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Adam and Sauli getting out of Adam's car after arriving at Costa Mesa (7-19-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, July 20, 2012

Posted at : Friday, July 20, 2012

@iiOwnYourHeartx: Adam and Sauli getting out of Adam's car after arriving at Costa Mesa CA OC Concert (7-19-12)


Anonymous said...

Thanx for the nice pics.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see boyfriends pics after a while. Adam should have performed like that. The jacket was a little too much, although I really like it.

Anonymous said...

Adam's video has disappeared from the muchmore vote page. What the…?

Anonymous said...

OT: this is crazy but when I heard of the shooting at batman movie in california- my first thought was I hope Adam wasn't there. He likes to go to movies like that! Anyway, this is so tragic, mindboggling- I actually cried I just don't understand people today!

Anonymous said...


I wonder as well. But anyway VOTE here to make NCOE No.1 if the video has now disappeared.

ADAM'S NCOE is at #4 now. I hope voting today will push NCOE to No.1 by tomorrow:

SG said...

Ok, I know since I saw him, or better say I saw"the light of God" maybe my head is not the same anymore, maybe my spirit is not the same,something inside me has changed,the way I feel thing, the way I see thing, the way I see Adam's shoes sole....I don't's a powerfull I see an image of probably some known Saint on Adam's shoe sole, a moder Saint cz he's wearing a black suit and probably has an Iphone with a speed dial to God.The name of the store it must be "Follow the Steps of the Lord" and if you see any sinner kick his ass with that pointing tip!!
I have to thing about it...I'm sure that's a sign....

AH! I'm sure there's also a model with the Devil Image too,in case you need to steep in hell.No Saints allow and the floor is hot "as hell" (obiously)so...
As always Adam is showing us thouse things we can't live without!Practical and usedful!;)

Anonymous said...

Well, I was at the concert last night with awesome seats! It was great weather, altho a little humid. Adam rocked the place and the fans were totally into him!! He did 3 songs from FYE - WWFM, Fever and IIHY, which were great, but I was kind of surprised. He also did Pop That Lock for the first time and it sounded great! The only complaint by me and several fans were that he didn't do an encore. :-( He did Cuckoo, introduced the band, then picked up his shoes (he had taken them off earlier in the concert 'cuz he was hot) and then everyone walked off the stage. It was kind of disappointing, but the concert was fantastic, so who can complain?? LL

Anonymous said...

PS - we looked for Sauli and/or his family at the concert, but didn't see them. Maybe Sauli was backstage. Anyway, once again, I'm sure Sauli was proud to see his 'love' perform so damned well. What another fun night with Adam it was. My daughter was with me ( this was her 3rd Adam concert with me) and she thought Adam sounded way better and even more professional than when she had seen him before. And she loved the Vajayjays - thought they added a lot to the performance. LL

Anonymous said...

These are not tour concerts (like gnt of queenbert) but individual gigs, kind of promo, and it could be the reason why there's no encore.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

LL again - Just read comments on the previous thread. Sorry I didn't get to meet some of them, but everyone around us were obviously Adam fans, so it was a hoot talking about our mutual Adam love/obsession! My daughter and I met Ashley's (the bass player) dad. We saw Ashley before the concert with her family so didn't want to bother her. As we were walking away her dad came over and told us we had the right colors on (both my daughter and I had the bright yellow tops and black pant). I gave Ashley a thumbs up and said 'see you soon'. She returned the thumbs up and said 'absolutely'! Then, right after the concert, Ashley's dad came running up to us and said 'did you like my girl'?? He was so damned proud and it was so cute. He told us about her musical education and that Adam picked her over many others trying to get the bass player position. We told him she was great and also very pretty. He beamed. It was just another highlight of our wonderful evening. :-)

Anonymous said...

From a Glambert at QUEEN's concert:

"I can't resist telling everybody: during the Queen show I saw, when ADAM straightened himself on the catwalk in his hiding-nothing-quite-the-contrary black leather, one half of the gay couple in front of me covered his boyfriend's eyes. LOL!"

Anonymous said...

@3:35, aw thanks for the story. I think Ashley is great too.

Anonymous said...

Read review of last night's concert:

Anonymous said...

28 pictures of Adam, fans, and last night's opener This Is She:

BTW I liked the opener band last night.

Anonymous said...

@Cecycat1: *WOW* 446 pics of Adam Lambert Pacific Amphitheatre's show 7-19-12 by TimeOfDaffodils... AWESOME!!!...

Anonymous said...

@3:00 I read there is a ten o'clock curfew there so Adam probably didn't have time to do an encore. Maybe in the next concerts he will. Thanks for your review! Going to Winstar Casino show next Friday and will give you my review on Saturday! Sooooo excited!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved the vids. But, Adam's shows are always too short. He should perhaps extend his shows to at least 1½ hours. A lot of people (new potential long-term fans) are used to headliners' shows being at least 90 minutes. I realize that these shows are 'promotion' for him but for a lot of people attending, it's finally their time to see Adam live and they want more!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I also heard that they hadto be off stage by ten or something because of curfew and noises reasons. As Adam's "setlist" grows with new music, his shows will be longer. Too bad there was no encore, but maybe it was out of his hands. He's done encores before. The videos of this show are great. He is in top form. Loved his comments about how much he learned from performing with Queen. His energy level is really high. BTW, I LOVE the horse jacket. It's very classy.

Sauli looks so gorgeous! He is so tan! He has that lovely golden skin that tans well. I think Adam does NOT like to try to tan. He is so fair-skinned and freckly. He probably burns very easily.

Thanks to all for the videos and links for voting and reviews. Now on to the next show!


Anonymous said...

set times at these events are set by the sponsor and their is a time curfew...

Anonymous said...


@ChristieGoodwin ADAM LAMBERT fans have just broken the record of blog ‘page views’ which was previously held by the Kylie Minogue fans. …

@scorptwitr and swear to god my guy friend non-Glambert pointed out ADAM’s bulge tonight lmao

Catharine Sloper said...

I think it is great that Adam likes to be casual and get in his car and ride. Still, I am very concerned about security issues and thinking that you can go out and about as a celebrity without protection is a big mistake. I think Adam should be very careful and should have security with him at all times. I hope that is happening.

Anonymous said...

Off subject l was just wondering if anyone knows how many copiers Trespassing has sold here in US and worldwide. On subject dang those two are fine gorgoues couple.

Adamluv said...

Part 3 of concert review - One of my Adam friends who had my ticket for last nite had just returned from London and seeing Adam and Queen the first nite. She said that it was mostly filled with Queen fans and they responded very positively to Adam and their eyes were glued to him especially when he was on the catwalk! She bought me for my birthday the UK album with 17 tracks on it - By the Rules and Map included. Nice! And another great thing happened as well last nite = one of the guy Adam fans at the restaurant who I didnt know gave me and several of my friends each a DVD of the Kiev show! COOL!!!!!! Cant wait to see it - just have to get a new DVD player. BTW - just heard that Adam isnt feeling very well. And besides the Sacramento gig tonite he has Fantasy Springs tomorrow. Weather report predicts well over 100 degrees tomorrow in the desert. Hope he and everyone else is careful with such extreme heat. . . . Adamluv

HK fan said...

Adam says he's not sick, rumour!!!

I loved the videos of Costa Mesa, there's definitely a change in Adam, he seemed really relaxed last night.
I do think he should make his shows a bit longer, I remember that being the one complaint I heard many times at the HK GNT, it was too short, and we have seen from the Queen concerts, he can do longer. And when he is the main act like last night, he should do at least one song for an encore. Its kind of expected nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Just saw this on You Tube.

ADAM LAMBERT's Best Singing Moments:

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and his band, but....after seeing and hearing Adam with Queen, well there is no comparison..Adam is so gifted he needs a professional band to back him up...Don't hate me for saying this, but Adam is too good for his band and back-up singers. I love them, but he needs a rock-in band and back-up, because he is better then they are, I mean talent wise..he needs the best that is out there to back him up because he is great...and needs the best of the best to back him up..Sorry but Adam is way too talented for them..

Don't hate me..That's what I think..

I am just stating my opinion..

Anonymous said...


Don't apologize. I agree with you. He is already at his best above all the rest while his band is still growing with him. It will happen that ADAM will have the BEST for he deserves to perform with the BEST of them all.
All the luck with Heaven's blessings.

Anonymous said...


@FantasySprings: We're going to place some @AdamLambert buttons around the property and photgraph them. Finders keepers. Good luck.

@LAMBERTLUST: And now they are playing Whataya Want From Me on the Casino floor!! Woohoo!!! Omg!!! Yay!!! @adamlambert

@GlamazonToronto: The room keys @FantasySprings haveAdam Lambert on them. I love this place.

@TALCvids: Oh Em Gee!!! Thank you to the Internet gods ;) Fantasy Springs has the fastest Internet ever!! Weeee! Loading last night's vids now :D

Anonymous said...

Queen is the ultimate without doubt. Yes, I understand where your coming from and Adam is such a full on professional that your thoughts are not alone. But I do love Tommy!

Anonymous said...

10:21 just stating your opinion again and again and again. geesh please give it a rest girl.

Anonymous said...

12:07 and agreeing with herself again and again and again, lol oh please don't hate me it's only my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I'm not 10:21 and I agree with her. A lot of people do. This band does not match Adam's talent but this is the band Adam has chosen and they are all growing. and improving.

Anonymous said...

Give him the money to hire a first rate band. RCA isn't going to do it. So quit crabbing. Until he's a top seller they are not going to come up with the big bucks.

Adam does not have money rolling in like Katy Perry, Beiber, Madonna, Usher, etc etc etc. He's making a good living, he's not getting rich-yet!

Anonymous said...

oh boy she never says die does she? A broken record, has to get her little digs in there, and every thread with the band/Tommy will be the same.ZZZZZZ

Anonymous said...

@7:59, it is Adam's career not Tommy's, although it sometimes looks like Adam is trying to make a career for Tommy. I suppose Adam wants Tommy and the back up girls, but I don't agree with him. I like Ashley, Brian and Isaac, because they need the attention so much. I am not 10:21.

Anonymous said...

correction: Ashley, Brian and Isaac don't need the attention so much

Anonymous said...

They don't sound cohesive, it's a jumble of musicians of varying talent. Adam sounds good in spite of them, not because of them. It is a problem that needs to be faced. They need a solid sound every time they get on stage. Does RCA do anything? Adam needs to get and take some advice. Fast.

Anonymous said...

@10.21 Queen is a band that have playing together for 30+ years. Brian May and Roger Taylor and the rest of the band are iconic. You cannot compare anyone else to them, it is not fair. And to complain about Adam's choice of his band is to not trust Adam's judgement. If people would just stop complaining!! Jeez!

Anonymous said...

The band's sound isn't tight. Didn't know Brian brought the singers with him. Thanks for the info. I had no idea. Adam's super fans who travel to his concerts anyway, don't care how good or bad his band is, but if he wants bigger audience he can't ignore.

Anonymous said...

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