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American Idol Season 12 Contestant Chris Barthel Performs Adam Lambert's "If I Had You"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, January 24, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chris Barthel - Baton Rouge - American Idol 12 by IdolxMuzic


Anonymous said...

I would have told that clown NO absolutely NOT NEVER next...

Anonymous said...

I would have told that clown NO absolutely NOT NEVER next...

Anonymous said...

This guy was totally annoying. They let him play around too much. Then he just didn't take his performance seriously at all. Waste of time.


Anonymous said...

The guy was definitely a joke but what's good is his mention of ADAM LAMBERT's name and then If I Had You was playing in the background for a while.

Anonymous said...

Was good to hear If I had you!!! No To this guy singing it. Wonder if Adam saw it?

Anonymous said...

I had a Christmas table cloth that looked like Randys shirt! What a dull show American Idol has become with the exception of Keith Urban who has class. And if Adam heard this I'm sure he would have cringed the same as me.

Anonymous said...

Guess IIHY went up on itunes just from this clip from 900's to the 500's on pop songs. Gosh that guy was annoying.

Anonymous said...

Adam is home in LA, so he probably watched this -- and was laughing at this guy's ridiculous performance.
However, it was good to hear Adam's name and his song. That's all ...

Anonymous said...

I don't think Keith or Mariah knew the song. they better get with the program.

Anonymous said...

I bet AL is having a hoot over his dancing.

Anonymous said...

I like the play of words on the screen, smart I thought; fun guy=fungi; since Nicki gave him the name mushroom which is a fungus. Nicki is quick with the giving of nicknames. She seems to turn out to be the live-wire of the panel...she's quirky but real, appeals to me. Mmm, more Adam songs please, contestants! I think the fun-guy/fungi/fungus lol! may be tone-deaf, not making fun, there's such a thing; he couldn't hit a single note on pitch. But not to worry, this kind of spirited people usually do well just by their sheer optimism and he is a Leo/lion.


Anonymous said...

RJ should market his shirt as a shower curtain. there's nothing a few holes and hooks can't fix. u hear me dawg

Anonymous said...

Adam is losing at 50-50 now but 5H is ahead.


Anonymous said...

I think Adam should be on this judges panel; being quick-witted, Adam will give Nicki a run for the would have been that much heightened. Perhaps I know why Adam was not picked; it boils down to who has the strongest voice/muscle-power wins.


Magiclady said...

@ 8:32
Where does it show the %'s on the voting page?
Loved Adams mention on AI and hearin IIHY!!

Anonymous said...

The kid that sang Adams If I Had You could not sing it well but he did show he has excellent taste.If it was a fake performance ok to laugh but one thing I don't like when the judges laugh in there faces if he was serious no one needs to be laughed at unless he was expecting that.they do make fun of people & I do not feel that should be done to any one.

Anonymous said...

@8:47 After you vote the % and true number of votes show up at the bottom near the picture. It is 50/50 but they have more votes. I was there voting for 1 hour and 15 min, now I got to quit or go blind. I may go back later.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE HELP! This will end Friday 9am E. Adam is behind by 15,000.


daydreamin said...


I now love Keith Urban. He has a terrific sense of humor and @Lam-my I am embarrassed to say that I actually like Nikki and Mariah seems to be the dull one of the 3 new judges. You are right, she is real. Rather refreshing. Do not like her music though.

Anonymous said...

Still rises on chart:
TP album week 3 #15
spent 20 weeks on our chart!!!

: )

M (from Finland)

Anonymous said...

Mariah is okay and confident but seems irritated and even slightly intimidated by the bubbly younger Nicki. I'm only looking at Nicki from this judge panel angle, have not latched on to her music...mmm maybe I'd give it a try. I remember though I did say I enjoyed her Exorcism performance on one of the award shows and then my comment was barraged with no no no, Nicki's performance was messy, rubbish etc. But the title of that performance was Exorcism! She seems like a very warm person, even the little black girl whose mother sang with such gusto, holding her little hand all the while, says Nicki is her best friend and calls Nicki Dun Dun; maybe the little girl meant dance dance. lol!


funbunn40 said...

I was tickled that they played If I Had You in the background, even tho' the contestant butchered Adam's song.I hate to admit, I watch for any mention of Adam or glimpse of a past clip on that show. I've been voting for the last 2 hrs and I feel like someone is matching my votes, as the distance remains the same, even tho' the the numbers go up. We have until 9AM, and it's 2:48AM here and I have to give it up. They sure are determined.Hope some West coast Glamberts can help Adam.

Anonymous said...

Where Are They Now?

American Idol producer, Nigel Lythgoe, held a twitter party during the Charlotte auditions tonight. It was a pretty long one! He answered a lot of questions.
There was no big news to come out of the discussion, but there were a few notable tidbits:

Phillip Phillips, Jessica Sancez and Colton Dixon will return to Idol to perform.
He liked the suggestion of using Phillip’s new single, “Gone Gone Gone” as the boot song. (I bet this happens).
One judge breaks ties in each audition city.

Idols Nigel namechecked as some of his favorites:
Jessica Sanchez, Jennifer Hudson, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, ADAM LAMBERT

When Nigel was asked if there would be a reunion show, he said there will be a “Where are They Now” segment with ex-contestants on the results show!

Very strong female talent this year, says Nigel.
Kellie Pickler has the most winning personality, says Nigel.

Nigel would love: Jlo, GaGa, Katy Perry and Justin Timberlake on the panel, if he could have anybody.
He would love to have Bruce Springsteen for rock, Al Green for xoul and Garth Brooks for country, Barbra Streisand for ballads as mentors.

“Personally, I’d like some R&B” is how Nigel answered a question about the type of singer he is looking for this season.
Nigel’s favorite seasons are 4 and 11.
Ruben Studdard is his favorite Idol
Nigel feels Long Beach and San Antonia had the best talent this season

Read Nigel's tweets here:

daydreamin said...

Difference is 7787 now.

daydreamin said...

Anon 12:07 thanks! Great info!

daydreamin said...

Adam had his birthday party at Bootsy Bellows and Sam Sparrow is there:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Another photo of Adam and Sauli:
Click HERE

daydreamin said...

Another photo of Adam and Sauli:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! We've also such "entertainer" in germany ;)

daydreamin said...

We are ahead in the Pop-dust poll and climbing...yay!

Another pic of Adam at his birthday party:

Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Ok guy was a hoot and obviously an Adam fan and that in itself is a positive. Plus, he made Randy mention the name 'ADAM LAMBERT'
(and I lost respect in Randy a long time ago when it came to Adam) and joyous to hear Adams voice as the guy was leaving.
Great shout out for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Is this feud stuff between the divas for real or not?! Randy taking the hot seat is a bore.
Nikki at least was entertaining, Keith feels his music to the heart and gave his constructive opinion and Mariah seemed lost stuck at the end somehow.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Too funny and great esposure for Adam, especially when they played the actual song. I hope AI used that segment to help promote Adam.

Anonymous said...

Re Keith's star sign, Randy asked him 'Keith, what are you?' and Keith says 'Confused'!!!!!!! hahaha. NO ONE can sing If I Had You like Adam and yay! They played some of this superb song!! :D

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin - that's Sam Sparro, not Adam. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is one of Nigel's favourites and the rest are females! <3

Anonymous said...

That guy's singing voice is well below par but he has a huge personality and hooray that they played the real If I Had You!

Anonymous said...

Old tricks AI!!!! Ain't gonna work anymore he!he!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Nigel...If I Had You, is an appropriate AI/12 send-off song. It sounded great when the fun-guy was walking out; has a positive vibe to it. Appropriate as well, to mean...if I had made it...something they wish they had; not necessary to be taken in the literal sense only, to mean a person. Adam got exactly what he wanted, that's also an encouraging reference point. When I heard it as the fun-guy was leaving, I told myself...yes, If I Had You, is a happy, positive send-off song for S12; moreover it's very popular worldwide.


Anonymous said...

Everybody,please keep voting for Adam (for best fans)..if you lose the url,just go to The poll is there..We NEED to win thia one for Adam.Maybe Ryan will play a song or two from Trespassing if BB wins.

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin......JAK here

Thanks for a moment of nostalgia, the photo on wall over Adam and Sauli's heads....Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.
....I do love your CLICK HEREs.

Anonymous said...

The FRIEND MOVEMENT created a twitter account @friendmovement1 They have @adamlambert w/Joseph as part of their header photo.


Anonymous said...

well the PopDust poll is over I voted to the end but have no idea who won it was so close. I didn't pay attention to the numbers at the end. Nytol going back to bed. Loved that they played IIHY on Amer. Idol yesterday.

Anonymous said...

well the PopDust poll is over I voted to the end but have no idea who won it was so close. I didn't pay attention to the numbers at the end. Nytol going back to bed. Loved that they played IIHY on Amer. Idol yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I saw this guy on TV too. So glad someone picked Adam's song even though he was like an idiot; he's funny, though; my mom and I laughed a lot. And I like Nicki; she's cute and charming. In fact I enjoy this year's panel; the three new judges make it fresh and fun to watch. Even Randy becomes lively.

tea said...

Adam has won PopDust

Congratulations to all of us who hung in there thru all the voting glitches.

Anonymous said...

YAY at Adam winning the popdust tournament by 159 votes!!!!!! Voting was sooooooo slow at my end but I was determined to vote 'til the end. Congratulations Adam!!! YOU are Reality TV's Greatest Star!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Oooops! It's 6:53AM here. Adam won the popdust tournament by 199 votes, not 159 votes. So much for my maths!

Anonymous said...

Lots to celebrate! First of all, Adam looks VERY HOT in those pix of him and Sauli at Adam's b-day party. The shirt is vry sexy. What are they holding? Hand-held flares?

The Idol feud thing is fake. It's for TV. It's to boost ratings. According to the newspaper this morning, Idol's second week's ratings were down again. I simply cannot watch.

Hooray for the Popdust poll! Adam won! I voted a lot but I know many of you really did a marathon on it. Glamberts rule!


Anonymous said...

I can't stand NM music but I think she's alot better judge than I expected. Mariah for me is the weak one.

Anonymous said...

I was up until 2 am voting on my ipad. Adam was behind by 12k. Woke up to find out he won. Great job Gamberts and congrats!

Anonymous said...

Still not watching AI....

Anonymous said...

I am so happy Adam won on the Popdust poll. I must have voted at least 1,000 times and was seeing cross-eyed after awhile. But it all paid off and I'm glad we did this for his upcoming birthday. Yeah Glamberts!!

Anonymous said...

OT: Just found this interesting article on twitter

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Adam on winning the Popdust Poll and especially to all voters who hung in there despite all the problems with the voting mechanism! That poll was a real challenge but our determination pulled us all through.

I sat at my computer with one hand on the mouse and the other hand on my iPad : dual voting! Well until I fell asleep at 2 am while voting....that's when I knew enough was enough but I'm so glad Adam won!


Anonymous said...

Article by Popdust congratulating Adam and us:

tea said...

Thank you 8:55 AM for the link. Another gorgeous pic of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Glamberts and of course Adam!


Anonymous said...

I tried to leave a nice comment on the PopDust articles but couldn't figure out how to comment. I was going to ask them to put up Adam's picture as the winner in the middle of the poll also.

HK fan said...

I was voting on the popdust poll at the end last night (it was evening here). with 15 mins to go Adam was about 6,000 votes ahead, then for the last 15 mins I could not get it to accept my vote or to vote again, just wouldn't do anything however many times I refreshed the page. So glad Adam hung on...I didn't want 5th Harmony to win out of principle, simply because they have done absolutely nothing, no concerts, no records, not even a single, they just didn't deserve the title. If he'd lost to Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood (not that I like her), it would have been OK, at least they deserve it too.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, ADAM and Glamberts!
I voted until 3am when there was 10,000 votes behind.
I know Glamberts from other areas will keep voting.
Happy to know they did it.

Anonymous said...

IIHY is a song only Adam can sing. No one else can do perform it the way Adam did. Then add the video to it and it's the entire package. At least we had a chance to hear Adam performing it in the background. Adam did see it. As for Nicki Minaj, her comments and sometimes even here voice annoy me. Then there's all that stuff with the nicknames. Sometimes with all the judges comments, I wonder if I am listening to the same thing, but then I am not in the room with them listening to a live performance or a musical performer either. I think I'll pass until the live shows and the top contestants.

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