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Adam Lambert's Shopping Addiction!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, August 24, 2012

Posted at : Friday, August 24, 2012


Plus, find out what Adam Lambert would include in a song about Aussie men...


Anonymous said...

Shopaholic!!!!! You are not alone my dear:))

Just live your life to the fullest and enjoy what u have right now!!!:))

Life is too short....

Embrace the life with full of freedom:)


Rebecca said...

hehe a shopping addiction no worries Adam i have a chocolate addiction so I know how it is

Anonymous said...

I have an Adam addiction so I get it!!!!

Anonymous said...

So cute how he expresses ideas physically, not just verbally. Chipping away at his credit card with each purchase, he can't get away from being an entertainer. For this reason, Adam is my serious addiction, actually, my only addiction. He's plenty enough. If anyone knew how bad, I would be dragged immediately to Adam Rehab, if there is such a thing.

Anonymous said...

@3:09 We don't want an Adam Rehab,right? Though I think some of my family and friends would want me in one lol!It must feel so good to Adam to be able to purchase things he loves and be able to afford it.

SG said...

Dear Adam,

As Canadian said you're not alone in this, the difference is that you can afford it but some of us can't...snif snif...
I don't think you want to be cure, but just in case or if you want to low the addiction level, we have a really nice therapy group in a church basemen.We meet as much as we can, cause our addition level is really high and it could be dangerous.Is anonymous, well in your case that would be "a little " impossible but don't worry, we will be descreet.Is a very quiet place, no paps, you'll be save with us...
The only problem is that our group is to treat us from our addition to you...but whatever...we always could use ice shower after each session...
PS: No password needed, that's only for the undergrond club with "the bird thing"....oooppsss...I've said too much....:)

Anonymous said...

Adam you do recycle your clothes, which is good. You make many outfits out of what you buy. You are good at putting different things together, and make it look good.

Anonymous said...

@3:09 PM..please let me know if you find an Adam Rehab facility, as I seriously need to check myself in as well..

Anonymous said...

Any gambling addicts?

Anonymous said...

I would qualify for Adam rehab and family and friends would sign me up..but I am in such a happy place following and loving Adam and his music that I don't want it to ever stop

Anonymous said...

I also like the fact that Adam does "recycle" his clothes. He puts together any number of great looking outfits with different pieces previously seen by us, the fans. I am sure he is buying from his favorite designers because he now has the money. I especially love his leather jackets and vests. I notice that most of the rock/pop performers wear leather all year round even during the summer because it is so stylish and great looking. Adam is my serious addiction also and listening to his music or watching the vids on this blogsite won't put me into debt. It just makes me happy and makes the day a little bit better.

Anonymous said...

Addicted to chocolate, ice cream and Adam Lambert...not so bad, is it? After having the chocolate or ice cream, I can listen to Adam's music and dance or exercise off the extra pound or two. Adam can afford to buy those boots, jeans and jewelry now where only a few years back he was worried about how to pay his rent. It's great to see him enjoying life, doing well professionally and personally. He looks terrific and wears the clothes and jewelry so well.

Anonymous said...

Addiction you say? I just folk a two hour car ride alone and blasted Trespassing and FYE all the way through singing along. I know ALL the lyrics :). I sang Runnin 3 times!!! Really enjoyed this lone time with Adam.

HK fan said...

Adam always says he has a shopping addiction, but he seems quite frugal compared to a lot of stars. We see him rewear, and mix and match his clothes and accessories all the time, even wearing things from many years ago. And he wears them till they fall apart i.e. snakeskin boots, The Laces..and even then seems to get them mended.

Anonymous said...

...took... (not folk)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if fans would be so addicted to Runnin if it was a regular track on the album. It adds interest because it is a bonus track and therefore cannot be a single.

Anonymous said...

There probably is already is a group of fans who only listen to the bonus tracks. I find that very strange behaviour.

Anonymous said...

Jenna Gold‘s heart went pitter-pat over ADAM LAMBERT Covers Bob Marley’s “Is This Love” Live In Sydney:

“He did a gorgeous job, I love when he takes a song we know, sings it live and just does his own thing with it. His voice is so smooth and sexy in this, it”s literally music to the ears in the best possible way. He’s so talented. It’s great to be able to hear the voice tone with nothing else to distract — uh, except his beauty ;)”

Anonymous said...

I am addicted to every thing that is Adam love following his career I have never done that with any one before no one holds my interest. My man friend & I broke up after 8 yrs of dating he came to my work place to talk to me. He aked me if I still watched Adam & I said yes you walked out on me all I have to do is go to the computer Adam is stll there. The look on his face was price less he left me for another woman then wanted me back nope that did not set well with me.The grass must not have been greener on the other side but to bad for him.

daydreamin said...

Ahhh Anon 8:16 you crack me up as well as @SG and her "letter to Adam"!!! I AM really sorry though (wow 8 years?) but you had me laughing when you told your now ex that all you had to do is go to the computer and Adam is always there LOL! Yep, my family would def send me off to the Cookoo for Adam farm! Adam, what have you innocently and unknowingly started!

Anonymous said...

Adam's addictions .... good for him. I'm sure most people are addicted to one thing or another. I too am addicted to all things Adam. Love that he recycles his clothes. He mixes and matches them perfectly. Clothes should work for people, not just be something you can only wear one way. I've mixed and matched my clothes all my life .... I'm addicted to it .... lol. My Adam addiction drives my husband spare but he adheres to the motto "Happy wife happy life". :D

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......I'm not thinking so much of Adam Rehab as starting a yearly Glambert Retreat.

It would be once a year, in the Autumn preferably, in a nice wooded state with colored leaves falling and campfires every evening where we could sit on logs and sing along to Adam's music, no cheat sheets for lyrics allowed, if you don't have every one memorized you can't attend the camp! There would be cabins each with a 'theme'. When you sent in your camp fees you would select your preference. Voodoo Cabin-Soaked Cabin-Kickin In Cabin-Naked Love Cabin ( no, on second thought not a good idea) Nirvana Cabin and since there would be so many requests......Cuckoo Cabins #1, #2 and #3.

Appropriate decor, Adam posters, sheets, pillows, blankets, shower curtains and bath mats.

The usual camp activities, canoeing, hiking, crafts...learn to
decorate jeans, jackets and tee shirts with rhinestones, studs and glitter. Trivia games would be played every night (all night in some cabins) questions would range from every personal detail of Adam's life, former lovers, stage plays, favorite items of his extensive wardrobe, hair styles and colors. Prizes awarded.

Why have rehab when no one really wants to 'kick the Adam habit' ?

Anonymous said...

daydreamin this is 8:16 Adam all most did me in when I watched him sing IS THIS LOVE I had phone in hand ready to dial my ex no. I know all I would have to say is baby do you want to come in.Adam should not do that to me I am burning up that brought way to many memories back. So I filled the tub with cold water put the phone down & jumped in gotta get cooled down. Alright feel better now.

Magiclady said...

Love the camp idea!

SG said...


Great idea!Where is that camp taking place? Maybe we can have it in a differen place every year, always warm places, so for ex. Alaska is out of the list.
The name for the cabin is also very usefull.The Naked Love cabin shouldn't have any poster, pic or vid, there's no need to give people "bad" ideas, the name is enough.
Good think to have 3 Cuckoo's.
The Pop that Lock cabin, with no lock,better save time&money.
About decorate t-shirt just gave me a great idea, I'm going to "decorate" a pair of old jeans that I bought in Sausalito a century ago.. in a very Adam's way!!
As soon as you have more info, please, let us know.

PS: just to be clear, the basement is NOT the get cure of Adam's addition,it's just to keep it in a save level so we all can keep "berting" as long as we all shall live.

Anonymous said...

JAK sign me up for Adam camp...what a lovely fires and people that love Adam and his music. sounds great

Anonymous said...

The Naked Love cabin sounds purrrrfect. Can I book & pay for it now???

Anonymous said...

OMG - I'm listening/watching the "Adam Movie" on one part of my screen right now (, and reading these comments on the other half of my screen. My smile is so big, I'm in bliss.

@JAK - I LOVE the idea of the Adam retreat. Let's start making plans now. Do you know any camp that has enough cabins?

I've also been listening to Adam's cover of the Bob Marley song - can't get enough of it. I get such a huge grin on my face!

In Bliss,


Anonymous said...

Yep, I wanna go to Adam Camp, too! I like the idea of the Naked Love cabin, which would have to have Adam posters all over the walls. We could have sports like the Walk On Water Maraton, Unicorn races, and maybe seminars like the Platinum Hair Dye Salon and Vampire Looks For Every Month. How about Nail Polish for Dummies and Body Roll Aerobics? The possibilities are endless!


Anonymous said...

Meant Marathon.

Anonymous said...

A yearly Adam Lambert retreat, what a great idea. I am in for sure, time and place please, and I will be there!


SG said...

More ideas for the Adam Camp:

-100 tweets that need Urban dictionary to get people know what you're talking about.

-Wearing boots in summer without melting.Clean feet required.

-How many sunglasse you need for a 2 days trip?Remenber your face is not perfect, unlike "others".

-How to make a fair schedule to share your accessorize with your parner.

-Face exercise: 100 faces in 3 minutes.

Anonymous said...

I too am addicted to Adam. I got so into fashion once I became an Adam Lambert fan. I have fashion for all times of the yr. depending on when the concerts will be. I practice my outfits decide the shoes aren't right or the jewelry so out I go... . SHOPPING!!!! Leaving money for tickets of course. It ain't easy

Anonymous said...


ADAM Retreat is such a wonderful idea! Count me in.


Anonymous said...

@ DRG......JAK here

You do realize body roll aerobics could kill some older Glamberts...spines could snap like twigs! I think I will designate the Nirvana cabin for the over 70 'girls'. It will even have a ramp if necessary. I, for one, will need a quiet place for my daily nap. I could call it meditation time, that sounds a little cooler than nap does.

It will take some time to formulate all the rules, but #1. will definitely be ...NO Bras!