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Adam Lambert look-alike on ELLEN!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 25, 2013

Posted at : Friday, January 25, 2013

With a little help from her writers, dressed up as some of her favorite people from the past year, Ellen received her 55th birthday cake!


Anonymous said...

that's one sad looking look-a-like-Adam. lol

Anonymous said...

That guy looks nothing like Adam-lol!Keep voting for BB at for best fans.Adam is a little ahead,but he WAS about 30% ahead this morn.We ARE the best fans for sure!

Anonymous said...

Bieber is ahead of Adam again now for best fans):.Come on,glamberts,Adam deserves to win this one!!Vote,please!!Go to if you don't have,or misplaced the url,or where to click on it..I can't believe that all the teenyboppers got that far ahead..BB was about 30% ahead earlier thid morning...keep voting on all your screens about every 30 mins-to an hr,or less.darn!! BB needs LOTS more votes.

Anonymous said...

I did vote several times, but the number was up this min and down the next. I guess Bieber's fans are also trying to make more votes.

Anonymous said...

I was up until 5:00am voting against 5th harmony.Adam wore my mouse out I had to put new batteries in it.I work nights so I just pretended it was a hard night at work I could not beleive how every time I would vote 5th Harmoney was tied behind & then ahead.Glad Adam won!

tea said...

2:24, it was a hard nights work. I'm so glad the PopDust poll is done. Exhausting!

Anonymous said...

cute Idea Ellen had!! The mention is nice. Sorry I can not vote on anything for a year, now we probably have another fan group voting against us. lol

tess4ADAM said...

When is ADAM's picture gonna be put in the Winner's circle @ Popdust? As for this ADAM look-alike on Ellen ... BIG FAIL!! AND ... I've been voting everywhere for ADAM from this list of Voting links ... anyone else? ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)