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Les Misérable actor Russell Crowe responds to Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, January 01, 2013


tea said...

Sounds like a reasonable matter-of-fact response from a good man.

Anonymous said...

Ditto @ tea.

So looking forward to seeing Les Miserables in a couple of weeks, not because of Adam's comments but because I've been looking forward to it as soon as I heard about the movie. I've seen a couple of previews and they were great.

Anonymous said...

Russell Crowe at least understood what Adam said and gave an intelligent response. It's all a matter of interpretation .

Liane said...

Thank you Russell Crowe, Adam is a good guy and did not mean any harm. Happy you understood what Adam was trying to say.
No hard feeling's, let's put this to rest please.
Cant wait to see Les Miserables as well.

glitzylady said...

Russell Crowe is a great actor..I think he and Adam would get along just fine...Love the respectful tone and honesty of both.

Anonymous said...

I think it is great, Russell Crowe, an A-list actor, cared enough about Adam's opinion to respond to it.


Anonymous said...

Adam is somebody that brings the real deal in the Music Industry. For sure Mr. Crowe knows Adam has the integrity and not afraid to share his opinion which he always does.

Adam has the guts to share his knowledge and we can learn from that...

Don't be afraid to share your voice..

He is just an amazing human being!!!!


Anonymous said...

Very reasonable non-emotional response from Russell. Over at mjsbigblog, comments are still pouring in and now stands at 516 posts.

Magiclady said...

A little scared when I saw the title of thread, as to what Russell was going to say. Pleasantly surprised at his response.

Anonymous said...

Adam could have worded his opinion more tactfully. I've seen several of his live performances that were not so great. He seems determined to alienate people at the wrong times.

kitty said...

wow Russell Crowe is quite a guy. I was also afraid to read his tweet. Phew glad that is over !!

Anonymous said...

Well, Russell's comment softens the situation a little, I think. I haven't read any of the sites or comments that discuss Adam's tweets. I just decided not to allow myself to get all worked up. Russell is a cool guy. He and Adam would get along fine, I think. Russell seems to understand where Adam is coming from.
I hope that not all of the those hundreds of posts are negatives. I'll bet at least some of them agree with Adam. Some of the movie critics do.


Enki said...

Show is cheap and awful.

Anonymous said...

There was supposedly an equally benign response from Hugh Jackman. So all the negative hoopla is simply small minds over-reacting to Adam's comments. Seems the stars of the film are not upset ... thankfully.

Anonymous said...

whoa what a reasonable tweet from Russell Crowe. I half expected Adam's head to be rolling around about now.I don't care what anyone else thinks of Adam's tweets now !! The main man has spoken.

Anonymous said...

8:11 What do you consider the wrong time? You are free to give your OPINION on Adams performances just like he is free to give his on something he viewed. So to keep peace on this site I respectively and tactfully ask you to move on. We can see thru your intentions.

Anonymous said...

Russell Crowe is a great actor, he's also a professional he knows singing isn't one of his great strengths. I have heard him being interviewed when he was in a rock band and he joked about people saying that he should stick to what he's good at which is acting and he was quiet cool with that. He obviously understood where Adam was coming from and respected his right to have an opinion. I'm sure both these guys would get on fine together too.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen RC's work in any movies. I have seen about two movies in my life but I am so curious to go see him now. Seems like a great guy.

Anonymous said...

8:11 PM. Adam hasn't alienated anyone, I'm sure Russell would appreciate Adam's honest opinion. Russell himself has often been outspoken regarding the entertainment industry and people within it. I think Adam and Russell would get on really well together if ever their paths should cross.

Anonymous said...

9:54 PM. Russell is a great guy he is very down to earth, I've seen a few of his movies but I highly recommend 'Gladiator' for which he received an Academy Award, and also a Beautiful Mind, the story of John Nash, his life and struggle with Schizophrenia, Russell's portrayal in this movie is pretty amazing.

Anonymous said...

@9:54 You have to first watch Gladiator couple of times at least. I own DVD of this movie. Crowe was out of this world in this movie.

Anonymous said...

Good on yer Russell. He too is an Aussie who holds nothing back and says it as is it!

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks Russell Crowe. As an Aussie too I appreciated your open response to Adams comments. Seems like some common sense going on here instead of speculation and
bad feeling as the media have portrayed.

Anonymous said...

WTH, I sure did not expect that response. so cool.

Anonymous said...

did anyone see the musical "Ten Commandments" with Adam and Val Kilmer . . .just saying!!!!

Anonymous said...

To 11.45: Yes, I have The 10 Commandments on DVD. Adam did an amazing job while Kilmer was there for pure star power. His voice is adequate but nothing to write home about.

Anonymous said...

I am a long time lurker here (no tag, and you are welcomed to kick me in the pants for that, I would probably agree with most of your points in that regard!) and I only mention my long time lurk-i-ness to demonstrate that I am a huge, uber fan of Lamberts. I do not look at him through rose colored glasses, never have, and as a matter of fact appreciate his "human-ness" lest we really truly do ordain him a total GOD ;) (well, we better leave religion out of this :)). Anyway, 8:11 has a very good point. I DO think that this will blow over and is more a topic for those that are looking for a reason to go at Adam negatively etc blah blah blah, I DO think that this is not a HUGE deal... but I will say, I don't think it's a little deal either. I think it will stay on the backburners of industry people's minds that matter, I truly do.

I mostly feel that it was just simply UNNECESSARY!!!!! Adam "plays the game" so well so much of the time, just as he played American Idol like a damn fiddle right through to the finals, but he seems to show his "human-ness" at the most... how shall I say, FRAGILE times... fragile times FOR HIM!!!! IDK, I just don't know why it was necessary to put those tweets out there. I don't know Adam a damn bit (other that what any fan can ascertain from following him and his public offerings) but I actually DO think that his tweets were NOT just off the cuff; I think Adam is an incredibly smart person and I don't really think they were off the cuff, but what do I know.

In any event, we love him so much, me too, I get it, boy do I get it, but this was not a "Susan Boyle" misstep IMHO (and that's all it is, an opinion, I am NOT in the industry). I think it is a misstep with possibly more lasting and far-reaching consequences. I think he'll have a great career, don't get me wrong, but I don't think this particular is as benign as some of you would like to paint it. Just my POV. I will continue to support him to the best of my financial abilities (which quite frankly are limited) but he needs, IMHO, that film/tv career to develop down the road, and having his eyes on the prize in that regard, which I actually think he does, is possibly something that needs to be kept on the FRONTburner.