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Happy Birthday Neil!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 29, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, December 29, 2012

It's Neil Lambert's birthday today and Adam wished him a happy birthday. Neil turns 28 years old today.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Neil !!
Ahh I remember you complained about the hotel you and Adam stayed in at the F1 Grand Prix races; that you couldn't sleep because the race cars sped, screeched round and round your hotel window! lol! Do you know how much race-car addicts will pay, for that to happen to! Well, 2 years have passed since. Okay, since Adam calls you negative Neil, you are forgiven. I always trust Adam's judgement, lol! By the way you did a fine job portraying 'coldplay' on the Divas show. lol! But something puzzles me though, why are you negative or perhaps perceived to be, when Adam is so! Could it be because you needed to counteract it from young; because I know Adam has said he always likes to be in control. Maybe it's not within our complete control either; according to some researchers our moods / outlook, are 50% predetermined by a certain gene that regulates mood hormones. Okay enough of fact / not so fact dishing. lol!
