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Adam Lambert Started Following American Idol and Rodney Jerkins on Twitter

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, August 25, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, August 25, 2012

Adam is at it again! This morning, Adam started following the "American Idol" twitter account and Rodney Jerkins, a music producer who has produced for American Idol alumnis. In addition, Adam also started following Madeon, a french electronic musician.


Anonymous said...

omg just announce it already. paleez.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree...American Idol, sometimes foreplay can go on waaay tooo long! Give it up, give in, put us out of our exquisite misery! Is he or isn't he, we need to know...we have things to do...and places to go! ^o^

Anonymous said...

Administration...I can see! Gracias

Anonymous said...

Thank you Administration for changing the format:)

For you Mr. Adam Lambert the Rock God, I can smell something cooking in your kitchen right now and it's delicious.

Spill it out now plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss?????:)))


Anonymous said...

I think it will be announced this Monday when Adam is back from Australia. He' got this I just know it,but will try to remain calm because I don't want to be disappointed. It would be very smart of idol to have him on the panel!

Anonymous said...

I can't take this stress of waiting to hear about AI much longer! RL has been put on hold too long LOL! I just keep checking the blog sites and news sites constantly for any bit of news. I'm on the "crazy train" and I can't get off!!!


Anonymous said...

Off topic, but if Adam was interested in his bf's home country, the most suitable house for them is on sale now for 2 mil. Good location, with gym and spa, even a safe room.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go out on a limb and take a guess that the Idol judges line up will be: Mariah, Nicki, Keith and Adam..

1. The Diva
2. The Hip Hop Rap Artist
3. The Country Crooner
4. The Best Damned Pop Star That Ever Lived!!!

They will not hire two way..cause, for one, rap is NOT music and anyone who begs to differ cannot tell the sound of music from the sound of air that escapes their anal region...just sayin'

Anonymous said...

@1:35 PM..Adam has to stay where his job is..and right now it is centered in LA...maybe in the future, once he becomes a mega millionaire, he and Sauli will purchase a home in Finland, as well as here in the States..

Anonymous said...

@1:41 yea, I know the time is not right. But the seller would be reliable, and he knows Sauli.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that Adam will not get this job on AI. And all of his comments about green light is just speculation to get more fans on twitter. I thought Adam is smart young man. Now I have doubts about this.

Anonymous said...

@1:52 PM.. I most sincerely hope you have to eat crow...all of the "contenders" have tweeted about the possibility of being it is FOX and AI that want to keep the speculation going...who is with me on this????

Anonymous said...

Nicki's music completely sucks. I do like rap though. Foxy Brown's music was so much better. And more classy.

Anonymous said...


Let's not engage a troll.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Nicki's music sucks.....

but have you ever heard her do an interview?

Remind me why they chose her????


Anonymous said...

I've never heard Nicki's interview. Is it worth searching for?

Anonymous said...

Adam can follow anyone he likes on Twitter without people being hysterical about it.

Anonymous said...

I've been saying this, but once again, the Idol gig would open many new doors for Adam. TV, movies, other kinds of exposure. Not to mention exposure to his own music and boosting sales. Bigger concert venues. Showing those who abandoned him after the AMAs that he's still OK to like. LOTS of advantages to getting the gig, not to mention the money. And Adam woudl probably be the cheapest one.


Anonymous said...

Adam may be cheapest but worth more than all put together! Adam would never ever mis lead his fans, just to get twitter follower's. Stupid remark! Why am I giving u time of day u are not worth my time.1.52!