New Picture: Adam Lambert at LAX
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Thursday, December 27, 2012
Posted at : Thursday, December 27, 2012
Nice bumping into you @adamlambert. Have a safe flight. :)…
— Jasmine Elenore (@Elenoreee) December 28, 2012

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Whoa, so busy and sheer hard work. But like Adam always's worth it; so never envy or try to put him's immense grit that is his driving force.
on his way to Bali !!Good luck guys and gals.
Has anyone posted Sauli's Blog translation here yet? I just read it and he's going to Bali with Adam!!! So glad he's doing that..What a wonderful way to spend New Years Eve...and the time before and after. Nice getaway for them.
Original Blog: "Sauli In Hollywood", with more pictures..
Translation from Adam Lambert Fans Facebook and Google:
"Again, Christmas is behind us and the year changes soon! Christmas was very enjoyable in San Diego. Even though this was my first Christmas outside of Finland, we still had a wonderful Christmas atmosphere. On Christmas Day we went for a walk in San Diego's Balboa Park. It was just an incredibly gorgeous place. The park had a beautiful cactus garden. Christmas Day we went to spend the evening friends, Anaheim-Irvine. It was a fun Christmas! Now I'm going to Bali! Tomorrow! HAPPY NEW YEAR! xoxo / S"
Well that answers that! Not Adam's house with the pictures of friends! Such a to do about nothing! And now the lovebirds are on their way to Bali, safe flight and much happiness in the New Year.
New Year haiku
Adam and Sauli
Bali Hai is calling you
Usher 2013
So glad for Adam and Sauli! Have a great time in Bali boys!
Yay! Ryan Seacrest: 2012 Album of the Year: Adam Lambert’s Trespassing!
After weeks of voting, we have narrowed down the top 10 albums of 2012 to one! After racking up thousands of votes, the public has decided and the best album of the year goes to Adam Lambert’s Trespassing! Congrats Adam!
Adam Lambert’s Trespassing did very well as the former “American Idol” runner up debuted at number one as the album was filled with infectious pop tunes.
Melvin is there in Adam's natural hair color.
Both in Bali. I hope they both keep safe and well there.
We, the Finnish, will be spoil NYE night, Fox TV channel shows The MAMA concert, so we can start the new year 2013 with Adam!!!
Happy New Year to ALL of you
and Adam and Sauli on the island Bali!!
Love, M
Adam i beautiful and handsome without anything added and totally awesome glammed up..I love being a fan..
s/b is not just s key
Since Adam is not a natural brunette and Sauli is not a natural blond - if they both stopped dyeing their hair it might be interesting to see what we'd get. ? I hope Melvin is just a temporary I'm tired of shaving moment in time. I do prefer his fresh faced look.....but it's Adam.....what we see is what we get! C'est la vie! I hope this Bali shindig leads to more concerts for the veddy veddy rich
and Adam can enter the upper two per cent tax bracket! Go Adam!
I have not been a fan of facial on anyone but on Adam it is so hot...I really love it for a change
Things tithings to do when running to Adam
1 breathe
2 try to remember your name
3 don't drool on him
4 try not to faint ...but if you do be sure and fall on him ... very easy though .. Don't hurt him
5 always carry a very large suitcase .. One a man say 6-1 could fit in just in case
6 and if you get him in the suitcase Share with us.... rose petal
Yay! We did it on the Seacrest poll! Maybe Ryan will give Adam some much-deserved attention in 2013. So glad Sauli is going to Bali with Adam. The show should be wild. After all, it IS a New Year's Eve show, and he should pull out all the stops. Love Sauli's blog about his first Christmas in America. I know he misses Finland, but I guess he and Adam will go back and forth each year. JAK, you're right! Sauli isn't a natural blond, just like Adam is not a natural raven-haired Adonis. I love'em both just the way they are. Or ANY way, for that matter. Hope they get settled in nice and cozy in the new house after these two concerts. Do you think they'll go straight to Vietnam after the Bali show, or go home first?? It's a long trip.
I hope we get some good video from the Bali show. It's a private event, right? Well, I'm sure some video will sneak out. PLEASE!
No make-up, still gorgeous.
So sorry some of my above post made little sense ....commenting at work again ...getting too old to do two things at once....besides as usual my iPhone is mad ...I stopped bad mouthing it but now it's complaining of over work....rose petal
OT Belated Happy Holidays to you all! Had to take a break with sick laptop and holiday activities. I wish you all a happy, healthy, prosperous, peaceful new year and Adam and Sauli as well.I also hope Adam will get the recognition and appreciation he deserves here in the US this coming year. I think he's building a strong base in foreign countries with fantastic fans and we fans here in the US have all done our best, in spite of the lack of radio play and media exposure. I also appreciate the 24/7 Admin.that does such a great job and those here that give us such great links to enjoy and polls in which to vote to keep Adam's name out there. This site has been the best source of Adam news and an opportunity to connect with wonderful people all over the world to share our appreciation of Adam. Thanks to all of you.
Thanks Glitzylady for Sauli's Blog link! I love reading them and it's so nice that he now feels comfortable sharing Adam with us. Glad he'll be in Bali with Adam, bringing in the new year. Wonder if they will go back to the same resort where they had such a special time with each other.
to anonymous at 7.00 am - that was totally awesome and helpful!! :)))
i`m dieing to bump in Adam somewhere, someday :))))
Thanks this rose petal ...aka... 7:00
@ rose petal.....JAK here
I've got a really big (black of course) suitcase that I think will we've seen so often...Adam does bend in the middle, right?
I think he does bend in the middle ...and lots of other interesting places...rose petal
Hey BB -
Looking happy & carefree and
oh so huckleberry-finn-ish...
Happy New Year in Bali, Adam & Sauli and the band
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