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Financial Times Gives "Trespassing" 4 Stars!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 6, 2012

Posted at : Friday, July 06, 2012

@JuneauXena: For those who don't have a Financial Times subscription, their 4 Star review of Trespassing!


Anonymous said...

PLEASE VOTE for NCOE here. Let’s push it, Glambert!

VOTE once every hour:

VOTE repeatedly:

To request ADAM:

Anonymous said...

VOTE for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of today:

VOTE for ROCK in RIO 2013:

Anonymous said...

Grrrrr.... voting won't work for me, I think because I don't live in the US. :-(

Anonymous said...

They just keep coming .... another GREAT review!!

Anonymous said...

I like this writer, Ludovic, so much, in a short relevant passage, especially..."potential toxic spill scenario"...yea always seems to be landing in a toxic mess...but always breaking free to follow up with yet a tumbling! This is Adam's insignia... :)

Anonymous said...

UK Push for NCOE sales! Please HELP if you can!

Here's how to create a UK Account!

daydreamin said...

Um yea. Never a toxic spill scenario where Adam is concerned. He needs to go listen/watch those youtube video's!! So glad to hear of someone changing their opinion of the usage of the word "idol".

Anonymous said...


‏@rwchamplin: @AdamLambert I saw many concerts in the 60s/70s–your performance with Queen in Kiev ranks amoung the greatest Rock Concerts of all time!

‏@rwchamplin: @AdamLambert Based on reaction 2 your QUEEN CONCERTS in Europe, NY/LA concerts in the US could break the radio logjam here-ANY POSSIBILITY?

‏@rwchamplin: Everytime I replay “Who wants to live forever” from the Kiev concert, it nearly breaks my heart! I have never heard a more haunting melody!

Anonymous said...

Who is SEXIER? ADAM or Kris Allen? Please VOTE.

Voting ends Monday 6AM. Right Now: ADAM 58.24 Kris 41.76

Anonymous said...

Who is SEXIER? ADAM or Kris Allen? Please VOTE.

Voting ends Monday 6AM. Right Now: ADAM 58.24 Kris 41.76

July 6, 2012 11:12 PM

Magiclady said...

That is hilarious!
Of course ADAM is the sexiest. There is no comparison. I can't believe Kris has 41.76%

Don't get me wrong, nice talented guy, but seriously...

Anonymous said...

If you want to help with NCOE and Trespassing to make it to no. 1 on UK charts follow these directions:

lol okay, i'm sure peeps are tired of these but we have another group stepping up to help out with donations/gifting in the uk for the single only. also, all 3 groups are worried about not having enough peeps to gift, so they're asking non-uk peeps to set up uk itunes accounts just in case. the first day is really important. anyway, more info below:

donate button:

How Adam fans *OUTSIDE the UK* can truly help THIS WEEKEND!
Step 1: Set up a UK iTunes account (see directions here:; it works!)
Step 2: If you are financially able, donate the cost of a download ($2 US) or more by simply following the DONATE button above. >>Be sure to include your UK itunes e-mail in the notes section at PayPal so the download will arrive to you<<
Step 3: Once NCOE is available and you receive your gift, download ASAP to help drive the song up the iTunes chart on Sunday and Monday.

NOTE: If you want to help but don’t have funds, that’s OK! Do Step 1 and set up the UK iTunes account and then e-mail us at The goal is to have extra funds to have those gifted.

if you are in the uk and want to be gift, you can email them too :3
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 9:31pm by lifetraveler » Link to Post - Back to Top   Logged


Adamluv said...

OT - Virgen Media gave Trespassing a good review and said . . . "kind of voice to challenge Meatloaf at his most operatic". Liked that sentence since Meatloaf has said some really complimentary things about Adams voice, and I've been a fan for years. His "Bat Out of Hell" album is the best album ever made (of course that's IMO). . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@11:12 Are you serious???? HAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

ADAM can runs rings around Meatloaf's voice, even in 'Bat out of Hell' days! I Like Meatloaf and love his admiration for ADAM, but there is no comparison when it comes to vocals, none!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Sorry I'm not gonna waste my time voting Adam against Kris:)

No offend to Kris fans.....

Adam is the whole package in my opinion:)


Newfie Duck said...

@Canadian: Exactly,there are more important issues to spend energy on that will benefit Adam's career better than these meaningless polls. Request his music and make positive comments on various media sites. This poll,in particular, will only fuel unnecessary fan wars. Enough said!

Anonymous said...

Adam or Kris?? Adam, of course even tho' Kris is kinda cute. Adam liked him!


Anonymous said...

This article sounds like a back handed compliment to me.

Anonymous said...

Some reviewers aren't the gushy type. Some just don't give the over-the-top raves even if that's how they feel. I think sometimes they don't want to look so committed or something. Anyway, this was a good review. It's like the guy liked Adam in spite of himself.

So glad the Glambrits are out in full force to support NCOE and Trespassing! We'll give them all the help we can. I predict that both will do very well. The UK is finally seeing the light.

NY and LA Queenbert shows would prove that there is a God. Let us pray.

So excited for the Poland concert today!!!! If you'll be there, please get some video!!! Apparently, they'll be no livestream.

Adam vs. Kris as sexiest? Bwaaaahhh! Sweet Kris has some devoted fans, for sure, and they'll support their guy. But really???? What's the point?

DRG (drooling over Adam)

Anonymous said...

Wow that really sad they had to use two photos of Kris Allen. LOL

Anonymous said...

No virtual tickets/screening possible for the London concerts:

Anonymous said...

Just received an email my 3 Trespassing from Amazon UK is on the way. I don't know if this is counted as sales of Trespassing in UK. I'm confused by a post of someone who said otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear Adam do I Would Do Anything For Love by Meatloaf. There were times in the Moscow concert I thought about Meatloaf.

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that John Aizlewood's review of Trespassing in the Evening Standard is nothing short of fucking remarkable. He iz mean.

"Eyebrows were raised when ADAM LAMBERT, runner-up in the 2009 series of American Idol, secured the QUEEN singer’s job in February, but he has his own career too. Trespassing is his second album of impossibly perky, relentless electropop which, LAMBERT claimed, made him the first openly gay solo artist to top the American album charts. It outstays its welcome over 17 not entirely dissimilar tracks, but there are moments to treasure, not least the flag-waving Runnin’ and the Bruno Mars-helmed Never Close Our Eyes. Best of all though is the eye-popping, finger-clicking title track: it’s Pharrell Williams of The Neptunes’ best work in years and nothing here comes close to eclipsing it.

Anonymous said...

Madonna is exceptional, because she is a female artist. No male artist could do what she did in the 80's/90's and not be judged.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing Album review: ADAM LAMBERT
"We've only just begin to see what he's capable of.”

“The reality show tag is a difficult cross for any musician to bear, and very rarely can an artist break out from the label. ADAM LAMBERT would never have gained exposure and a record deal without American Idol, runner up or not, and yet he remains forever tarred with the reality TV show contestant brush. Disappointing, because he appears to be so much more than that.”

This review didn’t like Broken English and finds Kickin In irritating. But overall good. Read more…

Anonymous said...

Madonna has never swept me off my feet as an artist or performer. I don't know but I just can see through her, no authenticity at all. All fake and put on. Not genuine as an artist and as a person. Have no respect for her as such. Except for her business head and determination.

Anonymous said...

Has Madonna lost her crown?

Anonymous said...

Kris is sort of cute, like the boy next door..Adam is SO SEXY... like you would sell your soul to the devil to have just one, wild, hot night with him..

Admit it? We all have dreamed about it..( - :

tess4ADAM said...

I know! I know! This poll of ADAM vs. Kris may seem silly & meaningless .. BUT .. it would really be pretty sad if Kris were to WIN this poll due to lack of VOTING on the part of the Glamberts ... especially after ADAM has been named the SEXIEST MALE in MUSIC on the Billboard poll ... so I think we should ALL participate & put this DELUSION to rest ... once & for all!! JMO ... are you with me??

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I hate it that I have to sign in to Facebook to comment on some blogs...

Anonymous said...


You can push NCOE and Trespassing album high on UK charts by following simple directions on following link:

How to create an iTunes UK Account? Follow simple directions on this link:


glitzylady said...

I voted AND commented on this particular contest "Hot or Not" particularly because I was appalled at some of the stupid, homophobic comments directed at Adam a few days ago by some snarky (and worse) people. I've since gone back numerous times to vote and was very happy to see that Adam has gotten such a huge amount of support. (My name is Mary btw....) There was a time when I would never put my real name out there on the internet but for Adam, yes. I have a feeling that if we had to use our real names here, there just might be less BS happening here from time to time. Accountability and all. Not that I want to do that by any means..but just saying...

I'm happy too, to say that Adam is winning nicely.

tess4ADAM said...


I've seen your comments here & elsewhere & I'm happy to know that there are others like myself(and you) who VOTE no matter the reason. I've been laughed at & ridiculed because of my VOTING obsession but I feel that it is important for ADAM for his Glamberts to show OVERwhelming support in these polls ... lack of participation can be misinterpreted as LACK of INTEREST by the PTB ... wish everyone felt the way we do! Thanx for your loyalty & LOVE for our STAR!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)(real name BTW)

Adamluv said...

@anon 8:31 - so agree with you about Adam singing "I Would Do Anything for Love" by Meat Loaf. And thanks to @anon for bringing Virgen Media review here. And that Adam vs. Kris poll is beyond absurd since Adam is the sexiest.of.all.times! And speaking of songs I'd like to hear Adam cover - this morning on my car radio heard "I'm TNT" by AC/DC and immediately got a visual image of Adam singing and PERFORMING to it. Here in LA listen to 100.3 and on Triple Thursday turned it on and they were playing Another one Bites the Dust plus 2 more Queen songs and now get a visual image of Adam singing them - WOW! Switched to this station after the pop stations refused to play IIHY and now listen to hits from the 60's/70's/80's! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Ok, I got talked into it. I wasn't going to bother voting on the Adam/Kris poll, but as a loyal voter, I just put in a bunch of votes. Adam is pretty far ahead, so it's looking good. I agree that ANY positive exposure of Adam, silly polls are otherwise, keeps in in the public eye. VOTE!

Thought I caught a live-stream link to the Poland show on the first thread, and started to watch, but then it froze. Thought there wasn't going to be a livestream, but apparently there is?


Magiclady said...

Listen to 100.3 sometimes at work during the day, but disappointed that when they do play a little pop, it is never Adam.

I move the dial around but have not heard NCOE not even once. Nor have I seen the vid on VH1 or MTV even in the middle of the night!

Anonymous said...


Just like you, I always vote to always push ADAM out there even as silly as Who Is SEXY? How can we let the other win? I always go for the truth. And the truth is ADAM is the SEXIEST. So I vote so truth wins.

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