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Adam Lambert Performing at Endfest 2012 (Sacramento CA 7/20/12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 20, 2012

Posted at : Friday, July 20, 2012

Naked Love

Demi Lovato Catch Me (with Adam Lambert mention)

Kickin In

Naked Love




Anonymous said...

was this from live stream?The sound is so bad..I know it's not( the person who posted it) fault..thanks anyway.

daydreamin said...

I am uploading my video's. Sorry, but some are in two parts (hiding from security LOL).

Anyone know if twitter is down or is it just my hotel having issues?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello 2:31. Do you realize that you have single-handedly stolen away a lot of my good feelings about Tommy?

I still have a huge, autographed NOH8 photo of him on my wall but early morning encounters with your repetitive negatitivy on this blog has made me wish that he would....o-o-o-h-h-h- maybe join Monte on the Madonna tour so that I could follow him without experiencing the negativity he inspires in fans like you.

The anonymity this blog provides lets you run wild in a way that no other site allows.

Why insert bad feelings into a feel-good place?

Your bad behaviour is not Tommy's fault but, if I can start having bad feelings about him, then you've done a lot of damage.

Anonymous said...

2:31......just go way...
and this jerk's comments won't go change my feelings about Tommy.

Anonymous said...

2:31 Same here, and somehow I have started finding Tommy's sour facial expressions out of place, it looks like he is not having a good time (and btw, the same goes for Ashley).

Also, Tommy's sort of yearning moves towards Adam look a bit awkward, especially now that Adam is with Sauli.

Tommy is straight as we all know and as a guitar player he's definitely not irreplaceable(which is chrystal clear after having been to the Queen concert, I know, unfair comparison but still)...

Anonymous said...

hate to say it, but Adam deserves a better guitar player than Tommy..I know Tommy is his friend..but, Adam is moving up in the world..and the concerts with the amazing Queen just put Tommy and Ashley to shame..maybe that is why they look so somber..Adam's voice outshines his band a hundred fold!!!

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2012 2:31 AM
It`s me ,did i say`d something that was insulting! TOMMY?,NO I DIDN`T
to you 3.16,3.28 and 3.40

Newfie Duck said...

Who operates this blog and/or moderates etc.? Personally,there will always be someone who is trying to stir the pot and succeed. I would think that any comments that create negativity and disharmony would be the sole right of the administration to remove said comments. Like most here, I have always found this site to be a pleasant place where you can come to share and enjoy all that is positive. There are many other sites where one can get their fill of naysayers, and rebel-rousing comments. I'm all for freedom of speech, however, just do it somewhere else and keep this site pleasureable.

Anonymous said...

No worries, Adam would look stunning and outsing any other artist anytime and everywhere, even if he had me in the band :)

Anonymous said...

@4:11 AM
Haha!! Love it! :-D

Tommyberts need to Tommybert elsewhere. However, I strongly believe in freedom of speech and Adam's backing singers are too loud and too pitchy.

Anonymous said...

A "too cool for school" face doesn't look good on anybody's face, unless it is a part of the number.

IMHO, Isaac and Brian are doing just fine in that department and they seem to enjoy the show.

Anonymous said...

uly 21, 2012 4:02 AM
grow up

Anonymous said...

I don't get it how somebody thinks that Adam & Tommy are together.They really NEVER were.The kiss for just for "show",& that's all.You don't see BB kissing Tommy anymore,do you?Of course not!!!Sauli was with Adam @ the 2 concerts he's performed since being back in the USA.ACCEPT IT!!Those are the facts!!Sauli was prob @ some of the Queen shows also.@ anom @ 3:16am,don't let that troll upset you.Try to ignore her comments.Sauli is BB'S boyfriend.& they've been together longer than lots of Hollywood's other couples,gay,straight,or whatever.PLEASE keep voting on the Billboard poll,the do something awards,etc.

Anonymous said...

People its called putting on a show. From the first note to the encore the evening is planned. When Adam ripped his pants in London he did not need to change his clothes he needed another costume change. When it goes off script it's Adam who intigates it and they all follow his lead. Its all about the music and if you leave with a smile on your face still humming a tune as you walk to your car. Then it was a good show. This is not anyones daily life, its a performance. Adam himself knows most negativity on blogs come from people whos lives consist of sitting in front of there computers. He does not pay attention to any of it and a true fan should not either.

Anonymous said...

Tommy's no Satriani but if he were, he wouldn't be touring with Adam, would he?

But who knows, maybe Adam should make a phonecall and ask if JS is available and willing to tour with him - or maybe not - he doesn't smile much either. :((((

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Tommy and Adam being silly and flirting together onstage . They both have separate love lives so c'mon and lighten up PPL They also love ea other and its just part of their personalities . Just relax and enjoy the show YAY and remember Adam and brian had it goin on when he performed w Queen . Its just what HE does

Anonymous said...

5:58 Me, too, and I do like Tommy but I dread coming onto this blog after Saui is featured because 2:31will surely be here to even the score with nasty comments about Adam or his boyfriend.

I would have been okay with post 2:31 if Sauli's name had not come up - it would have just been funny.
Fantasize all you want - just don't knock people.

Anonymous said...

LOLS 5:58 You are right! Roger was also very flirty/affectionate with Adam during the July 14th performance of Under Pressure. The hottest onstage action so far this year imho.

I sometimes wonder if Adam's girly side ends up attracting some straight men a bit.

Anonymous said...

Adam's outfit is hot!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting some of the songs. I know we'll have seeing more videos soon. Adam looked smokin' hot, as usual, and his voice was excellent! Is it ever otherwise?

Too bad that this site gets hijacked my stupid comments intended to rile us up. Unfortuantely, it works when we let it. Adam is a showman. Tommy is part of the show. Tommy and Ashley are NOT the smiley types, so don't expect them to be up ther grinning. Some people are smilers and some are not. Doesn't mean they're unhappy or not having a good time. Tommy is playing the guitar just fine, IMO. Gets those riffs and solo parts really smokin'. Don't know what all the criticism is about. This show, so far, looks like it was really great. Didn't catch the Demi Levato comment on those links. Must have missed it. What did she say? I guess it will show up somewhere. Thanks to all posters and your great links!

Now, on to Fantasy Springs!


Anonymous said...

Kickin' In Endfest 2012, Sacramento

Anonymous said...

Endfest "Naked Love" #1 Sacramento

Anonymous said...

OK,i`m so pissed,because LAMBERT is ROCK singer and he sing`s blablaaa,
He has voice..
Lambert use it´really!

glitzylady said...

@anon 2:31am
Such Childish BS...and you know it.

To those throwing insults at the band members: Adam appreciates ALL of his band did to criticize any of them for simply being themselves is rude. I was at the OC Fair show and everyone on stage was at their best. The sound was perfect, Adam was phenomenal and the backup singers did NOT sing too loud, off key, etc. fan vids do not always give a true representation of what the actual sound is like at the venue. I'm on my way to Fantasy Springs next and have been reading the comments the last few days and really needed to to respond.

Anonymous said...

@7:50 AM
What rock have you been under?? Adam likes to sing pop!!

Anonymous said...

Lucky are those in the US who have the opportunity to go to 1,2 or many Adam concerts.

Anonymous said...

@Anon. July 21, 2012 8:39 AM

Yeah, overseas Glamberts are lucky to see Adam perform once every 2 years or more.

Anonymous said...

With all these smallish concerts, maybe there won't be a Trespassing concert tour next year and particularly if Adam is an Idol judge.

I wonder when he's going back to the UK.

Anonymous said...

@8:47AM I wish Adam moves to UK or Canada or NZ. He will get their much more appriciation, respect and popularity than he has in US!

Anonymous said...

i agree that negative folks are making this site a total turnoff. Adam sings both rock and pop so get over it. He can do both I went to London shows and will be first in line when TP comes back to the east coast. he is phenomenal singing anything or doing anything on stage, so please STFU with all the negative comments and nitpicking. are you all so critical in your real lives?

Anonymous said...

wow wow wow the trolls here are totally freaking out. I can just see all the one or two of them madly typing away thinking they are going to make a difference. lol

Anonymous said...

I've read tweets by some Glamberts who attended the Queen+Adam concerts, saying they were the best concerts ever. Adam didn't need backup singers at those concerts.

Anonymous said...

Ty Demi...we know!

Anonymous said...

Let's just ignore the trolls...don't even respond..
they are just looking for attention
I don't know why they just don't go and support their favorite singer...

Anonymous said...

I so wish I could go to these shows, they all look and sound amazing..


Adamluv said...

Having been at the Costa Mesa show and having heard the songs live is sooooooo different from hearing the songs on videos. They sound completely different and definitely not as good, and we need to always remember that when only watching videos and not be so negative. I only wish we had to sign in before commenting here as everyother site demands - there would be a lot less ugly trolling. . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

Hope to soon read reviews from @PRS and @daydreamin about this show. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I've been concerned that Trespassing is sometimes described as a gay album,I'm worrying that it might limit it's popularity. Since I love the music I dismissed the idea. Now that I know the "she" in Kickin In is a male and the orientation of banjee boys in Pop That Lock are gay I'm more worried. What was Adam thinking?
Did he stubbornly invite criticism?
I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, you can always go to twitter, but I find it even more negative.. :)

Anonymous said...

I've been concerned that Trespassing is sometimes described as a gay album,I'm worrying that it might limit it's popularity.

You wouldn't have to worry about this if it was being supported by the LGBT community, but it is not to any degree. If just 1% of that community bought Trespassing, it would be close to platinum already. Sorry, but this is one of my pet peeves.

Anonymous said...

11:08 Adam isn't afraid to put gay references into songs whether the listeners understand them or not. He's gutsy and unpredictable, which is one of the countless reasons I love him so. He doesn't do it all the time. When he does, it just shows that it is a part of him and always will be. He will not ignore it or hide it to please people.

The crowd in Sacramento sounded crazy for Adam!!! Loved their yelling and singing and loving it all. Demi's comment about Adam was short but sweet and oh so true. She's one of many big names who knows what Adam can do.

I think PTL could be a single. I never thought of it before, but it's a real crowd-pleaser. That banjee boys and dancey girls line is so provocative and sexy, just the way I like it. It really makes the song stand out. I doubt it will be the next single, but it sure could be in my book. Kickin' In is an addictive beat machine and you can't resist. Love the little story it tells. Adam, you never cease to amaze!

DRG (Love Adam's long vesty thing.)

Anonymous said...

I believe Adam said in an interview that a song (or music) had no orientation. Well not unless you make it so with the lyrics you write. Adam seems a rebel with a cause and that's a chancey thing to be if you want wide public appeal. I'm nail biting about this. I truly think if he sang covers he'd be selling out albums everywhere.

tess4ADAM said...

WHAT "GAY" album are we referring to here?? Certainly NOT "TRESPASSING"!! Besides ... I LOVE music for itself ... whether black, white, straight, gay (whatever the hell that is) ... does it GET to you ... can you FEEL it ... does it make you THINK, feel HAPPY, SAD, SEXY?? Well ... isn't that what music is SUPPOSED to do?? Does it matter that MOST of the Classical MASTERS were NOT American or whatever their origin ... orientation ( a non issue ... IMO)... race ... religion?? ANYONE who is a TRUE music lover could care less about those things ... I certainly DO NOT & I consider myself a music lover ... if it gets inside my soul & I can't stop humming it or hearing it in my head ... then I BUY it or search for it on Ytube or wherever ... stop looking for problems & just keep Enjoying ADAM & his FABULOUS music/performances!! LIFE is too SHORT to worry about non issues ... I KNOW!! Lov 'n Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Adam is Adam, take him or leave him. He ain't gonna sing fucking covers! Thank God!

Anonymous said...

How sad to even think of Adam just singing covers even though they would probably sell well. What a waste of creativity and deep thought. Adam is in his prime and wants to put out music that relects himself. Sure, he understands marketability. But he also has integrity and incredible talent. I'll take the Adam who is not walking the easiest road but who is trying to make is OWN mark on the music world. He'll make a bigger in the long run if he keeps creating and performing new music.


Anonymous said...

Personally I think there's nothing wrong with singing covers as long as you outdo the original and I am certain that Adam is more than qualified for the job. He was great at the Queen concerts!!!

I would love to see Adam make a cover album of Bowie's songs:

Anonymous said...

11:08 -- Please go walk in traffic... We love Adam's TRESPASSING album here.

Anonymous said...

If you want to listen to covers go listen to Susan Boyles. I love Adam's music. ADAMLUV Maybe what you are not liking live is the band. After listening him perform with Queen they do seem quit amaturish. I know they have only been together a short time and should improve. I really feel they lost alot when they lost Monty. He was a great guitar player and musical directer. This Brian character reminds me of one of the band leaders on the talk shows. Just shut up and playfor Pete's sake. We want to hear Adam not him. I say keep his mic turned off.

Anonymous said...

Oh, give me a break! Tresspassing isn't a gay album! When I listened Outlaws of Love fist time, I thought about my friend who never been married, never had children, and finally became very depressed person. She is cute girl. However,boys just ignored her. She is outlaw of love.
Out of subject. Finally, found how and why Adam let these two backups to join the band. His music director broght them!!!

Anonymous said...

@tessforADAM 12:19

We ALL love Tresspassing, but when a MAN sings the lyric "...what a beautiful release, you inside of me..." what comes to mind? It is biologically IMPOSSIBLE for a woman to be INSIDE of a man. Just THINK about it for a moment and it MIGHT sink in.

I adore Adam and everything he does, but the lyrics in Trespassing are quite thought provoking and might slow down sales and turn off some people.


Anonymous said...

Underneath was not written by or for Adam. "You inside of me" means empathy, understanding what is in another's soul. You could look at it in a gay sex way, but it was not the intent I believe.

Anonymous said...

1:26 PM about covers

I do not wish to listen to Susan Boyles even though she is a good singer, it's Adam's voice I like.

I think it was quite recently that Adam himself said that he likes to sing all kinds of music, so why not other people's music AS WELL?

And I am sure we can all agree that his current band is capable of playing songs other than Adam's, if that's the issue making people so agitated.

I will buy any CD or DVD he decides to make and I know you will too.

The more the merrier :)

Anonymous said...
Adam's top 10 video's

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying that Adam should NEVER sing covers. But when he does, it should be for a special occasion or just a song here and there. It shouldn't overshadow his own music. eFor example, I'd love for him to sing WWL at Fantasy Springs tonight because he introduced his own iconic slow version of that song at FS. Covers here and there are fine. Read recently that Kris Allen (nice guy) performed a show singing mostly covers and just a couple of his own songs. I NEVER want that to happen to Adam. I want his own songs to be in the forefront, but only those covers that are special to him. He'll probably always sing a cover or two, but his own music will be what people will want to hear.


Anonymous said...

DRG I agree with you about the covers. Adam just did an amazing 6 concert of covers. Time to get back to his own music and he did an amazing job last night and at Costa Mesa.

I love PTL but it took a while to grow on a lot of us so I wonder if it would be right for radio.

And I love that long vesty thing, too!

Anonymous said...

I agree that the lyrics on Adam's songs can be intepreted in more than one just depends on which side of the fence you live the end of the day, we are all just human beings who need to love and be loved..and the lyrics, whether they are the ones written by Adam, or by another artist, are pretty much universal in their meanings..Adam said that himself..the whole world knows what Adam's orientation is by doesn't affect his music or his character one whit..he is a beautiful man both inside and out..he has both male and female friends that he loves dearly..we should all be so lucky to have the kind of friends he has..his amazing talent, personality, charm, beauty and just presence will be what sustains him for the long run..

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments here express concern about specific lyrics in Adam's songs on Trespassing referencing sexual orientation,etc.. Have you listened to some of the songs on the radio recently and their lyrics esp. a few by Rihanna or Usher or Nicki Minaj or Eminem. Have you watched some of the videos that feature T&A from most of the dancers and the performers....they oooze with sexual overtones and are just outright crude. There is no creativity or artistry in them at all. I will continue to listen to Adam Lambert because he has the best voice in music today and one or two words are not going to turn me off. I have not really read that Trespassing is a gay album, but anyone can read anything into a song's lyrics and its meaning. The two recent videos he has done have themes, relevance,continuity, and evoke all kinds of interpretations. Let's not nitpick about a few words in Adam's songs,and run wild criticizing his band or backup singers because these are his choices for now. If it doesn't work for him and maybe that is the reason for these mini promo concerts(to test out these songs before a live audience), then Adam and his management can make changes if and when a Trespassing tour is put together. I guess there are a number of factors that I don't know about since I am not in the music business that must be considered before a performer goes on tour and I am sure that Adam knows exactly what he is doing.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:17 PM

I found your comment mildly amusing, however I have no intention of going to "walk in traffic". At least not till my UK Trespassing album arrives and I listen to it at least 50 times.

Will you at least agree with me that Adam is stubborn?

AThe Dark Side said...

This site is being somewhat stupid today, and I didn't read all the posts. WTF??? People take lyrics any way they wish to interpret them. If Adam's offend, you are following wrong artist IMO.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's that time of the month for somebody..oh did I say that!

Anonymous said...

OMG what a lot of crapola on here.
Plus, don't diss Tommy Joe because he's one heck of a guy. @2.31 are you hard up for saying something here. Can;t believe how people fall for all this stuff. All I can say is you must be bored! support Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adams lyrics are priceless.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is an awesome guy. Keep loving him.

Anonymous said...

What is this homophobic stuff.
Why does everyone have so much trouble with it? Lyrics are what lyrics is! Adam is Adam!

Anonymous said...

Yes, wish Ashley would play up to Adam more on stage.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taping the concert. I appreciate it so much. Front row seat from my computer. With out you people I would miss all of this fine intertainment. Thanks again. Adam and the band were great.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is still a brat.

Anonymous said...

Dam what a concert, love the vids. Adam and band and singers are the best. I know some friends that were at the show and what a wonderful night they had.

Anonymous said...

I do wish Anon's would pick a tag and use it. I spend so much time looking up 2:12 a.m. or p.m. or whatever and can hardly see the time stamp. I'm going blind. It's not as if a tag is going to reveal your identity. I'm NS, is that revealing?

I suggest cootchiecoo or hot momma or lava lips none of those are taken. So much better than 3:17 a.m. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh please, how long is the Tommy crap gonna last? I've thought he was a petulant, pale, mediocre, drip for over 2 years but I gave up complaining about him about the same time I gave up commenting on Adam's hairstyles. Let it rest.
We've heard it all. Love him if you wish or just think of him as a stage prop.

Anonymous said...

NO COVERS!! Leave them for cover singers! Adam has more than enough of his original music to fill a concert and then some.

Anonymous said...

How many Trespassing cd's have been sold? You reckon Adam gets the message? Gay cd but they want buy it because they don't want him to be sucessful. Maybe he will quit catering to them before it completely ruins him.

Anonymous said...

@7:44 PM, please keep your nasty comments about Tommy to yourself. He's Adam's FRIEND.

Anonymous said...

2:15 Adam is a co-writer of Underneath = check the TP liner credits.

Anonymous said...

@July 21, 2012 8:01 PM

HUH?? You're definitely trolling.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:13 PM Rest easy, my lips are sealed!

Anonymous said...

8:32, please don't shut up. I wanna know and it's best that Adam knows too..

Anonymous said...

Adam is working his ass off and in this extreme heat driving in construction sites comes out to perform & is excellent.People set in air conditoining on there ass and complain about the dumbest things I have ever heard I am 71 married, children, grand children & I love Adam Lambert. I could care less what he sings but what ever it is I will listen. I hope he does not read the stupid things that are being said on this site or any other if you don't like him watch some one else leave the poor guy alone I am a woman still at my age find he is very handsome.One in a millions vocals. Love Adam Lambert so does my daughter&16 yr old grandaughter & her boy freind and his parents so he does attract all age groups.

Anonymous said...

You completely forgot Oz. Adam is an adopted Aussie!

Anonymous said...

You said it! Great to read some positivity for Adam!

HK fan said...

so agree with the tags, I mean how hard iis it to pick a name or something. It doesn't give anuthing away about you, but makes it so much easier for people trying to reply to your comments and draw you into conversations...
afterall I'm HK fan, so I could be one of 8million people!!!