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Adam Lambert interview and in-studio performances at Sirius Radio Fishbowl (5-26-2012)

Filed Under () by Admin on Sunday, May 27, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, May 27, 2012


Anonymous said...

This is one of the best interviews with Adam in recent times. Larry Flick "gets" Adam. But we've heard Larry interview Adam over the past few years and it's always good. The name of the actual station isn't Fishbowl, but OutQ on Sirius. Fishbowl is their performance studio. Also, Larry made a mistake in the beginning, he introduced NCOE -- but the song that actually plays is "Cuckoo." NCOE does get played, at the end, and it's the version the features Adam and Bruno Mars. Did anyone know that there was a version of that out there? I certainly didn't until I heard it here. But then I looked it up on YouTube and, yes, someone posted it back in..March! WTF? I'm surprised word didn't get around. That all aside, however, it's a cool version and I maybe those two will perform it together somewhere. Does Bruno have the courage to..?

Anonymous said...

yes this was so good..everyone who loves Adam must listen to this and those just knowing him should really listen

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's concept of taking a journey and bringing people, gay and straight right along with him, just trying to figure it all out. He is incredibly brave to have come out right at the cusp of his career. It has hurt him in some ways but has helped in others. the positive payback for his choice will continue to pay off throughout his life in different. I really believe this. He has made history already and will continue to do so. I really feel respect for his courage, which, as time goes on, will become even more evident. I know this all sounds so academic, but I truly feel it in my heart.


Anonymous said...

We need some one to make this in a video for youtube. So we can keep around for any other people.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please separate the songs from the interview part?

They're amazing!!!!

sue s. said...

Does this end in the middle of OOL? I need more. Or did I just hit a glitch? Can't get it ro go further!

sue s. said...

Does this end in the middle of OOL? I need more. Or did I just hit a glitch? Can't get it ro go further!

leilani Aloha said...

Beautiful, deep & emotional interview!
Bravo Adam! That's why we all LOVEEEEE U soooo Much!!! The whole enchilda!!! Amazing Voice , Heart & Talent!!! & Good Looks & Style:):):)