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NEW PICTURE: Adam Lambert with Sam Sparro and Josh Peace

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 25, 2013

Posted at : Friday, January 25, 2013

VIA JoshPeace:

The paradise people..... @sam_sparro @AdamLambert @JoshPeace =)


glitzylady said...

This picture of Adam........does things to me. Not saying what.. ;))))

Anonymous said...


I can only imagine, my mind is in the same direction, but I always go there when I look at Adam..hehehehehe


Anonymous said...

Cue the whining about Adam drinking 1 -2 -3 -.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:47 PM
Well, he just tweeted a couple of times today, so he's still functioning.. :) Sounds like a great time was had by all. Loving that fact that he has time to spend with family and friends and his love..and looking good while he's doing it...A few beverages on one's birthday goes with the the territory... been there, done that! So Happy Birthday Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam can do anything he wants!!! It's his birthday party!!! Cute pic!!!

Anonymous said...

1:47 PM, LOL, I am waiting for it too. But that's Evian in his hand in the pic so he was responsible about drinking water too ;)

Hope they had a great time!

Looking forward to the birthday bash with Nile! Hope we all get the great present of video.

glitzylady said...

Here's another one: David Arquette giving Adam a little birthday celebratory dance..

From twitter just now:
Apparently David Arquette is part owner of the club...

Lavender Fleur
OMG That's really David Arquette giving Adam a lap dance. lolololol

This will definitely make the tabloids! Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Glad Adam had so much fun and he looks so gorgeous. ENERGY radio UK has been doing a great job of playing just about every song from Trespassing. They want to get to 1,000 followers on twitter,they are pretty close. So if anyone has twitter please follow them. They really love and support Adam and appreciate the support from Glamberts. You can also text requests or there is a form on their home page.

Anonymous said...

The ENERGY radio site is For twitter it is @energy 150778. It is so great to hear so many Adam tracks on the radio and I also enjoy the other music they play!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a killer indded!!!!:)))

Ladies and Gentlemen make sure that we all wearing something safe inside !!!:)

Those eyes and jawline are freaking me out!:))))

Watch out Mr. Rock God!! We are loosing it because of your sexiness.....


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

dear God, is this man sexy beyond words...yes, he fuels my fantasies..thank you Adam...

Anonymous said...

Love that Adam is enjoying a great party with his family and friends. He works so hard all year to please us his fans. Hope you had a blast Adam!! BTW, your mom is indeed awesome, as Sam Sparro tweeted :).

I requested RUNNIN' from UK's Energy radio and they played it a few hours later. Also heard MAP, Kickin In and Underneath today. Also love all of the other artists that they play. This is an almost no interruption radio. LOVE ENERGY UK because they're one of the first radio stations to give Adam's music the respect that it deserves.

Anonymous said...

Love his hair all tossled and sexy. WOW he is good looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Magiclady said...

Love Energy radio!
Set it up at work today so I can listen while I work. I get so excited when they play one of his songs! Would like them to play some FYE too.

Anonymous said...

I wish ADAM can be cloned. LOL!

Anonymous said...

That floppy hair down on his forehead! Those tipsy, sexy eyes. That flash of a smile full of the devil. It's ADAMGASM TIME!!!


Anonymous said...

Like Kara G. said on Idol after he sang "Ring of Fire" "I got those EYES" and those eyes are mesmerizing.

Anonymous said...

Water makes you look that tipsy, sexy, gorgeous? But, Adam, I drink a lot of water, too!

Anonymous said...

8:31, and where does all that water get you? Bloat!

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady....first comment

Hmmmmmmmmm, I'll have to agree, the photo of Adam is....let's say "thought provoking"!!!....JAK

@ Canadian....yes the jawline, it's looking a little sharper, more defined. He always seems to shape up when he's home with Sauli.
He must influence his exercising and eating healthier!....:)) JAK