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ADAM LAMBERT & Queen Press Converence in Poland (July 4)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 5, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, July 05, 2012

Wroclove2012: ADAM LAMBERT & Queen Press Converence in Poland about Concert at Rock in Wroclaw festival, Municipal Stadium with Queen on Saturday. Taped yesterday, July 4, 2012.


Anonymous said...

Love this!! :)

Anonymous said...

This is a good interview, I hope everyone listens to the whole thing. It is also the first interview with Adam with Brian and Roger.

Anonymous said...

JAK ears are exhausted but it was a really nice interview. Hearing all three of them answering questions. And naturally it was a joy to hear both Brian (my potential second husband :)))) and Roger "berting" about our Adam. I think he's in good hands.

Would love to see his eyes with that blue shirt. "Take it off", the dark glasses I mean!

Anonymous said...

These 2 shows both very different have been EPIC! I do not think of QUEEN as OLD. They are very youthful in their love of what they do . ROCK OUT!!!!!!!Adam is amazing with QUEEN! I am addicted to watching the video. Still hope for some movement of the hairdo(HAHA)

Anonymous said...

Brian and Roger seem to regard Adam as an equal. They see greatness in him. They love and respect him. They all seem so comfortable together. They will be long-time friends regardless of their future together as performers. Adam has to be pinching himself every day. It's a dream come true and certainly adds to Adam's cred as a performer. The U.S. media may still yawn over these concerts, but the rest of the world seems to be clamoring for our boy. I'm praying for Trespassing's overall success both in American and abroad. They seem to be loving it overseas and buying it.

Adam's resume is getting pretty impressive!!! Loving all the vides and am watching over and over. We have heat wave here in Chicago, so it's a good time to be inside and just BERT!


Anonymous said...

Like Brian reiterated...their first press conference as a group. Adam, very confident, relaxed, professional; they work and gel very well as a group. This kind of interview is relevant to what is at hand, no digression. Queen/Adam, a reputable rock-band group; wonder if they'll bring the concert around the world since they've been so well-received so far. Dr Brian and Roger love and respect Adam, his talents/skills as an artist and vice versa.

Anonymous said...

Adam sucks he will never replace freddie mercury!! Brian and Roger you should be disappointed in yourself!

Anonymous said...

And why exactly are you here...since you are obviously not a fan of Adams? Just spreading black rainclouds on our sunny day?
Go Away!

Anne Marie said...

I have two things to say, did you know that Brian has had a bad knee before the firsr concert. Doc had to drain fluid from it, and also he received meds. Hope the concerts don't make it worse. That's one reason they will not have any long term concerts.
Also if you think Adam is honored to be asked to be performing with Queen, how do you think Eber feels?They are going to have to pull him off of cloud 9, so he can watch the show live, when he goes to UK on the 9th.
All 3 men were very gracious at the interview, and gave each other a chance to speak.

Anonymous said...

@Anne Marie, I do think about Adam's parents a lot these days. Can you imagine what they must be going through? It has to be simply overwhelming for them!

Anonymous said...

That was a great interview..I think they all get along so well because all three of them are such gentlemen..

Brian and Roger, Thank you, Thank you,Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for giving millions of people the opportunity to see, hear, and experience the most talented Mr. Adam Lambert..


Anonymous said...

A short Vegas run would be stupendous. Be very close for me living in Salt Lake. Adam is the greatest talent of our time. This combination is perfect.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see them perform at a large outdoor venue in US.

Anonymous said...

I believe one of the reasons these three go so well together is that Adam is articulate and respectful. Brian and Roger are intelligent and classy men and Adam fits them so well, as this interviews shows.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic, awesome & beautiful to see the FAB 3 together!!!

Gorgeous Adam & the respect for each other is PRECIOUS!!!

BTW, don't u think Roger Taylor looks a little bit like Adam's dad , Eber???
Even in the interview both with sunglasses on & they turn their heads at the same time:) so cute!!!

leilani Aloha said...

Fantastic, awesome & beautiful to see the FAB 3 together!!!

Gorgeous Adam & the respect for each other is PRECIOUS!!!

BTW, don't u think Roger Taylor looks a little bit like Adam's dad , Eber???
Even in the interview both with sunglasses on & they turn their heads at the same time:) so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm rushing and haven't read through threads, so pardon me if this review has already been posted

I LOVE what this one says!!


daydreamin said...

@DRG I hope you are all hooked up to electricity again and keeping cool inside. I have heard about all the stuff going on weatherwise.

A tear came to my eye as Brian spoke of Adam.

@NKlovesAdam I hear ya! I also want to thank Queen and Brian and Roger for giving Adam this oportunity and bringing such great music to the world. I love them all! Thank you!! I hope they bring some shows to the US.

Anonymous said...

Aside from his phenomenal talents and beauty and as a master communicator, what I love about ADAM is he is kind, respectful, polite, gracious and most of all HUMBLE. And as a genuine and authentic person, he really is a delight to be with. What's more, he truly is interested in people. For these, I'm always thankful for Eber and Leila.

I am sure Dr. Brian and Roger are aware and know who the real ADAM is and they themselves are excellent human beings. They are birds of a feather.

Anonymous said...

@Anony July 5, 11:38 - well said

Anonymous said...

I couldn't understand a word she said lol. Do we have a translation of this somewhere?

Anonymous said...

I just get goosies when I think about where Adam is sitting - on top of the world! All the haters will have to choke on their evil words and I love that. This will certainly give Adam a broader audience. I bet everyone that leaves these concerts goes home and pulls up all the Idol footage, the bar footage, Glamnation footage and even the Citizen Vein stuff. There are new Glamberts popping up all over the world today. Yes, a huge thanks to Queen for spreading their iconic wealth in Adam's direction.

As far as US venues, I think the only places that could hold a concert of this magnitude is Madison Square Garden or an NFL football stadium.


Anonymous said...

I loved watching this interview. Such respect and love between these three. Brian and Roger certainly know talent when they see and hear it! I too am hoping for a U.S. concert! This still seems unreal to me and I just keep watching the videos in total awe and pride for Adam and the band!

Anonymous said...

9:11 AM,

What happened to you????





OH! NO! What a waste:))


Anonymous said...

I agree that most likely one of the reasons that Brian and Roger like and respect Adam so much is because IS SMART! He doesn't speak ignorantly. He is articulate and well-spoken. He comes off as educated and well-brought up. B and R respect this and recognize that Adam is a class act.

DRG (All haters may exit stage left.)

Anonymous said...

9:11, you sound consumed with envy for Adam as he is sitting on top of the world, his dream of being a rock star realized, more ridiculously stupendous than he even dreamed of. Give in to love and light flowing to Adam, or be gone. Your nomenclature for all intents and purposes is very ominous for you.

Anonymous said...

100,000 of thousands in the audience in Kiev and Russia they said...and Adam started smiling : ))) Yay! Enjoyed this interview so much.

Anonymous said...

love adam lambert for life.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. I will see him in Wroclaw. We go there from Hungary. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

As Simon Cowell predicted on Season 8 of American Idol --"You are going to be an international super star!"

Anonymous said...

Guess what, Troll. I don't care what you think. Brian is happy, Roger is happy, Adam is happy, I am happy. That is all I care about. :P

jt said...

Nobody could ask for this kind of good publicity when just starting their career. Adam knows how lucky he is, and Roger and Brian know how lucky they are to have such a wonder performer and I might add a very very intelligent person that they obviously enjoy being with.
All these idiots making stupid infantile comments should just be ignored. Because action speaks a lot louder than words and there is plenty of action and attention being given to Adam at those concerts in Europe.
I bet the haters must be biteing their finger nails down because all of their predictions have fallen by the wayside.

Anonymous said...

DRG, I wholeheartedly agree with you on Adam being SMART--extraordinarily so, as this interview shows, which is why they seem to view him not so much as a protege, but as an equal. Adam must shine by comparison to the other Queen frontmen after Freddie, because Adam is generous and appreciative besides being enormously enjoyable to see and hear. BTW, though not credentialed, like Dr. May, whose an astrophysicist, Adam's family includes a physics professor for a grandfather and a communications technology executive father. Mother apparently is Adam's go to person for the lyrics of many songs, so the genes for photographic memory may have also been passed down to Adam whose had to learn the lyrics for the Queen shows in a very short time. So, Adam to his credit made something of the lucky gene draw, the grit and perspiration, being the nurture from family that honed him to something out of this world awesome for such a young man.
BTW, the interviewer was smart as well to ask the questions that gave rise to the SMART answers.

Anonymous said...

so cute how he reached and got a candy(?) at the end..btw..I do not even want to hear him joke about shaving his head...Also, I feel in my bones that this concert will come to the would be tragic if it doesn't...

Anonymous said...

I just finished one hour of gushing about Adam and how much I loved this interview to a long-term male friend of mine who has had to endure countless hours of listening to me talk about Adam for 3 years now. He's never really come on board for me to say he's a fan BUT AFTER HE CONFESSED HE SPENT SEVERAL HOURS watching all the vids I sent him from the Kiev and Moscow concert & additionally watching these and other Adam interviews,now he's complimenting Adam on,"besides being a great performer, I noticed how intelligently and quickly he answers questions...he always has the right answer and he's very polite!" BTW, my friend is a Russian born Professor of he's no dummy and finally has come to respect Adam as a performer and a man...Whew! that took 3 years but we have a new Glambert!

Sorry for the long post but I just had to share my happinness :)))


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey 9:11 If you don't have anything nice to say just be quiet. I am sure some where along the line your Mom told you that.
***I loved this interview. Adam is still growing as an artist; however Brian and Roger are seasoned and know talent when they see it. Adam is a gift to them.A gift to the planet. He will learn so much from this experiance being with Queen. Roger Taylor is a fearless drummer and that Brian May knows the guitar like no one I have ever seen. What a great beginning of a friendship for Queen fans and Glambert fans to behold. Could we get any luckier? We still have alot of work to do promoting singles released by Adam. Request daily and play his music often. This Record is going to be a Grammy winner mark my word!

The Dark Side said...

Loved his historic interview! Yes, historic, who thought it would ever happen? Just the age difference alone would make it seem unlikely. However, Adam seems to have given new energy and life to Brian and Roger who appear to be having the time of their life. One can only imagine how often Adam is pinching himself to assure its all real. The fact that Adam is articulate and intelligent is not lost on these two.

Anne Marie said...

The Queen Extravaganza show is touring USA now. So it is not likely that Queen +Adam will be performing in US. If they do more it will probably be in other countries. Or even just a single show, as a guest.

Anonymous said...

The Queen Extravaganza Tour ENDED on July 3 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. So if they want to bring their concert to the US, there will be NO conflict.

Anonymous said...

Adam flanked by two highly reputable musicians, and a doctorate degree to boot at that for Dr Brian and Roger a most expert drummer and composer of songs...this indeed will deter the wise Alexes from grilling Adam on uncalled for matters. See how professional this press conference went...take note, to whom it may concern. :)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:11 AM
I get it: you don't like Adam,or THINK you don't. Personally I don't care what you think. Its your opinion and its your right to express it. This is perhaps not the place to do it however. You knew that when you wrote it. I respect Brian May and Roger Taylor's opinions about Adam..and I totally agree with them...The crowd in Kiev also disagrees with you..They were chanting Adam's name during the concert, about a third of the way into it. It only took a very short period of time, about 30 minutes, probably less, to show the audience that Adam IS worthy of singing these beloved and EPIC Queen songs. You can hear them chanting "ADAM..ADAM..ADAM.." on the Livestream of the Concert that is available, including on this site. I also saw tweets from concert goers who were there and witnessed it as it happened.

Adam has won many doubters and naysayers over with his NON-"sucky" singing and his performance skills. If you don't like him, fine....I'm sure you came here to stir things up..Not gonna happen. Because Adam's fans know how talented he is, and at this point will just laugh at comments like yours. (sorry..) You can say whatever you want to...but not many will agree with you....except other haters.(I call you that because you said Adam sucks..any validity in your comment was lost after you said that...I hope you understand my point of view).

Freddie Mercury was one of a kind and irreplaceable. Adam is also one of a kind, and Queen chose him to sing with them, not to imitate or "replace" Freddie. If you can think of it that way, you'll be a much happier person. Freddie's tragic early death was a great loss to the world of music. I admired his music SO MUCH when he was alive, but I am also thrilled that another talented man that I much admire, Adam Lambert, is helping the surviving members of Queen to keep the music alive now, and hopefully into the future.

These concerts are so exiting and I hope to be able to see and hear Queen + Adam in the future, here in the US. I was never able to see Freddie sing in person, but have all of his music and listen to it often, just as I listen to Adam and HIS music. There is room for both in the Queen legacy of fabulous music. This collaboration may help to keep Freddie's music alive..I suspect you can appreciate the value of that....

Anonymous said...

Jak Can I be next in line?

Anonymous said...

`These are the DAY`S OF HI`S LIFE`
Be happy for Adam:)

Anonymous said...

I am going to see You dear Adam in my beautful native country of Poland in the great city of Wroclaw! I have been to 3 Adam Lambert concerts, two in England and one in Germany but it's so great to finally have in MY country! I'm sure Queen and Adam will kick ass tommorow!
Poland LOves Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

*CAN we now just broadcast that magic starting at 18:31 to the world... Roger Taylor and Brian May of QUEEN, in their OWN words expressing their praise for Adam Lambert.

What a JOY this interview is. If I could only keep 5 interviews from all the thousands Adam has done, THIS would definitely top the list. Certainly those with Larry Flick for inteligence, respect and appreciation, and gotta have Michelle Colins just for the pure FUN factor and how much Adam himself enjoys them.

This was magnificent.
What an honor for Adam who truly deserves the VALIDATION and praise these great musicians bestow on him, and such a privilege for us to witness.

THAT IS WHAT I CAME HERE TO SHARE with such excitement and joy- that I promised myself-- go ahead and just WRITE... don't read anything else here first and be influenced.. just share the amazing feeling of joy and pride for Adam, respect for thes two greats in the music industry. What a great, enjoyable, moving experience it was to hear this... and **see Adam seated between Brian May and Roger Taylor were THEY cose to present him. Anyone out there doubting should SEE and hear THIS interview. Brian himself referred to SEEING from the stage the doubers in the audience actually coming around and responding to Adam -- even during the fist song. He also cited this interview as 'historic'... indeed it is, and for us, a joy.

Which brings me to... how much I HATE that I actully did scroll up a bit before commenting.

@ glitzylady.
Thank you again for your always patient, inteligent and positive response to negativity that I'm glad I did NOT read.

Bian May and Roger Taylor, thank your for YOUR incredible talent and wonderful gifts to the world of music, spanning 40 years, and your ovious appreciaion and affection for Adam. It also says a a lot about Adam himself if that's how these two amazing music greats respond to HIS presence. What a joy to witness.
I only wish they would perfom at least one epic show HERE in this country.


Anonymous said...

Adam is wearing royal blue color shirt. It suits him well.

Anonymous said...

Brian and Roger have the souls of true Glamberts. They completely get it.

Anonymous said...


It's today!

Anonymous said...


Lovely post Cindy..the adoration between Brian, Adam and Roger is truly a beautiful thing to watch unfold. How lucky we are to witness this. I couldn't be prouder of Adam. How his mother and father must feel....I can only imagine.


donnaw said...

"9:11" ......Adam isn't trying to replace Freddie....& if you EVER paid any attention to his interviews you'd know that.

He's carrying on Freddie's music and doing it "his own way".......if you don't want to listen... just GO AWAY.

Anonymous said...

"9:11" First, if you respect Freddie Mercury so much, the least you could do is properly type his name, but it's not about respect is it? It's all about HATE, and your need to insinuate it into this joyful moment. TOO FUCKING LATE FOR THAT!!!! The happy train has left the station and guess who's NOT on it----YOU!!!! You COULD be on it, but it is your choice to stay stuck in your hate, so stupid and ignorant. You know it is a lot easier to just be happy . If there were a line drawn down the center of the haters and the overjoyed for Adam, there would only be a few on your side. Why is that? As the months and years are adding up more and more and more people are learning about and falling in love with Adam and his talent. Get a clue fool!

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