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Adam Lambert at Take 40's exclusive VIP Live Lounge Gig in Australia

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, August 25, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, August 25, 2012

Via mishness:

Adam Lambert flies to Australia for Take 40's exclusive VIP Live Lounge Gig. I've put together the best of my footage; from singing his own tracks (Trespassing, Shady, Cuckoo), to Bob Marley's Is this Love rendition, to answering questions and dancing.

@OhMishy enjoy!! x.


Anonymous said...

New Clues Point to ADAM LAMBERT as Likely 'American Idol' Judge

As rumors continue to spread about the new American Idol judging panel, more new hints point to ADAM LAMBERT as a likely addition. ADAM has been asked several times in interviews lately if he will be a judge on the show and he has been evasive. The closest he has said is that he is "waiting for the green light" from Idol. Obviously, if it is true, he is not at liberty to say yet. But, he has made a surprising move on Twitter indicating a new American Idol connection.

In the last 24 hours ADAM began following the official American Idol Twitter account, as well producer Rodney Jerkins. In addition, he recently started following Mariah Carey, who has already been confirmed to be a new judge.

This may be Adam's way of sharing the news with fans without violating any agreements about making an official announcement. Either that, or Adam is just having a little fun by teasing everyone.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

After watching this I say forget about Idol and give Adam his own show!!! Just Kidding! I hope he gets idol. Anyway Adam is so comfortable in front of the camera his joy and charisma is intoxicating and he is quite the comedian too. Thanks for posting this so we can hear all his banter and the enthusiasm of the crowd!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks fabulous here and is so happy having a great time before this small, select audience. He is talkative, laughing, showing us some of his dance moves and just enjoying himself performing these songs from Trespassing. As far as IDOL, I would love for him to be a judge because he is so articulate, talented and smart about all aspects of the music business. To be on the panel with Mariah and NM, and possibly Keith Urban, that certainly is some mix. We won't know anything until official word comes out. I don't even know if it is definite about NM and Uban from what I have read. Rumors all over the place. So we either will be elated or let down depending on what the announcemet is. I'd like to see Adam every week on the show and the chemistry with the other judges. It could be a trainwreck with those two ladies. Urban and Lambert would be the voice of reason and constructive criticism.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, Michelle

Anonymous said...

Adam is so happy and just wonderful. He makes me feel better than good. I love this performance and talking.

Anonymous said...

Watching Adam Lambert perform even in an acoustic setting, is still better than most other singers with their band, backup singers, auto-tuning, electonics,etc. He is just amazing. And it is great to watch him enjoying himself while performing, smiling, talking to the audience, laughing and just having such a good time. The audience loved him and they showed their enthusiasm for him. Hopefully we will learn about his next single soon and that this one will get radio play and digital sales. I still love WWFM which is his signature song to me and all the different ways he performs it. Now he needs another hit single from Trespassing to really get his name out there again.

Anonymous said...

I think the first performance I watched, after I became interested in Adam and his music, was Conan O'Brien show, when he was promoting WWFM and the FYE album. I watched him on Idol too, but that didn't make me a fan. Perhaps the music he sang there was not my type.

Anonymous said...

Top Ten Reasons Why Adam Lambert Should be a Judge on American Idol

10. He’s Diva-proof

9. Because you need at least 1 judge to be coherent and witty

8. Justice (for questionable voting practices and him not making a stink about it)

7. To piss off haters 

6. The OMG, what-is-he-wearing, self-justifying, never dull outfits

5. The novel ability to give constructive criticism that could actually benefit contestants 

4. An investment in the Idol franchise (His success is Idol’s success. Conversely, his failure is Idol’s failure.)

3. Because disgruntled Glamberts are scary 

2. Because his last album debuted at #1 to RAVE reviews (unlike Mariah’s)

1. His sassy retorts to Ryan’s veiled come-ons

Anonymous said...

More Idol News. Katy Perry turned down AI - to busy with her own career. Keith Urban turned down AI - too busy making a new album. Nicki Minaj is questionable - lots of problems getting her signed. Adam Lambert cancelled an interview in OZ so he could fly home early. Adam arrives in LA Monday. The big Idol announcement is scheduled for Tues. Things are looking pretty good, Glamberts !!!

Magiclady said...

I tell ya, that boy has such a great sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

Adam can also be a commercial model:)

He is so funny and articulate. I can't wait to hear some incredible news for next week!:)

We all gonna have a bloody macaroni party when it happens he!he!

How about a bloody wine here and there:)


Anonymous said...

Just watched the video from 2009 again (WWFM, Conan O'Brien) and it was still good. Only Adam's hair style is outdated. It was more about the music then. I watched the Is this Love video once. I don't want to hear it the second time. These days, you sometimes can hear the lead guitar, but most times you don't. I can't decide which one is better, though.

Anonymous said...

How do you know when a Glambert is an attention-seeking control freak (personality disorder). Eventually she will become a Tommybert. I know, that is not even funny.

Anonymous said...

Watched EMA's from Belfast Ireland today. Adam was so incredable, looks so good in a bigger screen, the tv. It was showed on paladia! Things to do but had to watch it about ten times. The man is Truely rarkable. So hope he get's Idol! Think that what he really been waiting for to anounce the single, don't know. I am keeping everything crossed. That was the man is Truely remarkable, type o. Sue

SG said...

I'll take Adam to go, please!cause I want to eat him!!
"it's just a t-shirt", we know that Adam, the Lady is screaming because of what's INSIDE the t-shirt....
About AI, it sound really good!!but what makes me belive it a little bit more is Adam's attitude&answers when he's been asked about it. Let's see what happend next week.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks and sounds fantastic. I'm liking his dark roots and the grey colours in his wardrobe.

Eleventh reason Adam should be an AI judge. He's truly one of the best vocalist and one of the best entertainers alive.

Anonymous said...

More Idol news below

@bayoulady60Sorta..adam cancelled an interview w/Byron Cook in OZ cos he HAD to fly back to H'Wood & BUZZ about AI bigger than ever, idk! XD

Anonymous said...

WAy Off Topic but too funny not to share

Romeo passed his phone from hand to hand, staring blankly at his Facebook profile. He'd just changed his relationship status to "It's Complicated," which didn't even begin to cover it.

In the past two days, he'd crashed a party, fell hard for a girl, then loitered on her lawn, staring at her balcony while she sat outside typing her own status updates. She'd immediately tagged him in about 1,400 pictures, which should've tipped him off that maaaaybe she was a little dramatic. Instead, he calmly sipped from a red plastic cup and asked himself why only the Capulet side of Verona got 4G coverage.

Romeo knew he should've listened to Friar Laurence when he'd been warned not to rush into a rebound relationship. "Love moderately," Laurence had told him, although that seemed to be the only girl advice he ever dished out. Got dumped by Rosaline? "Love moderately." Accidentally killed your new girl's cousin? "Love moderately." Got kicked out of town? "Love moderately."

Anyway, Romeo had ignored that two-word suggestion and married Juliet the next day. Unfortunately, her parents had promised her to another dude, and now she'd disappeared. She hadn't answered a text in hours, her Facebook page was annoyingly unchanged and the last thing she'd tweeted — "O look! Methinks I see my cousin's ghost!" — didn't make sense at all.

His phone buzzed, startling him. It was Friar Laurence. He sent the call to voicemail.

He texted Juliet again. "Where 4 art u?"

He double-tapped his music collection, queuing up a bass-heavy song that made more sense than anything the friar had ever said. "You're so wrong, man," he said above the chorus. "I have 99 problems, and she's pretty much all of them."

Anonymous said...

He'd just slipped his phone into his tunic when a text buzzed against his ribcage. Laurence again. "CALL ME ASAP," he wrote. Romeo shook his head and restashed the phone.

Balthasar, Romeo's servant, knocked on the door and was three steps into the room before Romeo could even say, "Come in."

"Sup, B," Romeo sighed.

Balthasar tugged nervously on the ruffles of his sleeves, staring directly at the floor. "Bro," he said. "You might want to sit down."

"I am sitting," Romeo said.

"OK, well grab onto something then."

Romeo crossed his arms.

"Look, there's, um, no good way to say this," Balthasar said haltingly. "And it was way too heavy for a text or whatever."

Romeo waited. When an incoming message buzzed against his ribcage, he realized that he'd been holding his breath.

Anonymous said...

"It's that chick, from the party," Balthasar said.

"Juliet? What's wrong? Where is she?"

"She's…like…she's…well, she's dead."

Romeo shook his head. "No. No way. She just posted something to Instagram," he said, looking at his phone. "See? It's…um, her family's part of the cemetery. Oh man. This is NOT good."

Balthasar said nothing.

"OK, well, I know what I have to do then," Romeo said. He skipped past a stack of texts and a pair of missed calls from Laurence. "Where's the nearest pharmacy?" he asked his phone.

"There is one pharmacy that looks like it's nearby," it said in its gentle robotic tone.

He clicked on the suggestion, ignoring a one-star Yelp review ("Pretty sure I caught the plague from their bathroom"). Romeo called the number. "Hey, quick question for you," he asked the woman who answered. "Do you guys carry, like, poisons and stuff? No, I'm not a cop. OK, I'll be right down."

He'd barely ended the call when another text from Laurence came in. "WHERE U AT? HIT ME BACK IT'S ABOUT JULIET."

Anonymous said...

That got his attention.

"???" he wrote, wondering whether he should've added a sad emoticon, one crying an apostrophe-shaped tear.


"ZOMG! U 4 REAL?" he texted back, frantic.


"OMW" —on my way —Romeo wrote.

He grabbed his cloak from the back of his desk chair and sprinted toward the door.

"Hey!" Balthasar shouted. "What's happening?"

Romeo didn't stop running. "It's complicated!" he yelled, "It's so complicated."

Anonymous said...

He's not really rocking Trespassing here. Come on Adam, ROCK! :)

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's in a more mellow mood performing here because he is sitting. Why is he sitting?

Anonymous said...

@4:45 and 4:49

4:45 He's not rocking Trespassing because this is an acoustic set.

4:40 See above answer.


Anonymous said...

Must see movie:

"Obama's America 2016" In theaters now. Amazing film. You'll love it.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention above movie was inspired by Michael Moore.

Anonymous said...

obamas america amazing indeed w know now the real obama and how he run this country.- 2012-2016-we now wisw up to choose the real american born presidnt and can solve this bad econmy.god help us all.

Anonymous said...

He rocked Cuckoo.

Anonymous said...

"THR says that Brad Paisley, who was also in talks with Idol to become a judge “apparently dropped out of the conversation because he wanted to match Minaj’s pay scale, which was a nonstarted with Idol brass.”

Anonymous said...

@5:45PM Hate to talk about politics. And deff hate to make any comments on this blog. However, I want to know why America prefers to have Mormon, racist, homophobic,billionaire,etc. president? Why so many peopleso sure that this jerk will change economy?

Anonymous said...

This short video would make an excellent audition tape, shows Adam off beautifully, as the outstanding singer, chatty, witty, at ease charmer that he is.
Waaay back in the 'olden days' he would have had his own show. TV was filled with shows hosted by popular singers of the day...Eddie Fisher, Andy Williams, Perry Como,
Rosemary Clooney (George's aunt), Nat (King) Cole, Johnny Mathis, Dinah Shore, etc. You didn't have to wait to see and hear your favorites, they either had a show or were guests on all the music shows several days of the week.

The Adam Lambert Hour sounds good to me.....JAK

Anonymous said...

This is an acoustic performance. Didn't you notice the backup singers weren't there? These performances are more laid back, relaxed and Adam often sits during them, although I don't know how he does it. He did up for Cuckoo though. As I read these comments, I am getting excited again about the prospect of Adam becoming an Idol judge. My heart can't take this: yes, he, he isn't. Make a decision already and announce it. Whose name hasn't been thrown into the mix? Maybe he also came home early for the release of his next single and to work on a video for that. That might also be a possibility. But I like the idea of being an Idol judge better. When the show should be about the contestants, all the news seems to be about the new judges. I guess with all the other talent/singing shows out there, the judging panel will bring in the viewers and those numbers are very important for programming and the business/financial aspect of the show. After all, look at the high salary being paid to Mariah and whatever else the other judges will get.

Anonymous said...

5:52 P.M.

I've wondered that myself. His popularity polls went down every year he was governor of Massachusetts, he didn't deliver there to the publics satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

Good point about Adam could be coming back for the release of his new single or a video. It's not like Adam to cancel interviews, though. It seems doubtful that his management would make a little mess like that. It seems more likely that he's coming back for something under someone else's time frame. I'm getting the feeling that he got the Idol job. I don't want to get my hopes up, but that's what I feel.

Anonymous said...

AAHHHHH .... it's SO GOOD to relive (some of) the Take 40 Live Lounge concert again. I was there and I can assure you Adam rocked the house, the crowd was WILD and sang along with him. He didn't just sit there. He was on his feet and moving around at least during Kickin' In and Cuckoo. At one stage, he was only a few inches away from me .... heaven!! He looked and sounded fantastic and Brian, Tommy, Ashley and Isaac were terrific - a really great band to accompany an AWESOME singer. It's a night I will never ever forget.

Anonymous said...

Awesome lead singer of the band.

Anonymous said...

The link the AI judge article has some comments about the "down side" of Adam getting the job. I say that, all things considered, the "upside" is much stronger than the "downside." I know the haters will come out if he gets it, but he (and we) will get through. There simpley MUST be a way to get his whole personality and talent out there to a wider, accepting audience. AI would do that. I know there will be backlash, but so what. There is more good in getting this job than there is bad. If he gets it, I hope it opens other well-deserveed doors to him in show business: TV, movies, etc. He deserves it all.

Politics are important, but they sure do take a good Adam-related thread and trespass all over it.

From what I've heard, that new film about Obama is very biased, as we would expect it to be.


Anonymous said...

Excuse bad spelling. In a hurry! Didn't proofread.

Anonymous said...

DRG if you haven't seen the film, how can you critique it? It's an honest film.

You watched Fahrenheidt 491 and An Inconvient Truth didn't you. They were honest, too.

Anonymous said...

I'm not american, but I have my doubts about Michael Moore. To be effective propaganda must contain an element of truth..

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm .... yes, it's not like Adam to cancel interviews .... especially Byron's interview (haha!!) so that must be extremely important that he return to the US ahead of schedule. Maybe Adam will do a phone interview with Byron .... hope so - they are always funny.

Love this footage of Wednesday's concert.

Anonymous said...

The thing is Michael Moore is a fact checker!

Anonymous said...

Why politics????

Like it or not I DON'T LIKE Romney and Obama:))) American POLITICS is dead :)

Just put Adam and Neil Lambert in the equation:)

Anonymous said...

@7:14 It can still be propaganda. I'd say in this fandom there's adommy propaganda. Just a while ago I laughed at the Adommy pics. The heavy makeup and the looks on Adam's and Tommy's faces remind of silent movies.

Anonymous said...

Can politics be discussed elsewhere please?! Let's keep Adam's 24/7 News site cheerful.

Anonymous said...

After watching these vids, Adam is such a natural in front of his audience. He is charming, funny, enthusiastic and just having such a great time. I think these traits in addition to being articulate, smart and so talented would make him a perfect Idol judge. But most of all because he has been there, knows the process and would be providing constructive criticism when needed. If he is not named one of the new judges, Idol probably will be off my viewing schedule because I am not really interested in watching the two divas battle it out with their opinions, their cleavage and their hair.

Anonymous said...

I think I am with a lot of you guys American Idol please tell us is Adam a judge or not! Adam makes the most sense to be a judge in my opinion. I haven't been faithful to Idol since Adam was on in Season 8. Although did tune in when Adam was on since then.

Anonymous said...


Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert

Hi Aussies!, I’m in the mood to play a Guerilla gig today. Come to Fed Square in Melbourne at 3:30pm today for a free show #adamguerillagig

Aussie Glambert here trying to trend #adamguerillagig

Anonymous said...

JAK here...I had a small victory this evening. I took my sweetheart out to celebrate his 76th birthday ( I wore my leopard shoes in honor of the occasion...for an old broad I looked smashing! )
As I plied the birthday boy with Chianti Classico I whispered "when we get home I want to play a jazz song I think you'd like." That's practically the only music he ever listens to. He said "sure".

I had him sit in his comfy chair and gave him the Bose earphones and with the screen turned away from him I played
Adam's Is This Love. I knew I had him when his head and shoulders started moving to the beat. When he took off the earphones, I said did you like it?" "He said, yeah, it was great who is it?"

I just said "Some new guy." I will wait till tomorrow to mention it was Adam...I don't mind being sneaky, but admitting I was sneaky on his birthday would have just been mean! :))

Anonymous said...

I am with 7.36. This is a site about Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

wow just got my INROCK sept magazine, very good pictures of Queen + Adam in london concert and Adam at Summer Sonic.

Anonymous said...

Tweet from:

@Keisha Renee
I auditioned for the Broadway stage Play CATS!! Its a
little over a week in Vegas!! It looks like the Glamily has the month of
Sept off :(

Interesting that the band is off for the month, because ADAM is sitting on a panel this time?

Anonymous said...

@JAK My hubby loves Adam's rendition of is this love. He wants to hear it over and over even more than the Queen stuff!Happy birthday to your husband, bet you looked hot in your leopard!

Anonymous said...

More trouble for Randy Travis

"TMZ has learned the embattled singer was involved in a FIGHT in a church parking lot in Texas early this morning.

Law enforcement sources tell us … cops responded to the church around 1 AM after receiving a tip about two men fighting in the parking lot.

We’re told Travis was taken to the hospital after the fight. One source tells us Randy appeared to be “extremely intoxicated.”

The Plano Police Department tells TMZ … Travis was cited for simple assault. We’re told officials believe Randy was the primary aggressor.

Cops say there was a “family argument” taking place between a husband and a wife … and Randy got involved.

Another man was involved in the fight, but cops say it wasn’t the husband."

I read that Randy is involved with a married woman.

Randy never recovered from being traumatized by that sitar version of ROF on AI8 rendered by that boy with black nail polish!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:39 P.M.

I did! But when they began to hurt I took them off in the car and petted them on the way home.
I like silky suede!....JAK :)

lorraine said...

@JAK Happy birthday to your sweetie-you are quite clever,but I must say I'm a little surprised your hubby didn't recognize Adam's voice,especially after hearing it for over 3 years. I know ,it's probably usually a background voice situation for him but still,don't be shocked if you get a little tug on your shoulder in the middle of the night with him asking, "WAS THAT .....?"

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine....JAK here
My husband hasn't heard Adam since Idol...he watched about 5 performances. I always listen with earphones to cds or computer.
I got hit in the ear with a line drive playing ball in school so can only hear in stereo with help.
Normal conversation no problem, left ear does all the work.

I was always being carried in from phys ed class...17 stitches by a plastic surgeon under chin from tennis court...concussion playing field hockey...broken wrists from basketball, broken pinkie fingers from baseball. And those are just school injuries! I've led a charmed life! :)

daydreamin said...

@JAK I love your story! Can't wait to hear his reaction when you tell him ha!

daydreamin said...

I just added Is This Love to my CD collection along with all the Queen stuff! LOVE hearing it all in my car and at work!!

daydreamin said...

Have you seen this new vid of IIL?

lorraine said...

@JAK Oh my goodness! What strikes me most about all your injuries is your ongoing persistence! You were- and are, quite a remarkable woman. Best of all, I'm so glad you are able to hear Adam's beautiful voice-and the voices of all the other musicians who have sustained you throughout your life-and continue to do so.
I still sometimes reflect on the fate of Beethoven and how he was able to compose music for the ages in spite of his tragic loss of hearing.

Anonymous said...

It was playing in his head and he just had to write the notes down!...JAK :))

In ref. to injuries, my pre marriage name began with an M. So my friends called me Mangled M______! When I married Mr. K. they switched to calling me Klutzy or Klumsy K______! I got my first stitches at age four and my last 2 weeks ago when a tuna can lid attacked me! :))

SG said...


Leopard shoes, WILD!!

Please let us know your husban's face and reaction when you¡ll tell him it was Adam singing,that is gonna be really interesting!!LOL!!

When you buy tuna can, take the "i've benn tamed" ones, they're saver!!LOL!!

Anonymous said...

@JAK so that story you told us about your high school and college friends calling you JAK but pronounced Jake was a fib? I hope not because it puts a damper on all the stories you've told if its true!

Anonymous said...

JAK here...I was a junior in college when I got married!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Before I was JAKE...I was JAMIE, since my initials were JAM.
I haven't told my ENTIRE history, but my grandson was named after that early nickname, he's Jamie.