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Adam Lambert Teases New Single

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, August 25, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, August 25, 2012

When a fan asked Adam Lambert when he will announce the next single, he responded by telling her to ask RCA.

Adam also linked to a video of actress Evan Rachel Wood singing for George Clooney and Robin Wright at Venice FIlm Festival. (Evan is a friend of Adam and she's claimed to have a crush on him.)

Which track from "TRESPASSING" do you think is going to be the next single?


Anonymous said...

ok RCA and AI bring it on I can handle it. Evan did a good cover on the 4 Non Blondes record. Linda Perry singer and songwriter for them also wrote A Loaded Smile for Adam's FYE album. She is mega talented lady.

Anonymous said...

She surprised me...that's not an easy song to tackle...brava...JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK here...I don't really care what the new single is. I've already heard it ;) Just pick something lively and get it out there and no deep thought provoking mv. Adam in any tee shirt and jeans he wants is enough production for me. Just do it!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this week we will hear what the new single is, and then again, maybe not. What are they waiting for? Must be a very important reason, I hope. Agree JAK .... a lively song would be great.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I'm guessing. it's been delayed because of the Idol judges announcement coming in first.


Anonymous said...

So, hate me. This is not a critique of Adam's vocals. He's the best there is.But this is about the CD: I think Trespassing is OK as a defiant message-song but it tires my ears if I can't exercise or move around to it, something I better not o when I'm driving in traffic. So, the song is just not good "listening music" which is why I skip to Shady when I turn on my CD. Loving acoustic version of Kickin' as much if not more than the CD arrangement. Runnin' is so great I can't understand why it was consigned to bonus status. Outlaws of love too sad to enjoy. Pop that lock grows and grows on me. Broken English: loving the track overlays. Underneath is so dramatic, I doubt insipid DJs can handle it. Take back also grows more interesting with each play. Nirvana deserves air play along with MAP. OK, so there. Go ahead hate me.

Anonymous said...

!2:00 hate you for what? Pop that Lock had to grow on me too. OOL and Chokehold my berry berry faves. oh wait a minute I think my fave is Map.

daydreamin said...

She's terrific. But OMG so were you when you sang this Adam. I remember when he said she would be his female crush.

donnaw said...

12.00~ I totally agree with your comments.

Runnin' is my choice.

Grace said...

I have funny feeling it going be Cuckoo or Trespassing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aren't singles usually taken direct from the albumn version? That would dismiss Shady (which I love) since it's a 2 person song. Sam sings a great dealof it. I doubt they would record a new version all Adam for money reasons.
If the single became popular he couldn't drag Sam around to live performances so that they would sound like the cd. JMO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't care I just want one!!! LOL

Anonymous said...


choons said...

I'd go with Shady or Pop that Lock or Runnin. I also skip Trespassing when listening to the cd (I find it too repetitious, a bit boring, not hummable).
Glad to see Adam look so happy (such a wide smile)- he loves performing and I wish I could be at one of his small club concerts with him all relaxed and doing some covers.
And ya, Adam in jeans and t-shirt ... the best!