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Adam Lambert at Costa Mesa (7/19/12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 20, 2012

Posted at : Friday, July 20, 2012


"Kickin In"



"Whataya Want From Me"

"Outlaws of Love"


"Broken English"

"Naked Love"

"If I had You"

"Pop That Lock"

"Never Close Our Eyes"



Anonymous said...

DANG, I wish I could have been there.

Anonymous said...

No Socks!!!!!

Anonymous said...
they are back :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam's jacket up close, it looks so interesting.

donnaw said...

I LOVE Adam's baggy pants!!!

Anonymous said...

YAAAAAY!!!!!! LOVED POP THAT LOCK! the arrangement was puuuurfect.

Anonymous said...

MY absolute favorite now is MAP. GIT IT ON THE RADIO ADAM.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU SUZ for these GREAT videos!!! I greatly appreciate your loving spirit allowing all of us who couldn't be there to view these wonderful moments.

tess4ADAM said...

I have just spent an ENJOYABLE & thoroughly Entertaining afternoon with the MARVELOUS MR. LAMBERT b/cuz of Admin. of ADAM 24/7 & the Talented Suz 526. THANK YOU ever so much for providing me with a little glimpse of 'heaven' with my favorite STAR through your videos ... my front row seat to ADAM's concerts & events!! So glad I came here today ... now I'm off to VOTE for our boy at ALL the polls on the internet!! Love 'n Light ..

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I liked R&B a lot in the 90's, when it was good music. That's probably why I also like Better Than I Know Myself.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy NCOE, Broken English and Chokehold the most. I liked Kickin In and Cuckoo a bit more with the UK band (G-A-Y gig). I think can live without Pop That Lock, I'm not 12.

Anonymous said...

I know I would also love Shady with Nile Rodgers.

Anonymous said...

Nice really nice...

Loving the hair...looks easy to maintain.

love the way bass player (is it ashley?) combines the black and yellow

Nice bracelet BB.

Ty Susie for Vids

Anonymous said...

Thanks to suz for these videos. It's so different than the gig with queen. I wonder what Adam is thinking, after that massive venue exposure to his own thing.! Don't get me wrong, I love adam like no one and have his fanstastic album on repeat daily (every song) Mauybe I'm thinking too mch, but it must be so different now for him after the queen thing. Adam belongs in the huge arenas- I felt a sense of defeatment with this concert? I could be wrong, I just feel adam is destined for greatness and these small arenas he doesn't belong in?

Anonymous said...

The Queen gigs showed what Adam can do. If Adam only performs with Tommy he will not develop. He will remain with the usual and familiar (glamily) stuff, especially on stage, because Tommy fans make resistance. Adam was well-received by the Queen fans. I saw videos of the fans who went to the London concerts and they were asked what they think about Adam. They were all nice.

Anonymous said...

First time I ever enjoyed Pop That Lock and Kickin In. I skip them on album, but seeing Adam perform them is a different story. Don't know that I like the songs any better, but I sure do like Mr. Lambert.

I bet those pants feel a lot better after a few weeks in leather!
Ouch! I wore tight leather pants ONCE. Chafe agony! :(

Anonymous said...

I live 45 minutes from Costa Mesa and I didn't go to the concert ( I have been to 7 of Adam concert's) but decided this time I was not going and the reason is....his band is shitty!!! He is TOO GOOD for this low caliber band. After Queen I got spoiled :( He better put together a better gig or his concerts are going to loose attendants.
Best performance, "Pop That Look".

Anonymous said...

@2:25,2:59, 4:12...You can't compare a Queen concert with Adam's band.
Don't be ridiculous.
You are just trying to cause trouble...go away

Adam is Adam not Queen and his concert last night was great...

Anonymous said...

I knew we would all be spoiled by Adam playing with Queen. I was hoping that Tommy would step it up a bit after seeing Adam with Queen and I think he did tonight.
My least favorite song on the Album was PTL but I thought the live versions tonight was better then the album version.
I just adore Adam Lambert and want the very best for him. Not sure if this band is good enough for him. I think he could find better. Love the back up singers. POWERFUL!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is almost too good for any band, except Queen but we are not going to put them down. It's Adam's band and when he sells a millions records, they will give him what ever he wants. Until then, I don't care who he plays with, or what he wears. He is so off the charts brilliant!
And he looked stunning tonight!!! as always!

Anonymous said...

Once again thanks for posting the videos, and thanks Suz for sharing it, I can watch Adam's concert here in Manila.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that these two background ladies danced on Pop That Lock! It was terrible! Can't believe that Adam let them to sing on background of "Outlaws Of Love"!
Adam, what is going on with you?!
I was really enjoy Pop That Lock. And suddenly these two appeared on the back and started to dance!!!! I don't whee is Adam choreographer, but with these two dancers/singers he will never have brilliant Glam show!
Call me troll, whatever you want. I hope somebody will tell Adam about this big error in his shows! Rediculous!

Anonymous said...

Adam's band is stink! And these 4x ladies don't help this show at all! I think Adam has enough money to get his dancers back!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....Very good performance.
IMO when Adam tours with the Trespassing songs, I much prefer his spontaneous dancing to the choreographed dancing he did on GNT. I know dancers are needed, as costume change interlude, but would prefer to see them alone.
My dream team would be Sasha and Twitch from SYTYCD dancing to songs from the album that Adam does not sing on stage. There were a lot of good neglected songs on last album that could have been choreographed into really good dance numbers. And Trespassing has even more. I keep hoping one or more will turn up on SYTYCD.

So, tour time when he calls me for my opinion.......I'm ready! :)

Anonymous said...

I really like Adam's dance moves, sometimes they are sexy and sometimes goofy but always ADAM!

Anonymous said...

I love all Adam's moves in this show! He grows up so fast as fantastic singer and flamboyant performer. And I'm absolutely agree with JAK about Sasha and Twitch. I hope we will see them on Adam's next tour. And I hope I will not see these strange background singers on the tour! Don't they have few $$ to buy some clothes?

Anonymous said...

It probably is a letdown for some after watching Adam perform with Queeen to see him on stage with his own band and backup singers. But there is no comparison...the only common element is Adam himself. What he did with Queen is totally different from his performances with his band for Trespassing. I did notice a new energy, a certain looseness and freedom in Adam as he was on stage. He was enjoying himself as he performed the songs from his album. This is part of a promo tour, not a full concert so there are no backup dancers, clothing changes(unless he splits his pants again)or even an encore. He just wants the people out there to listen to some of the songs from Trespassing, to buy the album if they haven't done so already, and to pass on to others that they enjoyed it and him. When Adam is ready to tour, he and his management will decide on the concept for it and put everything together. Glitz and glitter were for the Glam Nation tour,but now it will be something different, but still edgy and stylish. Until then all these videos from his appearances at these promo venues will have to keep us satisfied. So stop complaining about this and that and just enjoy the best vocal talent in music today.

Anonymous said...

@6:54PM I really enjoyed Adam's vocals. However, 50%of the songs sounded for me more like trio:( Few times I could hear just girls voices. Adam brilliant vocal sounded like backup

Anonymous said...

With all these comments and criticisms about the band, the singers,etc., Adam just might decide to spend his time touring internationally where the audience won't knit-pick at everything. As for those backup singers, I would guess that Adam selected them and if you are outdoors performing in the heat and humidity, there isn't much else you can wear to keep cool. This is not a tour and the big money isn't available(I would presume) to spend on outfits, tour buses(Adam drove himself and Sauli) to Costa Mesa and other things. Adam is there to promote his album; that is the main reason . If it doesn't do well, I don't know what that means as far as a tour is concerned. Any publicity he receives( possible Idol judge, Pretty little Liars appearance, the Queen concerts) are all good for his career and keeping his name out there. I am just mesmerized by this man and his talent and want only the best for him both personally and professionally. He certainly deserves it.

Anonymous said...

oh emm gee are we going to have to live thru the Tommy/band thingy everytime Adam performs? The same people making the same comments.Planting that negativity.No he is not going to leave the country either anymore than you or me. Please trolls, your favorites need alot of help ,put your energy into them.

Anonymous said...

@7:06PM How come almost everybody are trying to protect these two giant pieces of meat? And you even found excuse for them don't wear appropriate clothes,! They must wear some clothes.
I know these shows about album promotion. However, Adam always dressed perfectly. tommy and Ashley always look nice also. Why these two backup performers have to look like they just woke up and forgot to put any clothes?

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam could bring to US this band he performed with in UK few times! I'm not talking about Queen:)

Anonymous said...

7:45..7:54 I pray the Vajayjays never read your ignorant comments. They were so excited before the concert tweeting, getting their hair done, family members tweeting how proud they were of them and coming to the concert. It makes me feel so sad to read your comments.

HK fan said...

@anon 2.25pm july 20th
There was actually more people at this concert than at the Concerts at the Hammersmith Apollo......

Adamluv said...

@7:45 - you have the right to not like their singing nor performing with Adam but calling them "giant pieces of meat" is so wrong. Do you like all the ugly words that the haters use to describe Adam? You're doing exactly the same thing only about these 2 women. As @8:21 said, it makes me sad too.

HK fan said...

Although many people here didn't many choose the best words about the backup singers, I kind of have to agree with them. I just haven't warmed to them on stage, I'm sure they're great ladies, they must be, Adam loves them and he seems to have a great choice in friends. But as his backup singers, I personally just don't think their voices blend well with Adams. They are often too loud and I can often hear them over Adam, and at least one of them sounds off at times, and shrill like at the beginning of Naked Love, and I find their constant arm waving very distracting.
I thought the 2 guy backup singers in london much better, softer sounding, and their voices meshed so much better with Adams.

Anonymous said...

As always, I am in awe of Adam when he performs. He's my favorite! However, I feel as though the sound of Adam's voice got lost within the back-up singers' voices. The girls can sing very well, but I really really miss hearing just Adam....

Anonymous said...

@8:21PM What do you mean "getting their hair done"? You meant they wash and comb their hair, right? This is show business but not high school prom. But it sounds for me like they just have fun and enjoy themself. I don't think GaGa, Beyonce, Usher would let these ladies perform with them. Because it completely distract the show. And it doesn't matter if this just promotion concert, tour, or Grammy's performance. Adam is putting on risk his carrier just because he has golden heart. Still doesn't make sense to me. Why do they perform with Adam? Does anybody know the whole story?

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and his band, but....after seeing and hearing Adam with Queen, well there is no comparison..Adam is so gifted he needs a professional band to back him up...Don't hate me for saying this, but Adam is too good for his band and back-up singers. I love them, but he needs a rock-in band and back-up, because he better then they are, I mean talent wise..he needs the best that is out there to back him up because he is great...and needs the best of the best to back him up..

Don't hate me..That's what I think..

Don't hate me, I am just stating muy opinion..

Anonymous said...

@10:16 PM Don't worry, nobody hates you. It seems that you aren't only person who sounds unhappy about Adam's band and backup girls. I agree with you on 100%.
Be honest, I wish Adam would read these comments. Yes, some of them include too much negativity. However, it sounds that a lot of us have same opinion about yesterday show. Adam was brilliant. His band is .....okay. Backup singers are horrible!

Anonymous said...

My opinion about the show last night~~~~~A STAR among bozos.

Anonymous said...

July 20, 2012 9:49 AM
yes.i saw this,i`m very disappointed(:
I`m only QueenBert now (:

Anonymous said...

I love Ashley but sure wish she would respond to Adam more.

Anonymous said...

Venue holds about 8,000 and outside so the sound will never be to perfection. Indoor venues rock.

Anonymous said...

SUZ thanks for these videos. You are a gem! I couldn't make the OC Fair this time and you made it happen for me. I feel you need a trophy for using that camera because it is so differcult to video Adam in action, takes 100% restraint and dedication. I get so excited that I can never concentrate or keep still long enough to capture Adam on camera for that duration!
Thankyou so much.

Anonymous said...

OMG here comes the super negative directed to everything Adam loves.
Be positive people.

Anonymous said...

I ADORE "POP THAT LOCK" and what a fantastic version at Costa Mesa!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to compare Adam's performances with Queen with his current band. That would be ridiculous. However, his backing singers do him no justice whatsoever. Their introduction to Naked Love is out of tune and woeful, not just at Costa Mesa but at all the concerts Adam has performed this song. I couldn't hear Adam's voice in some of the songs he sang at Costa Mesa and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my hearing. Perhaps Adam's voice is strained at the moment. However, in a nutshell, Adam's backing vocals are way too loud and often pitchy. Adam needs to know these things so he can address the issues if he chooses.

Anonymous said...

Adam does not have pots and pots of money to pay a notch musicians. Yes, he should have a better band, maybe Jay Z and Beyonce could loan him several millions of $$$$$$$. Until then, we have this band and Adam. We'll have to make do! And quit complaining!

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree that the back-up ladies do sing too loudly sometimes( like on Outlaws of Love & some others)maybe things will improve w/them as time goes by,& maybe they can play back some videos & listen to themselves.

Anonymous said...

@June 21 6:31AM Most of us don't the backup girls. And you have to agree that they are very annoying. How come Adam didn't need tham before? Why Adam needs backup vocals at all? I think this is very strange!
Anyhow, I think band is okay. And like you said Adam doesn't have some much money (yet!!!!!!!!!!!!) and can't afford proffesionals.
By the way, I still think that Monte is jerk

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I read that his music director, Brian brought the V-Jays onboard...
Adam needs backup singers because of the layering(of his voice)on the CD...
I also find them a distraction
but I didn't feel that way when he did promotes in England with male backups JMO

Anonymous said...

Adam you are doing great!

Anonymous said...

I agree with those who have finally confessed their displeasure in Adam's band. I have always thought Tommy is a "developing" (not accomplished) musician. When he accompanies Adam on interviews, he merely strums the guitar soooo boring and loud that I can't listen. And, in the band, he canNOT hold a solo. There are so many fabulous musicians out there. I hope Adam will stop letting friendship loyalty influence his band choices. And those background singers are so loud,unsophisticated, bodacious and poorly dressed, they have GOT to go. I thought they were a joke at first. It is not their size that's so distracting. It's their entire personna and lack of "background skills." I'm not sure that the drummer has enough finesse for Adam but I have noticed he is at least trying to stop banging and blend in with Adam better. And, for me, it's the second part of the album that sets Adam apart from other singers. The first part reminds me too much of Michael Jackson. Any half decent singer could belt out those commercial "dance-ditties." The second part IS Adam and NO other singer could possibly render them as Adam does. Adam is a singers' singer; they all admire him soooo much. ME TOO! But, hell, who am I to judge when my favorite "Entertainment" numbers were "Sleepwalker" and "Pick U Up" and my favorite "Trespassing" are "Broken English," "Chokehold," "Runnin," and "Underneathe" -- BEAUTIFUL lyrics too.
I wish QUEEN could collaborate with Adam on his arrangements and incorporate some of Adam's music into a QUEEN tour. I liked the idea of QUEEN bringing in that young drummer (son of Rodger). It would be fitting for them to bring in and mentor some other FABULOUS young musicians to sometimes sit in for them. THEN, Adam could fly to the very top where he belongs. And WE could hear and enjoy QUEEN and LAMBERT music (on stage and in videos) as it has NEVER BEEN performed... with all kinds of electronics, acoustics, "classical" backgrounds, "soul" and international flavors....AND fantastic staging. Hurry Adam! Beverly

Anonymous said...

I find the two jay..birds, well, quite... appropriate. On stage. With Adam. I liked them from the beginning... their big robes and that amazing picture of Adam and the two of them. I thing they bring more power into his shows and allow him to breath and rest his voice for time to time, which is good for him and for the show. Btw, those big girls are ten times better dancers then any beauty queen or skinny model. They don't really fit there, visually, with the 'skeleton band members' and maybe that's why they are so... eye-turning and mind-twitching. However, they wouldn't be there if were not good singers.... AND they seem to me (almost) like an homage to his first hardcore ..Berts. It's like he (randomly) picked up two members of his audience (the first rows, as seen on YT videos!) and brought them with him on stage. :-) The fact that he calls them the VaJayJays... well, what can I say... he was, indeed, advised to censor his language and behavior, wasn't he?
"Adam Lambert and the VaJayJays" sounds almost like a biography (of a certain kind of 'star'), doesn't it? Or maybe not. :-)
It is, though, different from "Queen and Adam Lambert". The latter is 'like' (:-)) quantum theory applied to music, both forward and backward time travel, a sort of a musical paradox and Adam's... event horizon. It's quite hard to compete with that! (Adam & VJJs is just the Present, and a good 'right now' for that matter)

Anonymous said...

Adam is a puzzle to me. Great talent and questioning choices.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a porn act!