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Fan Made: Adam Lambert's Trespassing in 10 minutes!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, May 12, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, May 12, 2012

REMEMBER GUYS! The album is released on May 15, 2012! THREE MORE DAYS!


tess4ADAM said...

Can't wait!! My THREE versions (2 Deluxe & 1 with DVD) are on their way via email from B&N & AO ... if I don't die of anticipation first that is & tomorrow is Mother's Day so HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to ALL the moms, grandmas & great grandmas all over the World ... Hope you all have a Fabulous day!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@9:21PM Thank you, dear.

Happy Mother's day everbody! Have a blast!

Anonymous said...

1. Broken English 2. Kickin In 3. Shady/Chokehold/Better Than I Know Myself are my faves, and Take Back from the bonus tracks.

Anonymous said...

Although it might be Chokehold that I will be listening most. I think it has a swedish sound, but in a good way. A little bit like Kent maybe..