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Adam Lambert has insured his voice for £30m

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 14, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, October 14, 2012

Via @Siobhan:

New article from Dean Piper today...Adam has insured his voice for £30m !!!@adamlambert


Anonymous said...

Good comments so far on that article- should be for more iMO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

only 30 million ? ha! chicken feed.

DrTake1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Adam always make sure that he has water or tea with him:)

Also to have plenty of voice rest if he has a chance:)

He is priceless!!:)


Anonymous said...

Yeah...I'm gong to need some confirmation on that one before I believe it. Not saying he wouldn't/shouldn't insure it, it's a smart career oriented move for sure, but everything else in the article sounds silly. J-lo's ass is insured? Really? She could buy a new one for less (I hear Nicki Minaj knows a guy who can take care of that). Mariah Carrey's legs, of all things, is insured for a BILLION dollars? Seriously? You'd think that ever so precious 5 octave range of her's would priority A-number-1, but apparently it's those fantastic legs that are selling her albums and winning Grammys. I'm thinking this a rumor for a reason.

Anonymous said...

@2:14 I agree- mariah careys legs?

I thought tina turner had the best legs ever? Wonder how much they pay for this insurance?

adam's voice is priceless- cannot be insured lol

Anonymous said...

where is this article from? The National Enquirer? lol

Anonymous said...

Dean Piper. Adam knows him.

Anonymous said...

If this is true, a very wise move. I was curious as to why they quoted this in UK pounds. I wonder if Brian or Roger told him he should do it. May be it was done while he was on the mini tour with Queen. Roger said he had a voice in a million. I wonder how high the premiums are.Yes, his voice should be protected, this is the only way for him to make a good living. I bet the insurance has a few rules for him to follow, like no smoking etc.Btw, is he back yet?

Anonymous said...

Was Adele's voice insured only for $15 million? She smokes and she cancelled tours because of throat issues.

Anonymous said...

anybody going to the Arizona State Fair ? I Hope to see a bunch of you Glamberts there.Rockin-n-a rollin. Be there or be square. I'll be front and center chair dancing. lol

Anonymous said...

Surprised to hear Adale smokes. That said half or more of Hollywood sokes as a means if controlling weight gain. Great substitute for food. Not being mean simple fact. I know from experience.

Anonymous said...

I read most of it, said was insured last week! At least that what I read, it's a possibility it is a older article, did not see date could of just done it. I was thinking to myselfAdsm should do that. They are expensive premiums, that why it's probably only 30,000. His voice is worth more than that if you ask me. I was thinking That was strange about MC. Doing legs instead of voice she is strange, and she probably has her voice too, I don't know but you may be able to unsure certain body parts for more. I don't know. Jlo's butt is probably worth more than that that mediocre voice of her's when you mainly lip sync your not as likely to blow your voice. Adam really hits those high notes regularly, he does take care of it.something could happen so singing at times constantly. I could not make it completely out but, it said something about him going on a big tour, at beginning of article, sounds like one reason maybe for insuring it. Does anyone know what it says exsactly, beginning of article, something about a tour! I hope the article true, he should do that, it is his living, and he sings his butt off full out, unlike some of them, he definitely should insure his voice! I expect if it was not so expensive it would be more. If he going on tour that certainly a good idea, if something happens was probably encouraged to do so. For sure he doing several concerts this year! dean Piper knows Adam so probably is true. Sue

Anonymous said...

Well to me Adam's voice is priceless,but it's a good thing to insure that beautiful instrument of his,Oh I meant his voice for all you dirty minds out there lol Although most parts of Adam should be insured!

Anonymous said...

Article I read said it was $48 million.
I think the 30 is in euros.

Anonymous said...

This is a different article about the voice insurance.

Anonymous said...

The 30m is in English pounds which is 48m in American dollars. The insurance is probably through Lloyds of England so 30m in pounds makes sense. Lloyds are famous for insuring stars. I think that fabulous voice is finally being valued.


Anonymous said...

If it's true, the best thing he should do. ha ha ha Maybe Bieber should ensure his voice too.

Anonymous said...

The New Zealand Hearld interview with Sarah Mollin I think her name is. If you just type in Adam Lambert on google you can find it and click on it and there is an audio of the interview. Very honest and a little sad. Adam says that he still feels like such an outsider in the music biz. Also said the song Trespassing scares the hell out of his record label. So now we know why the first two singles were done before Trespassing. I think they are afraid that it isn't sounding exactly like what is on radio. But that is what is so great about the song. More reason now to really want to get this song to be a huge hit for Adam and us! I mean RCA gave Adam full artistic freedom making him Exec. Producer and they know Adam is not cookie cutter or one to be put in a box. Also the first two more "radio friendly" songs didn't quite work out so well.

Anonymous said...

OT: Just saw a pic of Adam on China's Facebook page of him. He was wearing his brown and black jacket. I vote that he buys 20 identical jackets like that because he looked absolutely fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has problems with the gay community. The gay community is evil. He said he did at the Ama's what he thought the fans wanted him to do. Ok, the fans wanted it. Trespassing terrifies record label. Record label sucks.

Anonymous said...

What I found encouraging was where it said his management wanted this before 'a big tour'. Hopefully, this means we don't have to worry about Adam getting a tour with his TP album, right??

Anonymous said...

I don't think anybody really likes anybody in the music industry. It's all cutthroat and Adam better toughen up.

Anonymous said...

30 million pounds is about 48 million dollars in the US. Dean Piper was one of the people who heard songs from Trespassing before it was released and he seems to like Adam so he carries a little more credibilty for me. I'm hoping there is about to be a tour announcement.

As for the other insurance policies mentioned, Gillette did insure Mariah Carey's legs when she was doing advertising for them. And the JLo's butt is insured rumor has been around for a long time. Celebrities do insure the oddest things.

Anonymous said...

Adam probably feels like an outsider in the music business because he is just so different from most of the other performers out now. He actually can sing, is amazingly talented and doesn't lip synch or have auto-tuning. He performs live at every thing I have seen presented for any show or promo that appears on this site or on you tube videos. He's in a league of his own, not some cookie cutter version of whatever is hitting the radio now or on itunes. If teens are buying these digital downloads rather than albums, then they are into the boy band/groups or someone like Bieber or Taylor Swift probably or hip hop. I can't take any of them. If the gay community does not support Adam, then it is up to the rest of us who comprise his fanbase to continue as such. And I really don't understand why "Trespassing" would scare the hell out of the record label. Have these people listened to some of the garbage that passes as music today? I just don't get it and probably never will understand the lack of recognition and acceptance for Adam. Yes, he is different; yes, he is gay; yes, he pushes the envelope and speaks his mind, but all of that is minor in comparison to the power of his voice and his amazing stage presence. Adam Lambert revels in the music and is pure ecstasy on the stage. Oh, yes, I am glad he insured his voice; it should have been for a lot more.


Anonymous said...

To TSC: I agree with what you have to say. I guess in the music business today, it's not talent that wins out but some gimmicky, repetitious lyrics that often make no sense to anyone over the age of 30(or maybe younger). Or it's some cute boy(boys) appealing to the teenage girls and their fantasies. It wasn't a surprise that Adele did so well with her 2 albums because they appeal to an older demographic audience(not teens) and she actuallly can sing. Adam must fall somewhere in between these two types in a category all his own it seems. I hope that Adam has the support and backing of RCA so that there will be a tour in 2013 because so many of his fans will be disappointed(including me) if this does not happen here at home.

Anonymous said...

most singers have their lips insured because of lip-syncing.

Anonymous said...

I think RCA wants to wait for a moment before announcing/allowing the tour. If Trespassing becomes a hit (oh please let it become a hit...), Adam will sell a lot bigger venues than he would otherwise.

Anonymous said...

This insurance is brilliant idea. Do you know that some singer with great vocals lost their voices because they have nodules. These are some sort of polyps on vocal cords. Freddie Mercury was suffering from nodules and few times lost voice in the middle of the show. But singers can't have sergery because they can lose their voice.

Anonymous said...

in the movie Pitch Perfect, the one that shows a big album with Adam's FYE picture, one of the girl singers has vocal nodes. she has surgery but may never be able to sing certain notes again.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Adele have surgery on that? Sue

Anonymous said...

@ October 14, 2012 6:26 PM

I agree wholeheartedly

Anonymous said...

@Sue I don't know what kind of the surgery Adele had. However, if it was noudles' surgery, she is lucky because she still can sing.

Anonymous said...

I have never sang, but I had nodule surgery and couldn't talk for at least 3 months. Actually, my voice is stronger now after the surgery. Who knows?

Anonymous said...

"ADAM LAMBERT has reportedly insured his voice for £30m ($48m) ahead of a long run of promotional appearances."

According to Sunday Mirror, the singer's management decided to take out a policy to protect his vocal chords last week."

This news gladdened my aching heart for ADAM.

Anonymous said...

October 14, 2012 8:20 PM

Having throat surgery doesn't necessarily mean one loses one's voice. Their voices may sound a little or a lot different but it shouldn't prevent them from singing. Sir Elton John had nodules removed from his throat due to overuse and his voice is now deeper.

As far as Adam insuring his voice, well done but I don't think it's anyone's business except his.

Anonymous said...

WTH did Mariah Carey insure her legs for 1 billion English pounds??????????????

daydreamin said...

I am so pleased to hear that it sounds like the label has insured Adam's voice. I hope that is really true and the label putting the $$ into Adam.

I hope they put Trespassing on the radio and let us, the listeners have a chance to hear it (more than just a few times please!) and decide if we like it! I do wish they would stop making decisions for us and stop the forcefed crap on us. I for one am sick of this! Look what happens in other countries when they put Adam's music on.

Anonymous said...

I think his voice should be insured for at least 100 IS priceless-isn't it??

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice is priceless but it sounds to me like what this is is someone wants to put some decent money into a tour and doesn't want to lose a lot if his vocal chords get injured. They've probably insured it for enough to cover the risk and can always up the insurance later if they need to cover it for more in the future.

Anonymous said...

If this rumor is true, and RCA has insured Adam's voice, only one conclusion, they plan on him doing a lot of singing/performing! Can I hear an Amen!


Anonymous said...

If confirmed it looks clear a world tour is on the 2013 horizon!
RCA/SONY have had a superstar on their hands for a long time now obviously it's time to unleash Adams voice to the max. Great news.

Anonymous said...

Haha, Gigwise article. I think you can succeed with a less brilliant voice too, if you have the right attitude.. :)

Anonymous said...

AMEN! Go Adam - Superstar of the world! Your time is now!!!!!!!!!!!!

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