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Famous Chinese TV Show Uses Adam Lambert's "Trespassing" as Opening Theme

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, August 25, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, August 25, 2012

@glam_alidol: the most famous Chinese TV show used @adamlambert ‘s Trespassing as their opening music tonight


Anonymous said...

but are they trespassing?

Anonymous said...

This is awesome.!!!! I wish i could dance like that. I wonder did Adam see this?

Anonymous said...

Tp is a very good dance tune. Thanks for using it in a famous show hearing peices and parts of TP all over the globe.

Anonymous said...

Adam is following American Idol now and a few days ago started following Mariah. I just feel it in my gut he has the idol job,but will wait till Monday. He cancelled his interview with Byron Cook that was to take place on Monday to fly back to L.A.Very interesting!Great China used Trespassing,great dancers!

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry 'Rejects £20m American Idol Offer'
It wasn't 'the right career choice for her'

Katy Perry reportedly turned down a $20 million dollar deal to appear as a judge on American Idol.
The talent show allegedly wanted Katy Perry to fill one of its vacant judge's seats so desperately that they offered her $20 MILLION dollars to take the role. Woah.

According to TMZ, the Teenage Dream singer just could not be persuaded, even by that phenomenal sum of money.

Sources close to the show's production told TMZ that Idol bosses pursued Perry relentlessly for weeks, eager to get her to sign on the dotted line. According to their source, the producers started the offer at $18 million, but threw even more cash on the table when Perry declined.
Katy apparently "made it clear" that she did not want to be a part of the talent show and that money did not factor in her decision. It's good to be you, isn't it Katy!

The source went on to say that Katy's hectic schedule made it impossible for her to participate in the programme - and aside from that, she does not feel it's the right career path to go down.
Confirmed Idol judge Mariah Carey is on a measly £18m - she must be livid!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling TP is the new single. My ideal mv for TP would be spotlighting the dancing beat with different dance teams. I esp love the routine done by Gin My (?)dance studio.Adam even tweeted about it.

glitzylady said...

The word is that Shoshanna (his UK management person) also followed Idol but then unfollowed. Pretty sure she saw tweets about it..and maybe thought "Oh, oh...!!" Ooops! The plot thickens ; )))

Anonymous said...

American Idol has to much money

Anonymous said...

lol now the new buzz will now be how much money everyone was offered to judge AI but turned it down. It will be in the zillions soon.

Anonymous said...

Adam following Mariah and AI could simply mean if there is any tweeted announcements, he would not be the last to find out any news.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:01 AM
That's true, have certainly thought of that ; )) ....but speculating that Adam might be one of the judges is SO much more FUN!! Keeping the hope alive until we hear otherwise...

Anonymous said...

@10:01- never thought of that- that's makes sense also. Hope I have power on monday (I'm in the path of hurricane issac)and waiting for this idol announcement on Monday.


Anonymous said...

Just saw Adam on EMA's wow just wow. Saw him on paladia this morning what a fabulous talent this man is! I did try tell everyone it was on earlier on other site, one about the little boy. They did mention his name and show his picture at the beginning of the show! Guess they got Nicki m. Thinking Closes thing to Kary perry, no comparison, sorry. If they got Amy sense they will get Adam he will get along with diva's and be an incredable judge. He will tie the whole mess in and make it work! So hope it true, have gut feeling to hope it right! That he has it. If he doesn't he will go on to something else and do fine. Still hope they that he gets it, so can see his lovely face more, if he not on it I really will not watch it and mean it. Because they could have got best talent in world blew it, that if he does not get Idol. if he does I will be glued to the show, only if Adam on it! I got to quit worrying about this and get something done and take my blood pressure pill I need it. Will know soon! Still gonna pray about it, can't hurt.

Anonymous said...

If Adam get's job On idol do not think he will need to find out on twitter!

Anonymous said...

@ brownie...stay safe, hopefully hurricane Isaac will pass us by.
However our plans to 'get out of town' were made weeks ago. Not worried about Isaac but the RNC invades and Tampa is already screwed up... main access streets to city hospitals are closed, souped up police force has been joined by national guard, homeless have been swept away from city streets and parks (out of sight..out of mind ?) and now I hear we will have a visit from the Westboro Baptist Church who have a permit for a 30 minute hissy-fit!

We are packed and heading inland to Lakeland to visit with #2 daughter and husband.

At least all the surfers are thrilled, they are counting on some big waves! Hopefully Isaac will blow itself out before hitting mainland and doing big damage anywhere along the gulfcoast.

Anonymous said...

@ brownie....I'm assuming you know that post at 11:26 was me...JAK :)

Anonymous said...

@ Brownie and JAK,

Be safe on behalf of everyone here!!!:))


Anonymous said...

Thank you dear....we're used to this, but always are grateful for good wishes and good weather forecasters. You can run from a hurricane so I'd rather face them than a tornado! I spent a lot of my childhood living in tornado alley part of US !.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Loved it.
All the girls look like the same girl to me (long brown hair.

Anonymous said...

JAK - On the lighter side think of all the money $$$$$$$ Tampa will gain from GOP billionaires (as you have previously called them)...they gotta eat, they gotta sleep somewhere.

Oh, and I seem to remember that Gore (rich, rich man) ran against Bush, also Kerry (filthy rich man) ran against Bush second time. Democrats have their share of millionaires - Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein, etc.

You opened the door to this discussion with your usual negative comments re: the GOP.

However, wherever you go, go with God, be safe and return to us with your DELL-A and happy accounts of your visit with #2 daughter and son-in-law.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:19p.m
Ha! Ha! Chinese girls all look alikE:):):)
cute though huh!

Anonymous said...

These threads always turn into Idol threads!! What will be will be, folks.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:27 P.M.....JAK here

Hey, did I make any cracks about the GOP in my comment? I complained about the mess the convention makes of the city...streets are closed that I need to use for medical appointments, so I've cancelled, businesses and municipal buildings are closed, city transit will be messed up, we are invaded by crackpot protesters, the city will be jammed, this "party" is costing the federal, state and city governments millions of dollars. All to announce the candidate...isn't that pretty much already decided?'s Mitt!! Let the balloons drop. Couldn't the money have been put to better use?
I feel the same way about the DNC which is pumping out money for their convention in Charlotte in a few weeks. We all know the Dem. candidate too. It's Obama! So other than party hearty time why are these relevant when our country is bleeding financially? Yes a portion of Tampa will make a bundle off of partiers, the strip club owners are ecstatic, they polished up the clubs and strippers (Tampa is famous for the number of their strip's a big convention city).

I'm not crazy about hanging around next week and I'm not looking forward to watching the news either, I'm a pessimist, always expect the worst and in a state that has issued 877,000 + valid concealed weapon permits I'm nervous all the time. Florida is #1 in the entire United States! A point that is a source of pride to the NRA and scares the sh*t out of me!

This time I'm not 'dissing' the GOP
I'm complaining about the system.
Personally I feel if a convention is necessary let'em have them in the desert like Burning Man!

I thank you for wishing me a nice week's visit with my daughter, it will be a continuous hunt for treasures in antique shops, Goodwill, Salvation Army thrift shops, she's my clone. We hit it big some years back, paid $10.00 dollars for a small painting that caught my eye...sold it for #4,500.00 and spent it all in Ireland! Let the hunt begin!

Anonymous said...


You're the only Sagittarian who is a pessimist. They're always the eternal cheerful optimist and happy-go-lucky people around why I love them!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:10 P.M. JAK here...oh, I'm extremely cheerful...but underneath...gloom and doom looms !
Have I mentioned I'm a good part Irish?

I'm afraid I don't find the "signs" too accurate. My daughter's birthdays are a week apart, they are Gemini and as different and far apart as the North and South poles. They share only one quality in mother's family's sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

I wish we would could stay on Adam & what is going on in the music world. We all have problems & I have some huge ones right now that is why I like to come to Adams site to forget about problems for a short time.When I get off work from the hosp. it is my relax time good luck to Adam for Idol if that is what he wants.

Anonymous said...

I wish there was more news to talk about instead of rehashing same old stuff daily. Idol Idol Idol single single single. Thank God the Olympics are over so we don't have to listen to the whining about Adam not singing with Queen anymore.

I wish the band would learn all the songs on the album and Adam would choose to do a variety, mix it up a bit, sing some of the bonus tracks, it might cause people to buy the deluxe and UK albums. More sales. When I heard them I bought them, now have 3 albums!