know "the man behind the music" as we do, via these everyday TV shows etc.
It is all so complicated and political and Adam works so hard, but it must be heart breaking at time. I know myself I get so sad and frustrated, supporting Adam is almost like supporting a sports team or something we want him to "win" so bad.
I for one will always be with you all here, We have his back.
I think Trespassing will blow everything else away if it is only given a chance.

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