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New Picture of Adam Lambert on plane with a fan!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Via @glam_alidol
@adamlambert from bali to hong kong flight


Anonymous said...

It seems Adam paints his mustache and beard for his shows. I wonder how he does it to make it last for as long as needed.

Anonymous said...

Funny face he!he!


Anonymous said...

Paints it on...I don't think so. It's that scruffy look perhaps from not shaving a few days. He just loves to make those faces, doesn't he? All the fans want to have a picture taken with him and that's great. And Adam always seems so willing to let them do so.

Anonymous said...

Love love Adam!

Magiclady said...

On the thread from last night where they were showing everyone getting ready for the show, you could see Adam putting what looked to be somekind of powder? on his beard and mustache.
I think he looks very sexy with the scruff, but then again, there are not many times I don't think he looks sexy...

Anonymous said...

The scruff is real. He just darkens it up a bit. He's sexy to me either way.

Anonymous said...

Ha, 'paints it on'. Adam is super smart but painting on the beautiful
'scruff' is so funny.

Anonymous said...

I believe they mean dye the scruff dark to match his hair. It did look like that was what he was doing in the "get ready" for Bali photo. Since he has red hair, he is obviously not going to have black facial hair naturally.