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New VH1 Interview: Adam Lambert Shares His Views On Gay Marriage

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, May 14, 2012

Posted at : Monday, May 14, 2012


Anonymous said...

Great, fun interview with Adam. He looks terrific and the host seems really to be taken with him. The more we see of Adam and as he talks about Trespassing, hopefully there will be interest from non-fans and others to buy the album.

Anonymous said...

I loved him on VH1. This video is only part of the segment. He was in the whole part of the beginning half an hour of the show.

Anonymous said...

Three Live stream of Adam at Billboard in six minutes:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures of Adam at GMA:

Anonymous said...

@bani_: A Little extra footage of VH1 Big Morning Buzz (Adam & Chris's hug) 5-14-12.

Anonymous said...

@ItalyLovesAdam: [PHOTO] 405 pics & screencaps of Adam live @ GMA 5-14-12

Anonymous said...

Just finished watching the Billboard Live stream of Adam. As always, he was articulate, intelligent, honest and witty. He talked about the writing process and collabs for Trespassing and and then the gay marriage/ LGBT issues and his involvement in the cause. The Queen concerts were brought up and then Adam was asked about his own tour for the future. No definite dates set for that yet. I can listen to any interview he does because he is so clear and focused as to what he wants as far as his music and his career. I just received my copy of Trespassing today and have played it several times already. It has a great vibe, makes you want to dance. Then there are the power ballads that almost make you want to cry because of the poignant, hauning lyrics and melody. I hope this album does well for Adam because he certainly deserves all the accolades he has gotten so far in the reviews I have read. Buy it for yourself and for your friends. You will be amazed.

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambert also stopped by @VEVO recently for an exclusive interview Hardest working guy in showbiz or what?!

Anonymous said...

Billboard interview was fantastic. I would love to watch it again. Hope someone RIP it on a video.

Anonymous said...

Photoset: vh1: Better photos of @chriscolfer and @adamlambert on VH1 this morning, including a better angle...

Anonymous said...


Hells bells we all know I LOVE Adam, but enough already!!

**ALMOST did not look at this interview because of the title... AGAIN with this gay crap. UGH. Sensationalize much? My GOD he has a new ALBUM coming out...
talk about THAT. What's the title of the interview??? Was it Vh1, or admin here?? Whoever is responsible for the title, PLEASE think about it!!!

Adam is such a GREAT interview, witty, charming, funny, intelligent... the GREATEST singer-entertainer, but let's ignore all that and grab a headline about gay something. I'm truly getting sick of it that whenever his name is mentioned that word is not far behind. We know he's gay. Knock of mentioning it EVERY time his name appears! If it's pissing me off I can only imagine what it does to the general closed-minded thick- headed public who already DON'T want to hear it =/

I'm SO glad I forced myself to listen anyway because I KNOW what a great interview Adam is and we've all been waiting for the exciting buzz around the album drop and the much awaited promo appearances.

This was GREAT, informative and as always Adam-fun. The girl seemed to have a wonderful time. I'm so glad I did too... cos I almost didn't even look.

Anonymous said...

Tweets from Adam and his dad:

Adam Lambert ‏ @adamlambert

Miles Tougeaux ‏ @milestougeaux
@adamlambert Nice job! Band sounds great!

Miles Tougeaux ‏ @milestougeaux
@IsaacTheCarp Dude, youre the unsung hero back there. Impeccable meter, fills , sound, the whole enchilada. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Four GIFs of Adam hugging that Chris Colfer at the VH1 morning buzz show:


Anonymous said...

Longer VH1 video with Chris Colfer at the end:!

Anonymous said...

Earlier tweet from Adam:

Adam Lambert ‏ @adamlambert
@deanpiper have fun Dean!!!

deanpiper ‏ @deanpiper
@adamlambert thanks Dude! Next time I'm in the presence of Queen you will be there! #BOOM

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:58 Thanks for the link to sociallife. So nice photos, especially the ones close up. Breathtaking handsome! I love the jacket. Can at least one photo be brought over here?

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Talks Love And Music Ahead Of Album Release [PHOTOS & VIDEO]

Anonymous said...

@adamlambert new album trespassing Hongkong version is released today。buy one to win a toywatch ,poster

Anonymous said...

Rumor circulating that Adam might sing 2 songs on Idol on Thurs. result show. Universe, please let it be true!

Anonymous said...

billboard interview.

Anonymous said...

Great article to read about Trespassing. Score 3 out of 4.

Anonymous said...

Cute Adam GIF:

"Adam I can do dat myzelf"

Anonymous said...

Final album score: 4.5 out of 5. Werk, bitch!

They used Adam's eye for the score. Must read it!

Anonymous said...

Fan tweet at "MLB Fan Cave" during Adam's sound check:

I don't know how I'm going to make it through this concert.... HE SOUNDS UNREAL!!!! AMAZING!! OMFG!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam at MLB concert doing sound check:

Hey Adam!!!!! Omg e is so presh

Anonymous said...

Sound check video at MLB:

Anonymous said...

1:23. I had a dream about Adam being allowed to sing more than one song on IDOL on Thursday!!! If it's true, I think it will be the first time that's every been done for an alum. Where did you hear it? I'm know he'll sing NCOE, because that's the new single, but wouldn't it be great if he sang SHADY??? Or TRESPASSING? I really hope it's true. I just got my deluxe copy of TP today! Can't wait to play it! I thought Adam's performances and interviews to day were wonderful!


Anonymous said...

Trespassing (Deluxe) is No. 20 on iTunes POP and Trespassing (Regular) is No. 114.

Trespassing (Deluxe) is No. 80 on iTunes General main page.

Trespassing (Deluxe) ranking on Amazon:
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #8 in Music (See Top 100 in Music)
#4 in Music > Alternative Rock
#4 in Music > Pop > Adult Alternative
#6 in Music > Rock

Anonymous said...

DRG, I belive Coldplay did two songs just recently on AI.

Anonymous said...

@3:02PM On twitter. I'm guessing since it's TOP 3 they might extent result night to 2 hours instead of 1 hour. Maybe they might have Adam to perform two songs. You know Idol makes its last decisions close to the broadcast day which is Thursday night. We'll find out soon.

Anonymous said...

Official Billboard interview:

Anonymous said...

Trespassing on GMA

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone for linking all the fruits of the day here :) Everything was so great to watch and listen! Especially liked the Billboard long interview - that's what a good tv interview is about!

Did I get it right, at some point of the day Adam dropped the black and white coat and got the same kind of jeans instead :)?

Now it's much over the bedtime here, have to give up...


Anonymous said...

I add a THANK YOU to everyone posting great links here all day. Real Life calls, but I'll be using everyone's links tonight (unfortunately, probably until the wee hours... oh well, bags unders eyes is a good look, right? lol. comes with the territory of being an Adam fan I guess)

Thanks again all


Anonymous said...

Live stream of Adam's concert at MLB:

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's full set from MLB Fan Cave thanks to GirlPhenom

It's the full set from that live stream. Sound is kind of shakey.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading a lot of positive reviews. If everyone is loving it so much, then why are the first two singles not doing well? BTIKM hit no. 76 on Billboard, then, never to be heard from again. NCOE has yet to see Billboard Hot 100. Why is radio not playing the great songs from this album?

Anonymous said...

NCOE has not even officially gone to radio yet- it is next week.

HK fan said...

Does anyone have a link to this vh1 interview on youtube, as it won't let us outside the US watch it...

Anonymous said...

Yes please. VH1 is very unkind to non-Americans. They let us vote but they won't let us listen.