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Adam Lambert is the sexiest man alive in Finland! (Sauli Koskinen on the list too!)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 27, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, December 27, 2012

Accordiing to the website Avatv Finland, Adam Lambert is voted the sexiest man alive in 2012 in Finland. Sauli Koskinen came in at #4!



Anonymous said...

No one can be sexier than him! He's the sexiest man in the whole world.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no one sexier than Adam Lambert

glitzylady said...

So...Terrance just posted a picture on his Instagram...and an "Adam" friend of mine on twitter just noticed that it just might have been taken at Adam's new house..I recognize the chair as one in his previous home. If so...the view looks amazing..So hmm.. #RockStarHouse ;)))

Anonymous said...

Finland is the smartest country in the world.

Anonymous said...

I bet Sauli is getting a kick out of this. lol Yay for Finland.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the vote was about the sexiest man alive anywhere in the world, and not just in Finland. And Adam was not the only foreign person you and the Finns could vote for.

Personally, I don't think I've ever seen anyone as sexy as Adam. I do like Sauli a lot but I found the other contestants pretty boring, including the looks-wise more or less has-beens Craig, Depp and Beckham.

Adamluv said...

100% in agreement!

Anonymous said...

Adam is in a league of his own-Beyond SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

glitzylady said...
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glitzylady said...

The day that I see Adam's picture on the front of People Magazine USA Sexiest Man Alive issue is the day I'll think America has finally seen the light..and come to their (our) senses.. And I think it'll happen. Because he is. There are a lot of good looking men out there and Adam is definite one fine looking guy.

Little story: I ran into a friend of mine a few days ago who I hadn't seen for a long time..years..and we chatted about our families, what we've been doing. I mentioned my Diva's trip to LA, mentioned that Adam was hosting..and she said "Oh my! My daughters will be so jealous! They love him!!!" So I showed her a couple of pictures that I **happened*** to have on my iPhone..of Adam..and she said "He is soooo GORGEOUS, isn't he???!!!" Yep.......

Anonymous said...

Adam's sexiness comes from his inner beauty as much as from his outer gorgeous self.


Anonymous said...


Agree. I don't think someone who is arrogant can be sexy to me.