Adam Lambert Just Voted!
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Posted at : Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Adam tweeted that he voted and showed off his 'I voted' sticker! Adam had previously stated that he will vote for Obama. If you are in the United States, there are still time to vote! Go to your local polling place and vote! This is the most important election in a long time! A vote for Obama is a vote for equality and freedom!

— Adam Lambert (@adamlambert) November 6, 2012

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Now go get yourself a manicure to celebrate . . LOL
Yay Adam! We (my family) supports you and Obama! FORWARD is the only way to go.
Chopped and dirty!!!!:))
Such a regular guy and down to earth!!!
Love by millions!!!:)
You are the winner Adam!!!!
The floor is yours my dear and everything will be on your finger tips he!he!
Love yah!!!!
the nails just prove that Adam is not all into himself..just a regular guy..who wears nail polish!! lol.. gotta love him....
I voted too! Always feel very proud with the "I Voted" sticker on my shirt, that's why I never mail in my vote. Always love the feeling I get walking into the voting place and getting in the voting booth. Also know how very valuable it is for many people, for many different reasons, to be able to vote by mail and that time will probably come for me as well. . . . Adamluv
I noted early this morning. It is a feeling of enpowerment! People in some countries struggle and even die trying to get the right to vote. So many Americans take it for granted. I hope this year's turnout is very high!!
Voted and feel like a real citizen!
Loving Adam's chipped nail polish. So charming!
I got the same sticker as Adam. It feels so good! #VoteObama #ObamaFTW
Request Trespassing here - you have to scroll to the bottom and type it in.
Sheriff Deputies, Poll Worker Harass Latinos in Swing State Colorado
Since I'm pretty sure that you're in the category of taxpayers that your candidate says is "not paying their fair share " I'm looking forward to you paying more taxes next 4 yrs if he wins . Even If he doesnt maybe you could offer to add a few percentages to your tax return for distribution to those less fortunate than yourself .
Foe those of you that want a break from the election, feast your eyes on this beautiful, tender fan art fan Broken English
I think it is by the same artist that did that amazing cuckoo art. He said he plans to do one for each song.
Following Adam's career & voting - natural highs!
Make me feel great ... drugs of choice :)
@3:30PM yes, I would gladly pay higher taxes to a candidate who is smart and cares for education and health-care not to the one who will use it for military even though the military didn't ask for it.
"When Obama wins re-election, is he going to post on the White House website where I can sign up for the checks, the phone and the food? I don't feel like working anymore." lol
That blog has great articles. I read the other one too which was posted on couple of previous threads and it was really informative. So different than what we hear on major news medias.
Adam Likes to chew his nails a bit, so they are not alway's perfect, he got 2 big concerts in Africa next week, imagine he waiting to get them pretty before then! Sure he busy rehearsing a lot, this week! if Obama is elected, Adam will probably pay more taxes but I guess he is willing to do that, for what he believes in! I admire Adam having the maturity to ignore, the Petty crap, going on around him, all the damn time, if not this it will be something else! I believe it is next week in Africa! Sue
Tweet today from Rick Santorum - "Today is the day for America to stop leading from behind". He's a gift that just keeps giving. If he wasnt such a disgusting anti-gay douchebag that tweet wouldnt be the gift it is.
Check out election results as it happens:
I find Republicans so materialistic and so out of touch. Grow up will you! Not everything is about money. Where is compassion, character, caring, respect, etc. etc.
Republicans aren't materialistic. They are just sick of taking care of people who WILL NOT work. Stop working when the reach the limit for earned income credit, so they can get a big tax refund. I don't mind helping the disabled and elderly, but the ones who can work and won't shold not be supplemented by the government. I know what I am talking about because I have prepared taxes for years and that is what they do.
4:59 do you realize that 3/4 of people on SNAP in this country have at least one working adult in the family, some working several jobs to put food on the table. do you realize that some people stack cans of soup cans in their house for the end of the month -SNAP supplements income, people still have to pay for food out of pocket. unless you have spent time studying this issue you really can not talk about it. it is called the working poor
George Bush sure didn't mind wasting our tax dollars on that fiasco in Iraq after 9/11 when Iraq had nothing to do with it! All the while, our country's economy was flushing down the toilet. Yep, sign me up for another republican administration.;
@5:09 Just because someone has not studied something does not mean they can not talk about it. I know are working poor people. I also know people on food stamps that should not be on them. They drive better cars than me and live in nicer houses. People need to learn to live within their means. Just like America needs to have a balanced budget and live within it. I can bet you 3/4 of those people can afford bear and cigaretts and other things. And they will buy these things befor food for their family. There are lots that do try to provide for their families and struggle. I don't mind helping them and I do help the ones I know. Charity should begin at home. It shouldn't be through government had outs. My church feed the homeless every Saturday and the Seniors on Thursday. Most of the Saturday people are of age to work, but won't or can't because of vises. There is plenty of work around here, fortunately. If you want a job you could have 2 or 3 and we still wouldn't have enough people to fill them.
@5:35, we had a republican in office from 2001-2008. Remind me again how good those years were.
Compassion for others is sadly lacking in some people. I volunteer at a free clinic, I do clerical work since I have no medical training. The doctors, nurses and aides work for no pay.
The people who come to the clinic are all working or looking for work. I wish the people who are so cynical about the poor would realize that they themselves may be one serious medical condition or a home destroyed by a tornado or a horrendous accident away from losing everything. Home, job, loved ones. Then they themselves may need to be helped by our government until they can recover.
Some of the patients here are suffering from malnutrition because they feed their children first and frequently go without themselves. They are striving to get back to stability and pride in themselves.
Shame on you if you assume everyone who is being helped by government assistance are unworthy deadbeats. You should realize there are also wealthy deadbeats who are accepting govt. assistance that they don't need at all. Also seeking out loopholes to avoid paying taxes that would help people who are truly needy. I'm sure Christian conservatives think of themselves as good people, but if you are against helping your fellowman how Christian are you?
BTW Most of the doctors who treat patients at our clinic are Jewish or Hindu! Mother Teresa and Jesus would be proud of them.
Hey don't forget votes from those who live overseas. Darn Obama HAS to win. Human Rights and Equality
are top burner. Love you Adam!
I'm sick of hearing about the National Debt as if one party or the other is completely responsible for it. Having a National Debt is not something new, our country has been in debt since Andrew Jackson left office.
He was the only president who ever paid it off during his presidency, then it began to grow and grow with each new administration. If you want to play a blame game start back in the late 1800's.
@HK fan
Can you tell me where the "Cuckoo"
art is? I must have missed it.
This is amazing! You can feel the love!
Totally agree with You!
Just being a good person with compassion for other human beings has no religion, racecards, etc...
What r we here for in this lifetime?
really this is an earth school to learn how to deal with greed, jealosuly, patience & LOVE, Compassion....As the saying goes " Good ones dies young" cause they passed & graduated to a higher level........
Peace Glamberts
Vote forward!!!
Obama wins!!!!!!!
@ Magic Lady
Obama hasn't won yet. If he gets Florida, then he has one. JAK... we need your state!!
Oh boy... I meant "won". Spell much? I do see they have called Ohio so maybe he really has. Fingers crossed!
Obama got re-elected baby!!!!
He is still the President because of Adam he!he!
The power of Mr. Rock God indeed!!!!
Congratulations to all the glamberts in America!!!Yay!!!
I am watching MSNBC and they have projected Obama as the winner and he has the electoral votes!
I say WHOO HOO we win!!
As Adam said: WHAM!!!
@ Magic Lady
This is 8:22.
I see what you are saying but I am going to hold my breath a little longer. I still clearly remember when most of the networks called Florida for Al Gore and later took it back. Al Gore never became president. So... like I said... fingers crossed. ;)
YAH OH YAH OBAMA reigns supreme!
'WHAM' indeedy ADAM....(without George Michael!)
We are thrilled here in Australia Obama has been re-elected! Sighs of relief all around!
Romney didn't even carry Mass.Adam and Sauli,R U 2 out celebrating the election and your anniversary?Congrats to you 2 and Obama!
Phone call from human rulights campaign. Marriage equality passed in Maryland!!! Yeah! The Dark Side
@ The Dark Side
That is excellent news!! :)
@The Dark Side
Yay progress in Maryland!
Congradulations, everybody! I am so happy for you, Adam!
OOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGG!!!! Yes, for Obama winning the presidential re-election. Congrats to all!
Yay!!!!! Adam and Sauli can really celebrate now! Congrats to President Obama! Congrats to Maryland for passing Marriage Equality vote! Good things are happening now!
Whew! Now can we all go back to flailling about Adam and his amazing music ? LOL!
Congrats US Glamberts, so glad Obama won......and now we can get back to our mutual admiration of all things Adam.
........@ MAGICLADY.......
I just did a bit of searching and found this site for Lucas Vitek, the artist of the Broken English and Cuckoo pictures. Browse the gallery, he has got some really amazing pictures on there, of Sauli and Tommy too.
I think everyone should get married at least one time. I don't know why Adam wants the right but doesn't want to get married. Wonder how his boyfriend feels?
Obama should hurry up! The crowd is more than ready! Same as an Adam Lambert show :). Actually, I personally think that no politician or singer should go beyond a 15 to 20 minute wait when crowds that are waiting to cheer them. It's not right.
@HK fan
Thank you so much for the Vitek link. I loved the pics. What an amazing artist!!
Watchin Obama
@Anon 10:23 PM
Adam has said he isn't ready for marriage. He didn't say he never would at some point. I was with my future husband 4+ years before we made that commitment. The important thing is that more and more states are making that option a possibility for more loving couples. Adam doesn't have to tell us everything. Its his and his partner Sauli's private life. I'm sure they are very happy just being together.
Been watching the US election results coming in live here on Tv, and have just watched both speeches. I am glad it is over for you all and I think and the general consensus in New Zealand is the right man won.
PS re Adam and marriage. Imagine if he made even one hint that he maybe intending to marry Sauli how crazy the gossip and rumours would be, everything would get completely out of hand. He should and does now keep somethings private and good on him. It is a young relationship and should be given the chance to grow and thrive.
BTW Glitzylady did same sex marriage measure also won in Washington state? As I recall you mentioned that your state had this measure on the ballot!?
Obama's speech was beautiful and very moving. Love it and I'll watch it again to get a greater grasp of it.
@Anon 11:13 PM
So far, Washington State's Referendum 74, to affirm the law CURRENTLY in place legalizing Same Sex Marriage, is passing 52% to 48%. A bill was passed by our state legislature after being proposed by our Governor, Christine Gregoire, in the spring. It has been on hold until voted on by residents of the state, after foes of Marriage Equality immediately circulated petitions to require a vote. Same group who overturned Marriage Equality in California. Cautiously optimistic that it will pass. I helped out with the campaign: so proud of my state. By the way, Washington State just legalized possession of small amounts of Marijuana too. :) 55% to 45% . Colorado did as well. First 2 states in the country.
If just a small portion of the people that voted the way Adam did bought his music he would have a hit record every time.
@lmb and @glitz - congratulations on #74 passing in your very progressive state. (had to call lmb this a.m. to squeal with joy over #74 and Obama). Also on the marijuana possession bill. Your state puts liberal Calif. to shame on these 2 bills. . . . Adamluv
Very proud of our state for (hopefully) passing the Marriage Equality Referendum. Haven't heard the final tally yet..but looks good. Washington State has always been a bit "rogue"... YAY!
@HKfan, The artwork is stunning and so moving. Hope Adam sees it. Happy for Maine, Maryland and WA!
@ HKfan...JAK here...I spent a looonngggg time enjoying the Vitek
art, then spent $$$ ordering 6 prints and will be back at it I'm sure. I am a lifelong collector of
illustrated fairy tale books from many countries. The master illustrator, Arthur Rackham(Victorian era Brit) is the best and Vitek's work on his fantasy paintings is almost as good. I couldn't resist. The prices are reasonable, of course it'll cost having them framed, but if they are as pictured...definitely worth it. I've picked out several for Christmas gifts....Thanks for the
link, I'm sure I'll be back to his gallery often!
Hallaloo. Barry O won it without the likes of Florida. In fact, it's Thursday, and Florida still hasn't forked over a total. That's what they get for having so few voting places that people had to either wait in line or give up and go home. Now the state that once held such esteem in electoral votes has become insignificant. I had to laugh when they posted the U.S. map on TV with red and blue states delineated, and Florida was no longer in the Southeast corner. It was simply gone from our coastline.
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