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Adam Lambert hits 1.8 Million Followers on Twitter!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 29, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, December 29, 2012


glitzylady said...

Congrats to Adam!! Approaching 2 million followers!

Anonymous said...

I believe that Adams twitter numbers are actually accurate. Many celebrities have inflated numbers that are not only unreal but totally bogus. The Dark side

Anonymous said...

That is just wonderful to hear! I hope he accumulates a million more in the coming year. And becomes very successful with this new album. He certainly deserves it with his incredible talent.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of Adams fans who doesn't have twitter account and we are counting more he!he!

There are millions out there like me though.:)))


Anonymous said...

Fans get on twiiter and follow Adam. It is so easy what is holding you back?

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam! Little by little...good things come to people who wait.


Anonymous said...

Love Adam's Twitter avatar. Sends the message that once you're in, he permeates every cell of your being, literally, he "owns your heart". He wins us over one cell at a time, the work of a complete and thorough invasion of the senses. As one writer fan said, we hear him sing and we respond physically, emotionally, spiritually, and viscerally. atm

glitzylady said...

So very true..

Anonymous said...

Don't worry folks, nothing is holding me back...:)

I'm just happy to read all your tweets and follow your links!!:)

I don't miss anything at all....

Mostly of my friends and devoted fans of Adam don't have twitter account either.... We have our ways to express our love for him eh!:)


Magiclady said...

I think a visceral reaction is a perfect description of what Adam does to me. Paula used this term originally and it fits even more now!