Pictures and Videos: Adam Lambert Concert hosted by 94.5K FM. in Cape Town, South Africa at the Grand Arena, GrandWest. (11-13-12)
Filed Under (pictures,tour news,video,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Posted at : Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Part 1 - If I Had You, Naked Love (with a little "100% Pure Love") and Cuckoo (in which Adam looks crazier than he ever has before)
Part 2 - Never Close Our Eyes, Pop That Lock
Part 3 - Whataya Want From Me, Chokehold & Underneath
A bit of fame
Outlaws of Love

Part 2 - Never Close Our Eyes, Pop That Lock
Part 3 - Whataya Want From Me, Chokehold & Underneath
A bit of fame
Outlaws of Love

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Crowd at Adam's CapeTown show!!!!
12:19 -- Copied this link from TalcVids twitter page :))
Ok, the videos and pics are coming in. I read on AO that Adam cried when he sang Underneath. I know what I'LL be doing this evening. My husband calls it "Berting."
Gotta go do errands. Will be back later for the show!
DRG, you are so cute and so is your understanding husband!
Looks like:
Terrance dancing
New fabulous drummer
Back up ladies in silver
Adam looking BEYOND as usual
Can't wait for the videos! Esp. Underneath!!!!
Oh, I cannot wait to see Adam sing 'Underneath'. It def looks like he is crying...I don't know if I can take it...I'll be crying too!
But on the bright side...costume changes!!! New songs!!! The VOICE!!!
I love "Underneath"..but BB DOES look like he's crying.guess it brings back bad memories.I can't wait to see the videos from the show.
Two dancers and who are those gals in the fabulous afros? Not his usual girls. Can't WAIT to see video!!!
Oooohhhhh! Glamnation sexy leather pants with sleeveless shirt and fringe sleeves! HOT HOT HOT!!!
OMG Adam in black leather, sleeveless, and gold chain. He's so fabulous! I can just imagine that beautiful voice. Underneath is my favorite song - so heart wrenching - how could you not love him. I'm predicting many more fans for Adam. He'll be off the charts!!I hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S..Adam's probably crying because he lived every word of the song. I love him soooooooooo much!!
Adam's setlist had 18 songs:
Sam da Silva @SamdaSilva
Scored some swag
OMG! Just read some tweets of CapeTown fans of Adam who are going crazy for him after the show. New names! When I read these tweets, I just cried of joy!!
Too bad the livestream did not work,but we will get videos. Someone on twitter said Adam cried during Underneath,gonna need my kleenex box. Sounds like it was an amazing show!!!
Can someone post some of these great tweets so us that aren't on Twitter can read them. Never get tired if reading good things people say about Adam
Photos and VIDEOS?
A new jacket by the Blonds and dancers \o/
Can't wait for the videos. Should be epic as usual. Just read the pissy little statement about the Diva show by pissy little Perez. WTF is this guys problem? He has the worse case of penis envy I have ever seen. Dial it back PH you are looking pea green and stupid.
The videos are coming soon as read on twitter. On adamtopia there is a video of Underneath,not the whole thing,but my God it was beautiful. Adam was sort of far we will get a better video but he did sound like he sobbed in one part and I fell apart!
Underneath made me cry. Didn't get Fame.Sorry,Adam:( What fuck happened with Outlaws Of Love? Did it become happy funny song?
Oh,Underneath is so beautiful!!I hope somebody taped the whole song,but even if they didn't this is still my fav song on the Trespassing album.BB lowered some of it prob cause it's a very hard song to sing,esp if it were night after night..but I do hope he sings it more.sad,but still love it!
Looks like Adam had several different costume changes during this concert. I love that blue suit with the t-shirt and then the sexy black leather. Can't wait for more of the videos to come in so we can see other songs being performed. With 18 songs on this set list, Adam is increasing what he performs esp. for a country and its people who have never seen a concert with Adam. He is becoming a global superstar, one country at a time conquering them with his stellar vocals and his amazing stage presence.
Underneath should go viral.
DRG (just dying while I'm waiting)
Adam,please let these two background b......go! What did they do with Outlaws Of Love?
OMG! Underneath is my favorite song,beautiful
Peace and love from Norway
Although Underneath means a lot to Adam on a personal level, somehow I don't think he was really crying, Adam knows how to interpret a song and likes to make the audience really feel something, I got the impression that he was acting out a a very emotional piece and came across very convincingly, my opinion but beautifully done and very meaningful song.
When Adam sung "FAME", he was doing a rendition of David Bowie's famous song. It is a great song-just google David Bowie's youtube of "Fame". Adam just tried to make it sexy, which was a little more difficult to do for Bowie. You might like Bowie's voice better with this particular song. I love when Adam branches out with songs of other famous artists. However, "IS IT LOVE", is better sung by Marley, but I love the fact that Adam gives it a good go.
In my eyes Adam is INCOMPARABLE.
Underneath is my favorite of the slow songs on the album. That was the first time Adam sang it,it's hard and emotional to sing. It was beautiful,but i bet he will get better and better with it. At 1:29 in the song he went just a bit off pitch and quickly recovered,could have been all that emotion. Can't wait to see all the vids. Sounds like Adam did an epic concert!!!
I have never felt this way about any singer/entertainer. I just wish I could fly to Capetown and hug Adam. I hope he knows how many of us here in his own country love him "to the depths of our souls." Thank you for singing UNDERNEATH,Adam. Even more importantly, thank you for the courage in writing this song and giving hope to so many others.I love your beautiful, open heart.
I am gonna watch what here so far, if Adam cried while singing underneath I will loose it!this man came from a good family he had a nice upper middle glass up bringing, and his parents were excepting. His patents were excepting, but his sexuality did not come out until late tee years. He carried that a long time.he was very different from the other boy's, love singing theatre, which certainly paid off in later life, but because he was different, and kids can be so mean he had a lot more pain and just plain hurt, than will ever know. He also had a lot rejection because he was different in the music business, he still fighting that fight. A man with Adam talent, and really great music and album should be a mega star! Well he finally starting to win those fights doing so well abroad especially in Asia, Africa, Russia, ect. He really winning aboard and starting to break through over here, this Vh1 thing is a large step. He will be around when many of the's kid big deals are gone! Adam has some hurt in him, but he puts on a good face and works his ass off and try to see the good side of it all, that why he such a joy! I still have not read Perez H. Crap he is so low he may just disappear into the ground, hopefully. I told you , I could tell by the title of the article, sure there were more ugly article's, he just plain jealous, have read one stupid story of his after the other that was just pure jealousy, he gonna try to shoot down anything Adam does, because only talent he had is running people down, especially Adam, or promoting a straight girl or 2, will have nothing else to do with him after she got what she wants! That was one talent he has, correction. PH. Is a low life jealous rat, give it up Adam got steak he sure does not want rotten Hamburger! Adam going to kill the Diva gig, he gonna be fabulous, just like the Queen gig you tried to trash! Sorry Vh1 wanted real talent they got Adam! Get over it Perez he doesn't want your ass! Sorry for rant, please try not to mention PH, I go nuts! Sue
I like Underneath too. I think he acted like he was crying.
Underneath was just outstanding, not least bit pitchy, incredable vocal's. Like some one said here incomparable, never have I heard any other male voice this outstanding, period! Now to listen to more that's here. Listen to that one over ten time's unbelievable vocal's! Perfect, flawless loved it! Sue
Adam shouldn't have backup dancers on stage that much. It's distracting when during almost all fast songs there are both backup singers and dancers on stage. And I don't think Terrence and Johnny are that talented...
Underneath sounds spectacular!
I don't know Johnny but Terrance is very talented.
At times the singers were blocking out Adam's voice or perhaps it was just the video being of poor sound quality. I also agree that the girls moving around the stage along with the 2 male dancers looked confusing there was no real co-ordination, I prefer the 2 girls when their standing to the side of the stage so as not to drown out Adam's voice, and if having dancers leave the dancing to the males as to me it looking like a bit of a jumble.
Adam's vocals were amazing as usual, but I always think he sounds better when he sings on and he appeared to be holding back a little no jumping around as he usually does so I missed seeing him do this as he always looks to be having so much fun that way. Please don't take offence these are just my opinions, the audience seemed to love Adam and I thought it was great the way they all new the words to the songs.
Does anyone know how many people were there?
Finally UNDERNEATH!!!!! Oh! My, Oh My........
Goosebumps all over my freaking body and soul indeed!!!
Underneath is the heart of this fantastic album!!:)
Superlative performance!!!!
@12:43 That is one of is usual singers, the other one is on tour with Nicki Minaj right now.
Hello! Managers of Adam Lambert, can we have a tour around the New England area? I mean, what's so special about South Africa. Adam is American and we can hear him in America? What is going on? Seriously!
Adam Adam Adam!!!!! That voice!
I think that the dancer Johnny is too much on stage. His movements are too exagerated and they take away from Adam. Just my thought. Any extra movement on stage around Adam is just too annoying.
I agree about the girls with the dancers. Too much!
I'm sure that Adam is trying things out for his upcoming tour.
Keep the girls singing, on the side, and have Terrance but not the other dancer. He's too much. Terrance is so awesome and fits with Adam so well.
I think Adam is gearing up for his world tour!
Anxiously waiting to see Mr. Hotness live.........
God, Iove it all, hope we get more, so grateful for these! People these are the very first big concert, everything will get ironed out. I am loving it, the straight jacket thing was funny, why did I know Adam would do that! This is only a bit of the concert! You are seeing it all in bits and pieces, I am sure being there seeing it all fused together is terrific! any problems will get ironed out, I am so proud of Adam! The more these he does, the better they will get and more album's he will sale! The GNT the main reason his other album did so well. Christina are whatever her name is singing new single, she just got video out for the body, her and Ceilo, performing a different new single! Big production the song just ok., of corse her songs do good she performs stuff every week, her last album did not do much, this one probably do well because this show. Anyway I loved what I saw of Adam show, will get better and better! Like I said bit and pieces of video's as great as it is does not do justice to the show, being there are a complete professional video is only way to see it right! So excited for Adam, more they do it better it will get. The back up singers have to try and carry it when he off stage with Dancer's! I Do think, the few kinks with back up singers will be worked out, there a couple! Over all the Audiance seem to be crazy for Adam, he doing a fantastic job! Cannot wait for more video's. Gonna shut up and watch video's. I was thinking watching Adam, I can't see how there was enough money, in the world, buying for votes for Kris Allen to have beat Adam, sorry but Kris can't hold a candle to Adam Lambert, his talent level is off the charts!
I will be bad and say I liked Kris Allen but he never had the wow affect that Adam gives with every performance. Its really cool to hear him do Fame again. That reminded me of seeing him live in Pittsburgh by the time his set was over a bunch of us in mellon arena were puddles of drool. Even when I saw him at Warner theatre in Erie Pa.. He had us all hooked right from the first note of Voodoo!!! He was the first concert I had pit seats for and he engaged with us all. Allison his opening act did as well. Pennsylvania Girl
Well, all you people saying that the dancers and singers were too much, go read tweets from people who actually attended the show and did not have enough positive superlatives to say how great Adam was (that probably includes the whole show!). Adam knows what he's doing. Hasn't he proven it to all of you in the last 4 years?
Wow, so far the video's have been great. Adam looks super sexy and Tommy looks totally hot. I would love to see this concert live. There is a lot of talent on that stage.
I thought the part where Adam danced with the two dancers was great. Adam looked like he was having fun. He responds to the audience and this was an awesome audience.
Whoa! That designer-fashion straight jacket is the most refreshing artistic interpretation of a straight jacket; which is actually a very cruel form of mental treatment, partially / mostly banned now. But this sure is Adam's brilliance, so original, hot from the oven. This act is going to be the talk of the town, Cape Town to be exact. lol! Very imaginative interpretation especially when the two straps were stretched out across the stage. That was the climax of the straight jacket! Wow, this is artistic expression all right! Well, all those high and mighty Adam shunners certainly can't buy this, but only from Adam, to be precise, his brain. lol! Have not watched the rest, will be back after my aromatic cuppa. lol!
Was Adam lip singing on "Pop That Lock"? There were a few times when the mike was down near his side, yet the singing went on...
excellent concert. certainly not overproduced in any way. Adam was having a good time and it showed. loved it.
Sure your right.....all in preperation for the BIG (everyone in the world going nuts) awaited 2013 TOUR! Love seeing Terrance (who is a great guy) and Johnny dancing...Adam needed the guys there and was waiting for that to happen. Brilliant move! Everyone looked amazing, loved seeing Tommy waving to the crowd. AND of course
ADAM who was spectacular! He is a world STAR and SO professional and brilliant. Total and utter GENIUS!
Beautiful man and breathtaking entertainer! SOOOOO proud right now! We waited a long time to see moments like this for ADAM and it's heart touching stuff to watch.
Anon 6:44, I think there was a time lapse throughout the videos in some parts. I noticed it didn't sinc up in many places. Adam never needs to lip sinc.
HOLY SH*T, HOLY SH*T! I haven't even watched the videos yet, but I just know it's going to be AWESOME. HOLY COW. He really did redesign it all. JDASJFDALSKFDJKLSJFKalksjdklasd *Excuse me while I bert*
Backup singers should compliment the singer out front. These do not... The dresses are distracting form the show. The dancers are awful. What Kind of steps are those that the dances are doing. They are dated and should be gotten rid of. They are not good dancers. They take away from the performance. Witness how Beyonce's dancers add to the performance...
@6:51PM Are you sure that Adam didn't lip sinc today? Because he didn't have mike on the beginning of Cuckoo but you could hear him singing. Anyhow, it doesn't matter if Adam did lip sinc today or he didn't! This show was epic. Adam perform 18 songs, danced, changed his costumes. I think Cape Town was exploded!
7:03 I have seen beyonce's dancers in action and I didn't leave the show feeling they added anymore to the show than Adam's dancers.
OMG some of these comments are deja vu pre GNT three years ago. lmao
Loving all of it! Can't wait to see the videos for the rest of the songs. I think Adam and the group are getting a feel for what works for a touring show. Adam sounded great, as always. Didn't like the girls' outfits, but eh. Liked the dancers. I wish he had done the singalong to Naked Love. It's so much fun. But he kind of rushed through that song. Well, let's see how the next show goes!
When I watched the videos the sound and picture were not in sinc.
Pre Glamnation tour or not they are fans right?
Ok... Perhaps Adam thought having both Outlaws of Love and Underneath was too much of a similar thing. I think the sound of OOL was good but the reggae sound totally hijacks the mood and message of the song IMO.
@7:11 Adam never lip syncs.The person who posted the videos said they are out of sync and there are more coming. I think part 4 and 5 hopefully tomorrow. But he has to fix them because the timing is so off.
7:37 sorry I have no control over my deja vu.
@7:44PM I thought it just me who doesn't like this version of Outlaws Of Love.
@ 7:54
Aren't you sweet.
Part 1, 2, and 3 videos have a several second delay between sound and video. They are not in sync.
7:54 wow are they showing videos on the radio now?
Outlaws of Love never fails me from the first time I heard it till now. Hmm I like this three/four-step dance rhythm; yea Adam this is a livelier dancy rendition which enlivens things a bit than the usual more sombre version which I like a lot too. Wow! the audience got helluva lot from this enriching concert, visual and audio exuberance for the senses. Band did very well too; Brian London is versatile in changing up rhythms and beats.
I am so used to seeing all the other concert and radio appearance videos Adam has done recently without any dancers and that was just fine. I found these two distracting at times, maybe because it was a smaller stage and they were so close to him. And the backup singers can also be distracting esp. during OOL. He does this one best without any help, just an acoustic guitar to feel its poignant, hearfelt meaning. I like that yellow and black trespassing outfit and even the straightjacket fit in with the Cuckoo. But Adam knows what he wants in a show and no matter what we comment, he will put together the kind of show that works for him. For me, he could just sit on a stool or stand at the mike and sing and I would be happy. I don't need any distractions around him to take away from that voice that just gets to me every time, esp. with the ballads. Adam is becoming a global superstar now adding South Africa to the list of countries that have fallen in love with him and his music.
Adam is master of the the way, I said the same thing some two years ago; how time zooms by when you're following Adam. lol!
Lam-my I can not believe how fast time flies just yesterday I was at Adam's AI concert in Cleveland and here I am watching Adam half way across the world doing a lovely concert in SA. Life is good.
You're comment is offensive!
Sorry if this has already been posted. Sooooo Good!
Click HERE
Wow! Love Adam and all his troop! They did a great job! Adam, amazing as always! I just love how Adam keeps it new/different everytime. I love that he gets to make his own decisions regarding his background singers, dancers, and band. Those of you who always complain and criticize his choices, please give him some credit. Adam wants fame and fortune yes, but he cheriches his friends. He has a big heart. Please support his vision. Yes he'll make mistakes, but please be patient and respectful of him. Thanks.
I wrote 5.22, Sue, forgot to sign it. Did you know Adam was on the buzz live this morning, darn missed it, but taped countdown again, which he was on again, replay from Napa! Saw the video,found it when I started readin some article about Adam, think it was a new now next one or something. He must have taped it from South Africa, he was at the concert place it was very dark, do not know if before or after concert, men in back ground either setting up or cleaning up! He did the countdown 5 things should know or something. Adam introduced each one and then they talked about it. He was dressed beautifully, white shirt, tie and Blue jacket with black piping! It had to been on satellite from Africa! From what I heard everyone in Africa loved the concert! What I saw was great, these are not professional video's there nice but not high quality, so glad to get them however. You certainly cannot totally judge from these video's. I can almost bet my soul there was no lip syncing, he never needs to do that, he may had a hidden mike, who knows! First big concert look wonderful, even when video not great, they will get Better and better! What with the hate of the back up singer's, and now one or both of the Dancer's, they can do nothing right no matter what they do. These girls have a boss, his name is Adam Lambert they do what he tells them to do, for heaven sakes. Everything will all be ironed put, but looks great so far!
Whoa, you were at an Adam concert yesterday...sounds so ecstatic! Yea for you it must even be more surreal. He's here, there, everywhere. lol! Adam has made the world appear smaller and closer, so that's one of the many reasons I can't let go, I think; because it's almost like following him all around the world. The best part is I've been to many of these places, even his hometown, so it means a lot more. And he's got one of the most fascinating musical brains, and voice! lol!
I think the kinks with the back up singers will be ironed out when they lose some weight. The 2 male dancers looked sexy and professional and that compliments Adam because Adam is both sexy and professional himself. Either put the 2 singers to the side of the stage and don't allow them to dance because it looks hideous or hire 2 female singers who look slim and fit, like the 2 girls Adam had for the GNT concerts. Visuals are of great importance especially in a big production. The show was great thanks to Adam, the band members, Ashley, and the male dancers, but could have been truly fantastic with 2 back up singers that help to compliment the other members.
Well, you have to be there to experience the wonderment of Adam live, as videos never do justice with sound quality.
(Saying that though, thanks to those who took the time, and it's tough when Adams performing, to film for the rest of the world)
Whole different feel as we could see from the show in Cape Town. It appears this is a feeler for the upcoming tour. I did find the girls a distraction though and I prefer them on the side of the stage. Ashley is really getting comfortable now, Tommy adorable as always and Brian we always love. Miss Isaac still but great drummer here too. Yep, I too found Outlaws
of Love unusual in that Bob Marley mode but I'm not going to underestimate the brilliance of Adam. Interesting to see Fame re-introduced after all this time.
This concert was so Adam! He knows how to bring it on! Sexy and charming! Loved the singers, dancers and his band. When you watch a show like this in a "little box" it seems like it could be too much but once he's out on that huge stage live ... you get the whole picture. Loved OOL and Underneath....beautiful songs and so heart felt. Adam never misses a step! Can't wait to see this in the US! We love Adam on stage!
7:24pm, exactly, same thing happened as Adam was gearing up for GNT. Lots of complaints as we saw things for the first time before it was well rehearsed and finished. and we know how well that turned out. This is going to be another incredible show when it tours. Lucky people who got to see it tonight. Can't wait!
daydreamin that Trespassing picture is a hoot.thanks for posting. I hope Adam sells alot of merch and albums at these events.
@7:03 You really need to experience GaGa's dancers because they breathtakingly explosive! Dancers are a huge part of a show and I felt from what I could see Terrance and Johnny were great alongside Adam. Adam really can hold his own center stage and doesn't need the girls behind him. I found that took it away from him and would have preferred them back on the side. I found they even took it away from Tommy and Ashley too. Great guitar work by Tommy by the way.
Two beautiful voluptuous women, one sexy hot siren, two carefree kindred spirits, three very talented musicians, and one out of this world, extraordinary, charasmatic, fierce, sensual performer! Yep! They are all amazing!! Please don't be jealous. Is this you Perez? Oh, then go ahead and be jealous. We love Adam and company!! They f**kin rock!! Yea!! Woohoo!!
Adam isn't lip synching, the audio is out of synch with the video. The guy that recorded it is hoping to fix it. See his comment from one of the vids:
Grrr, this audio sync is driving me crazy! Trying to fix it, may re-upload tomorrow. Sorry folks!
Sam da Silva 4 hours ago
Fine tuning going on here towards a spectacular tour next year.
@7:54 well, your right about one thing, Adam does have talent but the rest is totally offensive.
7:54 Sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think that you are an idiot. Rather, then open it, therefore erasing all doubt!!!!
I can't believe people are still making judgements based on crappy youtube videos. I'm thrilled we have a glimpse at what the concert was like and can't wait until it comes to my corner of the world.
FLASHBACK! Adam doing Bowie's Life on Mars and Let's Dance - OMFG I'mma gonna die again.
110 pictures from Cape Town concert:
8:53 in case you haven't noticed 7:54 has made numerous comments on here so consider all doubt erased.
THE GOOD- adam sounded great!
THE BAD- dancers took the spotlight!
THE ULGY- background singer look out of
place(not professional) plus they sound bad.
OMG! Big Big Crowds in SA!!!
From people who were there:
Robin Lee Williams@Robin_Lee10
Let me just make this clear photos and video's of Adam's performances doesn't come close to the real thing!
Adam brought the house down. That was one hi-octane concert. Opened with IIHY! I jumped up n down like a bouncy ball :) #CapeTown
It was unbelievable, awesome, beyond words.
@adamlambert You were unbelievable, actually no words can describe how great the show was, thank you!
Giselle @TeaAndButterPie
7.54 you are not one bit funny, who ever thinks you are, they are as bad are worst than you. It's rude and not at all funny! Adam was wonderful and everyone there was good! Take your f---t remarks some where else and get the hell off this Adam Lambert site. There not a bit of waste of talent and he gets tins of radio play world wide, any trouble he had with radio play on America o's because of ignorant biggots, such as yourself. You would not know talent if it bit you in the ass!i quite sure you have none! Adam threw you off his site now get your ugly ass off of here! People can loose weight , but never ugly! Go AWAY! Correction he gets Ton's of radio play around the world , actually all 3 singles off this nea album are hits around the world, trespassing is are was no. 1 as of nov. 3 dance ales billboard. Go back to chic filet in Arkansas, where your biggot self belongs, your Idol got dropped by RCA, and Adam not interested in Tommy!
More pictures 201 of them:
Terrance Terrance Terrance I thought you were smexy during GNT but you have that beat all to hell. lol I am digging your partner too.
8:47PM You say the 2 back-up singers are sexy hot sirens and refer to Adam as being extraordinary, charasmatic, fierce, and sensual, however, Adam takes good care of himself apart from his great talents he looks amazingly fit and in good condition. If he let himself go and piled on the pounds allowing himself to become as large in size as his 2 singers, certainly you would still love him for his many wonderful qualities and his amazing voice, but what would this do to his career, no one wants a fat flabby pop star, do you really think he would have come as far as he has and as popular if this were the case?
What Adam does for a living is no different to any other business, you can't afford to allow your sentiments to hold you back, Adam is a kind person, he no doubt likes these girls, but at the very least if he chooses to keep these 2 singers then he should put them at the side of the stage rather than making a spectical of them, and I agree if you see GaGa's dancers they are highly professional, I couldn't imagine GaGa hiring these 2 girls as dancers, once again they would look totally out of place on the dance floor.
I wrote this a while ago..decided to think about it before posting..and oh what the heck..My opinion:
I really hate reading the negative comments directed toward the dancers, the back up singers, etc. I really do. How in the heck can you make a judgement about the production based on a few blurry, out of sync fan vids? Every single time we get new vids from a show, its the same old ...stuff...If you were there, to see the total effect of the show on the stage, and to hear the actual singing, the harmonizing, etc. as it is being heard by the live audience in the auditorium, you may find that you wouldn't say those things. ...Not so sure you can really "know" that the backup singers are too loud, off key, etc..etc... I also recall comments happening when Adam introduced his dancers before GNT. Lots of grumbling about them. And then we loved them, at least most of us did. These vids are amateur at best. Having been at a couple of Adam's live shows this past summer, I thought the Divas were fine vocally. In fact I didn't even really notice their vocals. They blended well..etc. Seriously. But to come here afterwards, and to read some of the comments, you'd think they were terrible and ruined the show. No they didn't. So you honestly believe that Adam would have them as his back up singers if they were NOT quite excellent. He is a self-admitted perfectionist and would not have second rate unprofessional singers in his show. I do hope we get some high quality HD videos with good sound and visuals. Perhaps we can then see them from a different perspective. And don't forget that sometimes what sounds like the Divas singing off key or too loud, etc, is actually the people in the audience, singing along: too loud, off key, etc..not the Divas...Oh, and I think Terrance and Johnny are great. Its Adam's show..I love Adam and his joy of life. Live, on stage, its electric, mesmerizing and most of all, addictive. I can guarantee that if you were at this show, you wouldn't be picking apart every little thing. You'd be thanking the Universe, your personal Higher Power, and Adam for bringing his vision of his music to the stage once again and to us. I can hardly wait until I see him again, live. I suspect he'll tweak a few things as he goes along, make some improvements, but for now, I'm happy just to watch and listen to, these imperfect out of sync vids. Because its Adam. The audience in Cape Town went crazy for Adam..I heard (via twitter) not one single crap comment about the dancers, the Divas, etc. In fact every comment was wildly positive about the show as a whole, and of course, Adam. And many fabulous comments were from new fans as well. If potential fans who wondered if they should go to Adam's concert used some of the comments here as a basis to make their decision, I wonder what they'd decide. I hope they'd go anyway.
I think it was a great move on Adams part to hire a stage director, Yes a few things need to be ironed out, this was their first trial show, and it was better than GNT.Adams getting up their, and it's great that he has a music director and a stage director, although it's more money going out. All in all the whole show was fabulous.
Thank you 9.05 god bless you for posting that! This troll thing is out of control and now it's getting and sounding dangerous, some of these comments need to be reported to Gladd, the f----t thing is enough now. Also I said these video's are good to hAve, but anyone should know that the real thing going to be 100 per cent better! This is a fan site, enough is enough with these trashy trolls they are pure trash, pretty sure one or 2 of same people responsible, like spew their venom and then tell themselves how they agree with themselves! Sue
9:25 what are you talking about??
Yep,background singers are becoming more and more annoying. I am very surpise that Adam deson't relise it. Because he deff wanted them come down few times during the show!
Did somebody say "two beautiful voluptuous women"?!!!! OMG! Sometimes I have these fillings that one of them visits this blog and leaves these kind of compliments to herself.
What have Adam and his band done to you to deserve such hateful remarks? You must be very miserable yourself to be so bitter and want to spit your venom on everyone else! You must know that hate is not the answer and your only hope for happiness is to be yourself kind and loving. No one loves a hateful person!
There is some kind of conspiracy going on with these trolls. They are part of the tea party.
24/7 Please have people login with their facebook account to post comment.
This is Adam Lambert fansite not TMZ for goodness sake.
One of Other back up singer's are working for NM, now she was a bit bigger than these two, guess does not bother her!
Wow, I can't believe some of the comments here.
I'm willing to bet the complainers wouldn't turn down the chance to see this show live tomorrow if they could.
If you are not happy with it, please go away and leave those of us who are loving it to be excited and happy.
Oh, forgot to add. These zebra dresses are terrible! But they are better than leggins with sleevless tops:)
By the way, a certain troll has been reported to admin. Free speech and the right to an opinion are one thing. Outright hate-speak is not, and does not belong on a website dedicated to Adam Lambert.
Good girl GlizyLady, I believe she made her self quite plain she saying all these stupid remarks are rediculous, but in a much nicer way than you would get it from me! Talking about 9.25. Sue
Then why don't you go spent your time and money and watch Gaga's fat ass (now) on her concerts and leave this fansite. Truly, we are tired of reading your whining. How can anyone be so stupid to judge what it should be based on these crappy out sync fan videos. I've been to Adam's concerts in the past months and the backup singers blend in well with Adam and they help to show case Adam's voice better. Stop passing judgement based on these videos. Go to live concerts and feel the music live. Not on fan videos.
By the way, I realllly appreciate the fact that we have these vids. It was so nice that we have them!!
To the person who used the 'F' word to describe Adam. If you continue to post comments on this blog, I will report you to Blogger and have your IP banned, not just on 24/7 but on all blogger sites. You have been trolling this site for too long. I will give you one last warning. I can report you for spreading hate in my blog.
So please stop posting hate on this blog or else I will have to report you.
@9:44PM Most of us love this show, crazy about Adam, band, and dancers. However, some of Adam fans don't like the background singers because Adam doesn't need them. Plus, these ladies are huge and get too much attention of the crowd. Cause everybody else on the stage except Adam aren't very tall. Also, Tommy and Ashley are very skinny:)
Adam's back up singer who has taken leave and performing with NM was hired as a back up singer, both these girls have good voices, but they are not built for dancing, and I don't think NM would have Adam's back up singer dancing, she was hired to sing. These girls could get lots of jobs as singers because they have great voices, but I really don't think anyone would be wanting to hire them as dancers, and there is a difference.
More twitter comments from people who were there.
Craig Mikkelsen@CraigMikk
@ToyaDelazy and @AdamLambert beats the LinkinPark show last week hands down. #AdamLambert is a natural entertainer.. 10\10 Concert
@OneTwoDoseyDoe it was an awesome concert .. @adamlambert is a true entertainer with an amazing vocal range..
Robin Lee Williams@Robin_Lee10
Jo'burg you're in for an incredible show! @adamlambert @TommyJoeRatliff @ashleydzerigian @brianlondon @RainOnMe83
Hannah Keirsgieter @hannahK9_8
@adamlambert concert last night was insanely epic :D #bestsingerever.
@heatsouthafrica @adamlambert Amazing, mindblowing, awesome, out of this world, unfreaking-believeable, magical.....
Aneeqah Emeran@Aneeqah
@heatSouthAfrica @adamlambert Beyond amazing. Words cannot describe the awesome.
Chantel Matthee@chanichans
@adamlambert no thank you!U were amazeballs!Loved every minute! Thank u for making1 of my dreams come true!Still cant stop talking about it!
@jennifer_su heard the @adamlambert concert last night in Cape Town was amazing, can't wait to see him on Friday in Jozi
Bianca Haarhoff@BiancaHaarhoff
What an amazing concert! @adamlambert was amazing! What an entertainer. Just love love love him!!
I think Adam's GNT concerts were way better than this one. There was far too much happening on the stage at Cape Town - way too busy. There were NO back-up vocalists for the GNT concerts and the concerts certainly weren't lacking because of it. I don't think live video recordings are an excuse for the sound not being right. I've watched videos of radio concerts and other live concerts this year where Adam didn't have back-up singers and his vocals were PERFECT without any embellishment!! It's a crying shame for his performances to be marred by backing singers singing too loudly and at times offkey, bouncing around the stage with professional dancers in the mix, not to mention Adam does have a band whom people are interested in seeing.
On a very positive note, Adam's new Trespassing outfit is DIVINE!!
Of course we are so lucky and grateful to have these fans' videos to watch, no matter how imperfect they may be! As Glamberts we must all have been to Adam's live show at least once, and we know how the energy, the sound, everything is completely different from a youtube video! But it's better than nothing, so let's just enjoy what we have!
Adam always sounds better to me when he sings on his own, the best performance I have seen of Adams was one he did just before Trespassing album was released for the Jezebel Magazine, he had his full band but no back up singing. It had a real organic sound to it, he just oozed with sex appeal, his voice was pitch perfect, and his version of his new album was beyond amazing.
Anyone who went to the Cape Town concert (lucky ducks!!), what color is Adam's jacket when he's singing Cuckoo? It looks white in photos.
Well guess what the place was Packed, and this concert is getting rave reviews, I mean rave reviews. Again no matter what you say, these low quality video 's as much as Iove them, it not going to give us near what on that stage. The sound is very grainy. There nothing at all like being there are a complete professional video! There are nothing but great reviews all good by the people who were actually there, I am going by that! Adam band is just great m, thank you! The place was packed and everyone went away loving what they just saw! I hate when people say all these negative things, then say one nice thing at the end then it's ok, to them! Trespassing outfit is divine, from what I heard from people who were actually there the rest was divine too! These video's are just nothing to the real thing!
My fave live performance this year with no back-up vocals has been one of the first, if not the first time Adam sang Never Close Our Eyes at a radio promo with just Tommy accompanying him. It was a died and gone to heaven performance. Also the radio concert he did in Australia in August this year. No back-up vocals, just Adam and his band - another very intimate performance and pure perfection.
By the way it's not about the damn band, trust me their there to see Adam Lambert. They were peppy when the band came on but when Adam came on stage they went crazy!
Thank you to any one that has put a vid up for this tour it was a lot of work I am sure.I would have loved being there, for any that says Terrance is not a good dancer is so wrong I have seen him twice on the GNT tour he is great.Adam on live concert is so amazing every one should see at least one.I think it will be hard to beat a GNT concert but what ever he does I will love.& will travel to see another tour.Willing & Able cannnot wait.LOVE ADAM LAMBERT.Hoping for more vids.
10:07PM..I totally agree with you, and thank you for saying it so well. I too just loved the Trespassing outfit, he looked stunning!
I heard the crowd was 5,000 strong. They love him of course. How many of us now wish we would have bought that plane ticket?
I love that he sang WWFM like it is on the album. Sound was definitely off but hopefully there are other videos coming. I loved Underneath.
Can't wait for Dec 14th and then the tour de force!
Whatever Adam decides is ok with me.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether it agrees with others' opinions or not.
Novody would hire these two girls as dancers neither as the singers. I meant singers who stand or sit down next to the artist and sound louder than he/she sometimes. I hope Adam will not take these two ladies on his New Year's show in Bali. This show is deff out of their league!
I don't think Adam wants to just sit on a stool and sing a capella ballads all the time. He loves these shows he puts together. I love the ocassional promo radio gig where we hear just his voice and I love these big shows with the great costumes. It's his career, he knows what he is doing, and I'm happy for cell phone recordings until I get to see the show in person.
Oh my things have gotten out of hand and wayyyyyy overboard here.
Constructive C. is fine but when it's darn right rude and then offensive thats a different matter.
By the way Terrance is a great dancer.
I can't believe it! People who attended this sold out concert they mostly raved how fabulous and out of this world was this concerts. And the ones who weren't there are so negative about it basing their judgment on these videos that aren't professional and so out of sync. Get real will you!
Adam concert haiku
Bounce bounce in Cape Town
Straight-jacket straps swing around
Flourishing freedom
@10:07PM Thank you for such a great comment, dear! I hope Adam will realise that he doesn't need vocal background as soon as possible.
I love Adam in full show with dancers, backup singers and band with custom changes and great lighting. Radio gigs acoustic shows were for promotion and they are just ok but it gets boring. Great to listen to them when you want to sleep. But for fun I prefer a full show with band, dancers, backup singers, etc. etc. From what I noticed on twitter, South Africans loved Adam's concert and let's not spoil it for them and us with negative comments. This was Adam's first concert in South Africa after three years. Let's be happy and not worry about things based on low quality fan videos.
I never ever will believe that Adam hired these girls because he desperately needed them. When one of them left, Adam hired another one who looks almost the same, but sings ever louder! It is something else about these girls we never will find out. Adam is perfectionist but the background singers bring a lot of mess in Adam's performances
I've seen Adam perform live on stage with full band and back up singers, but the singers were to the side of the stage so it didn't over shadow Adam, the girls never danced, it was just Adam working the stage and he was simply amazing the thing is I'm sure the crowd at Cape Town would have loved every minute even if they did find the girls a bit distracting, because Adam is so great, but the fact that they were moving around so much simply spoilt it. An amazing concert I'm sure but could have been made even more so if the girls had stayed further away to the side of stage giving Adam more room to work the floor, the male dancers were great but with the girls as well it did look very busy looking.
I don't feel a need to pressure the blog admin to have sign in comments. This site is alot of work and it's livelihood depends on the number of hits to this site.A few troll comments for me is OK some are not and should be handled by admin like tonight.Let's don't ruin this nice site. I think some of these crazier trolls would sign in anyways. lol
10:52 ok we get it you don't like the BU singers, no need to be a broken record.
When Adam brings his concert to a certain country, I notice he tends to reflect the vibes, music taste and culture etc. of that country. Most likely that could have guided his choices of the stage embellishments including the dancers, backup singers etc. It may appear messy on our screen, though I didn't get that feeling; but may not be so in a large arena, and might look sparse without them to complement his energy.
A wonderful surprise was the reggae turn of Outlaws of Love, which did not detract from the song's message as much as to give it a triumphant spin, rather than have it remain a song of gloom. Love that OOL presents a glorious counterpoint to Underneath by morphing into an upbeat and victorious anthem. Genius, Adam. Once again you show you are a master showman, and with this show, you prove once and for all a bold vision and ability to interpret in breathtaking fashion that vision on stage. BTW, thanks to our videographers who did their best, sacrificing their own enjoyment to bring us these videos for us to enjoy. Not only are they better than nothing, they satisfy our curiosity about how successful the concert was, and now I can rest easy knowing there were no disasters (recall the Bieber stage barf, or the walkout of some fans from Madonna's show), and Adam won over new fans in another part of the world. Bravo! And Encore many times over! atm
W O W !
Click HERE
@Anon 10:50 PM
I agree completely with you. For instance, I was at the Bing Lounge in Portland, OR, and witnessed first hand Adam's amazing and brilliant acoustic "Never Close Our Eyes" which we as a fandom heard sung by Adam for the first time ever! It was breathtaking live, and again, the video was wonderful, but Live was unbelievable. Just Adam's voice accompanied by Tommy on acoustic guitar, completely surrounding us with his voice. Incredible. One of my favorite moments as a fan, ever. So intimate and so special. And then this summer, I went to two full-on concerts in California, the OC Fair in Costa Mesa and Fantasy Springs in Indio. Two concerts, both wonderful, and each with a VERY different "vibe". The Fair show was more "family friendly", and Fantasy Springs..well, that was one hot and crazy show with Adam in full "Adam" mode: a show that he quite obviously gave back to the fans all the love they (we) gave to him, and then some. The point is, I loved both: Acoustic show and full on stage show with Adam, back up singers, full band, and at this Cape Town concert, talented and sexy dancers. The thing to remember here is this: Adam comes from theater, and significantly, when thinking in terms of his concerts, the Zodiac Show. He's been "putting on a show for years", first at home for his parents and brother, then in Children's Theater when he was growing up, then in High School, then traveled the world with Hair, the Musical, and then with Wicked, the Musical, etc.. He isn't going to be happy with just him on a bare stage, with a guitar player for the whole show. Never will he give us the mundane. He loves what he's doing and he's gonna do it his way. When you go to a live show, a live Adam Lambert concert, you experience it in a completely different way than we do here watching videos. I know some of you don't agree with me, or with others comments, and that's perfectly fine. But that's what my experience has been. What I said at 9:25 PM above, still stands. We can agree to disagree. No problem.. Bottom line, Adam's going to do it his way. More power to him.
@November 13, 2012 10:50 PM
Adam's radio concerts get 'boring?? NO WAY!!!!! Adam's voice really comes into its own when he's singing solo with scaled-back accompaniment.
Cape Town - it may have been the 1st time many South Africans would've been to an Adam Lambert concert. No wonder they were bowled over and it's great that they enjoyed it. I'm aware of only 1 South African who's travelled to different countries around the world to attend Adam's concerts but there may be more.
@Anon 10:55 PM
This site is the property of the Blog Administrator of 24/7 and as a result, admin makes the decisions, because they can, and have every right to do so. The decision to require a log in would be made only as a last resort. Comments are very seldom deleted, but are on occasion, when they are deemed extremely hateful, rude, etc..especially toward Adam and those he cares about. This is not an official Adam Lambert site even tho it feels that way sometimes. Hate-speak is not okay anywhere, especially here in a place that bears Adam's name. He's a loving, generous, evolved human being. There are a few people, perhaps just one or two in reality, who apparently come here to spread hate. Those are the ones whose comments are removed by admin, not those who simply have differing opinions.
WWWWWOOOOOWWWW!!!!! Underneath on video no. 3 is out of this world. I would say it's even better than the studio recording. Adam's voice is amazing.
@Anon 10:50 PM
By the way, what I was agreeing with you about was what you said about Adam's stage shows..I love the full shows with all the trimmings. But I also love the radio promo: for instance the Bing Lounge show I mentioned. I love hearing Adam sing, any time, any place...nothing bores me when it comes to hearing Adam sing. : )))
Every one has a right to have an opinion, and many either agree or disagree, but there is a big difference between fans who feel passionate about their views, having a healthy debate, compared to and people who are simply out to cause trouble especially when it comes in the form of hatred, or when someone expresses their feelings but does so in a threatening way as to make other fans feel as though they are to afraid to speak, which is a form of bullying.
Hi Glitylady! 10:50pm here. I mentioned that slow acoustic shows get boring after awhile. Not it is boring. I love all of Adam's performances but I love full stage shows more. Yes, to Zodiac shows.
@glitzylady Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I always appreciate your taking the time to put things in perspective and your wise words about our Adam.
@daydreamin {11:14PM} "WOW!" is right---there really are no words to describe how beautiful this man is!
From Adam Lambert Fan Club Facebook page:
Tweet by @TrevorDow: On set filming #VH1Divas Award show promo!...The show this year will be cray! Ain't I right @adamlambert??
(December 16: TV, US. ADAM LAMBERT Hosting and performing at VH1 Divas live at 9/8c. The Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA.)
@lorraine you've got that right! NO WORDS! Just jaws dropping.
10.07 please stop patty your own self on the back, the only thing agreed with is the remark about about Adam's outfit. Everyone has an opinion but, this concert will get Better and better! The main reason anybody has a problem is the back up singer's , there fine. I am sure they will fix any problems. You do not like something and you are going to spend money to see Adam, then go to Adam about it on twitter, he will see it sooner or later! That's stop patting your self on the back, about your comments.
I've just now had the chance to see more of the videos and I loved them! But when I saw Adam sing 'Underneath", my jaw dropped, I forgot to breathe and tears came rolling down my cheek. I've never seen any other artist sing with such emotion as Adam. All I can say is "BRAVO" Adam. You are a miracle in our world. Thank you.
wow, I'm glad I've come late to this page so have missed all the comments that have been deleted.
Loving these videos, so far, can't wait for parts 4 and 5. Hope he sorts the synching out before then.
I think the vjayjays look much better in the flowing robes, and like the zebra print for SA...but do agree they should be off to one side, and I could live without them dancing.
I love Terrance, hes a great charasmatic dancer, not sure about the other one though. I really, really love when Adam joins in briefly with the choreography, he looked great dancing in pop that lock.
Loved the reggae vibe on OOL, in fact I think I may even prefer it to the original.
The concert was sold out, but haven't seen the actual number, It can be anywhere from 5k to 7.5k depending on the set up of the hall It looks like more than 5k in the audience photos posted earlier.
a couple of more great tweets from the guy that took lots of good photos
Robin Lee Williams Robin Lee Williams @Robin_Lee10
RT @TeaAndButterPie: I just can’t get over just how much sexier Adam was in person!!
Robin Lee Williams Robin Lee Williams @Robin_Lee10
I can’t sleep! @adamlambert has melted my brain into moosh! Great show and worth the 10 hour waiting in line.
I've been watching the twitter list a fair bit today, and haven't seen one negative tweet about the concert.
another full Underneath (different angle) and BE
Here is Kylie Minogue on the same stage with 10 dancers and crappy sound. Let's judge her too.
WWFM by the same person HK found.
That's a big stage. Two dancers can't make it look crowded and busy.
And..the final word from someone who was actually AT the concert in Cape Town: He loved the whole thing. No complaints from him. Guessing he knows of what he speaks.
"I'm still in awe of last night's #AdamInCapeTown concert. I had the time of my life! Adam was excellent & hits, the band performed so good, the VaJayJays were saxy & the dancers were hot as heck!"
A Tweet by @Robin_Lee10
Hi guys,
Does anyone else remember...the other dancer, Johnny Rice?, danced with Terrance and Adam in one of the first videos that popped up on the internet, I believe when Adam was still on Idol. Adam was singing, of course, and it was set in a nightclub. Thought it was funny that Adam was the best dancer of the three. Plus, he looked amazingly sexy. They have known each other a long time.
xo Laura
wow, just watched that Underneath and BE i just posted, amazing quality, and super close, heartwrenchingly emotional.....she also has WWFM, so fingers crossed there are more videos to come from this person.
They all performed together at the 740 club or lounge, something like that. There is a video of them doing Kiss and tell, saw it the other day for the first time, the sound quality is absolute crap....but the visuals were pretty good!
I'll try and find the link later, or just google it.
Great comments still coming in on twitter from people at the concert:
Diego Zico Barreto@diegozicob
@adamlambert was amazing last night. Such a fierce attitude on stage and his voice was perfect. Hope S.A. treats him well
Jacques Naude@JacquesNaude
I will post some @adamlambert videos from last night when I get home this afternoon. What an amazing show!!!
Wesley Dyke@WesleyDyke
Last night was one of the most incredibly epic performances I've ever seen,@adamlambert you rocked my socks right off! #Glamberts
Post show cocktails.What an INCREDIBLE performance @adamlambert.Songs of the night if I had you& underneath.#Glamberts
Emile Doubell™@emiledoubell
Adam Lambert was sensational last night! Man that boy can sing! Let it be known. ONE day that'll be me!
ADAM LAMBERT was amaazzzzing!! Omg! I'm so blown away!! @adamlambert :)
Darren Greeff@dazzy_boi
adamlambert was just amazing!
@adamlambert rocked last night! Great concert! Most amazing voice! What an experience!
And plenty of room on that stage. Doesn't look busy to me:
GO TO; Dr.Brian May on Twitter if link fails.
@HK fan
I just watched the Underneath and Broken English vid that you posted here, and was just getting ready to post that link! It is absolutely stunning. Wow.
@ Sue
Are you oblivious to the fact that you spew a lot of venom yourself?
Pictures and sound were not good, but thank you thank you for sending them to us. We are grateful for any peek we get at Adam.
I thought the Divas looked great in their outfits and I liked that they sat on stage, backlit, swaying to the music. They were bookends for Adam and I thought the set up was artistic.
I am a purist and much prefer Adam's singing with minimal accompanient, but he is a showman and wants a show, so his vision is fine with me. The two dancers were a great earthy touch to the theme and quite good. Adam looked his usual divine. Sync problems were very distracting, but it'll be fixed. Those of you who harp on hating the divas should save your breath. You sound so hateful!
Their mixing with the dancers when Adam left the stage created a we're just having a party atmosphere till he comes back. The audience got it why can't you?
We beg to share in Adam's performances around the world, then complain about inconsequentials. Grow up!
Adam Lambert's Trespassing is #1 Most Popular Song on Finland radio station Nova's Top 20.
I think we are commenting on the show more then complaining . . . of course we weren't there so it's hard to maybe judge . .there were things about the GNT that I didn't like but when I went to see it live . . WOW . .when I heard his voice I think I forgot about those things or it's so much better live.
But from the start of Trespassing (I know....repeating)IMO the backup singers should be to the side in long flowing dresses..they really distract from the set...I like the European band/singers..the male singers were to the side and the focus was on Adam and the band.
Not complaining just commenting...
@November 14, 2012 12:56 AM
Keep your nastiness to yourself!
@12:33 AM .... 'please stop patty your own self on the back' - huh??? What's all that about???
There are some strange comments on this blog.
Lots of strange comments and back biting, reminds me of my school days, why is everyone so touchy?
Could it be the 'back biting' friction comes from the desperation for the forthcoming Adam tour?
HOW many times do we have to hear that the ladies are in the way? I watched some videos yesterday and ot was a blast of energy, warts and all.
Doesn't everyone remember the first time Adam had his dancers on that TV show in Japan and we were all a bit worried about the effect? This is a first kick at the tour show and we are so lucky to see it and witness its' gradual evolution over the next couple of months. Isn't that great?
Critiquing is half the fun of being on here but, given Adam's defiant tweets re: fans and negativity to band/singers/dancers, wishes that any of them would disappear is borderline whining. He chose them all, he wants them all, he's keeping them all.
Lots of other stuff in the show to talk about.
I go to Adam's concerts to hear and see Adam period. He doesn't need any frills.
I hope Adam gets a real dance choreographer to plan the routine. I just don't know... To me Terrence and Johnny look amateurish. I feel very aware of what they are doing and that shouldn't be the case. They should stay in the background so that they don't distract from Adam. Maybe some good choreography would help.
I enjoyed the videos we were so lucky to receive. Adam was absolutely fabulous as always, but somehow seemed even more incredibly stunning! I don't know how that's even possible. From what I could hear because the sound was not perfect, Adam was sensational! I enjoyed the male dancers. I thought they were very much in sync with Adam. Loved Adams moves as well! Amazing! It was such an emotional experience for me. I don't mind Adam's back-up singers as all. Just knowing they are Adam's choice is enough for me. I was stuck to my computer last night watching the event unfold - did not want to leave. Adam is an out-of-this-world superstar! Now even more people will know!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations Adam on a fabulous show!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s...UNDERNEATH was AWESOME!!!!!!!
I hope Renee Snyder will pu the vid on the jumbotron of "Underneath" . I can't stop watching. I loved "Fame" and the whole production. Adam is a one of a kind. voice , beauty, and born to entertain.
a few more vids have surfaced, not the best quality but watchable...
part of OOL and Is This Love
And a bit crappy Shady
The Talcvids will be coming shortly and they always have a good quality video. I loved all the costumes and the color co-ordination was excellent. Also loved the girl singers with their flowing gowns and zebra pattern and the blue wigs looked very pretty and blended in well with Adam's suit, I like their voices but would have prefered to see them not quiet so close to Adam as at times I could hear them more than I could hear Adam's voice. Yes Underneath was breathtaking and well worth the wait. Hopefully the Talcvids will have a better sound quality as well. Looking forward to Johannesburg concert but a pity about the time zone difference.
Thank you HK fan, it's appreciated.
Oh yes, I love Love the song Underneath. Adam has such emotion, with that song and so blessed in many ways.
Hope we get better quality soon.
Thanks for sharing the concert with us any way.
vote repeatedly for TP 102.9 top5@5
I suppose the best way to appreciate Adam Lambert is to actually be at one of his concerts. Watching these vids is the only way most of us get to see our favorite performer on stage. We like/dislike, compliment/criticize, etc...that's who we are, but most of us seem to want only the best for Adam and his career. I'm not in the music business so what do I know except what I like or don't. At least, Adam is never boring or uninteresting and he keeps me wanting more, whatever it is. He just mesmerizes me as a person and an entertainer, as no one has done since Elvis(yes, I am one of the older Adam fans). To me he is the best vocal talent in music today and continues to build a worldwide audience of fans. Adam will have longevity in the music business or some other form of the creative arts while most of these current no talent performers have long faded from the spotlight.
Underneath and Broken English new video:
Again the video is just ok but it's better than posted videos. I read somewhere that venues use certain devices to distort quality of videos taken by the audience.
WOW! Just amazing. The singing, dancing and the band. Adam looked and sounded wonderful as usual. This is a concert that will be talked about. I didn't think Tommy could be any more adorable looking but he was. I loved the jacket and shirt. He and the rest of the band are very talented musicians. I have watched these vids over and over. Thank you Adam and band for the entertainment.
One think I didn't see mentioned: I love when Adam danced with the dancers. That part was well-choreographed, and I thought the three men flowed well together. Adam IS a good dancer, despite what he says. I thought that his dancing with them added interest and gave that number a visual cohesiveness. I hope Adam adds choreography to at least a few more songs in this show at some point. It tightens up the act and brings a professional feel to the show. I DON'T mean that he should be dancing while he's singing all the time. Of course not. But I think it would add to the look of the show. Some songs just lend themselves to being "danced" as well as sung. Others just need that perfectly beautiful voice.
DRG (Can't wait for more videos.)
One of the reports I read coming out of Cape Town said, Adam is young, with a killer voice and is a legend in the making. Another comment I read referred to Adam as a mix of Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, Elvis Presley and Lennie Kravitz all rolled into one! How good is that! The thing is once people hear him live there always left amazed and wanting more. Adam also won the poll for Most Wanted Pop Star & Queen, Dr.Brian May was amazed, as this also helps to put Queen back into the picture as well, thanks to Adam of course. He received 1008600 points far exceeding all the other famous Rock bands and artists competing along with Adam, and some of these artists have big names and have been in the business for a lot longer than him, so this speaks volumes about his ability.
7:33AM back again, sorry I forgot to mention that the Poll I referred to above was for Rock In Rio.
7:33AM This Dr. Brian May's tweet about the poll you mentioned:
Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay
“@bel1284: RT @adamlambert Queenbert is #1 on RockinRio Bs As Argentina poll so far! … over 1,000,000 ” amazin - TA ! Bri
8:02AM, Well thank you for pointing all this out and correcting me. Please forgive me for my basic computer skills any other mistakes I may have made. From now on I promise never to try and send in any information unless I'm absolutely sure of getting it absolutely perfect.
I know what I'll do, I'll invest in some computer classes if it makes you happy, my attempt to get this information to you was with the best of intentions I assure you. Shame on me, from now on I must remember that any information I send no matter how well intended must be absolutely perfect and and free of any mistakes what so ever. Nothing but the best for the Glamberts, or on the other hand I just may not bother to fill you in at all, given that you seem to know so much more than me.
a little sensitive.. just enjoy the show!
May be Adam could write a song and call it Poison, I think it would be very well suited to this site given some of the people who get onto it.
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