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American Idol Judge Rumors and Scoops!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 21, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, July 21, 2012

From MJsBigBlog:

"EW is reporting that for the 3rd seat, FOX is considering Adam Lambert as a low budget option and consider him somebody who could bring a the sharper edge that’s been missing from the panel since Simon Cowell left two years ago."

From neonlimelight:

American Idol producer Nigel Lythgoe is not loving the online campaign several Adam Lambert fans have embarked upon to draw attention to the star who is being considered for a season 12 judging slot. Lythgoe voiced his displeasure in the a series of tweets and retweets on his official Twitter account today (July 21).

“I am not impressed by Adam’s fans cluttering my ‘personal’ twitter site with their request for Adam to be a judge on #IDOL,” he said in the first tweet. “It doesn’t help.”

“There are many names being discussed for IDOL judges,” he continued. “There is a team discussing this issue, not just me. I ask all fans to be sensible.” Nigel, who is also a judge on Fox’s “So You Think You Can Dance,” says his account received over 300 messages in support of the pop/rocker on the show.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm stop tweeting!

Anonymous said...

Nigel has a fearsome temper, let's don't rile him up.

Anonymous said...

phew I am glad I didn't tweet him, I would feel guilty right now. However the fans probably meant well.

Anonymous said...

300 Is that all? He should consider himself lucky.

Anonymous said...

Who said the guilty tweeters were Adam Lambert fans? What if they were industry writers and bloggers who were merely tweeting objective opinions about Adam for the spot? And, so what if we fans cared so much we got carried away? Sorry, Nigel, I only tweeted once nicely without being pushy about it, and did not respond to any organized tweetfest. You want ratings turned back around, right? FPS (for pete's sake), be thankful we "care enough to send the very best."

Anonymous said...

Who said the guilty tweeters were Adam Lambert fans? What if they were industry writers and bloggers who were merely tweeting objective opinions about Adam for the spot? And, so what if we fans cared so much we got carried away? Sorry, Nigel, I only tweeted once nicely without being pushy about it, and did not respond to any organized tweetfest. You want ratings turned back around, right? FPS (for pete's sake), be thankful we "care enough to send the very best."

Anonymous said...

Who said the guilty tweeters were Adam Lambert fans? What if they were industry writers and bloggers who were merely tweeting objective opinions about Adam for the spot? And, so what if we fans cared so much we got carried away? Sorry, Nigel, I only tweeted once nicely without being pushy about it, and did not respond to any organized tweetfest. You want ratings turned back around, right? FPS (for pete's sake), be thankful we "care enough to send the very best."

Anonymous said...

Adam sure would bring an edge back to the show. Maybe they are actually considering him. woot woot I never took all this stuff seriously before.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!! Glamberts have been spamming Nigel!! Give it a rest, folks. It's not for Glamberts to decide who the next Idol judges will be and spamming Nigel won't do Adam any favors.

Anonymous said...

Would it help if I baked him a pie?

Anonymous said...

8:17 they probably had twitter names like glitter,glam,missylamb ect. j/k

Anonymous said...

is there ever a dull moment in this fandom? Let's not bother Nigel he is basically a nice guy with much on his plate.

tess4ADAM said...

Maybe Nigel should shut down his Twitter account or get an unlisted one ... if there is such a thing ... dunno but that's what I'd do until the final decision is made. Someone plz tell me what a Glambert is allowed to do that won't bring backlash ... really?? Why else are we called 'FANS'?? "Don't request too much" ... "Watch how you word your requests" ... don't do this ... don't do that ... WTH??

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

We will know when we know...what a crock! We want to know now. What I find amusing is I am only tuning in if Adam judging and don't care if what they pay Mariah. Why does she and Randy come as a package??? I thought her manager was Nick or does he just sound like he's in charge. Total confusion.

Anonymous said...

let's blame it on trolls. lol

Anonymous said...

tess4ADAM I think you don't relise that these tweets didn't help Adam at all or even worst! AI is Nigle kingdom! He can make the rules, hire whoever he wants, OR DON NOT HIRE!!!! He doesn't care about all of these polls. So, I think Adam has very little chance to get AI judge chair! Sometimes it better to shut up and wait for results. I think some of Adam's fans became FANATICS!

Anonymous said...

@8:32PM Yep, this is troll's fault! HAHAHA

Anonymous said...

please listen to 8:36 she knows everything you need to know about a fanatic but you were afraid to ask.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Some fans do seem to be excessive at times...Lambertluv is a powerful force.

I don't know who chooses the music for the performances on SYTYCD, but a lot of it is less than inspiring or fun. I've been waiting to hear some of Adam's music this year, it's all so danceable. Be nice to Nigel. ^o^
I have my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

@8:43PM I think you are one of 300 "fans" who tweeted Nigel as far as you don't want to agree that it was terrible idea! I don't care what do you think about me comment. You can continue to blame trolls.

Anonymous said...

i predict if adam lambert one of the judges? ai-all over the wrld will watch adma lambeert a sa judge in ai;; this year is adma lambert good luck year is a lot more good luck year next year for adam lambert. 2012--good luck yera for adam lambert; 2013-a lot more (call me phsychic)
p;s i dont watch AI with out adma lambert; i dont care about mariah carey.

Anonymous said...

If Adam isn't selected as an AI judge, blame the Glamberts who've hounded Nigel.

Anonymous said...

i dont blame the glambert at all- blame the ai peole thyre jealous of adam lambert so the haters.its their r big lose .adam lambert was born a magic human being;i wotn tell you why-its in his birhtyear-birthmonth-sign of magic-has a leadership quality(his birthyear)

Catharine Sloper said...

I don't know why this should bother Nigel. At least people are paying attention and have an opinion.

Anonymous said...

at last a fun thread and I have to go to bed.

Anonymous said...

Wow I just cannot believe he is complaining about someones fan base at all! He has his nose all out of joint over 300 tweets.I thought that was the purpose of social media to gain opinions from the fans who watch the show. No matter what; we have no control over the situation anyway so who cares. I think at times we are all on the defense as fans because Adam gets the shaft from so many radio stations and we have to work twice as hard to get his records to play while other stars who music is subpar gets a free pass. Maybe Nigel doesn't understand the journey we have been on as fans.Now once again Adam fans are told to tone it down! Why ?Have you ever heard of anyone elses fans be told to tone it down or to not be a fan or supportive of who they follow!If you have? share it with me 'cause I want to know. What is that fans are doing that is so bad? Are we to big a fans or not big enough fans? Is Adam to gay or not gay enough? I am tired of this crap;and I am going to say it; It just isn't fair! He is not getting a fair shake here and neither are his fans!

Anonymous said...

Oh well, Nigel has spoken so whoever's spamming Nigel better cool it. It's best to leave the decision as to who will be the next Idol judges to him and the other Idol heavies and HOPE they get it right!

Anonymous said...

Good old sarcastic British humour. I love it.

Anonymous said...

ok posse let's give our itchy twitta fingers a rest.

Anonymous said...

Adam with all his AI expertise will be the only judge, if realised, who has gone through the whole AI process from being a contestant to being a knowledgeable mentor. So I disagree that Adam be considered a "low budget option". He should be paid on par or very close to what the other judges get; with no bias due to his young age or hypothetical judgements of inexperience. The ratings always shot up a couple of notches when Adam was on AI. :)

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......well, what I could see of it, it was quite a night. Concerts over. Fans were going nuts and Adam talked a lot. He seems to come alive when the stage lights up! SUPERSTAR ! The videos should be great!
Time for on the East Coast.

Anonymous said...

Let give them something to talk about love love love LOL

Anonymous said...

And by the way, AI had several very high-level judges but still didn't manage to heave the 'sinking ship' so that shouldn't be considered the first line of attack. Innovations, strategies, Adam's aura and thinking-cap are exactly the right ingredients for this AI cake to rise not zoom in, like a little crater...reminiscent of my inexperienced cake-baking adventure. lol! And since Adam always jacked up AI ratings each and every time...well, why not this time...and isn't that what all the hoo-ha boils down to?

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what happened on this concert today? Read some tweets. They are very confusing! I'm dying to find details.

Anonymous said...

I guess Nigel for got that Glamberts was formed because of AI & that they are also fans of AI so why would he talk that way to a fan after all he is in show business so should be use to the public.

Anonymous said...

Only 300,,,, I know we can do better,,, I seen us hit 50,ooo before,,, get him girls,, work it to 70,ooo. Let go down the right way

Anonymous said...

Agree with anonymous at 10.33 pm...

Anonymous said...

10:29 we will find out soon there were some regulars from this site that went. I hope everything went well. JAK comment seemed ok.

Anonymous said...

@10:37PM Like I understood so far, Adam was very wild.

Anonymous said...

One more PERFECT example of Glamberts run amok.
You are his blessing and his curse.

Anonymous said...


I hope that was meant as tongue-in-cheek. If not, don't be RIDICULOUS!! Bombarding Nigel will turn him right off selecting Adam UNLESS THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT & therefore you are nothing but TROLLS!!

Anonymous said...

@10:58PM Like I said previously, these 300 fanatics put Adam in trouble.

merrilee said...

I say don't get low balled on the pay. They need you more than you need them. They are a sinking ship.
To be known as the cheaper judge is something you don't need on your resume Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

I tried to get the live stream for concert tonite but the sound was completely distorted...I could see images tho.. Adam looked like he was really enjoying himself and very relaxed. Wish I could have heard what he was saying because there definitely was a lot of interaction with the fans. At one point he went down in the audience still singing and walked amongst the fans..who were in shock from what the tweets said. I hope some of this ad lib stuff was captured on video...Adam was being Adam LOL!


Anonymous said...

I hope Adam's fanatical f...wits haven't ruined this opportunity for him.

Anonymous said...

Huh? Nigel complaining about adam's fierce fans !!!LOL!

Adam's Fans are trying to help save his "zzzzz" AI show LOL!

Chill Nigel! u 2 double standard! If it's Bieber's fans tweeting u than it's alright!!!
Can't help the world loving Adam can we?:):):)

Anonymous said...

I DON'T like the "low budget option" phrase.Of course,Adam would take less than Beyonce,Miarah,etc.,but that phrase isn't very nice sounding to me.I hope BB didn't do anything too wild last night.I had no idea that fans or "whoever" were bombarding Nigel on Twitter.He does tend to have a temper like some other Brits his age.Glamberts,please STOP tweeting him if it was one or more of you.I don't even have twitter.Put some good comments on the Billboard poll a few hrs ago,there was either only one or none there,& a Aiken it ): He or she put Adam down.Go get them!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't like the "low budget option" either. Surely they make enough money out of this show already.

I hope this Nigel business is a wake-up call to those who love tweeting the same thing to the same people over and over. It doesn't achieve anything except negativity ...... OBVIOUSLY!!

Anonymous said...

Low budget option. That is insulting. There isn't anything low budget about Adam. Sorry, but now I hope A doesn't accept.

Anonymous said...

The snarky "low budget option" is just a face-saving way of pre-empting the news of a deal struck with Adam to be an AI judge. Noted begrudgingly because of Fox's ambivalence toward Adam's bold and gay persona and a compromise of beliefs that did not square well with the PTB. Adam must have stood his ground like a fox, and calling Adam a "low budget option" was one way to lick their wounds. As a lightning rod of all that's exciting and controversial, Adam is what AI may not want but sorely needs. With Adam's growing worldwide fame and cache, AI execs figured they would be more damned if they didn't hire him than if they did. Just guessing my take on the scenario unfolding.

Anonymous said...


Twitter is for "tweets"

Anonymous said...

I didn't tweet Nigel, but what's the problem? Fans are showing their support for Adam. You mean Nigel will deliberatly not pick Adam for the third seat because his fans support him so much????

Anonymous said...

I don't like the "Low budget option".
that is so unethical. Maybe that's the reason why Ai is going down. Bad Karma. Adam Lambert is bigger than that sinking ship..huh!

Anonymous said...

I don't like the "low budget option" either. Adam should think about this if they ask him to be a judge, because everyone is going to say "The low budget AI judge " this is a very rude way to describe an any judge of AI. What they think they are, instead to make his program better they are already making lost interest on people.

SG said...

So "low budget" but High TV rates, right!? Ass.....

Urethra_Franklin said...

crayberts making us all look like assholes YET AGAIN...there is a special place in hell reserved for those fuckwads.

Anonymous said...

a LOWER budget option would have sounded better than what was written.Maybe EW or another mag, came up with "low budget option" I bet Idol didn't say that at all.He should get at least half of what JAYLO got @ the very least..(if Jaylo got 12 million her first year.I wonder what Steven Tyler got)DON'T TWEET ANY MORE TO NIGEL!!!Let's just support BB in whatever happens.

Anonymous said...

6:13 my thoughts exactly,I doubt if Idol came up with that term. We know how EW loves us.ha ha the snark pit.

Anonymous said...

Hate that phrase "low budget option" in regard to Adam. Of course, he is not as established as a JLo or Britney or Mariah. Did they call Demi Lovato "low budget" when she was selected for XFactor? Having been a contestant and mentor on Idol, what better choice than Adam? He would definitely add some intelligence, charm and constructive comments for the contestants. I don't think Mariah deserves $17 million either to be a judge; that's a ridiculous amt. of money. Give it to the second, third place finalists for record deals, etc. AI has become boring ever since season 8 ended with Adam on it, and he would certainly revitalize the show even if it is only for one season.

Anonymous said...

Well time to stop tweeting. With regards to the 'low budget option', they must have that confused with someone else! Adam would be the ultimate option!

Anonymous said...

300 tweets is a lot of tweets for one person to receive in a short amount of time. I'd be miffed too. Nigel isn't the only person making the decision, he's just the most publicly present. Sometimes well-intentioned fanaticism has an opposite and negative effect and it reflects badly on the artist,in this case Adam. Everybody just relax and let the process happen.

Also, "low budget" is only an insult if you choose to think of it that way. Compared to Randy Jackson who has seniority and clout on the show, and, if rumors are true, Mariah Carey who is a certified multi-platinium megastar with a 20 year career the average artist would kill for to back it up, Adam couldn't possible demand the same salary's as the two of them at this point in his career. It's just a mater of status and track record, it's not a measurement of personal worth.
It doesn't mean he won't be paid very well, just not equally.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Nigel will stop Adam from being a judge on AI because of fans tweeting him, that's what fans do. Agree with other posting, if it were Bieber fans or GaGa he wouldn't say a word.
Just because you pay someone $17 million doesn't mean they will be any good. Haven't they learned that yet? I've heard enough of Randy's Yo,dudes to last me a life time. Simon was the only judge that had guts to speak his mind and gave intelligent comments. I do think Adam is up to this and even if they only pay him a small % of what the others are getting the publicity and visability will more than make up for that.

Anonymous said...

There a lot of Adam fans doesn't have twitter account including me. I'm just so happy that those fans are really involve and show how much they precioous and love Adam.

Good or bad that's the only way you can express how you feel for your deserving idol to be on top of the world:)

As one of his millions of fans adoring him, I'll do the same in a second.

Now, people around the world talking about his undenying talent and he deserves to be recognize in his own country indeed.:)


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Fans should create a petition instead of spamming twitter accounts. Just senseless and you can hurt Adam's career. I notice most of those tweets were from international fans who aren't aware of how commercial businesses work in US. In this case T.V. network, advertisers, Idol executives, various departments from finance, accounting, marketing, management, etc. are involved.

Win that Billboard poll and that's an indication otherwise STOP SPAMMING TWITTER ACCOUNTS.

Anonymous said...

I think of the "low budget" meme as being one of his assets that could really help him land this spot that would be so important to his exposure right now. Of course, he is going to come a lot cheaper than the mega stars. We fans know that he will be the best judge Idol ever had, and lots of viewers will become new fans and buy his singles and albums. This exposure in far more important than whatever salary he would receive. No matter whatever that salary it is, I am sure it would take me years and years to earn that much.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that AI already knows who that want the judges to be, and have for awhile now. I vote on the polls for Adam, because it is fun and exciting. And it keeps his name out in the public eye, which never hurts.

As for Nigel, I have a feeling if Justin Bieber's name was being reported in the media as a possible judge, he wouldn't say a word about JB fans tweeting him about it..

If Adam doesn't get the gig on AI, well it's their loss.


Anonymous said...

Well, as I see it, Adam may not be in the same salary scale as the more high-demand superstars, but didn't AI employ such high-level stars in the last season? I heard they lost money. Perhaps besides restructuring AI, the salary system could be revised too. So that a highly qualified personnel like Adam who has gone through the whole AI process which none of the others have, could be given more weighting in terms of job relevancy; instead of just basing it on sheer star-power demand. In any case, the latter didn't work. Also, his critiques on AI were more astute than the high-powered stars; not only that he could suggest appropriate 'remedies' to the contestants. His expertise as singer/musician should merit high priority to off-set his lower star power in comparison. No, not asking for equal salary but perhaps slightly more than half of what the high-level ones are getting.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that everytime Adam Lambert's fans voice their support of the artist for a song, a tv show, an event, etc. they are singled out as overzealous. What about Justin Bieber fans, Selena Gomez fans, Demi Lovato fans, Pink's fans, MJ's fans, etc. They are constantly allowed to rule the twitter verse without any finger pointing. Now, it would be nice to know the REAL reason behind Nigel Lithgow's tweets about Adam's fans.

Anonymous said...

Could it possibly be that non-Adam Lambert fans are trolling Nigel Lithgow's account just to make him upset? If they were'nt before, they sure will now, won't they? WHY does Adam Lambert always have a harder time than others? WHY?

Anonymous said...

Not many people in real life have ever heard of MJsBig Blog, I hadn't till I came on this site.
Most Idol viewers will never hear the Low Budget slam. And I'm pretty sure most people are smart enough to figure out that the salaries are not all the same.
Adam's a newcomer, if he gets the job he'll show his true worth.

Cool your jets.

Anonymous said...

I wish there wasn't so much handwringing and pity for poor Adam," the best voice in the world and he isn't appreciated." I thnk those kind of remarks would be pretty upsetting to him. He's working hard, he's building a long time reputation and career and doing pretty well. Don't make him sound like a starving orphan singing on a snowy street corner for pennies thrown in his cap.

Have some confidence in his skill and perserverance. He doesn't need pity or babying. It's degrading and smothering.

Anonymous said...

Well hell, Nigel, just bring in someone no one wants to see so the show can lose more viewers. I am not tuning in to see Mariah I don't care how many millions they give her. Simon wasn't a household name so leave out the low budget BS and give Adam the props he deserves. He has super star power and that's what counts. He's also smarter than the average bear....and for those that think judges don't matter, what planet are you on?

Anonymous said...

12:26, DITTO here. You tell it like it is. If AI has to have one man, let it be Adam. I know of no other man who can match his wit, quick draw, and breadth of music and vocal technique knowledge, on top of which he comes with a lot of national and international fans. He doesn't pull any punches when he has to tell the truth to aspiring talents, as he will dispense critiques to improve, rather than destroy, and cut through the chase with a scalpel, rather than a rusty blade, with a wink and a nod to Entertainment as he performs the obligatory surgeries. Because he is tried and true as mentor and as contestant, there will be no biting nails as far as his meeting the requirements of the job. Adam's "been there, done that", so there should be no nervous on-the-job training. Adam has industry savvy and street smarts that contestants can learn from and audiences can respect.
Finally, audiences will tune in religiously because he will not bore, his "element of surprise" down to a T; he's easy on the eyes with cute, adorable ways; confident enough not to hog the limelight, because he shines with his own klieg lights. To reward him with the "LBO" would not deter Adam from giving it his all, but he is a patient and strategic kind of guy, and he will get what he deserves in the end.

Anonymous said...

Well Nigel - if you mess with Adam and diss him(and us fans),and pick someone other than our guy, the universe will boycot your dumb show and it will be a huge flop. That's really showing us fans! yeah right

Anonymous said...

Adam's on to bigger greater things for him:):):)
So whether adam gets to be AI judge or not, things happen for a reason.

I personally think Adam's definitely going to higher places. AI is borringggggggggg unless Adam's in with new blood & with new artistic ideas for the show!!!

Adam will do great & well with his tours!!!

Anonymous said...

This is what I remember about AI judges' salaries.
Simon was getting something over a hundred thousand a year.
During Paula's re-negotiation, she was receiving $2Million a year on her last year and was asking more which was NOT given to her.
Randy and Paula were receiving about the same.
As of Randy's last contract, his salary was about $6Million, this is his worth after almost 10 years of judging AI when he signed his last contract.
So, Demi Lovato's $1Million is just about the same as what Paula was getting earlier on.
So don't expect ADAM to get even half of what was offered to JLo or even match Randy's worth after so many years with AI. Just saying, not to raise our expectations.

Anonymous said...

Dean Piper in the Times Mirror reports in today's paper that ADAM is in the early stages of negotiation with Idol about being a judge. No source for info given but it is in the print edition.

Anonymous said...

I'll never forget when Adam mentored on Idol and told Lee Dewyse that the song was good but (gesturing with his hands one above head, one at neck) "nothing's happening here"!
So true. Lee was the very personification of the word BORING.

Anonymous said...


I think you mean Simon was getting over a hundred million a year, not over a hundred thousand.

HK fan said...

@anon jul 21 8.27pm Nigel is not a nice guy, he is a pompous ass!!

@anon july 21 8.36pm

it is not Nigels Kingdom, he does not have the final say on who becomes a judge, the Fox Executives do.

Also it isn't is personal twitter account, he makes tweets daily about SYTYCD and anything Idol related, and gets hundreds and hundreds in return. I was reading the twitter feed when these tweets were being sent, and they were all extremely polite and not at all demanding.
How else are fans supposed to let the powers that be know who they want as a judge. Do you really think that fans of other artists who's names have been in the running are not sending tweets, and letting it be known out there in the universe who they want as a judge?? I've even seen a couple of famous people tweeting Nigel asking for Adam to be a judge..

And the original article said LOWER budget, not LOW budget, big difference.
Paying someone $15m does not mean that they will be a good judge, just look at Jlo and Steven Tyler. And while we're on the subject, Randy needs to go.

and @anon 2.24 pm jul22. well said...

Anonymous said...

Seriously, there is a certain contingent of fans (you know who you are) who are not really helping Adam's cause.

Buy his albums, go to his shows, but don't pester people with power in the industry because it just turns them against Adam. Nobody likes to be harassed or bulled, ladies!

Anonymous said...

Would prefer Adam to build his career for a few years before he takes this kind of gig.

It won't help establish him as a worldwide artist; just as a worldwide personality.

Adam should concentrate on his music for now.

modestychild said...

Nigel lurks on twitter so Glamberts don't need to tweet him directly to get his attention. People are bound to get pissed if their personal twitter account is flooded by such tweets. All Glamberts need to do is just tweet multiple posts of why Adam Lambert would be perfect as a judge on American Idol. I don't blame the Glamberts but I understand how Nigel feels about the situation.

Anonymous said...

Nigel is being a butthead. Didn't he make his bazillion dollars in the business of hype, promotion and buzz? Well...